Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur

Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur
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(1) 1 (2) 2 x log 2 (3) x log 2 (4) 092. Differential coefficient of x 3 w.r.t. x 2 will be :(1) 3 (2) 2 (3) 3 x (4) 3x 22x 3x 2 293. d (tan x ) is equal to :dx(1) cosec 2 x (2) sec x tan x (3) cosec x cot x (4) sec 2 x94. The coordinates of the point where the tangent to the curve x2 + y2 – 2x –3 = 0 is parallel to the axis of x is :(1) 1. ± √3 (2) (1,0) (3) 1, ± 2 (4) (1. ±√ 2)95. The point at which tangent to the curve y = ττ2x at the point (0, 1) meetsthe x-axis is :(1) (1, 0) (2) (- ½, 0) (3) (2, 0) (4) (0, 2)96. Maximum value of slope of a tangent to the curve y = - x 3 + 3x 2 + 2x – 27will be :(1) 11 (2) – 4 (3) 5 (4) 297. m sin √√x dx is equal to :√√x(1) – 2 cos √ x + C (2) 2 cos √ x + C (3) 2 sin √ x + C (4) sin √x+C98. Correct statement is :(1) (AB) -1 = B -1 A -1 (2) (AB) -1 = A -1 B -1 (3) (AB) T = A T B T (4) (AB) -1 = A -1 B -199. If the matrix P = 1 2 and Q = - 1 0 then the correctstatement is : -3 0 2 3(1) P + Q = I (2) PQ ≠ QP (3) Q 2 = Q (4) P 2 = PANSWER SHEET1.(1) 2.(4) 3.(4) 4.(4) 5.(4) 6.(3) 7.(2) 8.(4) 9.(1) 10.(3) 11.(2)12.(2) 13.(4) 14.(2) 15.(4) 16.(4) 17.(2) 18.(1) 19.(3) 20.(1) 21.(4) 22.(2)23.(2) 24.(2) 25.(3) 26.(2) 27.(3) 28.(3) 29.(4) 30.(3) 31.(2) 32.(4) 33.(2)34.(4) 35.(2) 36.(2) 37.(3) 38.(1) 39.(2) 40.(3) 41.(3) 42.(4) 43.(2) 44.(4)45.(3) 46.(4) 47.(2) 48.(4) 49.(1) 50.(4) 51.(2) 52.(1) 53.(2) 54.(4) 55.(2)56.(4) 57.(1) 58.(4) 59.(2) 60.(3) 61.(3) 62.(3) 63.(4) 64.(4) 65.(4) 66.(2)67.(3) 68.(2) 69.(2) 70.(3) 71.(2) 72.(3) 73.(1) 74.(2) 75.(3) 76.(3) 77.(3)78.(3) 79.(3) 80.(4) 81.(1) 82.(1) 83.(4) 84.(4) 85.(1) 86.(3) 87.(4) 88.(4)89.(3) 90.(4) 91.(4) 92.(3) 93.(4) 94.(3) 95.(2) 96.(3) 97.(1) 98.(1) 99.(2)

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