Fletpalosje corel 12 - Riciklimi.al

Fletpalosje corel 12 - Riciklimi.al Fletpalosje corel 12 - Riciklimi.al


KOMUNA VELIPOJËRast pozitivNdërkohë, Komuna Velipojë ka bërë përpjekje të vazhdueshme përrritjen e efiçensës dhe tashmë zbaton një skemë pastrimi për 50% të territorit, emundësuar nga vetë njësia me një staf të limituar, por funksional në pjesën ebrendshme të fshatrave të mbuluar.Duke marre ne konsiderate nevojat e stafit te kësaj komune për ngritjekapacitetesh ne drejtim te menaxhimit te mbetjeve urbane, DLDP/IC mbështetivizitën studimore te stafit te komunës Velipoje ne komunën fqinje te Ulqinit neMal të Zi. Kjo vizite u përqendrua ne këtë komune për shkak te ngjashmërisëgjeografike, destinacionit te njëjte turistik si dhe numrit te banoreve sidomosgjate stinës se Verës.Vizita studimore kishte për qellim shkëmbimin e eksperiencave temenaxhimit te mbetjeve urbane, transferimin e praktikave te aplikueshme ngavendet fqinje, krijimin e lidhjeve te ndërsjella si dhe ballafaqimin me praktikat emenaxhimit ne zonat turistike.Vizita studimore ne Komunën e Ulqinit mbajtur ne Qershor 2008,kryesohej nga kryetari i komunës Velipoje dhe një staf prej pese personash.Gjate kësaj vizite u zhvilluan takime me ndërmarrjen e menaxhimit tembetjeve urbane, stafin e komunës Ulqin si dhe biznese private me te cilët undanë eksperienca menaxhuse si dhe u ndoq nga afër procesi grumbullimitte mbetjeve.Pamje nga plazhi Velipojë, sezoni turistik 2008Përvojë e mirë menaxhimi nga biznesi privat.14

VELIPOJA COMMUNECase StudyVelipoja commune has recently made efforts to improve its wastemanagement and it is already implementing a cleaning scheme that covers50% of the territory of the commune. including the main villages..Taking into consideration that the technical staff of the commune needed someimproved knowledge on waste management, DLDP/IC supported a study visitto the neighbouring , Ulqinj Commune in Montenegro with which Velipojashares the coast of Adritiatic.This study visit was focused on this commune because of the geographicalsimilarity, the same tourist destination and the number of population especiallyduring the summer season. The main objectives of this study visit wereconcentrated on the exchange of experiences between neighbouring countries;establish networking, transferring applicable models from the similar areas aswell as looking into the practical management of the waste in the two touristcommunes.The study visit to the Ulcinj Commune held in June 2008 was lead be the Headof Velipoja commune followed by a staff of 5 administrative members. Duringthe visit different meetings were carried out; we will mention here the meetingswith the staff of Ulcini commune jhe private company that collects and disposesthe waste as well as with different businesses. Different managementexperiences were shared. At the same time the whole practice of the wastemanagement in the Ulcinj Commune was followed by representatives ofVelipoja Commune.Views from the study visit in Ulcinj15

VELIPOJA COMMUNECase StudyVelipoja commune has recently made efforts to improve its wastemanagement and it is <strong>al</strong>ready implementing a cleaning scheme that covers50% of the territory of the commune. including the main villages..Taking into consideration that the technic<strong>al</strong> staff of the commune needed someimproved knowledge on waste management, DLDP/IC supported a study visitto the neighbouring , Ulqinj Commune in Montenegro with which Velipojashares the coast of Adritiatic.This study visit was focused on this commune because of the geographic<strong>al</strong>similarity, the same tourist destination and the number of population especi<strong>al</strong>lyduring the summer season. The main objectives of this study visit wereconcentrated on the exchange of experiences between neighbouring countries;establish networking, transferring applicable models from the similar areas aswell as looking into the practic<strong>al</strong> management of the waste in the two touristcommunes.The study visit to the Ulcinj Commune held in June 2008 was lead be the Headof Velipoja commune followed by a staff of 5 administrative members. Duringthe visit different meetings were carried out; we will mention here the meetingswith the staff of Ulcini commune jhe private company that collects and disposesthe waste as well as with different businesses. Different managementexperiences were shared. At the same time the whole practice of the wastemanagement in the Ulcinj Commune was followed by representatives ofVelipoja Commune.Views from the study visit in Ulcinj15

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