as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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urgent recallfor pool andspa heatersRaypak Australia Pty Ltd h<strong>as</strong> issuedan urgent nationwide recall noticefor pool and spa heaters installedafter 1 July 2005.There are about 5000 of the heaters inquestion in Australia, <strong>3000</strong> of them in <strong>Victoria</strong>.Heaters with a built in control panel <strong>as</strong>illustrated in the recall notice are likely to beaffected. Water inadvertently entering the unitcould lead to a partial malfunction of the overtemperaturethermostat control resulting in arisk of scalding.Raypak have provided a toll free number –1800 063 018 – for consumers. On site servicemodifications will be carried out to eliminatethe potential for the malfunction.Meanwhile, owners of sp<strong>as</strong>, fully enclosedindoor pools, plunge pools or small lap poolswith the units should disable them until repairsare carried out. For other pools, the unit shouldbe turned off and water temperature checkedbefore anyone gets into the water.See www.recalls.gov.au for Australian ProductRecall Information.Don’t forget to tell us what you would like to particularlysee in energysafe. Contact us by fax at (03) 9686 2197,or by email at info@esv.vic.gov.auman injuredwhen newbbq eruptsinto flamesESV w<strong>as</strong> called in by the CFA to investigate anincident at Frankston recently after a 70-yearoldman received serious injuries when hisbrand new BBQ erupted into flames.The victim w<strong>as</strong> taken to Frankston Hospitalsuffering burns to his right leg, arms and face.He also experienced breathing difficultiesafter his airways were damaged.The flames extended up to the roof of anexternal patio area, while the heat affectedhanging plants adjacent to the BBQ.When interviewed by ESV, the victim saidhe bought the new BBQ from a store inFrankston and paid an additional $70 for itto be <strong>as</strong>sembled by a specialist company.The BBQ w<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong>sembled and the victim w<strong>as</strong>provided with a brief demonstration on how tooperate it. Later in the day he decided to usethe appliance, followed the instructions hehad been given and activated the igniter.The BBQ then erupted into flames, The CFAattended to put out the fire and the victimw<strong>as</strong> taken by ambulance to hospital.During its inspections of the BBQ, ESV foundthat the POL screwed connection into thecylinder valve w<strong>as</strong> loose. This threaded br<strong>as</strong>sPOL connection could be hand tightened intothe cylinder valve socket an additional one andone half revolutions.ESV’s investigations included interviews withrepresentatives of the <strong>as</strong>sembly companyand its contractor who <strong>as</strong>sembled the BBQin question.21SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11thepotential ofproducingelectricityfrom hotrocksExploration work is already underwayin parts of <strong>Victoria</strong> <strong>as</strong>sessing thepotential for producing b<strong>as</strong>e loadelectricity from naturally occurringsubterranean heat – in other words“hot rocks”.Permits for exploring geothermal energysources were awarded in 12 are<strong>as</strong> to fivecompanies l<strong>as</strong>t year, with a further 19 permitsto be offered in April this year, the Ministerfor <strong>Energy</strong> and Resources, Peter Batchelor,announced just before Christm<strong>as</strong>.He said the five companies already awardedpermits had committed to spend more than$64 million over five years, with work alreadygetting underway in Gippsland.“The next tranche of permits will allowcompanies to search for geothermal energypotential across more than 154,000 sq km of<strong>Victoria</strong> previously unexplored.“In the l<strong>as</strong>t two years, the number ofcompanies exploring for geothermal energysources in Australia h<strong>as</strong> doubled.“This second rele<strong>as</strong>e of permits will help ensure<strong>Victoria</strong>’s geothermal potential is realised,” saidthe Minister.He said the geothermal industry in <strong>Victoria</strong> hadhuge potential and w<strong>as</strong> entering an excitingperiod of growth.Apart from reducing dependence on carbonemitting forms of electricity generation,producing b<strong>as</strong>eload power from naturallyoccurring subterranean heat will boost regionalcommunities and the State economy.“The geothermal industry is still in the earlystages of development in <strong>Victoria</strong>. TheState h<strong>as</strong> abundant renewable resources,but at this stage, renewable energy onlyaccounts for around four per cent of electricityconsumption,” he said.In hydrothermal geothermal systems, deepgroundwater that h<strong>as</strong> been naturally heated tosteam temperatures is brought to the surfaceand used to turn turbines.In dry rock systems, water is injected into hotrocks and returned to the surface once heated.

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