Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur

Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur Model Question Paper CET Physics - WIT Solapur
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14.07.2015 Views Na 2 {Ag(S 2 O 3 ) 2 ] (4) Na 3 [Ag(S 2 O 3 ) 3 ]59. Molecular oxygen is :(1) ferro magnetic (2) diamagnetic (3) para magnetic (4) non magnetic60. Bonds in acetylene are :(1) 2π bonds (2) one π bond (3) 3π bonds (4) none of these61. The false statement for Griynaed reagent is :(1) It gives tertiary alcohol with acetamide(2) It gives tertiary alcohol with acetone(3) It gives secondary alcohol with acetaldehyde(4) It gives primary alcohol with formaldehyde62. Which of the following alkane exists is liquid state at normal temperature :(1) C 20 H 42 (2) C 3 H 8 (3) C 8 H 18 (4) CH 463. The solubility of AgCI at 25 0 C will be maximum in :(1) Potassium chloride solution(2) AgNO 3 solution(3) Water(4) All above64. The weight of a benzene molecule is :(1) 78 gm. (2) 7.8 gm. (3) 13 x 10 -23 (4) none of these65. CuFeS 2 is :(1) iorn pyrites (2) malachite (3) chalcosite (4) chalcopyrites66. Primary halides follow the following reaction mechanism :(1) SN 1 (2) SN 2 (3) both (4) none of these67. C and Si belong to the same group of periodic table, CO 2 is a gas and SiO 2 is a :(1) liquid (2) gas (3) solid (4) none of these68. H 2 S is a gas while H 2 O is a liquid because :(1) there is association due to hydrogen bonding(2) bond energy of OH high(3) the ionization potential of oxygen is high(4) the electro negativity of oxygen is high69. “The negative part of the molecule adding to the double bond goes to thatunsaturated asymmetric carbon atom which is linked to the least number ofhydrogen atoms.” This statement is related to :(1) Markownikoff’s law(2) Peroxide effect(3) Bayer’s law of distortion none of these70. The conjugate base of NH3 is :(1) N 2 H 4 (2) NH 2-(3) NH 4+(4) NH 2+71. (a) N 2 and (b) C 2 H 2 . The nos. of ππand σσbond in the molecules are respectively :(1) (a) 2,2 (b) 2,2 (2) (a) 1,2 (b) 2,1(3) (a) 2,1 (b) 2,3 (4) (a) 2,1 (b) 2,172. In which of the following compound there are maximum no. of sp 2 hybrid Catoms:(1) Benzene (2) 1,3,5-hexatriene(2) 1,2,4-hexatriene (4) both 1 and 273. The shape of the molecule having hybrid orbitals of 20% character will be :(1) octahedral (2) tetrahedral(3) square planer (4) triangular bipyramidal74. The pH of a solution is 5. If the dilution of this solution is increased by 100 times,the pH value will be :(1) 5 (2) 7 (3) 9 (4) 875. The required amount of oxygen for combustion of 20 ml. of gaseoushydrocarbon is 50 ml. The hydrocarbon will be :(1) C 2 H 2 (2) C 2 H 4 (3) C 2 H 6 (4) C 3 H 476. The formula of Celestine is :(1) SrSO 4 (2) SrCO 3 (3) SrO (4) SrCl 277. CuCl 2 + →→Cu + Cl 2 . The required amount of electricity for this reaction is :(1) 4 faraday (2) 2 faraday (3) 1 faraday (4) 3 faraday78. Nitrogen does not forms NF 5 because :(1) The bondenergy of N≡N is very high(2) Vaccent d-orbitals are not present(3) N belongs to V group(4) There is inert effect79. The normal temperature when raised by 10 0 C, the rate of reaction will be :(1) lowered by 2 times(2) increased by 2 times(3) lowered by 10 times(4) increased by 10 times80. Which of the following gives red precipitate with ammonical cuprouschloride :(1) Propane (2) Ethane (3) Methane (4) Acetylene none of these70. The conjugate base of NH3 is :(1) N 2 H 4 (2) NH 2-(3) NH 4+(4) NH 2+71. (a) N 2 and (b) C 2 H 2 . The nos. of ππand σσbond in the molecules are respectively :(1) (a) 2,2 (b) 2,2 (2) (a) 1,2 (b) 2,1(3) (a) 2,1 (b) 2,3 (4) (a) 2,1 (b) 2,172. In which of the following compound there are maximum no. of sp 2 hybrid Catoms:(1) Benzene (2) 1,3,5-hexatriene(2) 1,2,4-hexatriene (4) both 1 and 273. The shape of the molecule having hybrid orbitals of 20% character will be :(1) octahedral (2) tetrahedral(3) square planer (4) triangular bipyramidal74. The pH of a solution is 5. If the dilution of this solution is increased by 100 times,the pH value will be :(1) 5 (2) 7 (3) 9 (4) 875. The required amount of oxygen for combustion of 20 ml. of gaseoushydrocarbon is 50 ml. The hydrocarbon will be :(1) C 2 H 2 (2) C 2 H 4 (3) C 2 H 6 (4) C 3 H 476. The formula of Celestine is :(1) SrSO 4 (2) SrCO 3 (3) SrO (4) SrCl 277. CuCl 2 + →→Cu + Cl 2 . The required amount of electricity for this reaction is :(1) 4 faraday (2) 2 faraday (3) 1 faraday (4) 3 faraday78. Nitrogen does not forms NF 5 because :(1) The bondenergy of N≡N is very high(2) Vaccent d-orbitals are not present(3) N belongs to V group(4) There is inert effect79. The normal temperature when raised by 10 0 C, the rate of reaction will be :(1) lowered by 2 times(2) increased by 2 times(3) lowered by 10 times(4) increased by 10 times80. Which of the following gives red precipitate with ammonical cuprouschloride :(1) Propane (2) Ethane (3) Methane (4) Acetylene

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