as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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split system airconditioners– clearancesto g<strong>as</strong> metersSplit system air conditioners are very popularbut selecting an appropriate external locationcan be challenging.ESV and the g<strong>as</strong> distribution companies havebecome concerned at the number beinginstalled adjacent to g<strong>as</strong> meters.Generally there is no hazard under normaloperating circumstances. However, most g<strong>as</strong>pressure regulators (located at the inlet to themeter) have a relief function. This means that if afault condition occurs, an amount of g<strong>as</strong> will berele<strong>as</strong>ed to atmosphere. The air conditionercan then act <strong>as</strong> a point of ignition for theescaping g<strong>as</strong>.As a general rule of thumb, an air conditionermust not be installed within 1 metre of a g<strong>as</strong>meter <strong>as</strong>sembly or its proposed location.A similar hazard affects LP G<strong>as</strong> installations,but a much greater clearance is required,depending on the type of cylinder installed.In-situ fill cylinders require a clearance of 3.5metres at ground level, and for exchangecylinders it is 1.5 metres.Failure to observe these clearances couldresult in g<strong>as</strong> supply being withdrawn.g<strong>as</strong> heating inoutdoor situationsOutdoor heating in restaurants and clubs is becoming more popular,especially in are<strong>as</strong> being created for smokers. The use of differenttypes of heaters in locations that are some times questionable isbecoming more prevalent.If appliances are being considered for installation in locations that they were not originallydesigned for, contact should be made with ESV before work commences. In some instancesagreement will have to be obtained from the manufacturer but the general requirements ofinstallation instructions must be adhered to.Even with the manufacturer’s agreement, any variation from the installation instructions musthave ESV approval.Appliances certified only for indoor use may be acceptable in qu<strong>as</strong>i-outdoor situations providedweather protection is adequate. Such approval will be considered on a c<strong>as</strong>e by c<strong>as</strong>e b<strong>as</strong>is.Special care would need to be taken in regards to any electrical connections.Some of the installations that ESV h<strong>as</strong> been <strong>as</strong>ked to accept but rejected had inadequateclearances, insufficient heights for the output of the heater, unacceptable access for servicingor poor flue discharge methods.Remember it’s better to check whether the installation would be acceptable rather thanrisking having g<strong>as</strong> supply refused or even worse, creating a potential hazard.Call the G<strong>as</strong> Technical Help Line on 1800 652 563 for advice.Handy safety hint. Tell your customerIf an appliance needs adjusting or cleaning, switch offthe power and pull out the plug – but not by the cord.23SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11

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