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ESSAY 15THE ROLE OF FAITH IN KEEPINGOUR COMMUNITIES SAFERev. Dr. T. Allen BethelAlbina Ministerial AllianceIn our history’s turbulent times, houses of faithhave provided information, values, places todevelop demands for justice and refuges fromthe injustices and disparities experienced bythe <strong>Black</strong> community. The church was central inthe civil rights movement and continues to playan influential role today as a source of hope anda strong moral voice.The <strong>Black</strong> community has long had roots deeplyembedded in faith, even before slavery broughtour forefathers to this country. W. E. B. Du Boisasserted that the Negro church is “the only socialinstitution among Negroes which started in theAfrican forest and survived slavery.”The excessive use of police force—suchas officer-involved shootings that result indeath—and the lack of police accountabilityare paramount concerns in our community.When community and police relations arepoor, senseless shootings occur in escalatedsituations—and too often, police rely on the legaldefense of “I feared for my life.” When there’s noaccountability for those actions, it exasperatesany community.When this scenario results in death, the healthand well-being of our community are threatenedand nervous energy begins to rise, sometimesto an explosive point. Feeling unsafe in yourown community makes people afraid to be nearofficers—seeing them as dangerous and uncaring.The loss of life of a young mother, father, sister,loved one or friend makes you wonder if you’llever heal, or will bear this cross for life.WE NEED ACCOUNTABILITYTo further community protection, we need asystemic review of police policies. Applying aracial justice lens to hot-spot policing, exclusionzones, gang designation and racial disparities inpolice stops and searches will all help to ensureequal protection under the law.SOLUTIONS• Amend <strong>Oregon</strong> statutes so an officer’s“fear for my life” statement is not groundsfor exoneration. <strong>State</strong> law should allowjuries to decide what a reasonable personwould believe, under the circumstances inquestion.• Develop community-based policeoversight bodies, with the authority andm e a n s to i nve st i g a te p o l i ce m i s co n d u c t .• Policies and methods of de-escalation tokeep incidents from rising to an excessiveuse of force should require:1. A thorough review by anindependent investigator; if findingswarrant, employ a prosecutor notaligned with the police agency underinvestigation2. Restrictions on law enforcementand the media releasing informationthat suggests the victim/suspectdeserved what happened due tohistory and the officer “did the rightthing”142

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