Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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21 October 2014Anthony LakeExecutive Director of UNICEFhttp://www.unicef.ca/en/contactmmercado@unicef.org, cboulierac@unicef.org, aalopez@unicef.org,jbudd@unicef.org, tdelvignejean@unicef.org, jelder@unicef.org,singram@unicef.org, jsimon@unicef.org, cdebono@unicef.org,hk@unfpa.org, hong@un.org, ecu@un.orgMr. Lake,The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the organization you now lead, was subsumedinto the genocidal lobby in 1967 when UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO)formed the Joint Committee on Health Policy and both organizations abandoned their initialmandates and became entirely focused on fulfilling the objectives of the Global DepopulationPolicy. That same year, UN Secretary-General U Thant announced the creation of the UnitedNations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) to coordinate and underwrite populationcontrolactivities worldwide.Since then, UNICEF is no longer actively saving children’s lives but proactively preventing thebirth of children and covertly as well as overtly undermining human fertility by distributingcontraceptives and abortifacients, performing forced and coerced abortions, donating sterilizationkits, funding sterilizing vaccines and immunization programmes to deliver them under thepretext of combatting childhood diseases and improving maternal health, and subverting people’sreproductive rights and the family structure by perverting the ministries of health of everydeveloping nation on earth. As such, UNICEF has become one of the world’s principalgenocidal agencies and a real and present danger to children, mothers and families around theworld.To provide UNICEF and other genocidal agencies within the UN system with the legal covernecessary to prevent the birth of children worldwide, the United Nations Declaration of theRights of the Child was revised. While the original Declaration stated “Whereas the child, byreason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including legalprotection, before as after birth…” the revised 1991 Declaration only offers state protection tochildren after birth. However, not even this deliberate weakening of international law provideslegal cover for coerced and forced sterilization and/or abortion.Over the next few months, the People’s Protection Force and the Center of GlobalConsciousness, two organizations I lead, will work closely with an international common lawcourt to assemble the evidence necessary to indict you, as well as the Director-General of theWorld Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Margaret Chan; the Executive Director of the United1006 | P a g e

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