Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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21 September 2014Margrethe IIQueen of Denmarkhoftele@kongehuset.dk, kom@kongehuset.dk,hofmarskallatet@kongehuset.dk, kabinetssekretariatet@kongehuset.dkHelle Thorning-SchmidtPrime Minister of Denmark, stm@stm.dkQueen Margrethe and Prime Minister Thorning-Schmidt,212 | P a g eRe: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresSomething is rotten in the state of Denmark. While Denmark is no longer “a land full of drunken swine”,as in the days of Shakespeare, it is now a land full of hapless victims and still festering with moral andpolitical corruption. The merriment of the Danish people at the end of the 16 th century was attributed toexcessive consumption of “draughts of Rhenish down” and was as such at least real, in the fleeting way ofalcohol poisoning. Denmark’s designation as the world’s happiest nation by the 2013 World HappinessReport issued by Columbia University’s Earth Institute, however, is wholly fabricated, since thishappiness is induced by the blissful ignorance and apathy that befall a people who have been poisonedwith endocrine disruptors for seven decades and who, as such, are neither in control of their minds nor oftheir bodies. The current “merriment”, therefore, is not only unnatural but also irreversible in nature.Responsible for this pitiful state of affairs are Denmark’s monarchy, politicians, doctors and dentists whohave betrayed the people’s trust by going along with the United Nations and covertly poisoning theircitizens since 1950 in order to suppress their fertility and accomplish the demographic objectivesdemanded by the international prerogative of population control that has served as a substitute to warsince the end of the Second World War.The time has come to put an end to this charade. The party is over and now is time to clean up and paythe piper. I can show you how to clean up peacefully and honorably. And I can also show you how tolegislate population control and thus fulfill your nation’s obligations towards the international communitywithout committing genocide and crimes against humanity and without condemning your people toeternal imbecility.What I cannot do is undo the damage done to the generations of Danes whose health and minds have beensubverted from the moment of their conception. But I can save the children who are yet to be born andthe future generations of Danes who deserve to know what true happiness means.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness

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