Curriculum Vitae – Mikkel B. Stegmann - DTU Informatics

Curriculum Vitae – Mikkel B. Stegmann - DTU Informatics Curriculum Vitae – Mikkel B. Stegmann - DTU Informatics


Curriculum VitaeMikkel B. Stegmannrev. July 22, 2005Personal infoName: Mikkel B. StegmannBirthday: February 16th - 1974Nationality: DanishAddress: Hulgårdsvej 102, 2. tv., 2400 Copenhagen NVPhone, work: +45 4525 3422Phone, home: +45 3888 3540E-mail: mbs@imm.dtu.dkWww: Danish and English (fluently)Family: Married to Katharina Hassing Stegmann and live together with our daughter Nikoline Hassing Stegmann.Degrees2004 Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., from Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, IMM, The Technical Universityof Denmark, DTU. Graduated in applied mathematics (focus on medical image analysis). The thesis was giventhe Nordic Award for the best Ph.D. thesis in image analysis and pattern recognition in the period 2003–2004.2000 Master of Science in Engineering from Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, IMM, The TechnicalUniversity of Denmark, DTU. Graduated in image analysis with focus on medical applications.1992 Gymnasium degree (12 years of school, HF) from Vordingborg Gymnasium. Majors: mathematics, physics.Studies abroadHonorary Research Fellow at the Victoria University of Manchester, Division of Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering,Manchester, England, UK, December 2002 – January 2003.Work2004 feb Assistant professor, Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, IMM, Technical University of Denmark, DTU.2003 dec Consultant for Approach Infinity Media, Toronto, Canada. Design and development of face analysis methods.2001 jan Enrolled in the Ph.D. programme in mathematics at The Technical University of Denmark, DTU. The Ph.D.project was carried out at Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, IMM in collaboration with The DanishResearch Centre for Magnetic Resonance, DRCMR, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre.2000 sep-dec Research assistant at Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, IMM, Technical University of Denmark, DTU.1999 aug Co-founder and co-owner of the company I/S, which was subsequently converted to dipCard.comAps with the help of foreign venture capital. Focus: image analysis/handling/processing (one patent pending).1999 maj-jan Project employed as C++ programmer (3D graphics, GUI etc.) of an image analysis program handling 2Delectrophoresis gels. The project was situated at IMM, Technical University of Denmark, DTU.1999 - 2000 Concept developer and system designer at TV2/Interaktiv (the internet department of Denmark’s second largestnational broadcast station) as a part of the sale of the internet service to TV2.1999 jan-feb Database and Active Server Pages developer at Ellegaard Data Aps. Focus: e-commerce systems.1998 okt Co-founder and designer of the internet service: – The first Danish internet service consisting of serverbasedpersonal data. After its introduction, the service has been used by thousands of Danes.1998 jul-jan System designer and C++ programmer at Ellegaard Data Aps in connection with a larger Point of Sale (POS)system developed for – and in close collaboration with – Siemens-Nixdorf Denmark.1998 External teacher/supervisor during two semesters at Kildegårds Gymnasium. Course 3D Computer Graphics.1997 dec Co-founder of the IT-company Tritonus I/S. Selected customers: TV2, DTU, Pronosco A/S, Ernst & Young,Ellegaard Data Aps, Element X - MIC, Job team, Ministry of Research (Forskningsministeriet).1996 feb-jul Editor and webmaster at The Danish Agricultural Council (Landbrugsraadet).1996 jan Contract employed C++ programmer at Interactive Television Entertainment – ITE. Focus: protocoldevelopment and user interface (Win32) for an interactive TV-game for MTV Europe.SummaryTopics of research:Technical interests:Medical image analysis, generative deformable models, active appearance models.Image analysis & processing, computer graphics, data compression, programming, numerical methods.

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> – <strong>Mikkel</strong> B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>rev. July 22, 2005Personal infoName: <strong>Mikkel</strong> B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>Birthday: February 16th - 1974Nationality: DanishAddress: Hulgårdsvej 102, 2. tv., 2400 Copenhagen NVPhone, work: +45 4525 3422Phone, home: +45 3888 3540E-mail: mbs@imm.dtu.dkWww: Danish and English (fluently)Family: Married to Katharina Hassing <strong>Stegmann</strong> and live together with our daughter Nikoline Hassing <strong>Stegmann</strong>.Degrees2004 Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., from <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, IMM, The Technical Universityof Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>. Graduated in applied mathematics (focus on medical image analysis). The thesis was giventhe Nordic Award for the best Ph.D. thesis in image analysis and pattern recognition in the period 2003–2004.2000 Master of Science in Engineering from <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, IMM, The TechnicalUniversity of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>. Graduated in image analysis with focus on medical applications.1992 Gymnasium degree (12 years of school, HF) from Vordingborg Gymnasium. Majors: mathematics, physics.Studies abroadHonorary Research Fellow at the Victoria University of Manchester, Division of Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering,Manchester, England, UK, December 2002 – January 2003.Work2004 feb Assistant professor, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, IMM, Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>.2003 dec Consultant for Approach Infinity Media, Toronto, Canada. Design and development of face analysis methods.2001 jan Enrolled in the Ph.D. programme in mathematics at The Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>. The Ph.D.project was carried out at <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, IMM in collaboration with The DanishResearch Centre for Magnetic Resonance, DRCMR, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre.2000 sep-dec Research assistant at <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, IMM, Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>.1999 aug Co-founder and co-owner of the company I/S, which was subsequently converted to dipCard.comAps with the help of foreign venture capital. Focus: image analysis/handling/processing (one patent pending).1999 maj-jan Project employed as C++ programmer (3D graphics, GUI etc.) of an image analysis program handling 2Delectrophoresis gels. The project was situated at IMM, Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>.1999 - 2000 Concept developer and system designer at TV2/Interaktiv (the internet department of Denmark’s second largestnational broadcast station) as a part of the sale of the internet service to TV2.1999 jan-feb Database and Active Server Pages developer at Ellegaard Data Aps. Focus: e-commerce systems.1998 okt Co-founder and designer of the internet service: – The first Danish internet service consisting of serverbasedpersonal data. After its introduction, the service has been used by thousands of Danes.1998 jul-jan System designer and C++ programmer at Ellegaard Data Aps in connection with a larger Point of Sale (POS)system developed for – and in close collaboration with – Siemens-Nixdorf Denmark.1998 External teacher/supervisor during two semesters at Kildegårds Gymnasium. Course 3D Computer Graphics.1997 dec Co-founder of the IT-company Tritonus I/S. Selected customers: TV2, <strong>DTU</strong>, Pronosco A/S, Ernst & Young,Ellegaard Data Aps, Element X - MIC, Job team, Ministry of Research (Forskningsministeriet).1996 feb-jul Editor and webmaster at The Danish Agricultural Council (Landbrugsraadet).1996 jan Contract employed C++ programmer at Interactive Television Entertainment – ITE. Focus: protocoldevelopment and user interface (Win32) for an interactive TV-game for MTV Europe.SummaryTopics of research:Technical interests:Medical image analysis, generative deformable models, active appearance models.Image analysis & processing, computer graphics, data compression, programming, numerical methods.

PublicationsJournal papers (peer reviewed, 5 items)• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, H. Ólafsdóttir, H. B. W. Larsson, Unsupervised motion-compensation of multi-slice cardiac perfusionMRI, Medical Image Analysis, vol. 9(4), pp. 394-410, Elsevier Science, 2005• B. v. Ginneken, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, M. Loog, Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Chest Radiographs using SupervisedMethods: A Comparative Study on a Public Database, Medical Image Analysis (in press), Elsevier Science, 2005• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, B. K. Ersbøll, R. Larsen, FAME - A Flexible Appearance Modelling Environment, IEEE Transactions onMedical Imaging, vol. 22(10), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2003• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, R. Larsen, Multi-band Modelling of Appearance, Image and Vision Computing, vol. 21(1), pp. 61-67,Elsevier Science, 2003• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, Analysis of 4D Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images, Journal of The Danish Optical Society, DOPS-NYT,no. 4, pp. 38-39, DOPS-NYT, 2001Conference papers and abstracts (peer reviewed, 21 items)• C. Ryberg, E. Rostrup, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, G. Waldemar, F. Barkhof, F. Fazekas, T. Erkinjuntti, L. O. Wahlund, L. Pantoni, D.Inzitari, Clinical significance of corpus callosum atrophy in a mixed elderly population, Vas-cog 2005, Florence, Italy, 2005• K. V. Skoglund, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, C. Ryberg, H. Ólafsdóttir, E. Rostrup, Estimation and Perturbation of the Mid-SagittalPlane and its Effects on Corpus Callosum Morphometry, Proc. International Society of Magnetic Resonance In Medicine -ISMRM 2005, Miami, Florida, USA, ISMRM, 2005• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, D. Pedersen, Bi-temporal 3D active appearance models with applications to unsupervised ejection fractionestimation, International Symposium on Medical Imaging 2005, San Diego, CA, vol. 5747, SPIE, 2005• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, K. Skoglund, C. Ryberg, Mid-sagittal plane and mid-sagittal surface optimization in brain MRI using alocal symmetry measure, International Symposium on Medical Imaging 2005, San Diego, CA, vol. 5747, SPIE, 2005• H. Ólafsdóttir, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, H. B. Larsson, Automatic assessment of cardiac perfusion MRI, Medical image computingand computer assisted intervention, MICCAI, vol. 36(3217), pp. 1060 - 1061, Springer, 2004• S. Darkner, R. Larsen, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, B. K. Ersbøll, Wedgelet Enhanced Appearance Models, 2nd InternationalWorkshop on Generative Model Based Vision (GMBV 2004), Washington, D. C., July, 2nd, IEEE, 2004• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, R. H. Davies, C. Ryberg, Corpus Callosum Analysis using MDL-based Sequential Models of Shape andAppearance, International Symposium on Medical Imaging 2004, San Diego, CA, vol. 5370, pp. 612-619, SPIE, 2004• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, S. Forchhammer, T. F. Cootes, Wavelet Enhanced Appearance Modelling, International Symposium onMedical Imaging 2004, San Diego, CA, Proc. of SPIE vol. 5370, pp. 1823-1832, SPIE, 2004• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, R. Larsen, H. B. W. Larsson, Unsupervised Correction of Physiologically-induced Slice-offsets in 4DCardiac MRI, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR 7th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain), vol. 6(1), pp.451-452, Dekker, 2004• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, The AAM-API: An Open Source Active Appearance Model Implementation, Medical Image Computingand Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2003, 6th Int. Conference, Montréal, Canada, pp. 951-952, Springer, 2003• R. Larsen, K. B. Hilger, K. Skoglund, S. Darkner, R. R. Paulsen, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, B. Lading, H. Thodberg, H. Eiriksson,Some Issues of Biological Shape Modelling with Applications, 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA),Gothenburg, Sweden, vol. 2749, pp. 509-519, Springer, 2003• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, H. B. W. Larsson, Motion-compensation of Cardiac Perfusion MRI using a Statistical Texture Ensemble,Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, FIMH 2003, vol. 2674, pp. 151-161, Springer Verlag, 2003• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, H. B. W. Larsson, Fast Registration of Cardiac Perfusion MRI, Proc. International Society of MagneticResonance In Medicine - ISMRM 2003, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pp. 702, ISMRM, 2003• D. W. Hansen, J. P. Hansen, M. Nielsen, A. S. Johansen, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, Eye Typing using Markov and ActiveAppearance Models, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision - WACV, pp. 132-136, 2002• D. W. Hansen, M. Nielsen, J. P. Hansen, A. S. Johansen, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, Tracking Eyes using Shape and Appearance,IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications - MVA, pp. 201-204, 2002• K. B. Hilger, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, R. Larsen, A Noise Robust Statistical Texture Model, Medical Image Computing andComputer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2002, 5th Int. Conf., Tokyo, Japan, vol. 2488(2), pp. 444-451, Springer, 2002• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, S. Forchhammer, On Decomposing Object Appearance using PCA and Wavelet bases with Applications toImage Segmentation, MATRIX'02, Eleventh International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, pp. 21, <strong>Informatics</strong> andMathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2002• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, R. Larsen, Multi-band Modelling of Appearance, First International Workshop on Generative Model-Based Vision - GMBV, pp. 101-106, DIKU, 2002• R. Larsen, H. Eiriksson, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, Q-MAF Shape Decomposition, Medical Image Computing and Computer-

Assisted Intervention - MICCAI, 4th Int. Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, vol. 2208, pp. 837-844, Springer, 2001• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, R. Fisker, B. K. Ersbøll, Extending and applying active appearance models for automated, high precisionsegmentation in different image modalities, Proc. 12th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis - SCIA 2001, Bergen,Norway, pp. 90-97, NOBIM, 2001• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, J. C. Nilsson, B. A. Grønning, Automated Segmentation of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images, Proc.International Society of Magnetic Resonance In Medicine - ISMRM 2001, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, vol. 2, pp. 827, ISMRM,2001Master's thesis• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, Active Appearance Models: Theory, Extensions and Cases, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling,Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2000Ph.D. thesis• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, Generative Interpretation of Medical Images, pp. 248, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, TechnicalUniversity of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2004. Winner of the Nordic Award for the best Ph.D. thesis in image analysis and patternrecognition in the period 2003–2004.Conference papers, Technical reports, Software, et cetera• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, K. Skoglund, On Automating and Standardising Corpus Callosum Analysis in Brain MRI, Proc. SvenskaSymposium i Bildanalys, SSBA 2005, Malmø, Sweden, SSBA, 2005• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, S. Forchhammer, On exploiting wavelet bases in statistical region-based segmentation, Proc. 11th DanishConference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, vol. 1, pp. 75-82, DIKU, 2002• K. B. Hilger, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, MADCam: The multispectral active decomposition camera, Proc. 10th Danish Conference onPattern Recognition and Image Analysis, pp. 136-142, DIKU, 2001• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, Object tracking using active appearance models, Proc. 10th Danish Conference on Pattern Recognition andImage Analysis, vol. 1, pp. 54-60, DIKU, 2001• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, R. Fisker, B. K. Ersbøll, H. H. Thodberg, L. Hyldstrup, Active appearance models: Theory and Cases,Proc. 9th Danish Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, vol. 1, pp. 49-57, AUC, 2000• M. M. Nordstrøm, M. Larsen, J. Sierakowski, M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, The IMM Face Database - An Annotated Dataset of 240Face Images, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2004• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, R. H. Davies, Automated Analysis of Corpora Callosa, pp. 10, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling,Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2003• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, Analysis and Segmentation of Face Images using Point Annotations and Linear Subspace Techniques, pp.25, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2002• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, An Annotated Dataset of 14 Meat Images, pp. 4, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, TechnicalUniversity of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2002• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, An Annotated Dataset of 14 Cardiac MR Images, pp. 4, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling,Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2002• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, R. Fisker, B. K. Ersbøll, On Properties of Active Shape Models, pp. 11, <strong>Informatics</strong> and MathematicalModelling, Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2000• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, D. D. Gomez, A Brief Introduction to Statistical Shape Analysis, pp. 15, <strong>Informatics</strong> and MathematicalModelling, Technical University of Denmark, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2002• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, Image Warping, pp. 7, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2001• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, The IMM Publication Database, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, <strong>DTU</strong>, 2003• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, 4D Cardiac Viewer, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, 2003• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, The AAM-API, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, 2003• M. B. <strong>Stegmann</strong>, The AAM Explorer, <strong>Informatics</strong> and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, 2001

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