Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur

Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur
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173. If the sets A and B are defined as A = { (x, y) : y = e x , x ∈ R }, B = { (x, y) : y = x, x ∈ R },thenA. A ∪ B = A B. A ∩ B = φ C. A ⊆ B D. B ⊆ A174. Thevalue of theintegralA. a B. 2a C. 3a{ f(x)/[f(x) + f(2a- x)] }dx is equaltoD. none ofthe above175. The slope of the normal at the point (at 2 , 2at) of the parabola y 2 = 4ax isA. 1/t B. t C. - t D. -1/t176. If z is any complex number such that | z + 4 | ≤ 3, then the greatest value of | z + 1 | isA. 2 B. 6 C. 0 D. - 6177. The equation cos x + sin x = 2 hasA. only one solution B. two solutionsC. no solution D. infinite number of solutions178. The most general value of θ, which satisfies both the equations tan θ = -1 and cos θ = 1/√2will beA. nπ + (7π/4) B. nπ + (-1) n (7π/4) C. 2nπ + (7π/4) D. none of the above179. A spherical ball of radius r placed on theground subtends an angle of 60 o at a point A ofthe ground. Then the distance of the point Afrom the centre of the ball isD. none ofA. 3r B. 2r C. 4rthe above180. In a triangle ABC, a 2 cos 2B + b 2 cos 2A + 2ab cos (A - B) is equal toA. c B. c 2 C. 2c D. none of the above

1. The radius of curvature of a spherical surface is measured usingA. a spherometer B. spectrometer C. screw gauge D. slide callipers2. If the dimensions of length are expressed as G x , C y , h z , where G, C, h are universalgravitational constant, speed of light and Plank's constant respectively, thenA. x = 1/2, y = 1/2 B. x = 1/2, z = 1/2 C. y = 1/2, z = 3/2 D. y = + 3/2, z = 1/23. The dimensional formula of electric field strength is:A. MLT -2 I -1 B. MLT -3 A -1 C. T -2 A -1 D. MLTA -24. A man throws a ball in air in such a way that when the ball is in its maximum height he throwsanother ball. If the balls are thrown after the time difference of 1 sec, then what wilt be the heightattained by themA. 19.6 m B. 9.8 m C. 4.9 m D. 2.45 m5. If the velocity time graph of a body is a straight line sloping downwards, the body hasA. acceleration B. declaration C. zero acceleration D. constant acceleration6. Which one of the following equations represents the motion of body with finite constantacceleration?A. y = at B. y = at + bt 2 C. y = at + bt 2 + ct 3 D. y = at + bt7. What is the magnitude of the velocity of thebody when it is projected horizontally from apoint above the ground after 0.2 seconds?A. √2 ms -1 B. 2√2 ms -1 C. 3√2 ms -1 D. 4√2 ms -18. A string can withstand a tension of 25 N. What is the greatest speed at which a body of mass 1kg can be whirled in a horizontal circle using 1 m length of the string?A. 25 ms -1 B. 5 ms -1 C. 75 ms -1 D. 10 ms -19. An object tied to a piece of string is whirled in a vertical circle, at constant speed. The tentionin the string is maximum atA. A B. BC. C D. D10. The maximum force of friction that comes into play is calledA. limiting friction B. kinetic friction C. static friction D. minimum friction11. A body of mass 5 Kg is raised vertically to aheight of 10 m by a force of 170 N. The finalvelocity of the body isA. 15 ms -1 B. 17 ms -1 C. 20 ms -1 D. 22 ms -1

1. The radius of curvature of a spherical surface is measured usingA. a spherometer B. spectrometer C. screw gauge D. slide callipers2. If the dimensions of length are expressed as G x , C y , h z , where G, C, h are universalgravitational constant, speed of light and Plank's constant respectively, thenA. x = 1/2, y = 1/2 B. x = 1/2, z = 1/2 C. y = 1/2, z = 3/2 D. y = + 3/2, z = 1/23. The dimensional formula of electric field strength is:A. MLT -2 I -1 B. MLT -3 A -1 C. T -2 A -1 D. MLTA -24. A man throws a ball in air in such a way that when the ball is in its maximum height he throwsanother ball. If the balls are thrown after the time difference of 1 sec, then what wilt be the heightattained by themA. 19.6 m B. 9.8 m C. 4.9 m D. 2.45 m5. If the velocity time graph of a body is a straight line sloping downwards, the body hasA. acceleration B. declaration C. zero acceleration D. constant acceleration6. Which one of the following equations represents the motion of body with finite constantacceleration?A. y = at B. y = at + bt 2 C. y = at + bt 2 + ct 3 D. y = at + bt7. What is the magnitude of the velocity of thebody when it is projected horizontally from apoint above the ground after 0.2 seconds?A. √2 ms -1 B. 2√2 ms -1 C. 3√2 ms -1 D. 4√2 ms -18. A string can withstand a tension of 25 N. What is the greatest speed at which a body of mass 1kg can be whirled in a horizontal circle using 1 m length of the string?A. 25 ms -1 B. 5 ms -1 C. 75 ms -1 D. 10 ms -19. An object tied to a piece of string is whirled in a vertical circle, at constant speed. The tentionin the string is maximum atA. A B. BC. C D. D10. The maximum force of friction that comes into play is calledA. limiting friction B. kinetic friction C. static friction D. minimum friction11. A body of mass 5 Kg is raised vertically to aheight of 10 m by a force of 170 N. The finalvelocity of the body isA. 15 ms -1 B. 17 ms -1 C. 20 ms -1 D. 22 ms -1

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