Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur

Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur
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60. The dimensions of energy and torque respectively areA. ML 2 T -2 and ML 2 T -2 B. MLT 2 and ML 2 T -2 C. ML 2 T -2 and MLT -2 D. MLT -2 and MLT -261. When Benzene diazonium chloride reacts with hypophosphorous acid, it producesA. benzene B. phenol C. phenylphosphite D. phenylphosphate62. The reaction of aliphatic primary amine with nitrous acid in cold producesA. nitrile B. alcohol C. diazonium salt D. secondary amine63. Ethylamine can be prepared by the action of bromine and caustic potash onA. acetamide B. propionamide C. formamide D. methyl cyanide64. The aldol condensation of acetaldehyde results in the formation ofA. CH 3 COCHOHCH 3 B. CH 3 CHOHCH 2 CHO C. CH 3 CH 2 CHOHCHO D. CH 3 CH 2 OH +CH 3 COOH65. Which compound reacts fastest with Lucas reagent at room temperature?D. 2-Methyl propan-2-A. Butan-l-ol B. Butan-2-ol C. 2-Methyl propan-l-olol66. The reaction with D 2 O, (CH 3 ) 3 CMgCl producesA. (CH 3 ) 3 CD B. (CH 3 ) 3 CO C. (CD 3 ) 3 CD D. (CD 3 ) 3 COD67. The reaction with alcoholic potash, l-chlorobutane givesA. 1-Butene B. 1-Butanol C. 2-Butene D. 2-Butanol68. The active nitrating agent during nitration ofbenzene is---A. NO 3 B. HNO 2 C. NO 2 D. HNO 369. The number of sigma and pi bonds in 1-buten-3-yne areA. 5 sigma and 5 pi B. 7 sigma and 3 pi C. 8 sigma and 2 pi D. 6 sigma and 4 pi70. The most stable carbonium ion among the cations isA. sec-butyl B. ter-butyl C. n-butyl D. none of these71. How many optically active stereo-isomers are possible for butane-2, 3-diol?A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 472. B.P. and M.P. of inert gases areA. high B. low C. very high D. very low73. [CO(NH 3 ) 5 Br] SO 4 and [CO(NH 3 ) 5 SO 4 ] Br are examples of which type of isomerism ?A. Linkage B. Geometrical C. Ionization D. Optical74. The valency of Cr in the complex [Cr(H 2 O) 4 Cl 2 ] + isA. 3 B. 1 C. 6 D. 5

75. In Nessler's reagent, the ion isA. Hg + B. Hg 2+ C. HgI 22 -D. HgI 42 -76. In solid CuSO 4 .5H 2 O, copper is co-ordinated toA. five water molecules B. four water molecules C. one sulphate ion D. one water molecule77. Which of the following is a weak acid?A. HCl B. HBr C. HP D. HI78. When SO 2 is passed through acidified K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution,A. the solution turns blue B. the solution is decolourisedC. SO 2 is reduced D. green Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 is formed79. Which of the following has lowest boiling point?A. H 2 O B. H 2 S C. H 2 Se D. H 2 Te80. Nitric oxide is prepared by the action of dil. HNO 3 onA. Fe B. Cu C. Zn D. Sn81. The laughing gas isA. nitrousoxideB. nitricoxideC. nitrogentrioxideD. nitrogenpentaoxide82. Ordinary glass isA. sodium silicate B. calcium silicateC. calcium and Sodium silicate D. copper silicate83. The chemical name of phosgene isA. Phosphene B. Carbonyl chlorideC. PhosphorousoxychlorideD. Phosphoroustrichloride84. Which one of the following is strongest Lewis acid?A. BF 3 B. BCl 3 C. BBr 3 D. BI 385. Three centred bond is present inA. NH 3 B. B 2 H 6 C. BCl 3 D. AlCl 386. Plaster of Paris isA. CaSO 4 .H 2 O B. CaSO 4 .2H 2 O C. CaSO 4 .1/2 H 2 O D. CaSO 4 .3/2 H 2 O87. Rocky impurities present in a mineral arecalledA. flux B. gangue C. matte D. slag88. Free hydrogen is found inA. acids B. water C. marsh gas D. water gas89. When zeolite, which is hydrated sodium aluminium silicate, is treated with hard water; the

75. In Nessler's reagent, the ion isA. Hg + B. Hg 2+ C. HgI 22 -D. HgI 42 -76. In solid CuSO 4 .5H 2 O, copper is co-ordinated toA. five water molecules B. four water molecules C. one sulphate ion D. one water molecule77. Which of the following is a weak acid?A. HCl B. HBr C. HP D. HI78. When SO 2 is passed through acidified K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution,A. the solution turns blue B. the solution is decolourisedC. SO 2 is reduced D. green Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 is formed79. Which of the following has lowest boiling point?A. H 2 O B. H 2 S C. H 2 Se D. H 2 Te80. Nitric oxide is prepared by the action of dil. HNO 3 onA. Fe B. Cu C. Zn D. Sn81. The laughing gas isA. nitrousoxideB. nitricoxideC. nitrogentrioxideD. nitrogenpentaoxide82. Ordinary glass isA. sodium silicate B. calcium silicateC. calcium and Sodium silicate D. copper silicate83. The chemical name of phosgene isA. Phosphene B. Carbonyl chlorideC. PhosphorousoxychlorideD. Phosphoroustrichloride84. Which one of the following is strongest Lewis acid?A. BF 3 B. BCl 3 C. BBr 3 D. BI 385. Three centred bond is present inA. NH 3 B. B 2 H 6 C. BCl 3 D. AlCl 386. Plaster of Paris isA. CaSO 4 .H 2 O B. CaSO 4 .2H 2 O C. CaSO 4 .1/2 H 2 O D. CaSO 4 .3/2 H 2 O87. Rocky impurities present in a mineral arecalledA. flux B. gangue C. matte D. slag88. Free hydrogen is found inA. acids B. water C. marsh gas D. water gas89. When zeolite, which is hydrated sodium aluminium silicate, is treated with hard water; the

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