Collector Wardha - Wardha District

Collector Wardha - Wardha District

Collector Wardha - Wardha District


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I. Introduction<strong>Collector</strong> <strong>Wardha</strong>Tender Form<strong>Collector</strong> <strong>Wardha</strong> invites Techno-commercial proposals for providing onlineapplication system facility to the candidates who wish to apply for various Class III &Class IV and Dirver Recruitments held by the <strong>Collector</strong> office, <strong>Wardha</strong>. Applicants arerequired to apply for the examinations through online application system before theclosing date. Normally, two to three weeks will be provided from the date of theExamination notice till the closing date for submitting the application. The successfulvendor shall provide the Infrastructure, software and support for the online applicationsystem.II.Scope of Work1. The Online Application System should be on Open Source Technology.2. The vendor has to customize a portal as per the requirements of the<strong>Collector</strong> office.3. The vendor shall provide the hardware infrastructure with 1+1 redundancy inload sharing mode so as to be able; to cater to the load of 10,000applications per day and 2000 simultaneous access with sufficient datastorage.4. Above hardware, infrastructure shall be housed within vendors data centrewith adequate arrangements of security like firewalls, Intrusion PreventionSystems etc and required internet Bandwidth.5. Once in use, for each examination, the notice of the examination shall beprovided to the vendor 3 days before the date of publication of the notice tofinalize the fields, values of drop down lists etc for the particularexamination.6. After starting the online applications for an examination daily, weekly andother periodical reports of number of applications received region/district /units wise is to be made available by the vendor to the <strong>Collector</strong> office andits authorized officers.7. Vendor should have/provide Online Application Centre’s across Maharashtrato facilitate all applicants who are not well versed with computer in applyingthrough Online application system with ease.

8. Authorized officers in the <strong>Collector</strong> office will be required to be given user idand password based access to the system for getting summary reports andalso for downloading of data (date wise/ week wise/ exam wise as per therequirement of the <strong>Collector</strong> office) in respect of completed applications.11. The <strong>Collector</strong> office will make proper arrangement with a Nationalized Bankfor collection of fees from candidates based on the challan system.12. The system shall provide for automatic generation and sending ofmails/sms acknowledging receipt of application to the mail id/ mobile phonenumber given by the applicant while submitting the application.13. The system should generate Hall ticket and attendance sheet as per therequirement of the <strong>Collector</strong> office.14. The vendor is required to print and provide the carbonless OMR answersheets for the conduction of examination.15. After conduction of examination <strong>Collector</strong> office will provide the filledAnswer sheets for result processing to Vendor16. Vendor has to scan and process the answer sheets based on the answerkey provided by the <strong>Collector</strong> office.17. One week after closing of online applications for each exam, vendor shallprovide the complete backup of all the data related with to the collectoroffice.17. At least one representative of the vendor will be designated to liaise withthe <strong>Collector</strong> office for trouble shooting, etc. He shall be available onphone / e-mail 10 AM to 7 PM a day during the currency of anadvertisement.IV.System RequirementsThe online application system shall have the following minimum features -1. It should be implemented using a hardware infrastructure with redundancy andwith disaster recovery provisions.2. It shall be available for applicants starting from the midnight of the day ofexamination notice till 5 PM on the closing day or any other time defined by the<strong>Collector</strong>, <strong>Wardha</strong> without any service break3. The Hardware and software shall be designed to handle a maximum load of10,000 applications in a day with simultaneous user access of 2000 users.

4. It shall be able to cater to applications of multiple (up to 5) examinationssimultaneously.5. The system should be rule book based.6. System should have provision of generating notices for schedule of varioustests and attendance sheets.7. The system should be user friendly, keeping in view the clientele of the<strong>Collector</strong> office which ranges from matriculate onwards.8. The application used should be compatible with major web browsers.V. Eligibility Conditions1. The bidder should be an Indian Registered Firm with minimum of 10 years ofexistence in the field of Software Development and IT related activities as on 1 St April,2011.2. The bidder should have an average minimum turnover of Rs.3 crores in the lastthree accounting years from IT related business.3. The bidder should have or have tie up with a well established data centre wherethe hardware infrastructure for the proposed online application system will behoused.4. The bidder should have experience of providing a similarregistration/applications portal for Reputed Government RecruitingOrganizations with at least 25 thousand total registrations/applications andaverage per day load of at least 2,000 registrations/ applications, in any of thelast two years.VI. Contract Performance Security (Security Deposit)Approved Nationalized Bank Draft of Rs. 20,000 in favor of collector wardha. onwardha Branch.VII. Penalty ConditionsAny fraudulent information given by the vendor may lead to permanent blacklistingand may lead to criminal proceedings.VIII. Technical BidThe Technical proposal shall contain the following -1) Index2) Details of Bidder (Annexure - 1)

3) Performance statement along with necessary Documents (Annexure - 2)4) Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 20,000(Rupees twenty thousand only) in theform of Bank Demand Draft in the name of "<strong>Collector</strong>, <strong>Wardha</strong>".5) Service Tax Registration Certificate.6) Tender Document duly signed.7) Copies of Certificate of incorporation of the firm (e.g. Registration as PartnershipFirm, Proprietary concern, Company etc.)8) Copy of the VAT Registration Certificate.9) Copy of the PAN Card10) Proof in support of having experience of minimum of 10 years of existence in thefield of Software Development and IT related activities as on 1St April, 2011.Work-orders along with Completion Certificates / Client's Testimonial given byconcerned organisations or whom work is done should be submitted.11) Last three years balance sheet in proof of having minimum average turnover ofRs 3 Crore from IT field in the last three financial years i.e. 2010-11, 2009-10 &2008-0912) Proof in support of proven track record of having successfully developed andmaintained Online Application System for atleast one Reputed GovernmentRecruiting Organization with at least 3 lakh total registrations/applications andaverage per day load of at least 5,000 registrations/ applications, in any of thelast two years. Work-orders along with Completion Certificates / Client'sTestimonial given by concerned organisations or whom work is done should besubmitted13) Copy of valid ISO 9001 Certification in e-governance/System integration(Optional )14) Details with address of the Data Centre of the bidder where theinfrastructure is proposed to be housed.15) Problem Escalation Mechanism with name, designation and contact details ateach level up to the level of CEO16) Summary of centres in Maharashtra (All Tehsil places should atleast becovered).

IX. Commercial BidCommercial proposal shall be submitted as per Annexure -3 (Price Schedule) in a separatesealed envelope.

ANNEXURE-1DETAILS OF BIDDERPlease ensure that your response clearly answers all the questions. If you use additionalschedules or documentation to support your response, make sure that they are clearly crossreferencedto the relevant question.1. General Profile of the Company/Firm:-(1)Name and Address of the Company /Firm With Telephone Nos., Fax, E-mailand Website(2) Date of Incorporation(3) Offices situated at different locations(4) Infrastructure facilities(5) Turn over for last three years (AuditedAnnual Accounts and Annual Reportsof three accounting years to besubmitted)(6) Executive Profile(7) Service Tax Registration Number(8) VAT Registration Number(9) PAN No.(10) Premises / space available in squarefeet2. Details of Manpower:-2.1 Technical Personnel available:2.2 Number of Operators:2.3 Number of Supervisors:2.4 Number of Managers:3. Hardware3.1 Number of Servers3.2 Make and technical specifications of the servers3.3 Maximum Capacity of Bandwidth3.4 Names of the Bandwidth service providers4. List of Clients (For a period of last Five years):S.N.Name and Address ofthe client with Tel. No.Contact Person and ContactNumberNature of JobTotal Value ofthe Contract(In Rs.)(Separate pages may be taken to elaborate the projects undertaken).5. Quality Certificate, if any:S.N.Name of theCertificateCertified ByYear of gettingCertificationWhether Certificate is validas on date

6. Awards for products/Services, if any:S.N.Name of theCertificateCertified ByYear of gettingCertificationField of Award(S/W developmentConsultancy etc.)7. Name, address and Telephone Number [Office, Residence, Mobile] of the Contact Person towhom all References shall be made regarding this tender:Telephone: Office - Residence –Mobile - Fax No.: E-mail:Place:Date:Note:[1] In-adequate information could lead to disqualification of the bid.[2] All items should be supported by proper documents.…………….Signature:Name:Company Seal

ANNEXURE-2PERFORMANCE STATEMENTBid No. ……………………………………. Date of opening…………………………….Name of the Firm--------------------------------Details of Past Contract similar to this Contract (for a period of last Five years)Sr.No.Name andAddress of theclient with Tel. No.ContactPersonandContactNumberNatureof JobNumber ofSitesTotalValue oftheContract(In Rs.)Date of completionof contractAs perContractActualPenaltyimposedby clientsif any(Separate pages may be taken to elaborate the projects undertaken).Note: - Please enclose Work-orders along with Completion Certificates / Client's Testimonialgiven by concerned organisations or whom work is done.Date: -------------- Name of the Bidder: -Place: ------------- Signature: -Seal of the Organisation: -…………….

ANNEXURE-3PRICE SCHEDULE (PS)Tender Reference:Last date and time for submission of Tender :To.The <strong>Collector</strong><strong>Collector</strong> office<strong>Wardha</strong>SUBJECT: TENDER DOCUMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE TENDERPROCESS FOR ONLINE APPLICATION SYSTEMThat we are sole owner/authorized agents/ of…………………………………………………………..……..………………………………………………..That we / the undersigned agency is equipped with adequate hardware/software and otherfacilities required for providing services and our establishment is open for inspection by therepresentatives of <strong>Collector</strong> office, <strong>Wardha</strong>.We do hereby undertake, that,We agree to abide by our offer a period of 60 days from the date fixed for opening of the tendersand what we shall remain bound by a communication within that time.PRICE SCHEDULESrNoParticularsprice1 Per Application Charges for OnlineApplication Form, answer sheet printingand result processing etc.Note:(1) All the costs should be quoted in Indian Rupees and should be fixed on lump-sum basis,no escalation of cost will be allowed under any circumstances.(2) <strong>Collector</strong> office shall not pay separately any specific statutory taxes / service charges toany authority.(3) No hidden charges will be allowed, if any.I/We, hereby, undertake that we shall not ask for any other charges other than the chargesspecified above. We also confirm that we will make our own arrangements at our own cost fortravelling, boarding, lodging, communication etc. for successful implementation of the project atsite.Dated:Company SealSignature:Name of Agency:Full Address:

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