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POLICY ACTIONSThe best way to strengthen the health of <strong>Black</strong> women,children and families is to start early. We must boost prenatalhealth care for families and provide support through thecrucial first 1,000 days—preconception up to age 2. Wemust also implement policies that prioritize reproductiveplanning and choice, economic security, stable housing andhealthy surroundings.POLICY PRIORITIES:1Implement a prenatal and first 1,000days agenda that includes:3Take advantage of public and privateeconomic development and community• Setting a food and nutrition goalinvolvement plans to reduce poverty infor women of reproductive age and<strong>Oregon</strong>’s <strong>Black</strong> community.children in <strong>Black</strong> communities• Investing in reducing healthdisparities, especially those related4Encourage the <strong>Oregon</strong> Departmentof Human Services, local healthto low birth weight, infant mortality,departments and law enforcementobesity and mental healthagencies to partner together to support2Create housing stability for<strong>Black</strong> <strong>Oregon</strong> by ensuring:the physical/mental health of <strong>Black</strong>youth.• Integrate trauma-informed practice• Stable and sufficient incomeinto service delivery• Affordability of rent/mortgage,• Retrain all police officers in trauma-utilities, property taxes andinformed approacheshealthcare• Invest in strategies that reflect best• Ability to maintain a home’spractices for violence reductionconditionand wrap-around services for <strong>Black</strong>• Feeling of safetyyouth• Satisfaction with children’s education• Connection with neighbors28

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