as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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The badly damageed Broadford RSL HallEIV_quarter vertical_LWE 21/4/04 11:25 PM Page 1handy safety hint.Always ensure plenty of ventilation whenusing g<strong>as</strong> appliances.ELECTRICALINSPECTIONSVICTORIAEXPERTS IN ALL AREAS OFELECTRICAL SAFETYElectrical Inspections <strong>Victoria</strong> Pty Ltd provides electrical inspectionsand consulting services to registered electrical contractors,developers and supply authorities across <strong>Victoria</strong>.Electrical Inspections <strong>Victoria</strong> h<strong>as</strong> the experience,qualification and resources to provide theservice you need.The fluorescent lamp showing the central ball<strong>as</strong>t andfaulty <strong>wiring</strong>. In this instance, incorrectly heat ratedinsulated conductors have been used to p<strong>as</strong>s over hotsurfaces, such <strong>as</strong> ball<strong>as</strong>ts. If there is overheating theinsulation will fail after a period.For more information contactELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS VICTORIA PTY LTD(03) 9739 4216 or visit www.eivic.com.auelectrical fireresults inloss of warmemorabiliaThe fire at the Broadford RSL hallin January which resulted in thedestruction of irreplaceable war andmilitary service memorabilia and whichw<strong>as</strong> a major focus of media reports atthe time, probably resulted from anelectrical fault, an ESV investigationh<strong>as</strong> concluded.A preliminary report of ESV investigations saidan onsite inspection with a CFA investigatorrevealed that the northwest corner area of theRSL Club building appeared to be the originalsource of the fire.“At this location w<strong>as</strong> situated the incomingelectrical service cable – approximately threemetres back from the street location. Remnantsof SERF type fuses were located below theoriginal switchboard location. A close inspectionfurther revealed that four single 40-wattfluorescent light fittings were also located inthe north west area of the structure.“It is understood that these fittings wereoriginally located within a pelmet structurefor the illumination of a memorabilia displaylocated on the north wall. One of the light fittingsindicated clear evidence of 1/.064 active andneutral copper conductors. Pendulous bulbs ofmolten copper were clearly visible where theywere positioned over the fluorescent’s ball<strong>as</strong>t.“It appears extremely likely that this mayhave been the origin of the fire. The insulationafforded the conductors w<strong>as</strong> not able to beverified <strong>as</strong> all cable insulation were destroyedduring the fire – none w<strong>as</strong> evident at thislocation.“It h<strong>as</strong> not been established whether the lightfittings were energised at the time immediatelyprior to the time of the conflagration,” said theESV report.The Age reported on the day after the fire thatthe memories of generations had turned to <strong>as</strong>hin the blaze. Military medals, photos, flags andweapons were among the items destroyed orleft blackened by the fire.RSL sub-branch president Ron Johnsonw<strong>as</strong> quoted <strong>as</strong> saying that the 65 memberswere dev<strong>as</strong>tated by the loss of the hall and itspriceless memorabilia. “It’s like losing an oldfriend,” he said. “It’s real bad.”Military medals for bravery had been amongthe pieces on display, their ceremonial ribbonsburnt by the flames. Some of them dated backto World War 1.A report in the Herald Sun said three-quartersof the building w<strong>as</strong> destroyed by the fire withthe damage bill estimated at $300 000.13SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11

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