Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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SummaryNumbers, unlike people, do not lie.The numbers presented in this epic document confirm the existence of a global program ofpopulation control that has been carefully concealed from the public since its inception in 1945and shatter fabricated notions perpetuated to confuse and confound inquiring minds lest theystumble upon the frightening truth that the international framework for peace is based ongenocide.They confirm that the architects of the Global Depopulation Policy, the Allied Powers, havealways had the best intentions in mind and that the executors of these intentions, the UnitedNations and governments around the world, have acted in good faith, though not in goodconscience, forced by dire circumstances and insurmountable obstacles to choose the lesser evilfor the greater good.They confirm that the secret war on human fertility is seven decades old and that the entire worldis a battlefield and every human being on the planet a target, a victim and a beneficiary.They confirm that this is both the most insidious and most humane war in human history and thatall governments are enlisted by mutual coercion mutually agreed upon and harnessed to bereluctant allies against a single common foe, population growth, which requires a full and frontalattack on human fertility.They confirm that people around the world are being poisoned into subfertility and infertility bycovert chemical, biological and bacteriological means in a desperate attempt to prevent nuclearannihilation, mass starvation and environmental devastation.They confirm that unless proactively defused the overpopulation bomb explodes first intopoverty, which begets desperation and ultimately war.They confirm that contraceptives, however sophisticated, and abortion, however easilyobtainable, cannot depress fertility to the needed replacement level unless buttressed by firmlegislation, because the joy of sex and the love of children are more powerful than any nationaland international prerogatives.They confirm that the Global Depopulation Policy has many justifications, depending on thetime and place, and that all of them are sound:1. subdue the Axis Powers (Germany, Japan, Italy and their co-belligerents) at the end ofWorld War II;1034 | P a g e

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