Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison

Peace Without Poison


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16 October 2014Mohamed Ould Abdel AzizAssembly Chair of the African Unionhttp://www.au.int/en/contactNkosazana Dlamini-ZumaCommission Chair of the African Unionsecretariat@panafricanparliament.orgBethel Nnaemeka AmadiParliamentary President of the African Unionemail@pan-africanparliament.orgMr. Aziz, Ms. Zuma and Mr. Amadi,Re: immediate cessation of covert depopulation measuresThe 54 member states of the African Union are at the center of the world’s attention, which is not a goodplace to be. The international community has engaged humanitarian, economic, political and militarystrategies to lift the continent out of poverty and give it a modicum of stability.On the humanitarian front, the goal is to give the starving masses just enough to prevent the breakdown ofsocial order and not enough to ensure the survival of everyone, which would only increase hunger andmisery from year to year so long as Africans cannot feed themselves and are dependent on outside help.On the economic front, the goal is to build and protect the infrastructure necessary to exploit thecontinent’s rich natural resources and make it an integral part of the global economy so Africans canprosper and take charge of their own future by creating and investing their own wealth in their owncountries rather than having it stashed abroad in offshore banking centers by self-serving politicians andtheir cronies.On the political front, the goal is to create the conditions necessary for democracy, any kind ofdemocracy, however flawed, so long as it replaces authoritarianism and the corruption and nepotism andtribalism that characterize the African political landscape and so the institutions of democracy canflourish and evolve.And on the military front, the goal is to stop the population from growing and to eliminate all religiousand cultural objections to replacement level fertility, this being the fundamental precondition for progresson all other fronts.In short, the international community wants Africa to catch up with the rest of the world: socially,economically, politically, and especially demographically, so the world no longer has to witness starving1001 | P a g e

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