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CASE STUDY 8BELINDA JILES IS CONNECTINGGENERATIONS, HEALTH &EMPLOYMENTBelinda Jiles says, “We know thatwhen someone has a decent, healthyrelationship, a job and money, thingsrun smoothly. But when you’re missingthese things, that can cause a lot of bad stuff tohappen.”As a community health worker, Belinda actsas an advocate and a go-between linking hercommunity with the wider world. On a typicalday, she’ll meet with several clients at her churchas well as negotiate with people who control theresources her clients need. These people includedoctors, nurses, employers, prison officials andstaff at the food bank.Belinda says that she goes into thesenegotiations as if they are “bad car deals.”The key for her is maintaining a calm headand keeping the lines of communication open.She tries to appeal to people’s hearts andemphasizes that their contributions are aninvestment in the community.Belinda sees her work as paying it forward.“We’ve got to get back to the basics ofgetting my generation involved with this newgeneration. For me, helping others, I’m leaving afoundation for my child and my grandchildren,so if my son happens to stumble, or fall or comeupon hard times years from now, someone willlook out for him.”The next step is using inter-generationaldialogue to develop skills and createemployment. Belinda sees construction training,increased fitness activities and food vansconnected to health-focused grocery stores aspossibilities in the near future. She’s talking withher father about putting on a cooking class forboys like her son.Additionally, she wants <strong>Black</strong> folks to capitalizeon the city’s food cart craze. “People claim theyhave some of the best cooks in their church. Sowe should be getting land for food carts to givethem jobs.”“Every great dream begins with a dreamer.Always remember, you have within you the strength,the patience, and the passion to reach for the starsto change the world.”— Harriet Tubman78

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