Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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This is the first and last warning you will receive and the only chance you will have to changecourse and save your lives and the lives of your people. To understand just how precarious thesituation is I encourage you to read my books and view my videos and to disseminate thismaterial to the general public through the state-owned media. I provide it free of cost here:http://uvic.academia.edu/KevinGalalaehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZf9rWLgwzGW34EITo0x7fAOtherwise, you can get an idea of where your country is heading by simply looking at the latestUN projections in the graphs below.If you want to prevent the annihilation of your people, and your own untimely deaths, I suggestyou also order Ambassador Čolaković to demand a vote in the UN General Assembly that woulddeclare replacement level fertility a Planetary Security Prerogative and enshrine it ininternational law.Surely you must understand that we, the people, will not allow a self-serving political andadministrative elite to poison us into extinction and to sicken our children. If you are so farremoved from reality as to fail to understand that we have the legal right and moral responsibilityto protect our offspring by any means necessary then you will suffer untold misery anddeservedly so.If you wake up now and immediately change course we, the people, will forgive and forget. AndI will help you in any way I can and will travel to your country to advise you on how best toproceed.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness105 | P a g e

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