Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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who are employed by governments, corporations and international organizations have sold theirsoul for personal profit and professional advancement and have chosen to see and hear only whatthey want and need to in order to make themselves believe that their lives have meaning.This document now stands as testimony to a historic period of unprecedented challenges andunimaginable actions, challenges and actions that paradoxically are the result of our unsurpassedsuccess as a species and that will either tear us apart and lead to our self-destruction if we fail tothink and work as one or will lift us to unprecedented wealth, stability and happiness if we findthe wisdom and the will to think of one another as family, to set aside false loyalties to creed andnation, to sacrifice profit for people, to abandon dated belief systems that draw invisible lines ofdivision and create artificial fault lines between ethnic and religious communities; if, in sum, wedevelop a global consciousness and evolve from national, economic, and egotistical beings toplanetary, ecological and altruistic beings.Until such time as human beings refuse to act as human beings and choose to live ascockroaches, I will stand guard over conscience and consciousness and offer truth an inviolablesanctuary.Until such time, governments will by necessity be our enemies.Until such time, the world’s children will continue to die and suffer for our sins.Until such time, ignorance and cruelty will reign supreme.Until such time…“A fi om e un lucru mare.”1040 | P a g e

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