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APPENDIX BEND NOTESCHAPTER 11. American Community Survey. (2010).2. <strong>Oregon</strong> Health Authority. (2014).3. Samaan, R. A. (2000). The influences of race, ethnicity, and poverty on the mental health of children. Journal of HealthCare for the Poor and Underserved, 11(1), 100-110.4. Misslin, R. (2003). The defense system of fear: behavior and neurocircuitry. Clinical Neurophysiology, 33(2), 55-66.5. Shlafer, R. J., Gerrity, E., Ruhland, E., & Wheeler, M. (2013). Children with incarcerated parents – Considering children’soutcomes in the context of family experiences. Children, Youth & Family Consortium. Retrieved from http://www.extension.umn.edu/family/cyfc/our-programs/ereview/docs/June2013ereview.pdf6. Wakefield, S., & Wildeman, C. (2014). Children of imprisoned parents and the future of inequality in the United <strong>State</strong>s.Scholars Strategy Network. Retrieved from http://www.scholarsstrategynetwork.org/sites/default/files/ssn_key_findings_wakefield_and_wildeman_on_children_of_the_prison_boom.pdf7. Porter, S., & Edwards, M. (2014). Household and economic factors associated with geographic and school mobilityamong low-income children. Journal of Children and Poverty. doi: 10.1080/10796126.2014.9791408. See Appendix C Data Table Youth Success9. Contribution by Robin Johnson.CHAPTER 21. Brain architecture. (<strong>2015</strong>). Center on the Developing Child. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University. Retrieved from http://developingchild.harvard.edu/key_concepts/brain_architecture/2. Bates, L., Curry-Stevens, A. (2014). The African-American community in Multnomah county: An unsettling profile.Coalition of Communities of Color. Portland, OR: Portland <strong>State</strong> University.3. Lynchings by state and year, 1882 - 1968. (n.d.) University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law. Retrieved from http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/shipp/lynchingsstate.html4. Gabrielson, R., Jones, R. g., & Sagara, E. (2014). Deadly force, in black and white: a propublica analysis of killings bypolice shows outsize risk for young black males. ProPublica. Retrieved from http://www.propublica.org/article/deadlyforce-in-black-and-white5. McCarthy, D. & Hoge, D. (1978). The social construction of school punishment: Racial disadvantage out of universalisticprocess. Social Forces, 65, 1101-1120.6. Sue, Derald W. (2010). Microaggressions in everyday life: Race, gender, and sexual orientation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley& Sons, Inc.7. Gordley, A. & Schechter, P. (2011). Remembering the power of words: The life of an <strong>Oregon</strong> activist, legislator, andcommunity leader. Corvallis, OR: <strong>Oregon</strong> <strong>State</strong> University Press.8. See Economic Opportunity Table, page p. 182.9. Irving, A. (2011). LGBT kids in the prison pipeline. The Public Intellectual. Retrieved from http://thepublicintellectual.org/2011/05/02/lgbt-kids-in-the-school-to-prison-pipeline/.174

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