Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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If your government continues to cooperate with New Zealand, with which you are in freeassociation and on whom you depend for social services, and with the UN and its agencies incovertly subverting your people’s reproductive rights you will be charged with crimes againsthumanity sooner rather than later. If, however, you legislate replacement level fertility andendow your people with safe contraceptives to be able to abide by the law, you will ensure theperpetuation of your people and safeguard their health along with their genetic and intellectualendowment.As the Europeans who first made contact with your ancestors in 1606 remarked you are a“beautiful people”, but will not remain so for long if you do not free yourselves of the poisons bywhich westerners are slowly driving you into extinction.Beware of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Population Fund(UNFDP), which exist solely to commit global genocide, as well as of any food imports from theWest and you will survive into the future. For details please read my books – which you willfind free of cost here http://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalae – and watch my YouTube videoshere https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZf9rWLgwzGW34EITo0x7fA.You can follow my work through the social media:http://www.linkedin.com/in/kevingalalaehttps://www.facebook.com/kgalalaeShould you need my help, I will not hesitate to travel to the Cook Islands and assist you in anyway I can. You can reach me by email at: k.galalae@outlook.com and can communicate withme by Skype at kevin.galalae.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness183 | P a g e

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