Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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28 November 2014Abdelaziz Bouteflika,President of Algeriapresident@el-mouradia.dz, mission@algeria-un.orgAbdelmalek Sellal,Prime Minister of Algeriainfo@conseil-constitutionnel.dz, contact@mjustice.dzhttp://www.interieur.gov.dz/Requetes/frmRequetes.aspx?s=32President Bouteflika and Prime Minister Sellal,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresAlgeria joined the Global Depopulation Policy in 1976 and its total fertility rate went from 7.5children per woman down to just 2.8 to date; a decrease that was long overdue considering thatthe population has more than quadrupled since 1950 and is currently almost 39 million strong.While the landmass that is now Algeria was Rome’s granary in the past due to its abundantcereal production, the Algeria of today is heavily food dependent and spends 8% of its income toimport food, having the lowest per capita food production in the Sahara region. Algeria is inthis situation because it has outgrown its land and water resources.With your economy dependent entirely on hydrocarbons, which are expected to run out around2050, by which time the population will have swollen to almost 50 million, Algeria is in deeptrouble and will only be able to avoid disaster if it rapidly depopulates.That is why I urge you to abandon all covert methods of depopulation currently used by theAlgerian government – namely the adulteration of your food and beverages with endocrinedisruptors that render the people infertile or subfertile, as well as the ingestion of geneticallymodified foods – and to legislate a one-child policy for the next two generations and replacementlevel fertility afterwards.As an authoritarian regime you have the means to impose such a law long before the public canbe educated about the inescapable facts and comes to realize that every man and woman mustsacrifice their reproductive freedom if their children are to survive and know peace.To make your task easier, you can help me forge global consensus for replacement level fertilityas a Planetary Security Prerogative derived from the global governance level as a duty that allnations and all people must respect in order to preserve the peace and rescue the planet from20 | P a g e

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