Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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poison you and we can have true peace on earth, peace without poison, peace that does notexclude you and your children from the future.If you fail to assume personal responsibility and think you can hide from the government’ssterilizing poisons and just protect yourself and your children while damning the rest to hell, thenyou and your family will wither away like a flower without water because by your selfish andcowardly actions you force your government to continue to poison you through the basicelements of life until you and your children are as sterile as lab rats and your genetic line will dieout along with your offspring’s inability to procreate. Already this is the predicament of aquarter of the people living in the developing world, where the depopulation program first began.Should you accept being poisoned into infertility, imbecility and ill-health through the basicelements of life by our own elected government with money that you earn and by institutions thatyou as taxpayer fund and that you trust to safeguard your rights and liberties then you will havesigned your own death warrant, because a slow falling guillotine is just as deadly as a fast fallingone when your neck is fastened to the chopping block.Remember that the more you earn the more you contribute to the global genocide and speed upyour children’s genetic and intellectual degradation and the extinction of your genetic line. Solong as covert depopulation measures remain place and you allow your government to regulateyour reproduction all your efforts and all the wealth you create is turned against you and againstyour children. You are bankrolling your own extinction.We are mortal, made immortal only by our ability to propagate our genes. <strong>Without</strong> children weare nothing but branches of a dead tree just waiting to fall. If you fail to stand up for yourchildren you will forfeit their rightful place on this planet and their rightful place in creation;place earned by the countless generations that have come before you and to whom you owe yourexistence. If you fail to stand up and scream ‘nobody will poison children on my watch’ thenyou are an accessory to genocide. If you fail to stand up and make your voice heard then thosewho commit crimes against humanity and crimes against your children will continue to hidebehind the system that you fund.The logic behind the Global Depopulation Policy is sound and we cannot ignore it. Why wagewar on each other and be trapped in the cycle of want, fear, violence and retribution when we canwage war on fertility and have everlasting peace? We cannot abandon this evolution in ourthinking and we cannot abandon the objectives of the Global Depopulation Policy. But we mustdiscard its diabolical methods and this can only happen if you make your voice heard and showthat you are ready to assume responsibility over your children’s future, the future of mankind,and the future of the planet.1022 | P a g e

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