Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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26 October 2014Norodom SihamoniKing of Cambodiachanveng@gmail.com, cambodia@un.int,ratnary@bigpond.com.khmoi@interior.gov.kh, somtc-cambodia@interior.gov.khHun SenPrime Minister of Cambodiahttp://www.mfaic.gov.kh/?page=contact&menu1=232&ctype=article&id=232&lg=enmfaic@mfa.gov.kh, webmaster@moh.gov.kh, info@moeys.gov.khKing Sihamoni and Prime Minister Sen,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresCambodia joined the Global Depopulation Policy in 1985 and its total fertility rate has decreasedfrom 7 children per woman down to 2.4 today. That this decrease has been achieved throughcovert methods is amply demonstrated by the fact that Cambodia has the lowest contraceptiveprevalence rate in Asia, with only 7% coverage in 1995, 18% coverage in 2000 and 27% in 2005according to government data.The evidence points towards tetanus toxoid vaccines as the covert method of sterilization used bythe Cambodian government and the usual international organizations involved in thedepopulation agenda. Since 2008 your government has also added fluoridated salt to the arsenalof covert population control. And of course your people’s fertility is being subverted by softdrinks and food imports from western companies that add endocrine disruptors either during themanufacturing process or through packaging to their products, which is why urban Cambodiansliving in the capital city and who consume such products far more often than the rural populationhave a fertility rate around replacement level.Given that your population has quadrupled since 1950 despite war and genocide, that 50% ofyour people are below 22 years old and are about to start their families, that Cambodia ranks asthe 32 nd hungriest nation in the world and 40% of its children are chronically malnourished, thatthe population is still rapidly growing, and that among the ten ASEAN countries Cambodia rankslast in terms of quality of life, I can understand your eagerness to stop population growth andclimb out of poverty.Committing genocide, however, is not the way to go especially since you are in a position tolearn from the mistakes made by the West and avoid repeating them. That is why I ask that you132 | P a g e

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