Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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That Denmark could not have possibly reached such low fertility through voluntary and thereforelegitimate means is amply demonstrated by the contraceptive prevalence rate, which was neversufficiently high to keep the total fertility rate under replacement level.Nor have abortions played a significant role in the war on population growth in Denmark sincethe abortion rate peaked at 25% during the 1970s and the historical record shows that it has beendecreasing ever since: 31.5% in 1977, 28% in 1987, and has been at c. 20% since 1997.Like all European countries, Denmark has accomplished this demographic miracle byadulterating the basic elements of life – food, water, and beverages – with endocrine disruptorsand through direct oral applications of fluoride by dentists.As elsewhere, as soon as Denmark’s fertility rate began declining in 1963 the GDP per capitabegan increasing.Denmark is on the last leg of the fourth stage of the demographic transition and is about to crossinto the fifth and last stage over the next five years. <strong>Without</strong> heavy immigration, Denmarkwould have already been in the fifth stage for a decade or two.214 | P a g e

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