Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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8 December 2014Pierre NkurunzizaPresident of Burundihttp://presidence.gov.bi/spip.php?rubrique55pierre.nkurunziza@burundi.gov.bi, info@ligue-iteka.biburundi@un.int, info@justice.gov.bihttp://www.burundi-gov.org/contact-us/President Nkurunziza,Re: covert depopulation measuresBurundi has not joined the Global Depopulation Policy and its total fertility rate remains above 6 childrenper woman. For the past ten years, however, the international community has been attempting to helpBurundi escape the poverty and conflict trap by reducing the people’s fertility through sterilizing vaccines(meningococcal, tetanus toxoid, and human papillomavirus vaccines) and sterilizing malaria medicine(Artemisinin).Given the dire situation of Burundi, caused primarily by overpopulation, and the fight for resourcesbetween Tutsis and Hutus, you have no choice but to allow your people’s sterilization through adulteratedvaccines. With a population density of 315 people per square kilometer, the fifth highest total fertilityrate in the world, all of Burundi’s land already used for agriculture, a state of complete deforestation ofthe entire country, 56% of Burundi’s children suffering from chronic malnutrition, 80% of Burundi’speople living in poverty, heavy dependence on foreign aid, and the lowest satisfaction with life in theworld, Burundi stands on the edge of disaster and only the most drastic intervention can pull it back fromthe brink.Burundi will know neither peace nor prosperity until such time as replacement level fertility is reached byany means possible as urgently as possible. I therefore urge you to legislate a two-children-policy and toavail yourself of any and all international help to provide your people with the contraceptives andsterilizations necessary to accomplish this goal.If you do not take this drastic step famine will lead to war and war will lead to more famine and thecountry will be trapped in a cycle of violence and misery for decades to come. To prevent the collapse ofBurundi and contain the misery within the country’s borders, the international community will infect yourpeople with a new man-made virus as it did in the 1980s with the HIV/AIDS virus, and as it did recentlyin West Africa with the Ebola virus.To help you take proactive measures, I am providing you with my books and videos free of cost so thatyou may educate yourself and your people of the dangers you face and to choose the least painful wayout.128 | P a g e

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