Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur

Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur

Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur


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C. (√ 3w)/2 D. 2w23. A vertical straight conductor carries acurrent vertically upwards. A point p lies to theeast of it at a small distance and another point Qlies to west of it at the same distance. Themagnetic field at p isA. greater than at Q B. same as at QD. greater or less at QC. less than at Q depending upon thestrength of the current24. In a parallel arrangement if (R 1 > R 2 ), the power dissipated in resistance R 1 will beA. less than R 2 B. same as R 2 C. more than R 2 D. none of these25. For a fuse wire to be installed in the supply line in a house which one of the following isimmaterial ?A. the specific resistance of the material of theB. the diameter of the fuse wirefuse wireC. the length of the fuse wire D. none of these26. If V is voltage applied, E a is emf drop across the armature, the armature current of a d.c.motor I a is given byA. (V + E a )/R a B. E a /R a C. V- E a /R a D. V/R a27. The current of 2.0 amperes passes through a cell of e.m.f. 1.5 volts having internal resistanceof 0.15Ω . The potential difference measured in volts across both the terminals of the cell will beA. 1.35 B. 1.50 C. 1.00 D. 1.2028. In this circuit, current ratio i 1 /i 2 depends uponA. R 1 , R 2and RC. R 1 andR 2B. R, R 1 ,R 2 and ED. E and R29. A cell of emf E is connected across a resistance r. The potential difference between theterminals of the cell is found to be V. The internal resistance of the cell must beA. 2(E - V)V/r B. 2(E - V)r/E C. (E - V) r/V D. (E- V)/r30. Copper and germanium are both cooled to 70 K from room temperature, thenA. resistance of copper increases while that ofgermanium decreasesB. resistance of copper decreases while that ofgermanium increasesC. resistance of both decreases D. resistance of both increases31. The potential difference between the points A and B of the electrical circuit given isA. 1.5 V B. 1.0 V

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