Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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President Glafcos Clerides (1993-2003) picked up where Archbishop Makarios III left off andCyprus’ total fertility rate decreased from 2.5 to 1.5 children per woman during his term inoffice.To this day, Cyprus’ total fertility rate remains stuck at the sub-replacement level of 1.5 childrenper woman. This means that presidents Tassos Papadopoulos (2003-2008), Demetris Christofias(2008-2013), and the incumbent Nicos Anastasiades (in office since February 2013) havecontinued to poison the Cypriot people to comply with the demands of the UN-delegated GlobalDepopulation Policy.At 0.1%, Cyprus’ abortion rate is statistically irrelevant and has therefore no bearing on thenation’s low fertility. The contraceptive prevalence rate of c. 75% since the early 1980s servesonly to hide covert methods of sterilization.Cyprus has been rewarded for its war on fertility with a rising GDP. No sooner did Cyprusapproach replacement level fertility in the early 1970s then its per capita GDP began to growrapidly. What the graph below also indicates is that Cyprus, whose population has starteddecreasing in 2012, has cashed in on all benefits that could be had from low fertility and is nowfacing a shrinking economy due to a shrinking population.Cyprus is in the fourth stage of the demographic transition.202 | P a g e

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