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Today this still rings true and applies directlyto the health of <strong>Black</strong> adults, families andcommunities in <strong>Oregon</strong>.With the Affordable Care Act and <strong>Oregon</strong>’s ownhealthcare transformation, much focus has beenon access to care. It’s also imperative to recognizeeconomic instability, racism and environmentalconditions as root causes of poor health. 1 Truewellness in the <strong>Black</strong> community will require multilayeredapproaches that involve many sectors.HEALTHCARE IS NECESSARY, BUTNOT SUFFICIENTIn <strong>Oregon</strong>, <strong>Black</strong>s experience disparities for eachof the social and economic health indicators. Inorder to eradicate health inequities, economicinequities must be eliminated as well as the toxicstress that results from poverty and racism. 2“High poverty rates and the disparities thataccompany them impact the stability and wellbeingof the entire community.” 3Healthcare is a human right and access to careis a social justice issue. Physical, social andeconomic environments, collectively referredto as the “social determinants of health,” havea far greater impact on how long and how wellpeople live than healthcare access does. 4 Noamount of healthcare service wrapped aroundan individual will be effective without changingthe structural and environmental barriersfaced by <strong>Black</strong> people. However, policy-levelapproaches will. Studies have shown that whenthere have been supportive social policies, thehealth of <strong>Black</strong> people has improved.EQUITY-FOCUSED STRATEGIESTO IMPROVE HEALTH FOR BLACKOREGONIANS• Effective public health approaches ensurethat individuals receive responsive services;support healthy behaviors; removeshared barriers; and create new economicopportunities for <strong>Black</strong>s. Decision-makersare informed about the health equityconsequences of various policy options—at best, early in the policy developmentprocess; and at least, before theirimplementation.• Anti-poverty strategies assist workingfamilies through family-friendly leavepolicies, quality affordable childcare, earningsupplements and work-supports; implementpolicies that reduce incarceration; introducepolicies and programs that can increase jobsand business ownership for <strong>Black</strong> people. 5• Using a racial and ethnic equity lens allowsthe opportunity to understand the effect ofa policy or practice on people of color andhelp to achieve equity goals. 6Like Shavantee’s journey, history shows that<strong>Black</strong> <strong>Oregon</strong>ians have achieved major successeswhen system-level barriers have been reduced.We have all the brilliance, passion and dedicationneeded to make our communities thrive.RACIAL MICROAGGRESSIONS ALSO AFFECT HEALTH OUTCOMESOn a daily basis, people of color experienceracial microaggressions 7 that, intentionalor not, relay unwelcoming messages andcreate a hostile living environment. Thisrepeated experience, whether it’s in theworkplace, on the streets or in school,increases their stress (the hormone cortisol)levels and over time can wear down theiroverall health and well-being.73

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