Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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as covert sterilizants throughout the developing world, while flu vaccines and psychotropic drugsboth sterilize and sicken otherwise healthy people throughout the developed world.In 1995, the latest depopulation weapon was first deployed from the skies, chemtrails, whichhave continued ever since. While chemtrail operations are primarily intended to slow downglobal warming by allowing heat trapped in the atmosphere due to anthropogenic greenhousegases to escape, they are secondarily intended to increase the presence of heavy metals andcarcinogenic substances on the ground to speed up the death of the baby boomers who now equalor outnumber children in countries that have reached the fourth and fifth stages of thedemographic transition and who as such pose unbearable financial burdens on societies whosetax purse and economic output are diminishing due to a shrinking and quickly ageing workforce.The entire international community, centered in the UN system, as well as the executive level ofnearly every government on earth is a full-fledged member of this global genocide and the handsof policy makers are drenched in the blood of innocents. Every institution of state and everyinternational organization is used to suppress the truth and depress fertility and longevity by anyand all means possible in a desperate and globally coordinated effort to prevent the collapse ofour civilization and environmental disaster due to overpopulation and overconsumption.The truth cannot be hidden; not when you have time on your side.Even though governments keep their crimes concealed under the pretext of national security in aglobal police state constructed under the false pretense of combatting Islamic fundamentalismand extremism, which are wholly invented and non-existent threats needed to conceal the trueenemies, human fertility and national egoism, the truth surfaces between the cracks of theirexponentially growing lies of necessity and the deepening confusion of multiple deceptions.Since the end of World War II there has been only one war in the world, the war the UN andfreely elected governments wage on the civilian population to limit us by force to replacementlevel fertility. The second and parallel front of this war has been waged on national selfdeterminationto open the natural resources of every nation on earth to exploitation bymultinational corporations so that vital resources can be accessed on the free market to thehighest bidder rather than monopolized by single nations and in this fashion no one needs to goto war to gain access to the resources necessary to industrialize or satisfy internal demand.From the demographic data we can discern as easily as a hunter can track a bear in the snowwhen and who tampered with human fertility and altered the course and profile of a population.From the statistical data we can quantify the effects of these executive decisions as accurately asa biologist can determine the age of a fallen tree by counting its rings in a cross-section. Fromthe political context and historic events we can determine, as easily as a mathematician can addtwo and two, why the decision was taken to wage war on fertility and in the process justifywriting off the health of entire nations as collateral damage. And from the medical data we canpredict as accurately as an astronomer can calculate the next lunar eclipse how severely the1038 | P a g e

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