Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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The population has been in freefall since 1991 due to emigration and negative growth rates. As aresult, children have become a precious rarity and most Croat genetic lineages are dead or dying.Croatia’s history of contraceptive use shows that contraceptives did not play a role in the rapiddrop in fertility experienced during the 1950s and 1960s when contraceptives were not available.Croatia, therefore, achieved replacement level fertility before contraceptives. Its contraceptiveprevalence rate since then has served only to conceal the use of covert chemical sterilization.Abortion has played an important role in suppressing the fertility rate, but can also not accountfor the rapid drop in fertility to replacement level, drop that took place during the 1950s, whenthere were no abortions, and 1960s, when the abortion rate was on average 34%. Furthermore,Croatia’s history of abortion shows that it peaked in 1989 at 48% and has been decreasing eversince without having an impact on the fertility rate, which has remained below replacement level.By the 1990s, the abortion rate fell to 24% while fertility instead of rising sunk even lower andstayed below 1.4 children per woman throughout the decade. Since the turn of the century, theabortion rate has fallen even further: to 19% in 2005, 16% in 2008, 9% in 2009, and has beenbelow 8% since 2012 while fertility, instead of rising, has remained constant at a very low rate of1.4 children per woman.As Croatia has adopted Western Europe’s methods of covert chemical sterilization throughendemic adulteration of food and beverages with endocrine disruptors, abortion has become lessand less important and since 2000 it plays a statistically insignificant role in the country’sunnaturally low fertility rate.The only time abortion has played a statistically significant role – so much so that in conjunctionwith contraceptives it could explain the low fertility – was from 1977 to 1993 when theleadership tried hard to abandon covert methods of sterilization by increasing contraceptive useand abortions, which during that time ended, on average, 40% of all pregnancies.Croatia is in the fifth and last stage of the demographic transition.194 | P a g e

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