Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Despite the incessant war and nearly 2 million casualties between 1979 and 2001, the terror ofthe Taliban, grinding poverty, and 3 million refugees who left the country, the populationincreased from 15 million in 1979 to 32 million to date and is expected to peak at 82 million by2050 (according to the UN low variant scenario) if the methods of covert depopulation installedby NATO forces remain in place under the new government of President Ashraf Ghani, who waselected to office on 29 September 2014.Afghanistan’s experience shows that conventional war is powerless in stopping populationgrowth while covert methods of depopulation are most effective.Exactly what depopulation methods are in use is impossible to determine due to lack of data, butgiven Afghanistan’s poor infrastructure and largely rural population it is safe to assume thatsterilizing vaccines administered under the pretext of improving child and maternal health are themethod of choice.Knowing what we now know about the nature of the 9/11 attack, namely that it was a false flagevent, we can safely conclude that the invasion of Afghanistan was a foregone conclusion andwas intended solely to force its unwieldy people to accept depopulation measures before thecountry disintegrates due to population pressures and destabilizes the entire region.The total fertility graph shows that Afghanistan has not only a far higher fertility rate than therest of Asia and even Southern Asia, but is also the last country on that continent to be forced toadopt depopulation measures and start its downward slide towards replacement level fertility.Afghanistan is in stage two of the demographic transition.14 | P a g e

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