Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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mean that you have a license to treat your people like vermin, poison them into extinction whilekeeping them impoverished despite the country’s great natural wealth. A third of all Colombianslive in poverty and 10% in extreme poverty, despite the fact that Colombia is the third largest oilproducer in South America, while the nation’s elite swims in wealth.And considering that 30% of your people are under fifteen years of age and that the population isbeing poisoned into infertility to peak at 51 million by 2020, this is the time to change coursebefore you irreversibly sicken and degrade these generations of children as well.To change course you will need to educate yourself and your people and, to this end, I amproviding you with my work free of cost:http://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalaehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZf9rWLgwzGW34EITo0x7fAIf you ignore this letter and do not change course immediately I will personally see to it that youpay for your crimes. If you however change course at home and use your country’s permanentmission at the UN to move the General Assembly to declare replacement level fertility aPlanetary Security Prerogative that no person and no nation can henceforth eschew, than you willfind a friend and ally in me and you will have exonerated yourself of crimes against humanity byhelping me save the world from the current diabolical international system that we have allinherited.Just because previous generations have failed to reach consensus and combat population growthlegally and honorably does not mean that our generation will fail. Our generation has no choicebut to succeed.If you need to see me in person I will not hesitate to make my way to Colombia to help you dothe right thing.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness165 | P a g e

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