Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Hassanal Bolkiah, the current Sultan of Brunei, is responsible for introducing covertdepopulation measures in Brunei as soon as he inherited power from his father in 1967, a full 17years before Brunei ceased to be a British Protectorate and became a UN member state. As aresult, the total fertility rate has decreased from 6.5 to 1.8 children per woman.Despite having the financial means to provide family planning services and free contraceptivesto Brunei’s small population, as well as the absolute authority to impose family size restrictionsand thus pursue population control safely, legally and ethically, Sultan Bolkiah prefers to commitgenocide.The graphs below show that as fertility has gone down (first graph) the GDP has gone up(second graph).Brunei reached sub-replacement level fertility in 2007 and is in the fourth stage of thedemographic transition.118 | P a g e

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