The Annual - Casino Chip & Gaming Tokens Collectors Club

The Annual - Casino Chip & Gaming Tokens Collectors Club The Annual - Casino Chip & Gaming Tokens Collectors Club


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Annual</strong>Bruce LandauMemorial Auction20 th <strong>Annual</strong> ConventionOf <strong>The</strong><strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token<strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, Inc.Part I – Silent Auction – June 21 s t , 2012(At the auction table on the bourse floor)Part II – Thursday Night – June 21 s t , 2012(7.00pm, Room – Sonoma A)At theSouth Point Hotel and <strong>Casino</strong>Las Vegas, Nevada

successful bidder fails to pay all amounts due, the Auctioneer reserves the right to resell the merchandise orreturn it to the consignor and the buyer agrees to pay for the reasonable costs of such a sale including aseller’s commissions, and also to pay any difference between the resale price and the price of his previouslysuccessful bid. All payments will be made to CC&GTCC.6. ALL SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS WHO ARE PRESENT AT THE CONVENTION (regardless of whether they were inthe live auction room) must pay for their lots before the end of the convention with no exceptions.7. Nevada Sales TAX will be added to the price of all lots purchased and taken at the time of the sale.Lots that are shipped out of Nevada to the buyer will not be charged sales tax, but will be subject to shippingand insurance charges per the schedule at the front of this catalog. Dealers with valid resale licenses MUSTPROVIDE a copy of their resale number to the cashier to avoid sales tax.8. All bidders who have mailing addresses outside the United States of America, the Territories of theUSA, Canada or Mexico, or have addresses through the U.S. Military and persons who have APO or FPO boxnumbers must deposit with the Auctioneer 25% of the total amount bid in U.S.A. dollars unless terms andarrangements have been agreed in advance with the Auction Chairman or Auctioneer. Any portion of suchdeposit not used will be promptly refunded after the sale.9. <strong>The</strong> Auctioneer is selling only such right or title to the merchandise being sold as Auctioneer may haveby virtue of his consignment agreements on the date of sale and disclaims any warranty of title to themerchandise. Any description of the gaming checks, gaming tokens or other items contained in this catalog isfor the sole purpose of identifying the items in the lot and no description of the lots has been made part ofthe basis of the bargain or has created any express warranty that the goods would conform to any descriptionmade by the Auctioneer. <strong>The</strong> Auctioneer disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for anyparticular purpose. All lots are guaranteed to be genuine.10. <strong>The</strong> descriptions provided in this catalog are intended solely for the use of those bidders who cannotview the lots in person prior to bidding. All bidders who have inspected the lots prior to the auction will notbe granted any return privileges, except for reasons of authenticity. It is presumed that all floor biddershave inspected the lots prior to bidding. <strong>The</strong>refore, lots purchased by floor bidders are sold “as is” and mayNOT be returned. Floor bidders include those bidders acting as agent for others. No claims of any kind(except for reasons of authenticity) can be considered after the settlements have been made with theconsignors. Any dispute after the settlement date, June 21, 2012, is strictly between the bidder andconsignor without involvement or responsibility of the Auctioneer. <strong>The</strong> Auctioneer or affiliates may consignitems to be sold in this auction sale, and may bid on those items or any other in the sale. <strong>The</strong> Auctioneer oraffiliates expressly reserves the right to modify its bids on these items or any others at any time based upondata made known to the Auctioneer or its affiliate. In the event of an attribution error, the Auctioneer may,at the Auctioneer’s sole discretion, correct the error orally at the sale, or, if discovered at a later date, torefund the buyer’s money without further obligation. Under no circumstances shall the obligation of theAuctioneer to any bidder be in excess of the buyer’s premium for any lot in dispute. If any disputes ariseregarding payment or authenticity, or grading between bidder and Auctioneer, or any other matter pertainingto the sale, the bidder, a participant or the Auctioneer the dispute shall be submitted, if otherwise mutuallyunresolved to binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association(A.A.A.). If an election not made within (10) days of an unresolved dispute, Auctioneer may elect the <strong>Casino</strong><strong>Chip</strong> and <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> (CC&GTCC). An award granted in arbitration enforceable in anycourt. BY THE ACT OF PLACING BIDS IN THIS AUCTION, YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF SALE. As statedin the call for lots, there will be a 10% commission fee to the seller on all RESERVED & UNRESERVED lots.11. Consignors have the right to protect their own UNRESERVED lots by bidding in advance, by proxy or inthe live auction room. A consignor that buys back his lot will pay the regular 10% buyers premium but the10% sellers commission will be waived.12. Estimates of the value of lots are based on our knowledge of the market and rarity of the item. Unlessspecifically noted, all lots in the sale are to be sold without reserve. Reserve lots are noted. Lots have beenfully described as accurately as we can. Grading of the lots is generally based on the OFFICIAL CC&GTCCGRADE & CONDITION DESCRIPTIONS.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 3

GRADING DESCRIPTIONS or STANDARDS are a result of natural use of chips and tokens. <strong>The</strong> following fivegrades have been adopted and endorsed by the <strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong>: NEW, SLIGHTLYUSED, AVERAGE, WELL-USED and POOR.GAMING CHECKS & CHIPS:GRADENew (N)DESCRIPTION OF GRADENever used in games; square and round edge chips will be as from themanufacturer with absolutely no wear, no dings or nicks; no scratches onsurface of chip or inlay.Slightly Used (SU)Average (A)Well-Used (WU)Poor (P)Only slight signs of use, edge still crisp but ever so slightly dulled with verylittle wear; cross hatching may show slight wear near edge; few or no edgenicks; still retains luster in mold design; bold hot-stamp; inlays excellent.Typical chip found in play after months/years of use; slightly rounded edges;will have minor defects such as small nicks on edges; inlays are beginning toshow even wear and about half of the cross hatching has worn from the bodysurface; hot-stamps have dulled, beginning to show even wear and may bemissing a small amount of foil.Moderate and uniform wear of edge, surface and hot stamp; noticeable edgenicks and/or surface scratches; no luster in mold design; cross hatching isnearly worn off; hot-stamp is still readable but much of the foil is missing.Edges that were formerly sharp and square, are now well worn like bicycletires; Original hot-stamp foil is mostly missing with only the recesses visible(may have to hold towards a light); moderate to large chips (nicks); surfacecross hatching barely visible (if at all); severe scratches to inlay or chipsurface; severe color fading; partial war up to half of CHIPCO design from theedge of the chip. (Damage, such as cracks, breaks, missing inlay or other chipstructure, does not apply to this category.)Specimen, Sample, Produced by the manufacturer as imprimaturs of a type of chip, or forPrototype, Pattern submission to a gaming operator or gaming control authority asrepresentative, for approval. May or may not be completely finished.GAMING TOKENS:GRADENew (N)Slightly Used (SU)Average (A)DESCRIPTION OF GRADENever used in games or slot machines; only slight handling marks on higherrelief surfaces, commonly referred to as “bag marks’ from being jostled upondelivery; original mint luster and sheen present; no signs of wear [Comparewith coin standard “brilliant uncirculated” and “uncirculated.”Near mint condition with minimum circulation; very minor rubs & scratches;retains most of the luster & sheen. [Compare with coin standard “almostuncirculated.”]Typical token found in play after months/years of play; will display manysurface scratches and edge dings; may still retain a little luster or sheen.[Compare with coin standard “circulated.”]<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 4

Well-Used (WU)Poor (P)Specimen, SamplePrototype, PatternScratches, dents, no luster or sheen; well-used token that has seenconsiderable use. [Compare with coin standard “very circulated.”]Severe edge dings and/or scratches/ gouges; pitted, corroded or blackened.[Compare with coin standard “worn.”]Produced by the manufacturer as imprimaturs of a type of token, or forsubmission to a gaming operator or gaming control authority as representativefor approval. May or may not be completely finished.CONDITION DESCRIPTIONS or STANDARDS are unnatural changes in chips and tokens as a result of othercauses. Specimens in this “Condition” category may be graded in any of the five “Grading Descriptions.” Acancelled, damaged or defective chip or token can be graded in any category from “NEW” to “POOR.”However, a dirty, cracked or faded chip cannot be graded as NEW, even if it has not been played in a casino.It is not in the original grade as when it was made. <strong>The</strong> “Condition” category consists of the following termsthat should be used as qualifiers to further accurately describe the five grades: (Examples: New/Clipped;Average/Warped)1. CANCELLED or MODIFIED (Either by the manufacturer or the casino)A. Drilled C. Overstamped E. Bent G. PlatedB. Notched D. Clipped F. Painted2. DAMAGEA. Severe nicks or chunksB. Loose or missing inlayC. CrackedD. BrokenE. WarpedF. Permanent stainG. Severe fadingH. Cigarette burn(s), fire damageI. Over-cleaningJ. Severe scratching or gougingK. Shaved edge (example: to fit in a bezel)L. Water damageM. Burial damageN. Clouding of sterling silver tokens, a symptom of PVC exposureO. CorrosionP. Anodized for different colorsQ. PlatedR. Obliteration of details3. MANUFACTURER DEFECTS OR MODIFICATIONSA. Inlay or die strike off-center (slight, moderate, extreme)B. Some of the script or photo is missing from the inlayC. Some of the hot-stamp is missingD. Manufacturer modification (example: one side of chip includesmanufacturer’s advertising information, even though the other side uses theactual casino chip design)E. Ivory chips only - nerve holes (small, moderate, or extreme, as a “seethrough”)F. Foreign material struck into tokens<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 5

4. MANUFACTURER ERRORS5. PROOF or PROOF-LIKEA. Incorrect inlay or graphic (example: Inlay or graphic is supposed to bedifferent on each side of chip, but it is the same; mismatched dies used fortokens)B. Wrong moldC. Double-strike (token) or of hot-stamp (chip)D. Mistake in color or number of edge insertsE. Strikes on metals other than standard (tokens)F. Railroad edge strikesG. Planchet clips (tokens)H. Strikes on wrong size planchets (tokens)For tokens, pieces produced on highly polished planchets and double-struck toproduce an exceptional image on a mirror-like surface.6. CLEANLINESS (or the lack thereof, resulting in a soiled chip or token)This may not be a permanent condition. To clean or not to clean is the choice of the owner.While cleaning chips is a commonly accepted practice for aesthetic or hygienic purposes, itdoes not improve the grade but may damage the chip and diminish its value and grade. Onthe other side, non-cleaning should have no effect on the grade unless the specimen is sodirty that grading is not possible. In a situation involving a permanent stain that cannot heeasily removed, the chip or token will fall into the “Damaged” category. Some collectorstake the position that chips and tokens should remain in their ‘natural state” and should notbe cleaned.How to Bid in the AuctionThank you for your interest in our CC&GTCC Auction 2012 sale. We are happy to offer an outstandingselection of gaming checks from around the world and Nevada. Please read our terms of sale carefully. Wewish you luck in your bids. Some of the following information will assist you in your bids.<strong>The</strong> price estimate ranges shown are what we believe to be a reasonable minimum range for the lots. Wewill not accept a “buy” bid on any lot. We reserve the right to refuse “blanket” or “total value” bids. Wereserve the right to reject any bid.We have illustrated all of the lots. We feel that many of the lots are nicer than they might appear in theillustrations. Please realize that the financial limitations of reproducing photos at a reasonable cost in asmall catalog can govern our quality. We have made every effort to correctly describe the lots and give atrue evaluation of their condition. All of the lots have been graded based on CC&GTCC grading standards forchecks, tokens or other material.We will be taking advance bids prior to the convention this year. Also, club members will have theopportunity to request a proxy bid for any lot in the auction. Any club member that would like to either bid inadvance, or have a member of the auction committee serve as proxy bidder on their behalf, email (preferred)or mail their bids to the auction chairman at the address below. Please indicate the lot# and your maximumbid for each lot and whether you are bidding in advance or by proxy. Of course, please include your name,address, and club membership number. Advance and proxy bids must be RECEIVED no later than Wednesday,June 13, 2012.Please remember to bid in accordance with the bidding increments stated in the terms and conditions above,and also that in the event of equal bids, the earliest received will take precedence.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 6

Send your advance and proxy bids to:David Spragg38 Oak Tree RoadMarlowBucks, SL7 3EEUnited Kingdome-mail: or auction@cctgcc.comor, toDavid Spragg840 S Rancho Dr #4314Las Vegas, NV 89106If you have no other way to contact us, you can reach Jay Sands at (818) 257 2177Acknowledgements:Donated lots – this year I am pleased to say that 25% of the entire auction is composed of donatedlots where the CC&GTCC retains 100% of the proceeds. As some donations have been split orcombined, I am listing all the donors here – Our thanks, in no particular order, go to David Sarles,David Spragg, Tom Dixon, Doug Smith, Wendy Schultz, Carey Burke, Jim Myers, Michael Downey,Nate Pincus, Alex Cilento and Jim Blanchard.Apologies for the few single donated chips where only one side is shown – this is as I had split largerlots where I was only going to show one side. <strong>The</strong> chips affected are generally of lower value and anydefects on reverse are described.As always, thanks must go to Alex Cilento, who is in charge of the auction table on the conventionfloor; from organizing the auction lots on the tables to scheduling the volunteers who man the tablesduring the convention, and my thanks extend to all those volunteers, including Toni Tricoli andSunday Silverman for the final crosschecking and Mark Russell for the bidder registration.Special thanks one again go to Mark Englebretson’s <strong>The</strong> Nevada <strong>Casino</strong> Ashtray Project and its manycontributors for their contribution of images of those wonderful pictures and postcards in between thelots. You may visit this terrific website at: would like, also, to express our gratitude to Jay Sands and David Sarles, my new co-authors of <strong>The</strong><strong>Chip</strong> Rack, and James Campiglia and Steve Wells, the authors of <strong>The</strong> Official U.S. <strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> PriceGuide, for allowing us to use their descriptions and other information.Additional thanks to Jay Sands who stepped back into the breach at the last minute in 2011 to recordthe auction sales. As assistant Auction Chairman for 2012, Jay prepared this catalog and will onceagain be present at the auction to ensure things run smoothly.And finally, I would like to give special thanks to both our auctioneer, Tyrus Mulkey, and to Jim Kruse,who has been a major part of the <strong>Club</strong> auction since its inception and has threatened to make yetanother guest appearance this year. <strong>The</strong> auctioneering ability and sense of humor of these two guyshas made the auction one of the highlights of the convention.David SpraggAuction Chairman<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 7

Auction Part IThursday, 21 st June 2012(At the auction table on the bourse floor- Silent auction closing at 5:00pm)Comprising 20 ‘donated’ lots(Lots A to T in this catalog)<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 8

DONATED LOTLot AMixed Lot of 16 Las Vegas and Nevada <strong>Chip</strong>sCatalog #: Various Mold: Various Condition: VariousEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1957 to 2003This is a nice lot of 16 Nevada chips, most ofwhich are obsolete.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 9

DONATED LOTLot BMixed Lot of 59 <strong>Gaming</strong> School <strong>Chip</strong>sCatalog #: Various Mold: Various Condition: VariousEst. Value: $200 - $300 Minimum Bid: $5 From: VariousThis is a lot of 59 <strong>Gaming</strong> School chips from allover… a VERY tough collection to assemble.Serious collectors should take time to view.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 10

DONATED LOTLot CLot of 7 Mixed “T” Mold Illegal <strong>Chip</strong>sCatalog #: N/A Mold: T’s Condition: NewEst. Value: $30 - $50 Minimum Bid: $5 From: VariousThis is a lot of 7 illegal chips made in Taylor’s “T” mold. <strong>The</strong> “JP” chip is from 1948,ordered by J. Barnett c/o Jerome Hotel, Hammond, IN. <strong>The</strong> Rising Sun <strong>Club</strong> was inGreenwood, MS and is printed on one side only (although this chip was not deliveredthere). “EB” was made for Ed Bulak in 1953. <strong>The</strong> “ACC” chip was ordered by ACChilders from Ft. Madison, IA in 1942. <strong>The</strong> “VB” piece was ordered by Vic Benetti ofEdwardsville, IL in 1952. <strong>The</strong> “VV” chips were made for A Randy of Chicago, IL in 1952.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 11

DONATED LOTLot DLot of 12 Borland Counterfeit Hotstamped <strong>Chip</strong>sCatalog #: Various Mold: Nevada/Dice & Cards Condition: NewEst. Value: $120 – 160 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1990sHere’s a set of 12 Borland counterfeit chips forNevada casinos made in the 80’s and 90’s inthe Nevada and Dice and Cards molds.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 12

DONATED LOTLot E4 $10 Silver Strikes Las VegasCatalog #: N/A Mold: Silver Strikes Condition: NewEst. Value: $40 - $50 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 2000sLot of 4 mixed Las Vegas $10 SilverStrikes.DONATED LOTLot F4 Desert Inn Roulettes Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: H.C.E. Condition: Well UsedEst. Value: $75 - $120 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1958A lot of four early H-Mold roulettes from the DesertInn from 1958. Listed as, N4252.rd,, and N4255.rd in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> Rack.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 13

DONATED LOTLot G$5 El Morocco <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: E4502 Mold: Diamond Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1940sThis is a beautiful diamond mold piecefrom the 1940’s, a very scarce chip. Thisone is in new condition.DONATED LOTLot H Lot of 4 $25 Fiesta North Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: <strong>Chip</strong>co Condition: NewEst. Value: $60 - $100 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1998<strong>The</strong> complete $25 “Royal Flush” set from the Fiesta in North LasVegas. Listed in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> Rack as V2432, V2429, V2431, and V2430.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 14

DONATED LOTLot IFlamingo Roulette Las VegasCatalog #: V2452.c Mold: H.C.E. Condition: CancelledEst. Value: $60 - $75 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1950sAn early classic H-Mold roulette fromthe Flamingo in the 50’s.DONATED LOTLot J$25 and $100 Harold’s <strong>Club</strong> RenoCatalog #: N4556/N8505 Mold: House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1983<strong>The</strong>se are a pair of coin inlay chipsfrom Harold’s <strong>Club</strong> in Reno. In terrificcondition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 15

DONATED LOTLot KKeychain from Harvey’s Wagon Wheel Lake TahoeCatalog #: N/A Mold: N/A Condition: Very GoodEst. Value: $25 - 50 Minimum Bid: $5 From: UnknownNow, this is a very cool item…a keychain from Harveys thatcontains an actual silver dollar.Impress your friends with thisone!<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 16

DONATED LOTLot L13 <strong>Chip</strong>s - Hooters Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: House Condition: New/SUEst. Value: $130-160 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 2006I don’t think I would be alone in describing this as possibly the mostattractive set of chips ever issued by any casino anywhere. This is acomplete set of the first Calendar Girl chips from Hooters (issued one permonth in 2006). As a bonus, there is a $10 “Hooters Night Owl <strong>The</strong>atre”chip (also from 2006).<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 17

DONATED LOTLot M$100 Last Frontier Hotel Las VegasCatalog #: N6744 Mold: Small Key Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $125 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1944For those who like more traditional chips,they don’t come any more beautiful thanthis one. <strong>The</strong> intricate die cut metalinlay is nothing short of spectacular andit’s in amazing condition for a 68-yearold.DONATED LOTLot N$5 MGM Desert Inn Las VegasCatalog #: N1902 Mold: Bud Jones Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $30 - $40 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1988This was the brass-inlaid $5 chip thatwas used at the Desert Inn during itsownership by Kirk Kirkorian from1988 to 1991.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 18

DONATED LOTLot O$25 MGM Grand Las VegasCatalog #: N8736 Mold: House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $150 - $200 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1970sThis is a beautiful example ofa classic MGM Grand $25. Avery scarce piece.DONATED LOTLot P$5 Nashville Nevada <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N3810 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $30 - $40 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1961Nice clean example of this 1stissue $5 Nashville Nevada Christy& Jones mold hot stamp chip.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 19

DONATED LOTLot QNon-denomination Prospector RenoCatalog #: E9946 Mold: Arrows & Dice Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $125 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1950s<strong>The</strong> Prospector <strong>Club</strong> was a businessman’sestablishment in Reno. This very scarce piecewas put into use in the 1950’s and is inexcellent condition.DONATED LOTLot R$5 Sands RenoCatalog #: N5680 Mold: Large Key Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $15 - $20 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1978A first issue $5 from the Sands in Reno. <strong>The</strong>later variety has no zeros in the denomination.A classic.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 20

DONATED LOTLot S$5 Sonoma Inn WinnemuccaCatalog #: N3350 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $30 - $40 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1950sFor a 60 year old chip, this one’s a beauty. Abrown Christy and Jones hat and & cane moldchip with mustard inserts and the cowboy witha rope logo. In very slightly used condition.DONATED LOTLot T3 No Cash Value <strong>Chip</strong>s, State Line WinnemuccaCatalog #: E2629, -30, -31 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: NewEst. Value: $30 - $45 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1990sA great no cash value setfrom the State Line Hotel &<strong>Casino</strong> in Wendover with anice picture of WendoverWill on each one.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 21

Auction Part IIThursday, 21 st June 2012(7:00pm – Room Sonoma A)Comprising 181 consigned & donated lots(Lots U, and 1 to 180 in this catalog)<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 22

DONATED LOTLot U3 <strong>Chip</strong>s Commemorative <strong>Chip</strong>sCatalog #: N/A Mold: A-Crest Condition: NewEst. Value: Priceless Minimum Bid: $5 From: 2012<strong>The</strong>se great chips commemorating the 3 rd annual Greg Susong Memorial Get-together will be givenout at the event on the Tuesday evening before the convention. Only FIVE sets of serial numberedsets were made and this set (#1 of 5) has been donated to the <strong>Club</strong> Auction. Dig deep for this greatset honoring a great friend of the <strong>Club</strong> and the hobby!<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 23

Lot 160 Nevada Matchbook CoversCatalog #: N/A Mold: N/A Condition: VariousEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $5 From: VariousThis is a lot of 60 matchbook covers from Nevada. Agreat lot including some tough ones! Worth viewing.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 24

Lot 2Lot of 8 Atlantic City <strong>Chip</strong>sCatalog #: Various Mold: Various Condition: VariousEst. Value: $100 - $120 Minimum Bid: $50 From: VariousThis is a lot of 8 early-issue chips from Atlantic City, including piecesfrom the Atlantis, Boardwalk Regency, Hilton, Resorts, and the Sands.DONATED LOTLot 3Pair of Ivory <strong>Chip</strong>sCatalog #: N/A Mold: Ivory Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $25 - $50 Minimum Bid: $5 From: Long AgoThis is a lot of two ivory chips with a crossdesign. <strong>The</strong> red one has a tiny stain on oneside, but both are in great condition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 25

Lot 4$1 A-1 <strong>Casino</strong> WendoverCatalog #: N3743 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: AverageEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1956Here’s a very scarce chip from the A-1 <strong>Casino</strong> inWendover, NV. Put on the tables in 1956, this2 nd issue chip was made in the Christy & Joneshat and cane mold in mustard with 3 navyinserts and a gold hotstamp.Lot 5$5 A-1 <strong>Casino</strong> WendoverCatalog #: N8309 Mold: Diamond Condition: NewEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1940sThis one’s a first issue $5 from the came A-1<strong>Casino</strong> in Wendover. Manufactured in thediamond mold in the 1940’s it’s in newcondition with just a few microscopic edgenicks. Really a beautiful hotstamped chip.Lot 6$5 Aladdin Las VegasCatalog #: N4053 Mold: H.C.E. Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $250 - $300 Minimum Bid: $150 From: 1968You know this one. You’ve seen it on eBayin well-used condition, but your wallet justwon’t let you bid high enough to win one.Well, here’s your chance to win one inpremium condition, very slightly used andstarting at a very low level.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 26

Lot 7$5 Aladdin Las VegasCatalog #: N6018 Mold: Nevada Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1970Here’s another $5 Aladdin, this one from twoyears after the previous one in 1970.Manufactured in the Nevada mold with niceblue and yellow split inlays and in very slightlyused condition.Lot 8$20 Aladdin Baccarat Las VegasCatalog #: N1330.C Mold: House Condition: CancelledEst. Value: $25 - $30 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1980sInstead of spending $150 or so on an undrilledversion, you can pick up a cancelled version ofthis beautiful baccarat chip from the Aladdin fora song.DONATED LOTLot 9$500 Aladdin Resort & <strong>Casino</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: V7154.C Mold: House Condition: CancelledEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 2000<strong>The</strong> rack of chip from the Aladdin Resort &<strong>Casino</strong> manufactured in 2000 might be the themost beautiful series of chips ever put on thetables of a Las Vegas casino (unless you’re oneof those who prefer the Hooters type). Thisgorgeous high-denomination chip features apicture of Aladdin’s lamp.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 27

Lot 10Pair of Aspinalls plaques LondonCatalog #: N/A Mold: Plaque Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $50 - $100 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1970sNow these are some pretty cool looking plaques. <strong>The</strong> 50 is apink oval-shaped one with a clear lunette in the center. <strong>The</strong>100 is a white octagonal piece with a blue lunette. <strong>The</strong>se arerare pieces from John Aspinall’s first licensed London casino.RESERVED LOTLot 11$100 Atlantis Atlantic CityCatalog #: ATL-100 Mold: House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $3,000 - $4,000 Minimum Bid: $2,000 From: 1981Here’s a super-rare chip from the Atlantis<strong>Casino</strong> Resort in Atlantic City… a first issue$100 of which just 3 survivors are known.Sounds like this is one of the East-Coast holygrail chips.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 28

Lot 12$5 Atomic <strong>Club</strong> WinnemuccaCatalog #: N3151 Mold: Arrows & Dice Condition: NewEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1951This is the only known $5 chip thatwas used at the Atomic <strong>Club</strong> inWinnemucca, a yellow piecemanufactured in the desirable arodiemold.Lot 13$5 Bally’s Saloon & Gambling Hall Tunica, MSCatalog #: N/A Mold: House Condition: NewEst. Value: $40 - $60 Minimum Bid: $15 From: 1993This is a first issue chip from Bally’s inTunica, MS, which was pulled from thetables because the design was too darkto be read by the security cameras. Atough chip to find.Lot 14$100 Bally’s Grand Atlantic CityCatalog #: BAG-100b Mold: House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $300 - $400 Minimum Bid: $200 From: 1980sThis is a 3 rd issue $100 chip from Bally’sGrand in Atlantic City, a nice looking piecewith a holographic inlay. Quite scarce.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 29

Lot 15$100 Bally’s Park Place Atlantic CityCatalog #: BPP-100a Mold: House Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $300 - $400 Minimum Bid: $200 From: 1980sAnother tough $100 from Atlantic City. Thisone’s from the Park Place and features white andblue inserts and a star inlay.DONATED LOTLot 1610¢ Bank <strong>Club</strong> RenoCatalog #: N7400 Mold: Small Key Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $50 - $100 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1949Here’s an old classic hotstampedfractional from Reno, a red SmallGreek Key mold 10-cent piece fromthe Bank <strong>Club</strong>.DONATED LOTLot 17Lot of 4 BC Wills SamplesCatalog #: N/A Mold: Large Key Condition: NewEst. Value: $40 - $50 Minimum Bid: $5 From: N/AA lot of four sample chips from BC Wills in the Large Greek Keymold. <strong>The</strong> two chips on the left say “TRI HEAVY” on the reverse.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 30

RESERVED LOTLot 18$100 Boardwalk Regency Atlantic CityCatalog #: BOA-100a Mold: House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $800 - $1,000 Minimum Bid: $500 From: 1980sAnother very rare $100 chip from Atlantic City.This one is from the Boardwalk Regency andfeatures the star mold with 12 purple inserts.Lot 19$1 and $5 Brighton Atlantic CityCatalog #: BRI-1/BRI-5 Mold: House Condition: UNC/SUEst. Value: $50 - $80 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1980<strong>The</strong> Brighton opened in 1980 and was sold oneyear later and renamed <strong>The</strong> Sands (as good aname as any!). That’s why the chips from theBrighton are so valuable. <strong>The</strong> uncirculated $1chip is scarce in this condition, and the $5 isscares in ANY condition.DONATED LOTLot 2025¢ Cactus Pete’s JackpotCatalog #: N9395 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $50 - $100 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1970sDespite its plain-Jane looks, this is areally tough-to-find quarter chip fromCactus Pete’s in Jackpot, NV.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 31

DONATED LOTLot 21$5 Cactus Pete’s JackpotCatalog #: N3693 Mold: Christy & Jones Condition: AverageEst. Value: $150 - $200 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1960sIf you look carefully at the scan on the right you’llsee an edge flake at 3 o’clock. Now… removeyour eyes from the edge flake and focus on aclassic chip with the iconic Cactus Pete’s cactusand sun logo manufactured in Christy and Jones’hat and can mold. A “gotta have” chip.Lot 22Set of 5 Cactus Pete’s No Cash Value <strong>Chip</strong>s JackpotCatalog #: Various Mold: 8-Suits Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1980sThis is a nice-lookingtournament set fromCactus Pete’s, 5denominations done inthe 8-suits mold.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 32

DONATED LOTLot 2350¢ Caesars Palace Las VegasCatalog #: N1389 Mold: H.C.E. Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $125 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1966This is the beautiful 50-cent chip that was onthe tables when Caesars first opened in 1966.This specimen is in great condition.Lot 24$1 Caesars Palace Las VegasCatalog #: N4768 Mold: House Condition: NewEst. Value: $200 - $300 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1972This chip was unknown until about 8 yearsago when 93 (don’t quote me on thatnumber) were discovered by one of ouresteemed members. <strong>The</strong>y’re all in newcondition and they’re all in collections. It’srare when you see one for sale.Lot 25$5 Caesars Palace Las VegasCatalog #: N1387 Mold: House Condition: AverageEst. Value: $175 - $200 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1972Here’s the $5 companion piece to the chip inthe last lot, with Caesar lying on the bed,probably waiting for the grape girls toarrive.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 33

RESERVED LOTLot 26$5 Caesars Palace Las VegasCatalog #: N4033 Mold: H.C.E. Condition: Slightly UsedValue: $2,000 - $3,000 Minimum Bid: $1,300 From: 1966An extremely rare first issue $5 from Caesars, acompanion to the 50-cent piece in lot 23. It hasthe classic Caesar laying on the bed inlay butthis one was made on the H mold the year thatCaesars Palace opened.Lot 27$100 Caesars Palace Las VegasCatalog #: N4680 Mold: House Condition: NewEst. Value: $100 - $125 Minimum Bid: $90 From: 1996George Burns was scheduled to attend his 100 thbirthday celebration at Caesars on January 20,1996 but unfortunately he was too ill to attendand passed away shortly thereafter. <strong>The</strong>se chipsare all that remained of the celebration.Lot 28$1000 Caesars Palace Las VegasCatalog #: N8049 Mold: Plain Condition: AverageEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1990sThis is a very strange chip, issued byCaesars Palace in the 90s. A yellowplain mold with 12 black inserts.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 34

Lot 29$1 Cal-Neva Lodge Lake TahoeCatalog #: N6494 Mold: Rectangle Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1955From the famous Cal-Neva Lodge thatstraddled the California-Nevada border innorth Lake Tahoe comes this 12 th issue $1from 1955, a pretty black rectangle moldthat’s in slightly used condition.Lot 30$5 Cal-Neva Lodge Lake TahoeCatalog #: N7671 Mold: T’s Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1962This one’s from the Sinatraownership years, a blue T moldthat’s in almost perfect condition.Lot 3125¢ California <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N0778.C Mold: Diamond Condition: CancelledEst. Value: $100 - $125 Minimum Bid: $40 From: 1950sIn the 1950’s the California <strong>Club</strong> had 25-centchips manufactured in the diamond mold in 6different colors. This one, in well-usedcondition, started out as purple but has fadedover the years. Certainly not the mostattractive chip in the auction, but a classicnonetheless.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 35

Lot 32$100 California <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N1393 Mold: T’s Condition: NewEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1950sThis one’s a beauty. A salmon-colored T-mold with a bright blue hotstamp and 3black inserts.Lot 334 <strong>Chip</strong>s from the Cameo <strong>Casino</strong> Palo Alto, CACatalog #: N/A Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: AverageEst. Value: $30 - $50 Minimum Bid: $5 From: N/AThis is a lot of 4 chips from the Cameo <strong>Casino</strong>, which was open from1960 to 1992, contains a $1, $5, $10, and a non-denomination chip.Lot 34$5 <strong>Casino</strong> De Paris Lake TahoeCatalog #: N7118 Mold: Small Key Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $20 From: 1952A very pretty chip from Lake Tahoe fromthe <strong>Casino</strong> de Paris, which was only openfrom 1952 to 1954. A relativelyinexpensive chip from 60 years ago.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 36

Lot 35$20 CBS Sports World <strong>Casino</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N9457 Mold: 6-Suits Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 - $60 Minimum Bid: $20 From: 1997Just south of the Riviera there is a strip centerthat contained a casino that changed handsseveral times over the years… it was Big Red’sfrom 1981-1982, the Peppermill from 1982-1989,Dan’s Royal Flush from 1991-1996, CBS SportsWorld from 1997-1998, and finally the SportsWorld from 1998 to 2001. This is a $20 from theCBS Sport World iteration.Lot 36$25 CBS Sports World <strong>Casino</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N9460 Mold: 4-Suits Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 - $60 Minimum Bid: $20 From: 1997This is the matching $25 chip to the $20 inthe previous lot.Lot 3750¢ Circus Circus Las VegasCatalog #: N1463 Mold: Nevada Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $60 - $75 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 1968From the famous “ringmaster” series ofchips from the Circus Circus, this is oneof the most desirable Vegasfractionals. This specimen is in slightlyused condition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 37

Lot 3810¢ Confucius <strong>Club</strong> RenoCatalog #: E4161 Mold: Hourglass Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $125 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1950sHere’s a genuine rarity from Reno. Thissmall club/cafe operated at 222 LakeStreet in Reno in 1957, apparently for oneyear or less. <strong>The</strong> location was earlier thesite of the Lido <strong>Club</strong>, and later the HappyBuddha <strong>Club</strong>. <strong>The</strong> Confucius Café is listedin the 1957 Reno City Directory, but didnot last long enough to find its way into aphone book.Lot 39$5 Cotton <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N0341 Mold: Rectangle Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $1,500 - $2,000 Minimum Bid: $500 From: 1945<strong>The</strong> Cotton <strong>Club</strong> was located in the black businessdistrict on the west side of Las Vegas at 500 WestJackson St from 1945 to 1957. (Love & Lee’swould later occupy the site.) This beautiful firstissue $5 is a rare one, C&W rates it as an R-8,indicating that just 8 to 15 have survived.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 38

DONATED LOTLot 403 Plaques from the Curzon House <strong>Club</strong> London, UKCatalog #: N/A Mold: Plaques Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1970sHere are three great lookingplaques from the Curzon Housein London.Lot 41$5 Debbie Reynolds Las VegasCatalog #: E5437 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 - $60 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 1994Debbie Reynolds opened her casino at 305Convention Center Drive in 1993 after theprevious tenants (the Royal Inn and thePaddlewheel) couldn’t make it work. Debbiehad a tough time as well, selling the casino tothe World Wrestling Federation in 1998 (whocouldn’t get it licensed.) Here’s a tough tofind $5 in new condition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 39

Lot 42$5 Desert Inn Las VegasCatalog #: N7524 Mold: Dice & Cards Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $40 From: 1970sThis is a 13 th issue $5 from the DesertInn, distinctive due to the black fillingin the coin inlay.Lot 434 $25 <strong>Chip</strong>s from the Desert Inn Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $120 Minimum Bid: $60 From: 1991Here we have 2 chips from New Years 2000, featuring TonyBennett and Don Rickles, along with a 1997 “Rediscover theLegend) and a rack chip in excellent condition.Lot 44$5 Diamond Jim’s Jackpot, NVCatalog #: N8152 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: NewEst. Value: $70 - $100 Minimum Bid: $40 From: 1960Diamond Jim’s was open in the 60’s on USHighway 93. Except for one rare $25, theyexclusively used Christy & Jones’ hat and canmold chips. This is a first issue $5 in perfectcondition… a beauty!<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 40

Lot 45$5 Diamond Jim’s Jackpot, NVCatalog #: N8153 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: NewEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $60 From: 1960sAfter their first issue of chips, DiamondJims abandoned hotstamps in favor ofmuch nicer looking inlays, featuringDiamond Jim himself. This $5 is a 2 nd issuein uncirculated condition.DONATED LOTLot 46$25 Diamond Jim’s Jackpot, NVCatalog #: N3697 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: NewEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1960Here’s a first issue $25 fromDiamond Jim’s, again in perfectcondition.Lot 47$1 Dunes Las VegasCatalog #: N1506.1 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $175 - $200 Minimum Bid: $75 From: 1956This classic Dunes $1 chip featuring theSultan, is the darker and scarcer navy-coloredvariant. This one is in slightly used condition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 41

Lot 48$5 Dunes Las VegasCatalog #: N1515 Mold: House Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $300 - $350 Minimum Bid: $200 From: 1975Here’s a nice chip from the Dunes, abrown $5 house mold with split insertsthat’s in excellent condition. This isNOT a chip from the dig.Lot 49$5 Dunes Las VegasCatalog #: N1520 Mold: House Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $400 - $500 Minimum Bid: $300 From: 1973This $5 from the Dunes is scarcer thanthe one in the previous lot… an olivehouse mold with split inserts from the70s. Also in great condition.Lot 50$5 Dunes Las VegasCatalog #: N4300 Mold: Horse Heads Right Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $1,000 - $1,200 Minimum Bid: $700 From: 1972And finally, here’s a really rare $5 fromthe Dunes, a maroon HHR mold withsplit inserts of pink and mustard, inbeautiful shape.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 42

Lot 515 <strong>Chip</strong>s from the Dunes Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: House Condition: NewEst. Value: $60 - $80 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1989This lot contains 5 rack chips fromthe famous “golf course” series from1989. All in uncirculated condition.Lot 52$25,000 Dunes Las VegasCatalog #: N4641 Mold: House Condition: NewEst. Value: $125 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1989Here’s the tough one from the“golf course” series, an oversized$25,000 baccarat chip inuncirculated condition.Lot 53Non-denomination <strong>Club</strong> El Dorado Las VegasCatalog #: N9587 Mold: TK Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $35 From: c1948<strong>The</strong> El Dorado <strong>Club</strong> stood at 128 E.Fremont Street in downtown Las Vegasfrom 1947 to 1951, where Binion’s standstoday. Here’s a nice non-denominationchip manufactured in the TK mold thathas been used by just 8 Nevada casinos.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 43

DONATED LOTLot 5425¢ El Morocco Las VegasCatalog #: E4503 Mold: Large Crown Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1958Here’s a brand new example of thebeautiful 4 th issue 25¢ El Morocco hotstampedlarge crown mold chip.Lot 55$5 El Morocco Las VegasCatalog #: E8771 Mold: H.C.E. Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $200 - $250 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1950sAlmost uncirculated example of thisclassic 1950s $5 El Morocco 2 nd issue HCEmold chip.Lot 56$25 El Morocco Las VegasCatalog #: E4501 Mold: H.C.E. Condition: NewEst. Value: $200 - $250 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1950sThis is the $25 companion piece tothe $5 in the previous lot. A realbeauty with a picture of a zebra.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 44

Lot 57$5 El Rancho Vegas Las VegasCatalog #: N6714 Mold: Large Crown Condition: AverageEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 1946<strong>The</strong> “WC” stands for Wilbur Clark, thethen-owner of the El Rancho Vegas. A66-year old chip with a readablehotstamp and a nice piece of historyfrom the first “strip” casino.Lot 58$25 El Rey Resort Searchlight, NVCatalog #: N3781 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: NewEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1950sReally a beauty, this black Christyand Jones hat & cane mold chiphas a picture of owner WilllieMartello and is in unusedcondition.Lot 59Non-denomination Eldorado <strong>Club</strong> Henderson, NVCatalog #: N6962 Mold: Small Crown Condition: AverageEst. Value: $40 - $50 Minimum Bid: $20 From: 1964It is said that this quarter-pie smallcrown from the Eldorado <strong>Club</strong> inHenderson was used as a 10¢ chip. Thisone’s in better condition than most.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 45

DONATED LOTLot 60Flamingo Roulette Las VegasCatalog #: N1605.or.C Mold: Crest & Seal Condition: CancelledEst. Value: $100 - $125 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1953This is a 5 th issue roulette from theFlamingo, a beautiful orange crest & sealshowing the hotel and champagne toweron its inlay.Lot 61$5 Flamingo Las VegasCatalog #: N4104 Mold: H.C.E. Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $1,500 - $2,000 Minimum Bid: $800 From: 1967Here’s an extremely rare $5 from theFlamingo, 45 years old and in amazingcondition. It features the iconic flamingologo on a black inlay. A classic chip!Lot 62$5 Flamingo Las VegasCatalog #: N6508.c Mold: Rectangle Condition: CancelledEst. Value: $150 - $175 Minimum Bid: $50 From: c1950An earlier $5 from the Flamingo, this one’swithout a dollar sign and it’s drilled. Butit’s a chance to add a real piece of historyto your collection without spendingthousands.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 46

Lot 6350¢ Flamingo Capri Las VegasCatalog #: N1598 Mold: Dice & Cards Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $250 - $300 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1973<strong>The</strong> Flamingo Capri was right next door tothe Flamingo, although they were in no wayrelated, despite using virtually the same logoand typeface on their chips. This greatlooking50¢ chip was put on the tables in’73, but it’s in fantastic condition.Lot 64$1 Flamingo Capri Las VegasCatalog #: N0976 Mold: Dice & Cards Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $200 - $250 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1973Counterpart to the 50c above, the inlaid1 st issue $1 Flamingo Capri chip. Ratedas R-6 in <strong>The</strong> Official U.S. <strong>Casino</strong> PriceGuide. An equally nice looking example,just one tiny edge flake.Lot 65$1 and $5 Flamingo Hilton Las VegasCatalog #: N1600.1/N4492 Mold: House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1980sA pair of 13 th issue chips from theFlamingo Hilton. This matching $1 and$5 have the distinctive red circle aroundthe denomination.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 47

Lot 66$1 Flamingo Hilton Las VegasCatalog #: N4772 Mold: House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1975If you don’t let the small edge flake onone side distract you, this is a greatlookingearly $1 chip from the FlamingoHilton.Lot 67$1 Four Queens Las VegasCatalog #: N1623 Mold: Arrows & Dice Condition: AverageEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $40 From: 1966This one belongs in every Las Vegascollection… the most famous of the 45 $1chips that the Four Queens has put out on itstables. It’s the classic Arodie, to which theFour Queens later paid tribute using thehouse and hat & cane molds in 2001.Lot 68$1 Fremont Las VegasCatalog #: N1633 Mold: Arrows & Dice Condition: AverageEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $40 From: 1950sGreat looking and always popular 2 ndissue $1 Fremont Las Vegas arrowdiemold chip. Always in demand.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 48

Lot 69$2 Fremont Las VegasCatalog #: N4894 Mold: Hub Condition: NewEst. Value: $125 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1966This is the only $2 chip from the Fremont, anorange hub mold used in their card room.This one’s in immaculate condition.Lot 70$5 Fremont Las VegasCatalog #: N0348 Mold: Small Key Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $500 - $600 Minimum Bid: $300 From: 1950sHere’s a rare $5 arodie from theFremont. It’s the olive version with apicture of the hotel on the inlay and it’sanother of the classics in this auction. Invery slight used condition, much betterthan usually found.Lot 71$5 Frontier <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N1646 Mold: Sq-Sq-Rt Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1940sThis is from the old Frontier <strong>Club</strong> that waslocated on Fremont Street on the propertynow occupied by the sprawling GoldenNugget. Struck on the square-squarerectanglemold with a stage coachhotstamped on the front. Almost new.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 49

Lot 72$1 Frontier Hotel Las VegasCatalog #: N1681 Mold: H.C.E. Condition: AverageEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 1967Yet another classic $1… this one’sfrom the Frontier Hotel on the Strip.Lot 73$5 Frontier Hotel Las VegasCatalog #: N4089 Mold: H.C.E. Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $500 - $800 Minimum Bid: $300 From: 1967Don’t mistake this one for the laterissuedH-mold $5… the one with thegreen and pink split inserts. This one’squite scarce and it’s in beautifulcondition.Lot 74$100 Last Frontier Hotel Las VegasCatalog #: N6744 Mold: Small Key Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $125 Minimum Bid: $40 From: 1944Are you currently having a feeling of déjà vu? Likemaybe you’re re-living a moment from the past butjust can’t remember the first time?If you are, you can refer to Lot M from the silentauction earlier today!<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 50

Lot 75$5 Gambler’s Las VegasCatalog #: N1689 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: NewEst. Value: $70 - $100 Minimum Bid: $40 From: 1974If you just collected all the chips from the casinosat 32 East Fremont Street you’d wind up with avery nice collection. First there was the Silver<strong>Club</strong> from the 30’s to the 50’s, then the SilverPalace from ’56 to ’64, the Carousel from ’65 to’74, Gamblers from ’74 to ’76, and the SundanceWest from ’76 to ’80. That property finallybecame Sassy Sally’s and is currently Mermaids.This $5 chip from the Gambler’s is tough to findbut it’s the easiest of the 5 denominations thatwere used there.DONATED LOTLot 76$5 Golden Nugget Las VegasCatalog #: N1110 Mold: G-N Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $150 - $200 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1960s<strong>The</strong> Golden Nugget’s chips have alwaysbeen beauties, and this is one of thebest. Manufactured in the distinctiveG-N mold in brown with split inserts andan inlay featuring a green nugget.Lot 77$25 and $100 Golden Nugget Las VegasCatalog #: V4373/V4374 Mold: House Condition: NewEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $60 From: 1999Here’s the $25 and $100 from the GoldenNugget’s millennium series, issued late in1999. In unused condition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 51

Lot 7850¢ Hacienda Las VegasCatalog #: N4868 Mold: Hourglass Condition: CancelledEst. Value: $200 - $250 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1950sThis is a very early 50¢ chip from theHacienda. All of the known “Hole In One<strong>Club</strong>” chips have the small notches seen hisone. You rarely see this one.Lot 79$5 Hacienda Las VegasCatalog #: N1745.C Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: CancelledEst. Value: $100 - $200 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1964If you’ve watched the uncancelled ones sellon eBay for $700+ but couldn’t pull thetrigger, here’s your chance to own a classicLas Vegas Strip piece for a fraction of thecost.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 52

Lot 805 Pindex <strong>Chip</strong>s from the Hard Rock Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: H&C Condition: NewEst. Value: $150 - $200 Minimum Bid: $75 From: 2002/2003<strong>The</strong> Hard Rock in Vegashosted annual conventionsfor pin collectors from 2000to 2004. This is a collectionof 5 chips issued tocommemorate the Pindexconventions from 2002 and2003. <strong>The</strong> “early bird” chipfrom 2002 (the orange one)is especially scarce.Lot 815 <strong>Chip</strong>s from the Hard Rock Hollywood, FLCatalog #: N/A Mold: <strong>Chip</strong>co Condition: NewEst. Value: $25 - $40 Minimum Bid: $15 From: 2005This is a lot of 5 nicelooking<strong>Chip</strong>cos from theHard Rock Hotel & <strong>Casino</strong>in Hollywood, Florida.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 53

Lot 82$500 Harold’s <strong>Club</strong> RenoCatalog #: V2691 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: NewEst. Value: $600 - $800 Minimum Bid: $250 From: 1980sHere’s a very scarce high denominationchip from Harold’s <strong>Club</strong> in Reno. Nicecolors and in great condition.Lot 83$25 Baccarat from Harrah’s Reno and Lake TahoeCatalog #: N6432 Mold: Brass Core Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1980sA nice fuchsia brass core baccaratchip used at the Harrah’s in Renoand Lake Tahoe in primecondition.RESERVED LOTLot 84$1,000 Baccarat from Harrah’s Reno and Lake TahoeCatalog#: V2729 Mold: Brass Core Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $1,100 - $1,200 Minimum Bid: $1,000 From: 1980sC&W rate this as an R-10, meaningthat no more than 2 or 3 of theseremain in existence. It’s abeautiful dark blue brass core thatwas used in the baccarat games atHarrah’s in Reno and Lake Tahoe.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 54

Lot 855 Roulettes from Harrah’s Reno and Lake TahoeCatalog #: E7142 Mold: Small Key Condition: AverageEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1956A set of 5 roulettes withlight green inlays fromHarrah’s, listed, .cr, .or, .nv, in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> Rack.Lot 86$100 Marina Hotel Atlantic CityCatalog #: HAR-100 Mold: House Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $350 - $500 Minimum Bid: $200 From: 1980Another rare first-issue $100 chips fromAtlantic City. This one from Harrah’s Marinais a black coin inlay chip with fuchsia designs.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 55

Lot 87$100 Marina Hotel Atlantic CityCatalog #: HAR-100 a Mold: House Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $300 - $400 Minimum Bid: $200 From: 1980sThis one is a 2 nd issue chip from Harrah’sMarina, similar to the chip in the last lotbut with tan designs. Also very scarce.DONATED LOTLot 88$1,000 High Sierra Lake TahoeCatalog #: N2740 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: NewEst. Value: $60 - $80 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1988A nice high-denomination chip from theHigh Sierra in Tahoe.Lot 89$25 Hilton Atlantic CityCatalog #: HIL-25 Mold: House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $400 - $500 Minimum Bid: $200 From: 1985<strong>The</strong> Atlantic City Hilton was denied a gaminglicense in 1985 and never opened. <strong>The</strong> chips,however, were used at the Trump Castle forseveral months when they opened that year.An extremely rare chip!<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 56

Lot 90$1 Holiday Reno, NVCatalog #: N5170 Mold: Small Crown Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $50 - $60 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 1964Very attractive 2 nd issue $1 Holidayin Reno small crown mold chip.Lot 91$5 Holiday Queen Las VegasCatalog #: N1758 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $1,000 - $1,500 Minimum Bid: $600 From: 1973<strong>The</strong> Holiday Queen never opened, but thechips made for the casino are extremelydesirable and very valuable. <strong>The</strong> $5 is theleast scarce of the 4 denominations and thisone is in very slightly used condition.Lot 9250¢ Horseshoe <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: V2810 Mold: Large Crown Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $200 - $250 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1954A rare 1 st issue 50¢ Horseshoe <strong>Club</strong>,Las Vegas chip, not believed toexist in any quantity, with onlyabout 50 examples known.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 57

Lot 935¢ Horseshoe <strong>Club</strong> Gardena, CACatalog #: N/A Mold: Small Crown Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $40 - $50 Minimum Bid: $25 From: N/AIt’s not too often you see an inlaid 5¢ chip,but here’s a great one from the oldHorseshoe <strong>Club</strong> in Gardena, CALot 94$1 Error <strong>Chip</strong> from Isle Vista <strong>Casino</strong> Red Cliff, WICatalog #: N/A Mold: <strong>Chip</strong>co Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 – $100 Minimum Bid: $50 From: N/AThis one’s a rare error chip. One of 6known with the image of an Indian headon both sides. <strong>The</strong> reverse of the chip issupposed to have a map of Wisconsin witha red dot showing the location of RedCliff.Lot 9525¢ Jerry’s Nugget Las VegasCatalog #: N1971 Mold: Small Crown Condition: AverageEst. Value: $70 - $100 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1964In the 13 th edition of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> Rack, this chipwas listed with a “U”-value ($400 - $450), buta recent find has brought the price into therange where it’s become affordable to mostcollectors. This one has a much better hotstamp than most which have no foil showing.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 58

Lot 9625¢ Jerry’s Nugget Las VegasCatalog #: N1974 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 1960sIf you’re making a list of the five bestlookingNevada fractionals, this one wouldcertainly be included (if not topping thelist). It’s a dark purple Christy and Joneswith a great inlay in spectacular condition.If you buy chips just for looks, this is agotta-have.Lot 97$5 Jim’s <strong>Casino</strong> & Saloon Wendover, NVCatalog #: N3722 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $200 - $250 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1979When was the last time you saw thischip without a big hole through thecenter of the inlay? This is a veryhard-to-find Christy and Jones fromJim’s that’s intact from cancellation.Lot 98$25 Jim’s <strong>Casino</strong> & Saloon Wendover, NVCatalog #: V9117 Mold: H&C(CJ) Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $1,000 - $1,500 Minimum Bid: $500 From: 1980sA great rarity, being one of only 3 unnotchedexamples known, this $25 isa 1 st issue Jim’s <strong>Casino</strong> & Saloon,Wendover, NV chip.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 59

Lot 99$25 Joby’s Monte Carlo Lake TahoeCatalog #: E8777 Mold: Small Key Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $200 - $250 Minimum Bid: $70 From: 1960From 1960, this is a nice blacksmall Greek key mold chip fromJoby’s Monte Carlo in Crystal Bay.A tough one to find.Lot 1005 <strong>Chip</strong>s from the Jockey <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: Diesuits/Die4suit Condition: NewEst. Value: $30 - $40 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1983<strong>The</strong> casino in the Jockey<strong>Club</strong> on the Las VegasStrip never opened.<strong>The</strong>y did, however, ordersome great looking chips,and this is a lot of one ofeach denomination.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 60

DONATED LOTLot 10110¢ King of <strong>Club</strong>s Sparks, NVCatalog #: N7657 Mold: Nevada Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1978This is the real one, not the Borlandimitation that was manufactured on thediecar mold. Check your collection!Lot 102$1 Lady Luck Las VegasCatalog #: N5988 Mold: NEVADA Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $150 - $175 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1960sYet another classic Las Vegas $1. Thisis a Nevada mold with the flesh-tonedpicture of a girl on the inlay. A fairlyscarce chip.Lot 103$2.50 Lady Luck Las VegasCatalog #: N7162 Mold: Nevada Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $200 - $250 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1960sHere’s the $2.50 to match the$1in the last lot. Rated byCampiglia and Wells as an R-7in rarity, indicating that just16-30 have survived.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 61

Lot 104$1 Landmark Las VegasCatalog #: N2972 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $350 - $400 Minimum Bid: $200 From: 1969This is a chip whose aesthetic properties invariablyboost up the gavel price above where its raritywould indicate it should be. C&W rate this one asan R-6 (31-75 survive), but the demand for thisbeautiful Christy and Jones chip always pushes theprice up to the $400 to $800 range, depending oncondition. This one’s at the upper edge of thescale.Lot 105$1 Landmark Las VegasCatalog #: N1843.L Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $50 - $60 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 1983This is the long-cane variety of thishotstamped $1 from the Landmark. It’srare to find one in better than averagecondition, and this specimen is justslightly used. A real condition rarity.Lot 10610¢ Las Vegas <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N6480 Mold: Rectangles & Hearts Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $300 - $500 Minimum Bid: $150 From: 1950Here’s a rare 10¢ chip from the Las Vegas<strong>Club</strong>, a black rectangles and hearts mold chipin slightly used condition, probably one of thebest specimens there is.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 62

Lot 107 50¢ Las Vegas <strong>Club</strong> Pan Las VegasCatalog #: N8675 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: NewEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1956A 50¢ pan chip from the Las Vegas <strong>Club</strong> inbrand new condition. Not a singlecigarette burn!DONATED LOTLot 108 $5 Las Vegas <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N3762 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: CancelledEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1950sAll known examples of this chipare cancelled bar one, but youcan still see the image of the onearmedbandit in the center of theinlay on this mustard Christy andJones piece.Lot 109$100 La Vegas <strong>Club</strong> Babe Ruth Las VegasCatalog #: N0455 Mold: Bud Jones Condition: NewEst. Value: $125 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1995Scarce example of this $100 Las Vegas<strong>Club</strong> Babe Ruth Centennial LimitedEdition chip. Less than 600 of thesesurvived destruction and many weredistributed outside the chip collectingmarket.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 63

Lot 110$500 La Vegas <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: V1039 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: NewEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1989Here’s your chance to buy a highdenominationchip from the Las Vegas<strong>Club</strong> for a fraction of its face value.Featuring the baseball player logo,it’s in new condition.DONATED LOTLot 111$25 Las Vegas Hilton Las VegasCatalog #: N4743 Mold: House Condition: Slightly usedEst. Value: $40 - $50 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1991A really attractive $25 chip fromthe Las Vegas Hilton, featuring apicture of the hotel on a bluebackground.Lot 112$1 Last Frontier Las VegasCatalog #: N1654 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: AverageEst. Value: $40 - $50 Minimum Bid: $20 From: 1951Here’s one more of those classic Las Vegas$1’s in the auction. A red and blue quarterpiemade on the Christy and Jones hat & canemold, featuring a dancing can-can girl. It hasa very slight stain on one side as can be seenon the scan.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 64

DONATED LOTLot 1132 Roulettes from the Last Frontier Las VegasCatalog #: V2584.rd/N1661.rd Mold: Large Crown Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $30 - $40 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1951Here are two red roulettes fromthe old Last Frontier Hotel, over 60years old and in fantasticcondition.Lot 114Non-denomination from the Last Frontier Las VegasCatalog #: N3985.C Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: CancelledEst. Value: $60 - $75 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1950sAll known specimens of this purpleChristy and Jones Guest <strong>Club</strong> nondenominationchip from the LastFrontier are drilled, but that doesn’tdetract from its great looks.Lot 115$25 Little Caesar’s Las VegasCatalog #: N1236 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: AverageEst. Value: $40 - $50 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1980sA $25 from Little Caesar’s with theiconic tommy gun logo.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 65

Lot 116$100 Lucky Eagle <strong>Casino</strong> Chehalis Tribe, WACatalog #: N/A Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: CanceledEst. Value: $25 - $50 Minimum Bid: $5 From: N/AHere’s a very pretty $100 chip fromthe Chehalis Tribe’s Lucky Eagle<strong>Casino</strong> in Washingon that’s beencancelled with a drill hole.DONATED LOTLot 1174 <strong>Chip</strong>s from the Madrid <strong>Casino</strong> Havana, CubaCatalog #: N/A Mold: Hub Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1950sA scarce set of 4 hub mold chips from the Madrid <strong>Casino</strong>, Havana, Cuba.Lot 118$5 Main Street Station Las VegasCatalog #: N1892 Mold: <strong>Chip</strong>co Condition: NewEst. Value: $60 - $75 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1991Scarce but always popular short lived $5chipco issue from Main Street Station, LasVegas, featuring Rosie O’Gradys.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 66

Lot 119$1 and $5 MGM Desert Inn Las VegasCatalog #: N1491/N1902 Mold: Bud Jones Condition: Slightly usedEst. Value: $50 - $60 Minimum Bid: $15 From: 1988Here are two chips used at theDesert Inn during Kirk Kirkorian’sownership from 1988 to 1991.Both with brass coin inlays.Lot 120$5 MGM Grand RenoCatalog #: N4549 Mold: House Condition: NewEst. Value: $150 - $175 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1978This is a green prototype for a $5 chipmade for the MGM Grand in Reno.Very scarce and in perfect condition.Lot 12150¢ <strong>The</strong> Mint Las VegasCatalog #: N6731 Mold: Small Crown Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1973Here’s one of the nicest looking hotstampedchips around, with an intricate rendering ofthe casino in gold foil. A very rare chip inslightly used condition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 67

Lot 122$25 Prototype from <strong>The</strong> Mirage Las VegasCatalog #: E7233 Mold: WICO Condition: NewEst. Value: $300 - $350 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1989A prototype for a $25 chip for theMirage, this is an extremely rare chipwith multi-colored palm trees below thedenomination.Lot 123$100 Prototype from <strong>The</strong> Mirage Las VegasCatalog #: E7235 Mold: WICO Condition: NewEst. Value: $300 - $350 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1989This is another rare prototype, a$100 match to the chip in theprevious lot.DONATED LOTLot 124 Roulette from <strong>The</strong> Mirage Las VegasCatalog #: V4946.pu Mold: <strong>Chip</strong>co Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1995This is an extremely hard to findroulette (this color has never beforebeen recorded) from the first issueat the Mirage with the sawtoothdesign on the rim.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 68

DONATED LOTLot 1253 Roulettes from the <strong>Casino</strong> de Monte Carlo Monte Carlo, FranceCatalog #: N/A Mold: Plain Condition: NewEst. Value: $30 - $50 Minimum Bid: $5 From: N/AThis is a lot of 3 colorfulroulettes from the <strong>Casino</strong> deMonte Carlo in Monte Carlo,France.DONATED LOTLot 1265 Roulettes from the <strong>Casino</strong> de Monte Carlo Monte Carlo, FranceCatalog #: N/A Mold: Plain Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $5 From: N/AHere is a beautiful 5-chiproulette set picturing theMonte Carlo Golf <strong>Club</strong> onRoute du Mont-Agel in LaTurbie, France, some 10kmnorth of the <strong>Casino</strong> MonteCarlo.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 69

Lot 127$100 Moulin Rouge Las VegasCatalog #: N7035 Mold: Small Key Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $600 - $800 Minimum Bid: $300 From: 1957A rare $100 Moulin Rouge from 1957, inthe small Greek key mold with a pictureof the Eiffel Tower. This one’s in slightlyused condition with a very small edgeflake on one side.Lot 1284 <strong>Chip</strong>s from Nevada Palace Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: Bud Jones Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 - $100 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 1999This is the 20 th Anniversary set of $1, $2.50, $5, and $25 from the Nevada Palace from1999 with serial number 033. Only 100 of each denom exist with serial numbers.Lot 1294 <strong>Chip</strong>s from Nevada Palace Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: Bud Jones Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 - $100 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 2000And here’s the 21 st Anniversary set from 2000 with serial number 055. Again, only 100 each exist.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 70

Lot 130$5 New Frontier Las VegasCatalog #: N1675 Mold: Hourglass Condition: AverageEst. Value: $150 - $200 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1956Just about all of these are drilled, buthere’s a rare uncancelled specimen. Acouple of small flakes on one side’s edgedon’t detract from what is one of thegreat looking Vegas $5’s.Lot 13125¢ New Town Tavern Las VegasCatalog #: N4328 Mold: Horse Heads Right Condition: NewEst. Value: $125 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1981A first issue chip from the Town Tavern’slast iteration as the New Town Tavern.In new condition, this horse heads righthotstamp is a stunner.Lot 132$25 Osheas Error <strong>Chip</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: V6502.E Mold: House* Condition: AverageEst. Value: $250 - $300 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 2000Look at this one carefully. Especially themold. This Osheas chip was manufactured onthe house mold of the Bicycle <strong>Club</strong> in BellGardens, California. A rare and obviouserror. One of only 6 known examples.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 71

Lot 13310¢ Palace <strong>Club</strong> RenoCatalog #: N7760 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: AverageEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1960sHere’s another one to add to your list ofNevada’s best looking fractional chips, abeautiful 10¢ piece from the “Famous” Palace<strong>Club</strong> in Reno. It’s a gray Christy and Joneswith 3 navy inserts.DONATED LOTLot 134Palace <strong>Club</strong> Roulette RenoCatalog #: E1783.pu Mold: Crest & Seal Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1930sWith finds in recent years of thesebeautiful roulettes from the Palace<strong>Club</strong> in Reno, these crest & seals fromthe 1930’s now sell for hundredsinstead of thousands of dollars. Goodthing you waited for this one!Lot 13525¢ Pioneer <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N5371 Mold: Large Crown Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $40 From: 1955Here’s a 57-year old large crown from thePioneer <strong>Club</strong> on Fremont Street, in really nicecondition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 72

Lot 136$1 Pioneer <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N2010 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: AverageEst. Value: $150 - $200 Minimum Bid: $75 From: 1952Yet another classic Vegas $1, this one’s fromthe Pioneer <strong>Club</strong> on Fremont Street andfeatures an iconic image of Vegas Vic on a darkgreen Christy and Jones hat and cane mold chipwith 4 red inserts.DONATED LOTLot 137$25 Pioneer <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N2506 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $125 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1984Here’s Vegas Vic once again! This timehe’s gracing a $25 chip that’s 32 yearsyounger than the $1 in the previous lot.Lot 138$25 Pioneer <strong>Club</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N3780 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: NewEst. Value: $60 - $80 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1955From the “Famous Pioneer”, here’s anotherpretty $25 chip, this time done in basic black onChristy and Jones’ hat & cane mold with 3 beigeinserts. A beauty in new condition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 73

Lot 13925¢ Players Hotel <strong>Casino</strong> RenoCatalog #: V5288 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $40 - $50 Minimum Bid: $20 From: c1980This one’s interesting… the Players Hotel/<strong>Casino</strong>in Reno never opened (the site became Eddie’sFabulous Fifties and later Carl Giudici’sGambler). <strong>The</strong> chip, though, shows some wearand a little dirt. This is the most valuable of allthe denominations from the casino.Lot 14010¢ Primadonna <strong>Club</strong> RenoCatalog #: N0744 Mold: Diamond Condition: AverageEst. Value: $150 - $200 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1950sAn old diamond mold dime chip from thePrimadonna <strong>Club</strong> in Reno. A lot of thehotstamp is worn off, and there’s an edgeflake at the bottom of one side, but thatreally just shows the character of this one.DONATED LOTLot 141$5 and $25 Felix DeVere (Red Rooster) Las VegasCatalog #: N9619/N9620 Mold: Zigzag Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $50 - $100 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1930sFelix DeVere leased tables at various LasVegas casinos from the 30’s through the50’s, most notably at the Red Rooster(which later became <strong>The</strong> Patio and <strong>The</strong>Rendezvous).<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 74

Lot 1424 <strong>Chip</strong>s from Resorts International Atlantic CityCatalog #: Various Mold: H&C/House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1978, 1980sHere is a lot of 4 very scarce chips fromResorts International in Atlantic City.<strong>The</strong> first-issue hat & cane mold chipsare extremely tough to find, and the 2 ndissue $1, manufactured in the housemold, is quite rare.Lot 143$100 Resorts International Atlantic CityCatalog #: RES-100c Mold: House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $200 - $300 Minimum Bid: $150 From: N/AAnother rare $100 from Atlantic City. Thisbeauty from Resorts International featuresa star inlay and 12 peach inserts and it’s inprimo condition.Lot 144Non-denomination Ring Side RenoCatalog #: D0623 Mold: Small Key Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1960sThis is a nice black non-denominationpiece from the Ring Side, which waslocated in Douglas Alley, whoselocation later became part ofHarrah’s.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 75

DONATED LOTLot 145$100 Royal Hotel <strong>Casino</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N9027 Mold: H&C Condition: NewEst. Value: $100 - $125 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1994A very nice looking $100 from the RoyalHotel <strong>Casino</strong> on Convention Center Drive inuncirculated condition.DONATED LOTLot 146$100 Royal Inn <strong>Casino</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N7326 Mold: Small Crown Condition: NewEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1972Here’s a white small crown $100 fromthe Royal Inn, which was also onConvention Center Drive.Lot 147$1 Sahara and Thunderbird Las VegasCatalog #: N2117 Mold: H.C.E. Condition: AverageEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $40 From: 1964<strong>The</strong>se were used at the Sahara and atthe Thunderbird during Del Webb’sownership of both casinos in the 60’s.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 76

Lot 148$5 Sands Baccarat Las VegasCatalog #: N9047 Mold: House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $250 - $300 Minimum Bid: $150 From: 1970sThis is a very scarce blue baccarat chipfrom the Sands Hotel and <strong>Casino</strong> in LasVegas in excellent condition.Lot 149$100 Sands Atlantic CityCatalog #: SAN-100a Mold: House Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $250 - $300 Minimum Bid: $150 From: 1980sHere’s another very scarce AtlanticCity $100 chip, this one a 2 nd issue chipfrom the Sands featuring their iconicpinwheel design.Lot 150$500 Sands Baccarat Las VegasCatalog #: V1471 Mold: House Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $300 - $350 Minimum Bid: $150 From: 1970sBack to the Las Vegas Sands for this$500 Baccarat chip, a 16 th issue chipfrom the 70’s in very slightly usedcondition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 77

Lot 1513 Baccarat <strong>Chip</strong>s from the Sands Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: House Condition: NewEst. Value: $50 - $100 Minimum Bid: $20 From: 1981Listed in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> Rack asE6748, E3728, and E3729,this is a lot of 3 No CashValue baccarat chips inuncirculated condition.Lot 152$100 Sans Souci Las VegasCatalog #: V3382 Mold: Small Crown Condition: NewEst. Value: $250 - $300 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1960Just 300 of these interesting $100’swere manufactured for the Sans Souci,(which later became the Castaways),which stood on the property that is nowpart of the Mirage. A very scarce chipthat you rarely see up for auction.Lot 153Non-denomination from the Gran <strong>Casino</strong> Nacional Havana, CubaCatalog #: N/A Mold: Crest & Seal Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1930s<strong>The</strong> Gran <strong>Casino</strong> Nacional, the world’s largestcasino in the 30’s, had their crest and sealsmade with all 4 suit designs in various colors.This one appears to be a maroon version oftheir club-suit chip.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 78

Lot 154$25 Santa Anita Las VegasCatalog #: N9060 Mold: Small Crown Condition: NewEst. Value: $150 - $200 Minimum Bid: $80 From: 1951<strong>The</strong> Santa Anita Turf <strong>Club</strong> was insidethe Nevada <strong>Club</strong> which which stood onthe block now occupied by the GoldenNugget. This is the $25 chip that wasused there.DONATED LOTLot 155$25 Showboat Las VegasCatalog #: V1493 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: AverageEst. Value: $50 - $75 Minimum Bid: $5 From: c1980This chip is very unusual in that it has 3 pairs ofidentical green inserts. Not the most attractive$25 chip, but a piece of Vegas history now thatthe Showboat is long gone.Lot 156$5 Sierra Tahoe Lake TahoeCatalog #: N3741 Mold: Hat & Cane (CJ) Condition: NewEst. Value: $150 - $200 Minimum Bid: $80 From: 1965Most examples of this chip (and all othersfrom the Sierra Tahoe) are either waterdamaged or drilled. This is one of the rareones that was able to escape these horrors,and it’s a beauty!<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 79

Lot 1572 No Cash Value <strong>Chip</strong>s from the Silver <strong>Club</strong> Sparks, NVCatalog #: N9085/V5558 Mold: Horse Heads Right Condition: NewEst. Value: $30 - $40 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1990sA couple of really nice No Cash Values from theSilver <strong>Club</strong> in Sparks, NV. Manufactured in theHHR mold, they’re both in uncirculated condition.DONATED LOTLot 158$5 Silver Palace Yerington, NVCatalog #: N1102 Mold: Flowers Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1930’sThis chip is much tougher to find than itsvalue indicates. From the 1930’s, this $5piece from the Silver Palace in Yeringtonwas made using the Flower mold, one ofonly 6 Nevada chips to do so (and 3 ofthose were from Nellis AFB).Lot 15950¢ Silver Slipper Las VegasCatalog #: N2179.1 Mold: Nevada Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $125 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1974This is the silver inlay version of thisbeautiful 50-center from the Silver Slipperon the Las Vegas Strip. Just slightly used.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 80

Lot 160$500 Silver Smith <strong>Casino</strong> Resort Wendover, NVCatalog #: V7367 Mold: <strong>Chip</strong>co Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $200 - $250 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1990sThis is a beautiful purple <strong>Chip</strong>co $500from the Silver Smith <strong>Casino</strong> Resort inWendover.Lot 161$1 Sinabar <strong>Casino</strong> Las VegasCatalog #: N1073.C Mold: Ewing Condition: CanceledEst. Value: $50 - $100 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 1972<strong>The</strong> un-notched version of this chip isvalued in the $350 - $400 range and is nextto impossible to find. This one would be agreat addition to any collection at afraction of the price.Lot 162$1 Slots-A-Fun Las VegasCatalog #: N2212 Mold: Nevada Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1973This auction seems to be all aboutAtlantic City $100’s and classic LasVegas $1’s. Here’s one of thelatter, a first issue Nevada moldfrom the Slots-A-Fun <strong>Casino</strong> inreally good condition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 81

Lot 163$25 Star Broiler Winnemucca, NVCatalog #: E2579 Mold: Horseshoe Condition: NewEst. Value: $1,000 - $2,000 Minimum Bid: $100 From: 1960sHere’s an extremely rare chip that we’venever seen for sale. C&W rates it as an R-10(2-3 known) and <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> Rack has it listedwith an asterisk, meaning that no market valuehas been established. We’re going to start thisone at a reasonable level and establish amarket value right now.Lot 16450¢ State Line <strong>Casino</strong> Wendover, NVCatalog #: N1062 Mold: Dice and Swirls Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $400 - $450 Minimum Bid: $150 From: 1950sHere’s another very rare piece, a 50-centerfrom the State Line <strong>Casino</strong> in Wendoverwith the Diswrl mold of dice and comettails with a picture of Wendover Will.Lot 165Non-denomination Stateline Country <strong>Club</strong> Lake TahoeCatalog #: N9518 Mold: Large Crown Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $60 - $75 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 1939Miles E. Custer was one of the originalowners of the Stateline Country <strong>Club</strong>in South Lake Tahoe. This green largecrown chip bearing his initials wasmade in 1939.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 82

Lot 166$25 Stockmen’s Elko, NVCatalog #: N1207 Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: AverageEst. Value: $70 - $100 Minimum Bid: $30 From: 1977This pink $25 chip from Stockmen’sin Elko features an aluminum centerinlay with the month and year ofmanufacture on it.DONATED LOTLot 167$100 Sundowner RenoCatalog #: V5706.L Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $150 - $175 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1992Here’s a cool looking $100 from theSundowner in Reno. It’s the long caneversion of the hat and cane mold with hotpink and red inserts on a black chip. Nice.Lot 168$1 Ta-Neva-Ho Lake TahoeCatalog #: V3495 Mold: Small Key Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $25 From: 1937<strong>The</strong> old Ta-Neva-Ho was on thenorth shore of Lake Tahoe on thelocation that later became theCrystal Bay <strong>Club</strong>. This is a $1 chipfrom 1937 that’s still in excellentcondition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 83

Lot 169$5 Tahoe Village Lake TahoeCatalog #: N2743 Mold: Small Key Condition: NewEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1946Here’s another beautiful diecut metalpiece, this one from the Tahoe Villagein South Lake Tahoe.Lot 170Non-denomination Tonopah <strong>Club</strong> Tonopah, NVCatalog #: E2791 Mold: Large Crown Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $30 - $40 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1943This old large crown from the Tonopah<strong>Club</strong> in 1943 is in excellent condition,with the exception of a stain on one sideand an edge flake on the other.Lot 171$5 Town House Reno, NVCatalog #: N7858 Mold: Hub Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1940sLew Hymers was a local cartoonist and illustrator,born in Reno in 1892. During his career he workedfor the Washington Post and for the Walt DisneyCompany. His drawing called “<strong>The</strong> Riding Lesson”,depicting a cowboy standing at a bar surrounded bytwo women, appears on this chip. This isundoubtedly one of the all-time great Nevada chips.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 84

Lot 172$5 Town Tavern Las VegasCatalog #: N2259 Mold: Small Crown Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $50 - $60 Minimum Bid: $10 From: 1958Here’s a very attractive chip from theTown Tavern from the 50s that depicts atop hat, cane, and gloves. Very classy!Lot 17349 Roulettes from the Trump Marina Atlantic CityCatalog #: N/A Mold: Roulette Condition: NewEst. Value: $150 - $250 Minimum Bid: $50 From: N/AThis is a complete set of 49 roulettes from the Trump Marina inAtlantic City. Seven designs each in seven colors… a reallybeautiful set in uncirculated condition.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 85

Lot 174$100 Trump’s Castle Atlantic CityCatalog #: CAS-100 Mold: House Condition: Slight UsedEst. Value: $350 - $400 Minimum Bid: $200 From: 1985Here’s another rare $100 chip fromAtlantic City, this one from Trump’sCastle. Featuring a star inlay and strikingorange and red inserts, this piece is invery slightly used condition.Lot 17510-<strong>Chip</strong> set – Fremont Street Experience Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: Hat & Cane Condition: NewEst. Value: $80 - $100 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1995In 1995, ten downtown casinosmade chips to commemoratethe opening of the FremontStreet Experience. Here is thecomplete set, from theCalifornia <strong>Casino</strong>, the ElCortez, Fitzgeralds, the FourQueens, the Fremont, theGolden Gate, the GoldenNugget, Binion’s Horseshoe, theLas Vegas <strong>Club</strong>, and the Plaza.Lot 176$1,000 Viejas Valley Viejas Valley, CACatalog #: N/A Mold: Brass Core Condition: NewEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $50 From: 1991A beautiful $1000 brass core from theViejas Valley <strong>Casino</strong> in Alpine, CA,which is east of San Diego.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 86

DONATED LOTLot 177$100 <strong>The</strong> Westerner Las VegasCatalog #: N2303 Mold: H.C.E. Condition: NewEst. Value: $75 - $100 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 1951<strong>The</strong> Westerner was open from 1950 to 1960and was located on Fremont Street at thesite currently occupied by the Las Vegas<strong>Club</strong>. This beautiful black $100 chip is inuncirculated condition.Lot 178$1 Wilbur Clark’s Desert Inn Las VegasCatalog #: N4126 Mold: H.C.E. Condition: AverageEst. Value: $150 - $200 Minimum Bid: $70 From: c1958Just when you thought we couldn’t possiblyslip in another classic Vegas $1 with justthree lots left, we did it anyway. This one’san olive H-mold from Wilbur Clark’s DesertInn and even with a little wear on it, it’s abeautiful example.<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 87

Lot 1796 Roulettes from Wilbur Clark’s Desert Inn Las VegasCatalog #: Various Mold: Small Key Condition: Slightly UsedEst. Value: $350 - $400 Minimum Bid: $150 From: 1950This is a lot of 6 veryscarce roulettes fromWilbur Clark’s DesertInn. Extremely tough tofind, these pieces are allin next-to-new conditionand are each listed witha “Q” value in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Chip</strong>Rack and valued at $300to $400 each inCampiglia and Wells’Official U.S. <strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong>Price Guide.Lot 180$100 Prototype from <strong>The</strong> Wynn Las VegasCatalog #: N/A Mold: Sun Condition: NewEst. Value: $100 - $150 Minimum Bid: $5 From: 2005Here’s a very interesting piece, a prototypefor a Wynn $100 manufactured on a sun moldby Blue <strong>Chip</strong> Co. before the casino opened.With no city listed, this must have been anearly concept, using Steve Wynns facsimilesignature at his request. Only a couple existin this and several other designs – thecontract was ultimately awarded to GPI.END OF SALE<strong>Casino</strong> <strong>Chip</strong> & <strong>Gaming</strong> Token <strong>Collectors</strong> <strong>Club</strong> • Auction 2012 • Page 88

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