Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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12 October 2014Joseph KabilaPresident of the Democratic Republic of the Congocooregrdc2003@yahoo.fr, cooregrdc2003@yahoo.frkinshasa@unicef.orgAugustin Matata PonyoPrime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congohttps://www.facebook.com/augustinmatataponyo.mapon?fref=browse_searchPresident Kabila and Prime Minister Ponyo,174 | P a g eRe: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresThe West does not want China, which already receives more than half of the minerals mined inyour country every year, to gain control of Congo’s mineral wealth and has been fomenting warwith the help of President Kagame of Rwanda and various rebel groups in the hope of installinga puppet regime beholden to western interests, like that of Joseph Mobutu. As a result, yourcountry has been ravaged by two decades of war and nearly 6 million Congolese have died since1996, the economy has been devastated, and your country now ranks almost last in the world onthe Human Development Index.Since your vast mineral resources, considered among the largest in the world, are indispensablefor the West’s security needs and are the object of fierce international competition – as youpossess 80% of the world’s cobalt, 70% of its coltan, 30% of its diamonds, 10% of its copper,and vast untapped deposits of cadmium, gold, silver, zinc, uranium, radium, bauxite and muchmore – you will know only death and destruction until you are fully subsumed into the globaleconomy, your resources are controlled by multinational corporations, and your population hasstopped growing.Despite your country’s extraordinary wealth, which at the time of your independence in 1960ranked you as the second most industrialized country in Africa, your citizens are among thepoorest people on earth, your government is among the most corrupt on earth, and nearly 50.000Congolese die every month from disease and famine caused by the total collapse of what littlesocial order existed in the Congo.To make matters worse, your population is still growing unsustainably fast and is six times largertoday, at 77 million people, than it was in 1950, and nearly half of your people are childrenbelow the age of 15. Since your country is of strategic significance to the world, you will beunder relentless pressure to accept a rapid and aggressive program of depopulation and the UN

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