Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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22 September 2014Patrick ThomasPresident of PlasticsEurope AISBLpatrick.thomas@plasticseurope.orgKarl H. FoersterExecutive Director of PlasticsEurope AISBLkarl.foerster@plasticseurope.orgMr. Thomas and Mr. Foerster,Re: stop manufacturing plastics that are endocrine disruptorsYou represent the plastics industry in Europe and as such I ask that you share this letter with everymember of your organization. It is of the highest importance and extremely urgent.The political, military and scientific establishments of Europe are using specific plastics to covertlyundermine the fertility of their citizens in order to fulfill the international security prerogative ofpopulation control and therefore comply with their obligations as members of the United Nations, whichhas used population control as a substitute to war since 1945.Bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol S (BPS) are endocrine disruptors that mimic estrogen and have beenshown to cause negative health effects that go well beyond impairing fertility. Despite countless scientificstudies showing that BPA and BPS are toxic chemicals that devastate the human body by causing severeand irreversible physical and neurological damage, Europe’s regulatory organizations have failed toproperly regulate their use. This failure is intentional because these toxic plastics are crucial to the GlobalDepopulation Policy, which I have exposed in its entirety in 2012 as a genocidal plan for populationcontrol that is immoral, unlawful and perverse.On behalf of the people of Europe and in the name of peace I ask that your industry voluntarily stops theproduction of these toxic plastics and henceforth refuses to cooperate with the depopulation lobby.Failure to do so will incur charges of crimes against humanity and genocide for every member of yourindustry who continues to manufacture these toxic plastics that are deliberately used to commit genocide.I stand by to aid the members of your industry in dissociating themselves from the depopulation lobby.Sincerely,Kevin GalalaeCenter of Global Consciousness1012 | P a g e

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