Vision-based spectroscopy - current technologies and ... - Visionday

Vision-based spectroscopy - current technologies and ... - Visionday Vision-based spectroscopy - current technologies and ... - Visionday

<strong>Vision</strong>-<strong>based</strong> <strong>spectroscopy</strong> - <strong>current</strong> <strong>technologies</strong> <strong>and</strong> futuresystems from x-ray to NIRPoul Møller HansenFOSSDedicated Analytical Solutions

Why is vision-<strong>spectroscopy</strong> in FOOD quality assessmentinteresting?• Remove subjective judgments – fair trade• Avoid time-consuming sampling <strong>and</strong> reduce the analysis burden on thelaboratory / production• Make optimal use of raw material at all times• Improve production efficiency by avoiding out of specification products /re-work• Detect contamination, foreign material, visual damage <strong>and</strong> blend in ofother products.Dedicated Analytical Solutions

MeatDedicated Analytical Solutions

Meat - Why measure fat content in meat• Fat measurements on the carcassis used for payment purposes.• Fat measurements on the primarycuts are hardly ever done.• Fat measurements on trimmingsare widely used.• 10% – 30% of the meat is definedas trimmings (boneless).• Usually used for hamburgers,sausages <strong>and</strong> minced meat for theconsumer.Dedicated Analytical Solutions

What can be done with X-Ray?Measure ALL meat trimmings passingthrough your production with an accuracybetter than 1%Get information about fat content, weight<strong>and</strong> foreign object contamination - evenfor frozen <strong>and</strong> packaged raw materialMeasure meat <strong>and</strong> trimmings at up to 20tons / 45.000 lbs per hourDedicated Analytical SolutionsHOME

Meat: Measurement SystemMeasurement system consists of twoseparate x-ray generators <strong>and</strong> twoseparate detectors.This is unique for the MeatMaster <strong>and</strong>ensures optimal <strong>and</strong> market leadingperformance <strong>and</strong> stability.Analysis takes place inside a closedcabinet allowing MeatMaster to beoperated in compliance with all safetyst<strong>and</strong>ardsDedicated Analytical SolutionsHOME

Meat: X-Ray TechnologyThe technology is called DEXA(Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry)Invented <strong>and</strong> applied in the medicalindustry for measuring bone density <strong>and</strong>body compositionBased on the principle that lean tissuehas a higher density than fat tissue <strong>and</strong>stops x-rays better0.50.450.4mass attenuation0.350. 50 100 150E (keV)Dedicated Analytical SolutionsHOME

Data H<strong>and</strong>ling• When one sample is acquired, thecalculatioin starts immediately• Fat <strong>and</strong> thickness is calculated inevery image point• The weighted fat average iscalculated for the sample as well asthe summed weight• A batch consists of a number ofsamples <strong>and</strong> holds the average fat<strong>and</strong> the summed weightxyxLow Energy ImageyHigh Energy ImageThe sample data is made upof image points organized inrows <strong>and</strong> coloums.LE (x,y)HE (x,y)Dedicated Analytical SolutionsHOME

Patented calibrationThe MeatMaster uses a proprietary<strong>and</strong> patented calibration system89 samples of meat with varyingmass <strong>and</strong> fat content is usedThe calibration includes meat frombeef, pork <strong>and</strong> poultryThe calibration also includes frozenmeatThe MeatMaster has a built-in QCsystem which clearly tells the operatorwhen the system is ready forproductionFat = k1 * LE + k2 * HE + k3 * LE^2 + k4 * HE^2 + k5 * LE * HE + k6 * LE^2 * HE + k7 * LE * HE^2 + k8 * LE / HE +k9 * LE^2 / HE + k10 * LE / HE^2 + k11 * (LE / HE)^2 + k0Mass = b1 * LE + b2 * HE + b0The algorithms are patentedDedicated Analytical SolutionsHOME

Performance specificationsFat / Lean:• The MeatMaster will measure the fat% /Chemical Lean with an error of lessthan 1% fat / lean ( 1 St<strong>and</strong>ard Deviation < 1% fat / lean in 20kg / 44lbssamples. For larger batches the accuracy increases)• This means that you can specify that95% of your production will be within asafe margin of ±2%Weight:• The MeatMaster will measure the weight withan error of less than 2%( 1 St<strong>and</strong>ard Deviation < 2% weight on loose meat)( 1 St<strong>and</strong>ard Deviation < 1% weight on meat in boxes)• The MeatMaster weight is usually notused for accounting purposes but issufficient accurate for formulationDedicated Analytical SolutionsHOME

Performance specificationsMetal:• The MeatMaster will find metal partsdown to 3mm size in product up to200mm / 8 inch thickness( 99% detection without false alarms )( density > 7.85 g/cm³, fe <strong>and</strong> non-fe )• This means that you can protect youequipment from damage due to metalcontaminantsBone:• The MeatMaster will detect bone downto 10mm size in product thickness up to200mm / 8 inch( 99% detection without false alarms )( density > 1.8 g/cm³ )• This means that you can send bonelessproduct without the risk of theoccational bone.The MeatMaster contains aunique detection systemcapable of finding metal <strong>and</strong>bone while also measuring thefat <strong>and</strong> weightIncreased consumer protectionReduced risk of product recallReduced consumer risk liabilityDedicated Analytical SolutionsHOME

GrainDedicated Analytical Solutions

Grain - Why automatic grain analyzer?• Breeding requires objective methods for optimal selection• More detailed information, new possibilities• Secure <strong>and</strong> Improve the grain quality to consumer• Trade requires more objectives methods (fair trade)Dedicated Analytical Solutions

Current state of grain quality assessment in generalInfratec 1241Grain QualityManualinspectionDedicated Analytical Solutions

Grain - Manual InspectionSubjective method:Based on written descriptions <strong>and</strong> image examplesRequires long experience <strong>and</strong> trainingAnalysis results depend on external conditions (such as light)Dedicated Analytical Solutions

Current possibilities within rice quality assessmentInfratec 1241Rice QualityCervitec 1625Dedicated Analytical Solutions

Grain - CervitecCervitec 1625 (Rice)Cervitec 1642 (wheat)Dedicated Analytical Solutions

Grain - Cervitec Technology, Transport Unit+ Well defined positioning+ Small area -> goodoptimisation of lightcondition, distances, focusetc.+ Multiple cameras (easysync.)+ Transmitted light- Needs to be optimised foreach cropDedicated Analytical Solutions

Grain - Cervitec Visual InspectionPATENTEDTECHNOLOGYCamera 1ReflectanceWhite lightCamera 2TransmissionRed/Blue lightDedicated Analytical Solutions

Grain - Rice QualityInfratec 1241• Moisture• Protein• AmyloseCervitec 1625• Head• Chalky• Cracked• Damaged• Coloured• BrokenRice CheckDedicated Analytical Solutions

Grain - Japonica Rice, ExamplesHeadChalkyMalformedColouredBrokenCrackDeadBrownPolishedCommentImmatureDamagedDedicated Analytical Solutions

Grain - Black Point in wheatDedicated Analytical Solutions

Future perspectives for vision-<strong>spectroscopy</strong>• X-Ray- Future st<strong>and</strong>ard for fat, weight, <strong>and</strong> foreign object detection in meat- Foreign detection interesting within other areas• VIS/NIR - grain- Replacement of inspectors with vision assessment- Automatic assessment- Online quality check- Single kernel VIS/NIR- Combined VIS/NIR prediction modelsDedicated Analytical Solutions

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