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De Marcus Preston, community non-violenceadvocate, runs Gee’s to Gents to serve at-riskyouth in Portland. He’s with his two sons atAlberta Community Cycling Center’s Take BackThe Streets event at Columbia Park.EARLY INTERVENTION REDUCES YOUTH VIOLENCEHomicide is the #1 cause of death in<strong>Black</strong> youth aged 10-24. Multiple traumas,interpersonal trauma and chronic stress inthe environment can overstimulate the fight/flight/freeze response.In 2011, 185 men of color aged 10-24 wereseen in Legacy Emanuel Hospital’s emergencydepartment with a penetrating trauma (shotor stabbed).Several studies across multiple citiesdemonstrated the effectiveness of reducingyouth violence by intervening at the hospitallevel. For example, Healing Hurt PeoplePortland is a community-focused youthviolence prevention program that targetsyoung males of color who have suffered apenetrating trauma.The program makes contact in theemergency department within four hours,in a culturally sensitive, compassionate way.Its wraparound services help the young menand their families for 6-12 months after theincident. 965

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