Bamford & Norden June 2015

Bamford & Norden June 2015

Bamford & Norden June 2015


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Coming soon? –<br />

a wind farm near you.<br />

Plans have now been submitted to Rossendale Council by Scout Moor Expansion Ltd (a joint venture by Peel and United<br />

Utilities) to add another 16x115 metre turbines to their 26x100 metre turbine Wind Farm on Scout Moor.<br />

Coronation Power, the London based company responsible for the destruction of Crook Hill are awaiting a decision from<br />

Rochdale Council to their application to add another 12x125 metre turbines straddling Rooley Moor Road, The Pennine<br />

Bridleway and The Mary Towneley Loop. If the Rossendale and Rochdale Councillors consent the applications, we will have a<br />

54 turbine wind farm on our diminishing Green Belt Common Land. This will be the biggest onshore wind farm in England.<br />

The question we must ask the Planning Authorities and the elected Councillors who will vote on these applications is this:-<br />

“Will there be a net benefit to our<br />

townships if we allow these developments<br />

to go ahead?”<br />

Here are twelve reasons why the answer<br />

must be a resounding “NO”.<br />

The enormous subsidies are paid for by<br />

YOU, the consumer. The turbines are<br />

German, the Lord of the Manor resides<br />

in Salisbury, the controlling<br />

shareholder of Peel resides in the Isle<br />

of Man, xxxx incorporated by<br />

Coronation Power, is registered in the<br />

British Virgin Islands tax haven. In<br />

short, this area is seen as an easy target<br />

by aggressive developers and we are being seriously exploited for the promise of a financial return on business<br />

rates and the creation of the illusionary “Community Benefit Fund”.<br />

Your property value will diminish. Some properties will be unsaleable. The London School of Economics’ detailed report,<br />

released in 2014, concludes that property values will fall by up to 11%. If these developments are consented, the cost to<br />

local communities will be £70M for every 1% fall. Against this, any financial benefit from Business Rates is meaningless.<br />

Scout Moor and Rooley Moor is the wrong place for a development of this magnitude. It is far too close to properties. The<br />

impact for equestrians, walkers, cyclists and those who value the diminishing open spaces will be devastating.<br />

48 To advertise call 07976 289967 or email sales@streetwisemag.co.uk

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