Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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6 October 2014Rosen PlevnelievPresident of Bulgariapriemna@president.bg , http://www.president.bg/contacts/Boyko BorisovActing Prime Minister of Bulgariapr@gerb.bg, https://www.facebook.com/boyko.borissov.7President Plevneliev and Prime Minister Borisov,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresBulgaria joined the Global Depopulation Policy in 1949 and reached below replacement level fertility in1987. Since 1989, the year when the borders opened to western products, the population has beendeclining. To date, Bulgaria has lost 1.8 million people or 20% of its population; some to emigration butmost due to low fertility rates.Bulgaria’s leaders have made wise decisions in discontinuing milk fluoridation and in 2010 banningGMOs, both of which are methods of depopulation, but have yet to outlaw salt fluoridation or stop givingchildren fluoride supplements. Until such time, the Bulgarian people will continue to disappear from theface of the earth at the rate of circa 40.000 per year and there will be none left 150 years from now.To combat population ageing, the Bulgarian government is allowing NATO to chemspray the populationwith neurotoxins and endocrine disruptors intended to shorten the lifespan of the elderly so thegovernment can save money. Accelerating this engineered genocide are the adulterated food importsfrom Western Europe which are laced with endocrine disruptors in order to keep the Bulgarian peoplesterile or sub-fertile as well as increase morbidity and mortality. Annual flu vaccines complete thegenocide.You now have the chance to break rank with the genocidal lobby or face the death penalty or worse in thenear future. Instead of murdering your own people join me in forging global consensus for legislativemeans of population control. This will enable your country to fulfill its international obligations withrespect to population control as well as safeguard your people’s rights, liberties, dignity, and health.I stand by to fly to Bulgaria to help you become law abiding once again and save your people fromgenocide.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness120 | P a g e

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