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PERCENT OF POPULATION LIVING WITHIN PARTICULAR DISTANCEBANDS OF KNOWN OR POTENTIALLY CONTAMINATED SITEScontrast, 68 percent of the White, non-Hispanicpopulation lives within three-quarters of a mileof a known or potentially contaminated site.The analysis also found a higher percentageof the <strong>Black</strong> population lives near a known orpotentially contaminated site at every distanceacross Portland.The <strong>Black</strong> population is concentrated in Northand Northeast Portland; more specifically the<strong>Black</strong> population is concentrated along twocommercial and industrial corridors, MartinLuther King Jr. Blvd and NE Columbia Blvd(see Map).The known or potentially contaminated sitesare also concentrated along commercialand industrial corridors; as shown by thecrosshatching.See Appendix F for methodology and studylimitations. The data available for analyzingissues of environmental justice are in many casesincomplete, limited in scope, and are not kept upto date. Due to these limitations, PRC recommendsthat any future analysis of environmental justicein Portland must rely on a more robust datasetor employ advanced spatial methods.85

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