as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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New Wiring Rules –what ESV is doing aboutinforming the tradeabout the changesnew edition mandated from 1 July 2008Director of <strong>Energy</strong><strong>Safe</strong>ty, Ken Gardner,h<strong>as</strong> re-iterated that thenew edition of the WiringRules – AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>– will be mandated from1 July this year.Ken told energysafe: “When it comes toenforcing the new Rules, ESV’s position mustbe clearly understood by the electrical trades.“Strictly speaking the new Rules apply fromtheir date of publication, which w<strong>as</strong> November12 l<strong>as</strong>t year. Therefore, ESV expects the tradeto work to them <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> practicable, but becompliant by 30 June 2008.an outlineof changesto <strong>as</strong>/<strong>nz</strong>s<strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>,Wiring Rules“We accept that the adoption of the new Rulesfrom a practical and commercial perspective isnot an e<strong>as</strong>y t<strong>as</strong>k. Therefore between now and1 July 2008, where breaches of the Wiring Rulesare detected, we will exercise our discretionwhen considering enforcement.”Ken said ESV w<strong>as</strong> also fully aware that becauseof changes to clauses and the structure ofthe new edition, updates have to be madeto the current Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty (Installation)Regulations 1999.“For instance some of the terms in theregulations do not correlate with the new WiringRules. So work is underway at ESV in matchingthe regulations to the Rules.“Because of the amount of work involved inupdating the regulations, the new version willnot come into force until next year.”This edition of energysafe contains a handy,e<strong>as</strong>y to read and digest four page insert whichexplains the changes that have been madeto the new Wiring Rules. It is a must read foreveryone involved in the electricity industry.The article h<strong>as</strong> been prepared by industryexperts, and is published by kind permissionof the Institute of Electrical Inspectors -http://www.iei.org.auThe article first appeared in the Summer<strong>2007</strong> edition of the Institute’s official journal,ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS.ESVinformationsessionson the NewWiring RulesESV h<strong>as</strong> arranged more than 20information sessions at venues across<strong>Victoria</strong> to enable licensed electricalinspectors, registered electricalcontractors and licensed electricalworkers to get “up to speed” on the manychanges resulting from the introductionof the new edition of the Wiring Rules– AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>.Director of <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong>ty, Ken Gardner, toldenergysafe that while copies of the new Ruleshave been available since the end of l<strong>as</strong>t year,it is in 2008 that they will become enforceablefrom a practical perspective.“There are of course many changes in the newedition compared to the previous AS/NZS<strong>3000</strong>:2000, and ESV accepts that the industrywill need both <strong>as</strong>sistance and time to come toterms with all the new provisions.”ESV is working with NECA in arranging thesessions. Sessions for LEIs will l<strong>as</strong>t four anda half hours, while the sessions for RECs andLEIWs will l<strong>as</strong>t two and a half hours. Details andthe booking form for REC and LEIW sessionscan be found on page 27.Both the times of the sessions – first thing inthe morning or late in the afternoon - and thevenues for them have been arranged so thatthey are <strong>as</strong> convenient <strong>as</strong> possible for the trade.While ESV h<strong>as</strong> organised the sessions andselected the venues, NECA is taking thebookings and helping to publicise the sessions.There will be a total of 21 sessions for RECsand LEIWs between the middle of March andlate May. The selected venues – up to threesessions are being held at some sites – arePreston, Holmesglen, Ballarat, Bendigo,Geelong, Warrnambool, Bairnsdale, LatrobeValley, Wodonga, Shepparton, Mildura, SwanHill and Horsham.The three sessions for LEIs are being held atPreston, Holmesglen and Bendigo.Ken said: “I would urge everyone involved in theelectrical trades to attend one of the sessionswhich have been arranged to <strong>as</strong>sist everyonewho needs to work to the Wiring Rules.“I also want to make it clear that all attendeesat the information sessions will need to haveobtained their copies of the Wiring Rules andto be re<strong>as</strong>onably familiar with the contentsbeforehand.”There is a nominal charge of $30 per personfor each session.3SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11

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