Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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During the seventies contraceptives were used by 45% of the population but somehow fertilitydeclined from 5.5 to 3.7 children per woman. During the eighties 65% used contraceptives andfertility declined from 3.7 to 3.1 children per woman. During the nineties nearly 75% usedcontraceptives and fertility declined from 3.1 to 2.6. And since the beginning of the 21 st centurynearly 80% use contraceptives and fertility has declined to replacement level.Considering its history of contraceptive use and that abortion is very rare in Colombia andtherefore a non-issue, the drop in fertility from 1963 to 1990 cannot be explained bycontraceptive use. Since 1990, the drop in fertility could conceivably be explained bycontraceptive use of one is willing to believe the fiction that Colombians use contraceptives at alltimes, without accidents, and despite the fact that the preferred number of children in Colombiais at least three. Colombians have fewer children than they wish (namely 2.1 instead of 3children) because their government poisons them on the sly and not because they usecontraceptives faithfully and without fail.If the Chinese, who also use contraceptives to the tune of 80% and who face severe penalties forviolating the one child policy, cannot use contraceptives without fail and have to abort 31% oftheir pregnancies, then how on earth would Colombia succeed? Clearly Colombia’s low fertilityrate is not the result of contraceptives but of covert chemical sterilization with fluoride and otherendocrine disruptors.But, the government of Colombia reckons, it is alright to poison people into infertility, ill-healthand imbecility because that is how you get rich. As the data shows, Colombia’s GDP per capitahas grown in inverse proportion to the declining fertility rate. Thus, as fertility has declined theGDP per capita has grown.167 | P a g e

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