RELS 115 syllabus fall 2012 - Department of Religious Studies

RELS 115 syllabus fall 2012 - Department of Religious Studies RELS 115 syllabus fall 2012 - Department of Religious Studies
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<strong>RELS</strong> <strong>115</strong> Religion & Society in India & TibetTues/Thurs 1:40-2:55 in ECTR 103Lecture Topics and Reading Schedule for <strong>RELS</strong> <strong>115</strong>The following schedule <strong>of</strong> topics and the list <strong>of</strong> readings is provisional. Selections from theElectronic Readings [ER] on OAKS are numbered sequentially. For a complete list <strong>of</strong> thesources <strong>of</strong> the assigned readings found on OAKS, see pp. 6-7 below.Week 1Introduction: What is Religion and how do we study it in a secular school?8/21 Organization <strong>of</strong> Course and Introduction to the Academic Study <strong>of</strong> Religion8/23 The Social Construction <strong>of</strong> Reality & the Role <strong>of</strong> Religion: The Truman Show as Myth(ER #1-3: “Thinking about Being a Student <strong>of</strong> Religion;” “The Meaning <strong>of</strong> The TrumanShow; “The Sacred Rac”) RC #1 due Clips from the film The Truman ShowWeek 2The Classical Hindu Worldview: Dreams, Illusion and Reality8/28 Getting Inside the Heads <strong>of</strong> Hindus: What is Real, What is Illusory?(ER #5-6: “Vedanta” and “The Indian Life”) RC #2 due8/30 The Order <strong>of</strong> the Hindu Universe: Dharma(ER #7-8: “Hindu Ways <strong>of</strong> Being <strong>Religious</strong>;” and Hindu scripture selections: “That YouAre; Creation <strong>of</strong> the Caste System; Four Castes; Stages <strong>of</strong> Life for a Twice-Born Man”)Week 3The Hindu Social World: Caste and Gender Hierarchies9/4 Caste as Institution: the Inner Experience <strong>of</strong> Hierarchy, Purity, and Pollution(ER #9: “The Hierarchical Man”) RC #39/6 The Position <strong>of</strong> Women in Hindu Patriarchal Society(ER#10: “Indian Women: Traditional and Modern”)Documentary: Saheri’s ChoiceWeek 4Rules for Disposing <strong>of</strong> the Dead; the Lives <strong>of</strong> Hindu Wives9/11 Hindu Rites <strong>of</strong> Passage: Marrying and Burying(ER #11-12: “The Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Hinduism;” Scriptural selections on “Marriage; How toPerform a Funeral Sacrifice”) In-class quiz on Hinduism9/13 Purity and Pollution in a Brahmin Village: Rite for a Dead Man(Samskara, pp. 1-46) RC #4Week 5Lives <strong>of</strong> Widows & Renunciants: Ascetic Withdrawal or Social Engagement?9/18 Hindu wives and widows in novel and in film(Samskara, pp. 46-64; ER#13: “The Politics <strong>of</strong> Melodrama in Water”) RC #5Clips from Water (dir. by Deepa Mehta, 2006)3

<strong>RELS</strong> <strong>115</strong> Religion & Society in India & TibetTues/Thurs 1:40-2:55 in ECTR 1039/20 Living with the Dead: Interpreting Samskara(Samskara, pp. 65-138) 2 page essay on Samskara due in class!Week 6Gandhi’s Life and Ideals9/25 Gandhi’s First “Experiments with Truth”(Gandhi’s Autobiography: The Story <strong>of</strong> My Experiments with Truth pp. vii-27) RC #69/27 Gandhi’s Reformed Hinduism: Chastity, Caste Reform, and Non-Violence(Gandhi’s Autobiography, pp. 59-61; 179-185; 235-245; 295-303; 354-358; 453-4)Documentary: Gandhi, Pilgrim <strong>of</strong> PeaceWeek 7Gandhi as the “Great Soul” <strong>of</strong> India and Gandhian Reforms Today10/2 Gandhi’s Principles <strong>of</strong> Non-Violent Resistance and Universal Welfare(ER #14: “M.K. Gandhi: India’s ‘Great Soul’”) RC #7Clips from Gandhi (Ben Kingsley as Gandhi)10/4 A Gandhi Activist creates a new “Broom Wielding Goddess <strong>of</strong> Good Governance”(ER #15: “Emergency Avatar <strong>of</strong> a Secular Goddess!”)Week 8Yoga in America Today: Do Indians “Own” Yoga?10/9 Midterm Exam in class10/11 Yoga in America Today: Cultural Clash <strong>of</strong> East and West(ER #15.3-15.5: “The Art <strong>of</strong> Breathing” and “Yoga for Skeptics”) RC #8Week 9Buddhist Beginnings in India: Retracing the Footsteps <strong>of</strong> the Buddha10/16 The Story <strong>of</strong> the Buddha: Birth to Enlightenment(ER #16: “The Early Life <strong>of</strong> the Buddha”) RC #910/18 The Mission <strong>of</strong> the Buddha: Monasticism and Merit(ER #17: “The Legend <strong>of</strong> the Buddha Shakyamuni”)Week 10Buddhism Comes to Tibet, the “Land <strong>of</strong> Snows”10/23 The Myth <strong>of</strong> Tibet’s Founding Father(ER #18: “Tibet: Introduction”) RC #1010/25 Tibetan Buddhist Monasticism and the Search for a Spiritual Monarch(ER #19: “The First Step…Coming Back”)Documentary: The Reincarnation <strong>of</strong> Khensur Rinpoche4

<strong>RELS</strong> <strong>115</strong> Religion & Society in India & TibetTues/Thurs 1:40-2:55 in ECTR 103Week 11Of ‘Magic and Mystery’ in Tibetan Religion10/30 The Origins and History <strong>of</strong> the Dalai Lama Institution(ER #20: “Tibet’s Buddhist Background…the Fourteen Dalai Lamas”) RC #1111/1 The Role <strong>of</strong> Oracles in Tibetan Religion and Politics(Dalai Lama, Freedom in Exile, pp. 209-220)In-class Quiz on Indian and Tibetan BuddhismWeek 12Early Life <strong>of</strong> the 14 th Dalai Lama in Tibet11/6 Election Day—no classes11/8 Who is the Dalai Lama? How was He Discovered?(Freedom in Exile, pp. xiii-48) RC #12Week 13The Dalai Lama in Exile11/13 The Chinese Invasion and Occupation <strong>of</strong> Tibet(Freedom in Exile, pp. 49-81)Film: Kundun11/15 The Exodus(Freedom in Exile, pp. 123-143) RC #13Film: KundunWeek 14Dalai Lama as the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Symbol <strong>of</strong> Tibet11/20 The Dalai Lama’s Vision <strong>of</strong> a Future Tibet(ER #21-22: “Dalai Lama’s Nobel Prize Speech” and “The Conundrum”)Documentary: Compassion in Exile Term paper due in class!11/22 Thanksgiving Break: Give Thanks, Eat TurkeyWeek 15Tibetan Buddhism in the West11/27 Virtual Tibet: Searching for Shangri-la from the Himalayas to Hollywood(ER #23: “My Tibet and Ours…Illusion and Reality”) RC #14Documentary: Dreams <strong>of</strong> Tibet11/29 The Dalai Lama Comes to Hollywood: Tinseltown Tulkus(ER # 24-5: “The Dalai Lama Comes to Hollywood…Tinseltown Tulkus;”also “Lama in the Hood…On Retreat with Pema Jones Rinpoche”) RC #1512/11 Final Exam 12-3 pm5

<strong>RELS</strong> <strong>115</strong> Religion & Society in India & TibetTues/Thurs 1:40-2:55 in ECTR 103<strong>RELS</strong> <strong>115</strong> OAKS Articles: A Bibliography <strong>of</strong> SourcesPlease use this information in your bibliography when you cite these sources for your term paper.Week 1: Introduction1. Gary E. Kessler, “Thinking about Being a Student <strong>of</strong> Religion” from Studying Religion, 3 rdedition. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2008, pp. 1-13.2. Ken Sanes, “The Meaning <strong>of</strong> The Truman Show” 6 pp. Used with the author’s permissionfrom Patricia Hughes, “The Sacred Rac,” Focusing on Global Poverty and Development, ed. byJayne C. Millar (Washington D.C. Overseas Development Council, 1974), p. 357-8.Week 2: Classical Hindu Worldview4.5. “Vedanta” and “Shankara’s Crest Jewel <strong>of</strong> Discrimination,” from Ways <strong>of</strong> Being <strong>Religious</strong>(Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing, 2000), pp. 143-145.6. Herman Hesse, “The Indian Life,” from Magister Ludi (New York: Frederick UngarPublishing Co.), pp. 468-502.7. Gary E. Kessler, “Hindu Ways <strong>of</strong> Being <strong>Religious</strong>,” from Ways <strong>of</strong> Being <strong>Religious</strong>(Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing, 2000), pp. 103-111.8. “That You Are, The Creation <strong>of</strong> the Caste System, The Four Castes, Stages <strong>of</strong> Life for aTwice-Born Man and The Life <strong>of</strong> Woman” from Anthology <strong>of</strong> World Scriptures, ed. byRobert E. Van Voorst, 3 rd Edition (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 2000), pp. 36-38,40-44.Week 3: The Hindu Social World9. Sudhir Kakar and Katharina Kakar, “The Hierarchical Man” and “The Inner Experience <strong>of</strong>Caste” from The Indians: Portrait <strong>of</strong> a People (Delhi: Penguin Books India, 2009), pp. 7-40.10. Sudhir Kakar and Katharina Kakar, “Indian Women: Traditional and Modern” from TheIndians: Portrait <strong>of</strong> a People (New Delhi: Penguin Books India, 2009), pp. 41-70.Week 4: Rules for Disposing <strong>of</strong> the Dead; the Lives <strong>of</strong> Hindu Wives11. David M. Knipe, “The Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Hinduism” from Hinduism: Experiments in the Sacred(San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco), pp. 119-128.12. Wendy Doniger O’ Flaherty ed., “Marriage 5.3-5.3.4” and “How to Perform a FuneralSacrifice 5.5.4-5.5.5” Textual Sources for the Study <strong>of</strong> Hinduism (Chicago: University <strong>of</strong>Chicago Press, 1988), pp. 101-105; 125-129.Week 5: Hindu Wives and Widows13. Fincina Hopgood, “The Politics <strong>of</strong> Melodrama in Deepa Mehta’s ‘Water’” in MetroMagazine Issue 149 (Autumn 2006), pp. 142-147.Week 7: Gandhi as the “Great Soul” <strong>of</strong> India14. Stephen Hay, “M. K. Gandhi: India’s “Great Soul,” Sources <strong>of</strong> Indian Tradition, 2nd ed.,Vol. 2, (New York: Columbia U. P., 1988), pp. 247-274.15. Madhu Purnima Kishwar, “Emergency Avatar <strong>of</strong> a Secular Goddess!” from Manushi: AJournal about Women and Society issue 147 (March-April 2005), pp. 4-14. Available online: 8: Yoga in America15.3 Reetika Vazirani, “The Art <strong>of</strong> Breathing,”Prairie Schooner Vol.75.3 (Fall 2001), 63-75.15.5 Elizabeth Kadetsky, “Yoga for Skeptics” (2004) from the website:

<strong>RELS</strong> <strong>115</strong> Religion & Society in India & TibetTues/Thurs 1:40-2:55 in ECTR 103Week 9: Buddhist Beginnings in India16. Zeff Bjerken, “The Early Life <strong>of</strong> the Buddha.”17. Edward Conze, “The Legend <strong>of</strong> the Buddha Shakyamuni,” Buddhist Scriptures (New York:Penguin Books, 1959), pp. 34-66.Week 10: Buddhism Comes to Tibet18. Thupten Jigme Norbu and Colin Turnbull, “Introduction” and “The Legend <strong>of</strong> theBeginning” from Tibet (New York: Simon and Schuster, pp. 7-32.19. Vicki Mackenzie, “The First Step” and “Coming Back” from Reborn in the West: TheReincarnation Masters (New York: Marlowe and Company, 1996), pp. 1-10; 88-102.Week 11: Of ‘Magic and Mystery’ in Tibetan Religion20. Glenn Mullin, “Introduction” to Mystical Verses <strong>of</strong> a Mad Dalai Lama, pp. 3-19.Week 14: DL as Nobel Peace Prize Laureate21. Dalai Lama, “His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech,” (Oslo:University Aula, December 10, 1989), available online.22. Pico Iyer, “The Conundrum” from his The Open Road: The Global Journey <strong>of</strong> theFourteenth Dalai Lama (New York, Alfred Knopf, 2008), pp. 5-30.Week 15: Tibetan Buddhism in the West23. Orville Schell, “My Tibet and Ours” and “Illusion and Reality” from Virtual Tibet:Searching for Shangri-la from the Himalayas to Hollywood (New York: Henry Holt, 2000),pp. 3-12, 205-221.24. Orville Schell, “The Dalai Lama Comes to Hollywood” and “Tinseltown Tulkus” fromVirtual Tibet: Searching for Shangri-la from the Himalayas to Hollywood (New York: HenryHolt, 2000), pp. 42-74.25. Chris Helms interviews Pema Jones Rinpoche, “Lama in the Hood” and “On Retreat withPema Jones Rinpoche,” CyberSangha: The Buddhist Alternative Journal (Spring 1996, andWinter/Spring 1997). Available on-line at: for the Term Paper Topics (You may cite these sources in the term paper)26. Klaus K. Kostermaier, “Mahatma Gandhi: A Twentieth Century Karmayogi,” A Survey <strong>of</strong>Hinduism 2 nd edition (SUNY Press, 1994), pp. 447-460.27. V. S. Naipaul, “A Defect <strong>of</strong> Vision,” from India: A Wounded Civilization (New York:Vintage, 1976), pp.101-122.28. Erik Erikson, “A Personal Word” from Gandhi’s Truth: On the Origins <strong>of</strong> MilitantNonviolence (New York: Norton, 1969), pp. 229-25429. Jamyang Norbu, “Non-Violence and Non-Action: Comparing Gandhi’s and the Tibetans’Practice <strong>of</strong> Satyagraha”30. Ainslie T. Embree, “Mahatma Gandhi: A Vision <strong>of</strong> the Good Life” from The HinduTradition: Readings in Oriental Thought (New York: Random House, 1966), pp. 339-343.31. Brent Plate, “Introduction: Worldmaking Onscreen and at the Altar” from Religion and Film:Cinema and the Re-Creation <strong>of</strong> the World (London: Wallflower, 2008), pp. 1-17.32. Patrick Olivelle, trans. Life <strong>of</strong> the Buddha by Asvaghosa (New York University Press, 2008),pp. xix-lv; 230-241.33. Lynn Teskey Denton, Female Ascetics in Hinduism (Albany, SUNY Press, 2004), pp. 1-55.34. Meena Khandelwal, “Sannyasinis as Women,” from Women in Ochre Robes: GenderingHindu Renunciation, (Albany, SUNY Press, 2004), pp. 175-202.7

<strong>RELS</strong> <strong>115</strong> Religion & Society in India & TibetTues/Thurs 1:40-2:55 in ECTR 103<strong>RELS</strong> <strong>115</strong>: Important Terms for the Study <strong>of</strong> Religion in Indian & Tibetan SocietyThese are technical terms that you must know in order to do well on the exams and quizzes.Keep this list handy as you read the assignments, and write down their definitions and meanings.This list is provisional and subject to change.Hinduism: For help on the Hindu terms below, consult the “Notes” at the end <strong>of</strong> Samskara.Upanishad, samsara, karma, reincarnation, maya, yoga, Brahman, atman, guru, mokshaHindu/Hinduism, Aryan, Vedas, Dharma, caste (varna and jati), Four Classes, twice-bornHomo hierarchicus, joint vs. nuclear family, filial devotion, nepotism, Dalit/UntouchablePurity vs. dirty, daughter discrimination, misogyny in Laws <strong>of</strong> Manu, arranged vs. love marriagesKamasutra, jodi, sati, funeral pyre, Four Stages <strong>of</strong> Life, Brahmacarya, sannyasinDeepa Mehta, Varanasi, widow ashram, holi festival, power <strong>of</strong> pathos, Hindu fundamentalismSamskara, mantra, sacrificial fire, initiation, sacred thread, shraddha rite, acharya, food taboosGandhi, Kasturbha, karmayogin, purdah, Theosophy, Mahatma, fastingsatyagraha, vows, ashram, ahimsa, spinning wheel, Harijan, home rule, Madhu KishwarEmergency ethics, avatara, Manushi, shakti, iconography <strong>of</strong> Goddess <strong>of</strong> Good GovernanceBuddhism in India and TibetShakyamuni, Siddhartha, Gotama, Buddha, bodhisattva, Bodh Gaya, shramana, BuddhacaritaThree Jewels (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha), Middle Way, Three Marks <strong>of</strong> Existenceno-self (anatman), Vinaya, Four Noble Truths, Field <strong>of</strong> Merit, ordination, hair cutting ceremonySix Rebirth Realms, hell/purgatory,Wheel <strong>of</strong> Life, Chenrezi, bodhisattva, monkey & ogressTulku, Rinpoche, Lama, reincarnation vs rebirth, DharamsalaDalai Lama, “god-king,” Kundun, Potala, Lhasa, the “Great Fifth,” long-life prayer, RegentNechung oracle, spirit medium, Dorje Drakden, trance state, prophecyNorbulingka, enthronement ceremony, 17 Point Agreement, 5 Point Peace PlanNobel Prize Acceptance speech, Zone <strong>of</strong> Ahimsa, Compassion in ExileShangri la/Shambhala, Kalacakra Initiation, Panchen Lama, Seven Years in TibetCyberSangha, Pema Jones, Tinseltown Tulkus, Steven Seagal, Richard GereAnalytic terms used in the Academic Study <strong>of</strong> ReligionTheology, Insider’s vs Outsider’s perspectives on religion, empathy, bracketing, ablutionSocial construction <strong>of</strong> reality, hierarchy, rite <strong>of</strong> passage, liminal stateCharismatic authority, hagiography, cosmology, asceticism, cultural assimilation, modernismSpiritual materialism, sectarianism, ecumenicism, interfaith dialogue, theocracy, OrientalismTerms to Avoid: supernatural, superstition, primitive, idolatry, devil worshipWeb Resources:India WWW Virtual Library:’s Official Website: http://webBuddhist <strong>Studies</strong> WWW Virtual Library: Peace Fellowship: Lama’s Official Website: Wheel <strong>of</strong> Life: Buddhism, including State Oracle:

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