Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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Monsanto has been a tool of the U.S. National Security Council (NSC) and has worked in closecollaboration with the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), which Thomas infact helped set up, and which is responsible for the development of new technologies for use bythe military.Since the primary goal of the American military since 1945 has been to wage a covert war onhuman fertility, Monsanto has provided the scientific tools necessary to conduct this covert warfirst with chemicals (artificial sweeteners, fluoride, the insecticide DDT, and the persistentorganic pollutant PCB) and since the late 1980s with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs),which are bioweapons.As such, you are co-responsible not only for crimes against humanity but also for the destructionof human health and of the human genetic and intellectual endowment across the world. Thesecrimes have no precedent in human history and their punishment is a chapter yet to be written.What is certain is your involvement and culpability, as well as your future indictment.If you want to earn the people’s mercy and the international criminal court’s leniency this is thetime to leave the company and denounce its activities. The era of genocide as a substitute to warhas come to an end. Failing to recognize this will have terrible consequences for the world andlethal consequences for you personally.If you would like to discuss how best to disentangle yourselves and disengage Monsanto fromthe current genocidal international world order, I will advise you without bias or bitterness sincewe are all victims of historical circumstances. You should however not labor under the falsehope that the genocidal lobby to which you belong will not be brought to justice and that youwill not have to publicly justify your actions.As history shows, those who come forward first and show sincere remorse receive the mosthumane treatment. My hope is that we can close this chapter in our history without bloodshedand that the world adopts legislative means to accomplish the demographic objectives withoutwhich the world will never know true peace, universal prosperity and real freedom.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness1015 | P a g e

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