as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria

as/nz wiring rules 3000:2007 (PDF) - Energy Safe Victoria


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A publication brought to you by <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>Courtesy of <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>. Copyright © 2008.PP352583/00578SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11NEW WIRING RULES. An e<strong>as</strong>y guide to the changes,ESV information Sessions, compliancE.3 & 27 plus a 4-page insertESV’s proposed policy on Supervised Workers Licences 4Lucky escape when powerline falls onto excavator 9Providing the lights and sounds for new Melbournetourist attraction Centre PAGEG<strong>as</strong> technical articles 20, 21, 22, 23Electricity technical articles 25, 26

contents.2www.energysafe.vic.gov.au03 Wiring Rules – when are thechanges mandated?04 ESV proposed policy on changesto the ‘L’ Licence06 G<strong>as</strong> industry identity retires after51 years06 89-year-old injured in g<strong>as</strong> cookerincident07 ESV <strong>as</strong>sists investigations into firesinvolving evaporative air conditioners08 New campaign on “Look Up And Live”09 Young man’s lucky escape whenpowerline falls on machine10 Switching to energy efficient lighting10 Recalls of electrical equipment13 Fire at Broadford RSL14, 15Working 300 metres up on the 88thfloor of the Eureka Tower16Prosecutions, Infringement Noticeupdate17 <strong>Safe</strong>ty alert on “live” metallic antennamounting bracket18 The Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Amendment Act19 Infringement notices issued overunapproved Christm<strong>as</strong> lights20, 21, 22, 23G<strong>as</strong> technical articles24 Praise for ESV’s electrical Home<strong>Safe</strong>ty Inspection Scheme25, 26Electricity technical articles27 New Wiring Rules – informationsessions and booking formThe energysafe team for this issue:Editor David Guthrie-JonesContributors Charlotte Roseby, Norm Jackson, AllenPeacock, Darren Margerison, Trevor Hudson, Neil Fr<strong>as</strong>er,Michael Leahy, Terry Clement, Bill te Wierik, Loc VuongEditorial <strong>as</strong>sistant Taryn DrewettPhotographers Michael Wearne, Bill te Wierik,Shelley Burnside, Terry Clement, Loc VuongCartoonist/illustrator Paul HarveyDesign AER DesignPrinting Energi PrintEditorial panel Management and staff of <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong>ty<strong>Victoria</strong>.FRONT COVER: In this issue we look at one ofMelbourne’s new tourist attractions. It is the Skydeck orobservation platform 300 metres high on the 88th floorof the Eureka Tower in Southbank. It claims to be thehighest public vantage point in the Southern Hemisphere.REC Chris Bakes w<strong>as</strong> involved over a considerable timeinstalling power, lighting control, sound and visual effectsfor this exciting, and possibly scary for some, attraction.You can read about Chris and the project and view someother great pictures in the centre pages of this issue.The front cover photo and some of the others are byAlan Beard.fromtheeditor.Welcome to 2008 and the slightly new lookenergysafe. After 10 issues and more thantwo years of the same style and design wethought it w<strong>as</strong> time for a “refresh” of themagazine’s look – nothing too dr<strong>as</strong>tic buta change anyway. After all things cannotremain the same.We hope you like the look of the magazine.Whether you approve or not, ple<strong>as</strong>e let us know.Talking about things not staying the same,there are probably some in the electrical tradeswho wished the Wiring Rules had stayed thesame and are now trying to come to terms withthe new version, AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>, whichh<strong>as</strong> introduced a large number of changes tothe way RECs, LEIWs and LEIs work.Because the introduction of the new edition ofthe Wiring Rules impacts so many in such a largeway, we make no apologies for giving the topicsome extensive coverage again in this issue ofthe magazine.The centrepiece is the comprehensive four page,e<strong>as</strong>y to read summary of the changes which ispresented <strong>as</strong> an insert in this issue. Hopefully itwill be of great use to all who need it. It is printedon thicker stock compared to the rest of themagazine to ensure a longer life. It may even beworth laminating.We believe this four page insert is the bestsummary of the new Wiring Rules yet produced.It w<strong>as</strong> prepared by industry experts and firstappeared in the Institute of Electrical Inspectorsofficial publication at the end of l<strong>as</strong>t year.Thanks to the Institute for allowing us to publishthis essential information.ESV accepts that coming to terms with the newWiring Rules and adopting the provisions is notan e<strong>as</strong>y matter. Many readers may by now beaware that ESV in conjunction with NECA h<strong>as</strong>arranged more than 20 information sessionsfor the trade across Australia over the next fewmonths. We have information on the sessionsand the booking form in this issue.The article on page 3 regarding enforcementof the new provisions is essential reading. Thechanges came into force when the new Ruleswere issued in November l<strong>as</strong>t year and ESVexpects the trade to work to them <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong>practicable, but be compliant by 30 June 2008.ESV will exercise discretion if it detects breachesof the provisions up until then.Of course there is a lot more reading in thisissue. For instance there is an article on the newpolicy proposed by ESV in relation to the issuingof the ‘L’ or Supervised Workers Licence – theaim being to encourage holders to progress tobecoming ‘A’ grade electricians. ESV is currentlyconsulting with industry on the proposed policy.Recent electricity and g<strong>as</strong> “events” involvingsafety are also covered in this issue. For instancea young man is lucky he w<strong>as</strong> not electrocutedwhen a powerline fell on the roof of a front endloader. Similarly two people – one of them an 89-year-old woman – received serious burns in g<strong>as</strong>related incidents.We have a report on the fire which destroyed theRSL hall at Broadford and with it much valuablememorabilia. It is ESV’s conclusion that the fireresulted from an electrical fault.Recently ESV issued infringement notices againstthe suppliers of unapproved Christm<strong>as</strong> lightingproducts and h<strong>as</strong> been instrumental in recalls ofelectrical products. We have details in this issue.There are of course a number of comprehensivearticles providing electricity and g<strong>as</strong> relatedtechnical information.There is now another way of seeing Melbourneand its surrounds – 300 metres up in theSkydeck of the Eureka Tower on Southbank.The story of how the power, lighting control,sound and visual effects were installed on thenew observation deck on the eighty-eighth floorof the tower makes very good reading.Hopefully you will agree that there is somethingfor everyone.David Guthrie-Jonesdguthriejones@esv.vic.gov.auadvertisenow!For advertising information and bookings contact Barry Telfer of Barry Telfer Media Services onPh: (03) 9579 7787, Fax: (03) 9579 7782 or by email at btms@pat<strong>as</strong>h.com.auBookings are now being taken for the next and subsequent issues of energysafe.Our attractive advertising rates are <strong>as</strong> follows:Full page > $5000 Half page > $2500 One third page > $1700 Quarter page > $1500Authorised by: <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> Building 2, 4 Riverside Quay, Southbank, <strong>Victoria</strong> 3006 Ph: 03 9203 9700Printed by: Energi Print, 2-4 Emily Street, Murrumbeena, <strong>Victoria</strong> 3163Copyright. All material appearing in energysafe is copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part is notpermissible without the written permission of <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>, depending on the source of the article.Liability. Howsoever arising <strong>as</strong> a consequence of use or reliance upon any advice, representations, statement,opinion or conclusion expressed herein is expressly denied by <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> and all persons involvedin the preparation of this publication.

New Wiring Rules –what ESV is doing aboutinforming the tradeabout the changesnew edition mandated from 1 July 2008Director of <strong>Energy</strong><strong>Safe</strong>ty, Ken Gardner,h<strong>as</strong> re-iterated that thenew edition of the WiringRules – AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>– will be mandated from1 July this year.Ken told energysafe: “When it comes toenforcing the new Rules, ESV’s position mustbe clearly understood by the electrical trades.“Strictly speaking the new Rules apply fromtheir date of publication, which w<strong>as</strong> November12 l<strong>as</strong>t year. Therefore, ESV expects the tradeto work to them <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> practicable, but becompliant by 30 June 2008.an outlineof changesto <strong>as</strong>/<strong>nz</strong>s<strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>,Wiring Rules“We accept that the adoption of the new Rulesfrom a practical and commercial perspective isnot an e<strong>as</strong>y t<strong>as</strong>k. Therefore between now and1 July 2008, where breaches of the Wiring Rulesare detected, we will exercise our discretionwhen considering enforcement.”Ken said ESV w<strong>as</strong> also fully aware that becauseof changes to clauses and the structure ofthe new edition, updates have to be madeto the current Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty (Installation)Regulations 1999.“For instance some of the terms in theregulations do not correlate with the new WiringRules. So work is underway at ESV in matchingthe regulations to the Rules.“Because of the amount of work involved inupdating the regulations, the new version willnot come into force until next year.”This edition of energysafe contains a handy,e<strong>as</strong>y to read and digest four page insert whichexplains the changes that have been madeto the new Wiring Rules. It is a must read foreveryone involved in the electricity industry.The article h<strong>as</strong> been prepared by industryexperts, and is published by kind permissionof the Institute of Electrical Inspectors -http://www.iei.org.auThe article first appeared in the Summer<strong>2007</strong> edition of the Institute’s official journal,ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS.ESVinformationsessionson the NewWiring RulesESV h<strong>as</strong> arranged more than 20information sessions at venues across<strong>Victoria</strong> to enable licensed electricalinspectors, registered electricalcontractors and licensed electricalworkers to get “up to speed” on the manychanges resulting from the introductionof the new edition of the Wiring Rules– AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>.Director of <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong>ty, Ken Gardner, toldenergysafe that while copies of the new Ruleshave been available since the end of l<strong>as</strong>t year,it is in 2008 that they will become enforceablefrom a practical perspective.“There are of course many changes in the newedition compared to the previous AS/NZS<strong>3000</strong>:2000, and ESV accepts that the industrywill need both <strong>as</strong>sistance and time to come toterms with all the new provisions.”ESV is working with NECA in arranging thesessions. Sessions for LEIs will l<strong>as</strong>t four anda half hours, while the sessions for RECs andLEIWs will l<strong>as</strong>t two and a half hours. Details andthe booking form for REC and LEIW sessionscan be found on page 27.Both the times of the sessions – first thing inthe morning or late in the afternoon - and thevenues for them have been arranged so thatthey are <strong>as</strong> convenient <strong>as</strong> possible for the trade.While ESV h<strong>as</strong> organised the sessions andselected the venues, NECA is taking thebookings and helping to publicise the sessions.There will be a total of 21 sessions for RECsand LEIWs between the middle of March andlate May. The selected venues – up to threesessions are being held at some sites – arePreston, Holmesglen, Ballarat, Bendigo,Geelong, Warrnambool, Bairnsdale, LatrobeValley, Wodonga, Shepparton, Mildura, SwanHill and Horsham.The three sessions for LEIs are being held atPreston, Holmesglen and Bendigo.Ken said: “I would urge everyone involved in theelectrical trades to attend one of the sessionswhich have been arranged to <strong>as</strong>sist everyonewho needs to work to the Wiring Rules.“I also want to make it clear that all attendeesat the information sessions will need to haveobtained their copies of the Wiring Rules andto be re<strong>as</strong>onably familiar with the contentsbeforehand.”There is a nominal charge of $30 per personfor each session.3SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11

4www.energysafe.vic.gov.auesv probes salesof appliancesthrough ebayESV is currently investigating the sale of a number ofg<strong>as</strong> cookers through EBay that have not been certified.What seemed to be a bargain h<strong>as</strong> turned out to be a nightmarefor customers who are now around $1000 out of pocket.Luckily, observant installers recognised the lackof Australian approval labels and refused to fitthe cookers.ESV h<strong>as</strong> also followed up on uncertified waterheaters being offered for sale on EBay <strong>as</strong>suitable for use with caravans. ESV’s opinionis that they are unsafe and a potential incidentwaiting to happen. The sellers have beenwarned off but tend to reappear some monthslater.It is ESV’s advice that people in the market forg<strong>as</strong> or electrical appliances must check thatthey have full Australian approval. They shouldalso make their friends and relatives awareof the dangers of purch<strong>as</strong>ing unapprovedproducts.Make sure the seller is properly identified <strong>as</strong>a company with contact details that are morethan an EBay account name working out of aPO Box.Plumbers and g<strong>as</strong>fitters engaged to installuncertified appliances should refuse to doso and inform ESV immediately.An unapproved cooker purch<strong>as</strong>ed through EBayfor a <strong>Victoria</strong>n home.energysafe advertorial – an article supplied by NecaThe National Electrical and CommunicationsAssociation’s (NECA) EcoSmart Electriciansprogram is a unique industry training andaccreditation scheme for electrical contractorsand their electrical staff.This innovative and ground-breaking programis designed to educate electrical contractorsand their staff about energy efficient products,services and technologies. It aims to equipelectricians with the latest knowledgeand skills to be able to advise customers(domestic, commercial and industrial) on themost energy efficient product and designoptions available, with a view to influencingtheir decision-making towards moreenvironmentally-sustainable solutions andreducing greenhouse g<strong>as</strong> emissions.EcoSmart Electricians w<strong>as</strong> developed byNECA for implementation initially for <strong>Victoria</strong>and then nationally but recent developmentsh<strong>as</strong> seen it rele<strong>as</strong>ed in New Zealand. In<strong>Victoria</strong>, it h<strong>as</strong> seen an amazing responsefrom contractors wanting to access therapidly growing sustainability market. Forec<strong>as</strong>tto reach 1600 electrical contractors andelectricians, influencing an estimated 30,000households and businesses by the end of2010, the currently listed program is fillingvery f<strong>as</strong>t according to NECA’s Philip Green.“<strong>Victoria</strong> is leading the way in accessing thismarket and the results for some of thosecontractors who have been at the forefronthave been very encouraging. Clients arelooking for more options these days and it isnot simply about money. Many want to activelyesv consultswith industryon new guidelinesfor issuing “L”licencesESV h<strong>as</strong> commenced a round of industryconsultations with the intention ofintroducing a new policy on the issuingof L cl<strong>as</strong>s – supervised workers –licences. The policy will also reiteratethat the L cl<strong>as</strong>s is a three-year one-offlicence which in most instances willnot be renewed.The L licence is aimed at former apprenticeswho have not completed their training after thefour years but wish to remain in the trade.Because they have not qualified, their workneeds to be supervised.The new guidelines call for the licences tobe only issued to former apprentices whodemonstrate an aptitude and commitmentto becoming an A grade electrician, and havecompleted some essential safety modulesand work requirements.Continue on next page.going green is more than trainingreduce their carbon footprint and the firstplace they look is their energy consumption.”EcoSmart Electricians is unique in contentdepth and scope, drawing from the technicalexpertise of major manufacturers andsuppliers in the industry <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong>government and community groups.The key to the program, <strong>as</strong> it is described,is that it is a lot more than just a trainingcourse. “We have deliberately designed thisto provide contractors and their staff withongoing support and information, not just inproducts and technology, but with marketingsupport,” he says. “This l<strong>as</strong>t area h<strong>as</strong>traditionally been a weakness and a negativefor many contractors because it is not coreto their skill set. But what we provide in theprogram is proving to be a major <strong>as</strong>sistancein helping the contractors with their dealingswith their customers.”Information regarding the programcan be obtained by visitingwww.ecosmartelectricians.com.auOr call 03 9645 5533Training commencement datesand locations for 2008Sunshine 1 April >Wodonga 2 April> Mildura 6 May > Berwick 7 May >Warrnambool 20 May South Melbourne4 June > Book early <strong>as</strong> Placesare limited

During early industry consultation, both NECAand the ETU have indicated support for thepolicy.The policy proposes that the following essentialsafety modules should be obtained before an Llicence is granted. These modules are;> NBB02 Occupational Health and <strong>Safe</strong>ty> NE 172 Electrical Wiring and Equipment 1> NUE044 Electrical <strong>Safe</strong> Working Practices> NUE408 Electrical Installations-testing& VerificationAn ESV discussion paper on the policy saysthat, <strong>as</strong> an apprentice’s formal training wouldnormally be completed in the first three yearsof an apprenticeship and they would have hadan additional year to catch up and completemodules, it is not acceptable for them to havecompleted less than 60% of their formal training.“There is an argument that if a student is thatfar behind with their studies they either do nothave the ability or they are not serious aboutbecoming an electrician.“A minimum partial completion would be thatthe applicant h<strong>as</strong> satisfactorily completed atle<strong>as</strong>t 15 modules including c<strong>as</strong>e units NBB02,NE172, NUE044 and NUE408.“It is not intended that a supervised worker’slicence be an on going licence therefore anapplicant needs to supply with the applicationdetails of how they will satisfactorily completethe outstanding competencies.The licence would be issued subject to theoutstanding units of competencies beingcompleted to the agreed timetable.“Applicants who have satisfactorily completedthe outstanding competencies but have notp<strong>as</strong>sed the LEA will be able to hold a supervisedworkers licence for a maximum of two years,”says the discussion paper.ESV Recommendations1. That before a supervised workers licence isissued the applicant will have satisfactorilycompleted at le<strong>as</strong>t 15 modules includingNBB02, NE172, NUE044 and NUE408 andp<strong>as</strong>sed the <strong>Safe</strong> Work Practice <strong>as</strong>sessment.In addition they will need to present atimetable to show how they will completeall units of competencies within the term ofthe licence.2. Existing holders of a supervised worker’slicence will not be issued a new licenceunless they comply with the above.3. This policy will not apply to those who helda supervised worker’s licence <strong>as</strong> a result ofholding a B Cl<strong>as</strong>s licence under the SEC Actwho will be able to continue to renew theirlicence.ESV records show that there are approximately570 L Cl<strong>as</strong>s licence holders. Of these 49 expirebefore the end of June 2008, a further 95 expirein the second half of 2008 and the rest expire insubsequent years.It is proposed to introduce the policyprogressively. ESV will write to all L cl<strong>as</strong>slicence holders and explain the process <strong>as</strong>it applies to them.There will be further information on theproposed changes in due course.safety advicewhen workingnear powerlinesTwo drivers and a farmer were electrocutedon <strong>Victoria</strong>n farms in 2006 when the traysof trucks delivering lime and fertiliser hitpowerlines. The incidents occurred at WoorakWest near Nhill, Bena in South Gippslandand at Mudgeegonga, near Myrtleford.The following tips should be observed atall times:> Identify all are<strong>as</strong> where powerlines crossproperties> Obtain a copy of the “No Go Zone” <strong>rules</strong>and regulations and study them closely;> Identify all electrical hazards before startingwork. If in any doubt contact the localelectricity distribution company;> Monitor weather conditions. Powerlinescan sag in extreme heat and sway in strongwinds;> Powerlines can be difficult to see at dawnand dusk;> Remember that electricity can jump gaps;> Ensure an ESV registered spotter is on handwhen working anywhere near overheadpowerlines;> Never raise the tray of tipper trucks whenunderneath powerlines;> Relocate bulk delivery storage sites to a safearea away from powerlines;> Display “LOOK UP AND LIVE” stickers onany machinery or equipment which is raisedoverhead.5Power & G<strong>as</strong> ServicesBilfinger Berger Services (BBS) is a specialistcontractor with a reputation for deliveringhigh quality, cost effective operations,maintenance and augmentation servicesto owners of major infr<strong>as</strong>tructure <strong>as</strong>setsincluding power, g<strong>as</strong>, communications andwater.Power Services:• Electrical & safety inspections• <strong>Safe</strong>ty & compliance auditsG<strong>as</strong> Services:• Maintenance & installation• Leak Detection• Asset construction & commissioningEngineeringDesignConstructionTelecommunicationsMaintenanceMeteringAsset Commissioning<strong>Safe</strong>ty AuditsSUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11Leak DetectionBilfinger Berger Services Power 75 Acacia Road Ferntree Gully VIC 3156 T +61 3 9294 8300 F +61 3 9294 8333Bilfinger Berger Services G<strong>as</strong> Level 3, 570 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 T +61 3 9946 4900 F +61 3 9946 4950www.bbsaa.com.au

g<strong>as</strong> industryidentity callsit a day after51 yearsWell known g<strong>as</strong> industry identity Allen Peacock h<strong>as</strong>retired after a long and distinguished career l<strong>as</strong>tingmore than 50 years. Since the establishment of ESVmore than two years ago, Allen h<strong>as</strong> been InstallationManager – G<strong>as</strong>.Allen Peacock– retiring after51 years6www.energysafe.vic.gov.auAllen became a familiar figure around <strong>Victoria</strong> with his work, on the onehand in his role <strong>as</strong> the g<strong>as</strong> installation inspector in Melbourne’s centralbusiness district for 16 years and then his travels around the statepresenting at training seminars – sometimes <strong>as</strong> many <strong>as</strong> 50 in a year.Allen started work <strong>as</strong> an apprentice plumber and g<strong>as</strong>fitter at the G<strong>as</strong> andFuel’s Fitzroy yard in what w<strong>as</strong> a totally different era to that experiencedtoday. He recalls being part of a team of two who used bicycles to travelaround North Melbourne installing g<strong>as</strong> appliances and consumer piping.They had to take their materials with them on the bicycles, and if theyforgot anything they would need to ride back to Fitzroy to get it. Whathappened when it rained? “We just got wet,” he said.After graduating to work maintaining g<strong>as</strong> appliances, Allen w<strong>as</strong> theninvolved for six months in 1962 converting C<strong>as</strong>tlemaine from towns g<strong>as</strong>supply to tempered liquefied petroleum g<strong>as</strong>.In 1968 Allen joined the Colonial G<strong>as</strong> Company in Box Hill <strong>as</strong> amaintenance fitter and out-of-hours emergency fitter. In those days,the phones were switched to the fitters’ homes and it w<strong>as</strong> often theirwives who took calls when their husbands were out on other jobs –and sometimes had to endure customer abuse for their trouble!Two years later Allen became an installation inspector and when theColonial G<strong>as</strong> Company merged with the G<strong>as</strong> and Fuel Corporation in1972, Allen found himself back where he started – at the Fitzroy yard.It w<strong>as</strong> then that he became the installation inspector for the CBD. It w<strong>as</strong>a busy time – the oil scare w<strong>as</strong> on and most buildings were switchingfrom oil to g<strong>as</strong> for heating supplies.With the split up of the G&FC Allen worked for the northern region andwhen the chance came to join the newly established Office of G<strong>as</strong> <strong>Safe</strong>ty<strong>as</strong> a g<strong>as</strong> inspector he took it. He became Installation Manager in 2001and made the switch to ESV in August 2005.Allen is such an expert in his field that his advice and experience is oftenappreciated around Australia – for example, recently he w<strong>as</strong> requested toprovide training seminars in Darwin.“I have enjoyed my time and I am going to miss a lot of it. I certainlyenjoyed travelling and talking to people at the training seminars – it’ssomething I have been doing for more than 30 years. It used to get busyon the training side when new codes and standards were introduced.Sometimes we would be conducting more than one seminar a week,”he told energysafe.Modest about his sporting achievements, Allen did admit to playingfootball at a re<strong>as</strong>onably high level against the likes of Barry Davis andFr<strong>as</strong>er Evans in their junior days.Later tennis became a p<strong>as</strong>sion and he played to a high standard until justa couple of years ago. He w<strong>as</strong> also in charge of the courts at Viewbank forthe Under 16 Australian Championships when it featured the likes of PatC<strong>as</strong>h, Mark Kratzman and Elizabeth Minter.He also admits to being “an old rocker” from way back and is veryproficient on the electric guitar. “Bill Haley And The Comets and their‘Rock Around The Clock’ w<strong>as</strong> my downfall,” he said.ESV and the g<strong>as</strong> industry wishes Allen a long and happy retirement,which he richly deserves.89-year-old receives burnsin g<strong>as</strong> cooker incidentESV h<strong>as</strong> investigated an incident atBelmont, near Geelong, in which an 89-year-old woman received burns injuriesfrom her cooker on the same day thather time expired g<strong>as</strong> meter w<strong>as</strong> changedover.The victim w<strong>as</strong> taken to hospital after herhair caught fire and she received burns to herface, left hand and wrist. She h<strong>as</strong> lived at theproperty for some 60 years while the uprightcooker in question – the only g<strong>as</strong> appliance inthe house – w<strong>as</strong> installed about 45-years-ago.In a statement provided to ESV, the victim saidshe had been informed by the g<strong>as</strong> companythat the meter w<strong>as</strong> about to be changed over.Early in February she found a notice in hermail box explaining that the work had beencarried out.She said she rang the telephone numberprinted on the notice and an operator at the g<strong>as</strong>company explained the process for turning onthe valve at the g<strong>as</strong> meter. After doing so, thevictim went back into the house and turned ona g<strong>as</strong> burner and ignited the flame with a match.As the burner flame w<strong>as</strong> burning correctly sheimmediately turned off the g<strong>as</strong> control knob.A short while later she placed a lunch packsupplied by the Meals on Wheels service intothe oven, and then turned the thermostatto around mark 350. She ignited the ovenburner with a match. Later she turned off thethermostat knob and opened the oven door.It w<strong>as</strong> then that a flame rolled out settingfire to her hair and causing the burns injuries.The victim told ESV she closed the oven doorand immediately placed a pack of frozen pe<strong>as</strong>on her face.She w<strong>as</strong> taken to Geelong Hospital byambulance and returned home after treatment.ESV’s investigations are so far inconclusive.Tests have been carried out on the cookerbut any similar flame roll out h<strong>as</strong> not beenrecreated.

esv <strong>as</strong>sistsinvestigations into firesinvolving evaporativeair conditioners<strong>Victoria</strong>’s fire authorities - the MFB andCFA - have reported significant incre<strong>as</strong>esin the number of air conditioner andevaporative cooler fires in <strong>Victoria</strong>nhomes over recent months.ESV is working with the authorities investigatingpossible problems with evaporative airconditioners, some of them roof mounted,following incre<strong>as</strong>ed reports of both fires andincidents where smoke h<strong>as</strong> entered homes.“While these reports are of concern to ESV andthe fire authorities, investigations are at an earlystage and we do not have enough at this timeto <strong>as</strong>certain if there is a significant problem withevaporative coolers,” said Director of <strong>Energy</strong><strong>Safe</strong>ty, Ken Gardner.damaged rooftop evaporative airconditioner examined by ESV recentlyESV h<strong>as</strong> met with CFA and MFB representativesand agreed to investigate <strong>as</strong> many of thefire reports <strong>as</strong> possible. In some incidents,investigators have found that fan motor start/runcapacitors have ruptured and produced smokebut not caused fires.“Meanwhile we appeal to all electricians calledout to work on evaporative air conditioners tocheck the state of capacitors to determine ifthere is any deterioration and/or damage, andinform ESV of their findings,” said Ken.“We will of course continue to review thesituation and take whatever action is deemednecessary.”A ruptured fan motor start/runcapacitor detected in one air conditionerElectricalEngineeringManager> Regulate the <strong>Safe</strong>ty of <strong>Victoria</strong>’s electricitysupply infr<strong>as</strong>tructure> Salary range $96,000 – $104,000 plus11% superannuation and vehicle> Southbank location<strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> is a statutory authoritythat is responsible for ensuring the safe andefficient supply and use of electricity, g<strong>as</strong>and the safety of pipelines in <strong>Victoria</strong>. Weare seeking a manager to lead a small team ofengineers and technical specialists responsiblefor the safety of electricity generation,transmission and distribution in <strong>Victoria</strong>.Reporting to the Executive Manager Infr<strong>as</strong>tructure<strong>Safe</strong>ty, the Manager Electricity Supply <strong>Safe</strong>tywill oversee Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty ManagementSchemes, <strong>as</strong>sess and audit safety systems andprocesses, monitor industry safety performance,review safety standards and provide authoritativeexpertise and advice on electricity safety mattersto management, industry and the <strong>Victoria</strong>ncommunity.The ideal applicant will have electrical engineeringqualifications or equivalent and substantialrelevant electrical industry experience with athorough knowledge of the design, constructionand operation of electricity generation,transmission and distribution infr<strong>as</strong>tructure.We are seeking someone who h<strong>as</strong> recognisedtechnical competence and authoritative standingin the electricity industry with at le<strong>as</strong>t five yearsexperience leading and managing staff, a soundknowledge of relevant <strong>Victoria</strong>n legislation andexcellent communication and interpersonal skills.A copy of the position descriptionis available on the ESV websitewww.esv.vic.gov.au. Telephone enquiriesmay be made in the first instance to Mike Ebdon,Executive Manager Infr<strong>as</strong>tructure on +61 3 92039740. Applications including a resume and adocument addressing the selection criteri<strong>as</strong>hould be forwarded to jmcfarland@esv.vic.gov.au.7SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11

8www.energysafe.vic.gov.aunew campaignwarns of thedangers ofoverheadpowerlinesAn extensive public awareness campaign will be conducted byESV across regional <strong>Victoria</strong> during March warning of the needto “Look Up And Live” when in proximity to overhead powerlines.The campaign is being supported by electricity distributioncompanies, SP AusNet and Powercor.There w<strong>as</strong> a similar campaign in <strong>2007</strong> to coincide with the start of themain se<strong>as</strong>on for deliveries of bulk supplies of fertiliser, lime and othermaterials to farms. It followed the three deaths which resulted fromvehicles touching powerlines on rural properties in 2006.Centrepiece of the campaign will be the television commercial producedby ESV in late 2006 and shown for the first time in early <strong>2007</strong> whichdirectly targets truck drivers and farmers. A corresponding radio versionwill be aired across regional stations.“Look Up And Live” brochures, stickers and posters are continually beingdistributed throughout the State to maintain awareness of the dangerswhen working near powerlines.The overriding message of the brochure is: “Be Alert, Be Aware –Overhead Powerlines Are Always There.” One of the stickers, which canbe placed on the inside of windscreens, details the safe working distanceswhich must be observed between trucks, machinery and power poles.A scene from ESV’s “Look Up And Live”television commercialSupplies of stickers and brochures are available from ESV bytelephoning 9203 9700 or 1800 800 158. Alternatively send anemail to info@esv.vic.gov.auDirector of <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong>ty, Ken Gardner, told energysafe that everyoneinvolved in the delivery of materials to farms must exercise the appropriateduty of care.“Farmers and truck drivers need to always ‘Look Up And Live’. Butfarmers have the added responsibility of ensuring that the drop off pointfor deliveries is located well clear of powerlines. Similarly if truck drivershave concerns they should refuse to make the deliveries.”“If <strong>as</strong> a very l<strong>as</strong>t resort there is no alternative but to deliver materialsnear powerlines, then everybody involved h<strong>as</strong> to be fully aware of theprecautions required.“Responsibility for safety must be extended beyond the farm yard.Suppliers of farm materials should <strong>as</strong>certain when orders are taken thelocation of the delivery point, the proximity of powerlines and what safetyprecautions are in place should there be powerlines in the vicinity.“Unfortunately, experience shows that everyone – particularly truckdrivers, property owners and farm workers - involved in the delivery oflime, fertiliser and other bulk material to farms is at risk from electrocutionbecause of trucks touching powerlines,” said Ken.

A front end loader dislodged apower pole and the cable droppedonto its roof in a recent incidentat Thom<strong>as</strong>town.young man’slucky escape inpowerline incidentA young man received a serious electric shockand burn when a powerline fell onto a front endloader at Thom<strong>as</strong>town recently. He w<strong>as</strong> luckynot to have been electrocuted in the incident.It w<strong>as</strong> reported that the man and two otherswent to visit a friend at a work site which w<strong>as</strong> apaddock covered in mud, large mounds of soiland building rubbish.By all accounts their car got bogged and a frontend loader w<strong>as</strong> used to drag the vehicle out ofthe mud.A chain w<strong>as</strong> connected to the car and thebucket of the excavator and the operation toremove the car w<strong>as</strong> completed successfully.The young man in question then removed thechain from the car and went to remove it fromthe bucket of the excavator.It w<strong>as</strong> at this point that the excavator startedto roll back and in so doing hit a power pole.This caused a 22000 volts conductor to fall andcome to rest on the top roof of the excavator.The victim w<strong>as</strong> taken to hospital by ambulanceafter he received the electric shock and a burnto the inner thigh on his left leg.The electrical protective device operated andisolated the fault.9handy safety hint. tell your customers:Never leave an electrical appliance where it can fall into the bath or b<strong>as</strong>in.Don’t leave unattended with children. Unplug after use.AS/NZ WIRING RULES <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>STIPULATE EARTH RODS NEEDTO BE 250 MICRONS COATED.SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11range of Earth Rods& accessories fully comply withthe NEW AS/NZ <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong> Standards.Clamps & Accessories● EC130Earth Clamp for 13mm● CL602Earth Clamp for 16mm● EC19Earth Clamp for 19mm● CP502Copper Alloy Coupling● DS81Driving Stud● DH2Driving Headomegapower.com.ausales@omegapower.com.auVIC(03) 9793 6111NSW(02) 9734 9944QLD(07) 3216 2799SA(08) 8340 9200WA(08) 9475 0777

10www.energysafe.vic.gov.auswitching toenergy efficientlightingAn article supplied to energysafe by the Departmentof the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.Lighting plays a very important partin the design of Australian homes andoffices. Demand for both effective andenergy efficient lighting systems by homeowners can at times leave electricalcontractors and electricians wonderingjust what lighting products will createthe best lighting outcome in the mostcost-effective manner.While there are a number of lighting optionsfor today’s consumer, not all of them arecost-effective or the best choice in terms ofefficient energy use. One of the biggest energyoffenders is the incandescent or General LampService (GLS) (pear shaped) bulb, which is aform of incandescent lamp.The GLS light bulb h<strong>as</strong> been available for morethan 125 years, and while inexpensive to buy,typically fails after only 1,000 hours of use andconsumes excessive amounts of electricity,leading to high running costs. In fact almost allof the electrical energy going into these bulbs isconverted to heat rather than light.In February <strong>2007</strong> the Australian Governmentannounced plans to ph<strong>as</strong>e-out these bulbs andother inefficient incandescent light bulbs by2009-10. The initiative is expected to reduceAustralia’s greenhouse g<strong>as</strong> emissions by severalmillion tonnes over the next few years, and cuthousehold lighting costs by up to 66 per cent.GLS bulbs will be ph<strong>as</strong>ed-out first with otherincandescent lights (including the le<strong>as</strong>t efficientof halogen down lights) following in a plannedapproach of ph<strong>as</strong>ing-out inefficient lightingwhere effective and efficient alternatives areavailable.Lighting alternatives include compactfluorescent lamps (CFLs) that use around 20per cent of the electricity to produce the samelight, and l<strong>as</strong>t four to 10 times longer than theGLS bulb. Compatibility of CFLs with installeddimmers should be checked carefully. Halogenlights that meet the new efficiency standards willalso become available.The Australian Government will use minimumenergy performance standards (MEPS) b<strong>as</strong>edon Australian and New Zealand standards, toensure that only those lighting products thatmeet the specified energy efficiency levels willbe sold in Australia.Standards for CFLs will also apply to ensurethat only good quality products will be sold inAustralia. Aspects covered will include: run-uptime, colour appearance, mercury content, andlamp lifetime.It’s also worth noting, that despite popularmyths, low voltage halogen down lights are NOTan efficient choice for lighting of medium to largespaces. For example, installing ten x 50 wattdown lights will lead to energy consumption ofmore than 500 watts. In many c<strong>as</strong>es, the samejob could be done with CFLs which would useless than 100 watts in total.It’s clear that using more energy efficient lightingis beneficial on a number of levels: both incutting energy bills and reducing impacts tothe environment (less electricity means lessgreenhouse g<strong>as</strong> emissions).As an electrical professional ple<strong>as</strong>e rememberthese considerations when next advising yourclients on their lighting needs, ensuring thatwhat you advise and install meets the upcomingAustralian Government requirements. For moreinformation about the initiative ple<strong>as</strong>e visitwww.greenhouse.gov.au/energy/cfls/index.htmlKeep an eye out for more articles about thelighting initiative in future issues of energysafe.recent recallsof electricalequipmentESV h<strong>as</strong> been instrumental recently in therecall by manufacturers and importersof electrical equipment considered to beunsafe.The equipment involved.> Mid<strong>as</strong> Trading, 40 & 60 Watt SolderingIrons - recall issued 20 December <strong>2007</strong>.> Eaton, Powerware 3105 & 5110 UPS’s– recall issued 26 January 2008.> Godfreys, Turbo Dust Interceptor –recall issued 29 January 2008.Here are the recall notices <strong>as</strong> published innewspapers.<strong>Energy</strong> efficient light bulb alternatives include compactfluorescent lamps, shown here in a variety of styles


12letters tothe editorWorking in hazardous are<strong>as</strong>I refer to the most recent edition of theenergysafe magazine, page 24- MoreCommonly Asked Electricity Questions - c)relating to license requirements to work inhazardous are<strong>as</strong>.The response given is correct. However itcould have been more specific and addedthat Australian Standard AS4761:2003 -Competencies for working with electricalequipment in hazardous are<strong>as</strong> (EEHA)addresses the specific competencies requiredto perform hazardous area work and specificallythat Competencies UTE NES 010B, 012B,107B and 214B are the minimum knowledgeb<strong>as</strong>e required for installation and maintenanceactivities.“Keep up the goodwork with themagazine - it is reallyvery informative.”I raise this <strong>as</strong> my work is primarily relatedto design and supervision of installationsin Hazardous Are<strong>as</strong> and I hold all requiredcompetencies. I find that most electricianswho have not had formal training to theCompetencies stated do not have thenecessary skills and knowledge to performthe work to the required AS2381 installationstandards and many do not know how to fitoff a barrier gland which is fundamental.Perhaps in the interests of promotingcompliance with Australian Standards andencouraging those who would performhazardous area work to do so safely and tothe applicable standards, you could makemention of AS4761 in the next edition.Thank you for your attention.David LittleLegal requirements underthe O.H.&S. ActOn page 24 of the current issue of energysafean answer is given to a question aboutelectrical work in hazardous are<strong>as</strong>. Theanswer, in part, says ...’Many industriesrequire........ when working in hazardous are<strong>as</strong>’.Electricians, reading this, could <strong>as</strong>sume that itis an optional requirement/a good idea etc.I think that some mention should havebeen made of the legal requirements underthe O.H.&S. act. There are two separaterequirements:1. Employers (including contractors andsub-contractors) must ensure that theiremployees have proven competence.2. Employees have a legal obligation not tocarry out work on equipment/installationsunless they are demonstrably competent.In practice, if an electrician carries out workin a hazardous area without having provencompetency, they leave themselves open toprosecution. For their protection could youadd something about this in your next edition?There is another legal pathway to enforcingthe use of competent workers.AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>, clause mentionsHAW competencies and mandates the useof AS/NZS 2381.1. Clause 1.7 of this standardmandates the use of competent workers.It may even mention the competenciesdescribed in AS/NZS 4761.Keep up the good work with the magazine -it is really very informative.Peter Turnerwww.energysafe.vic.gov.au

The badly damageed Broadford RSL HallEIV_quarter vertical_LWE 21/4/04 11:25 PM Page 1handy safety hint.Always ensure plenty of ventilation whenusing g<strong>as</strong> appliances.ELECTRICALINSPECTIONSVICTORIAEXPERTS IN ALL AREAS OFELECTRICAL SAFETYElectrical Inspections <strong>Victoria</strong> Pty Ltd provides electrical inspectionsand consulting services to registered electrical contractors,developers and supply authorities across <strong>Victoria</strong>.Electrical Inspections <strong>Victoria</strong> h<strong>as</strong> the experience,qualification and resources to provide theservice you need.The fluorescent lamp showing the central ball<strong>as</strong>t andfaulty <strong>wiring</strong>. In this instance, incorrectly heat ratedinsulated conductors have been used to p<strong>as</strong>s over hotsurfaces, such <strong>as</strong> ball<strong>as</strong>ts. If there is overheating theinsulation will fail after a period.For more information contactELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS VICTORIA PTY LTD(03) 9739 4216 or visit www.eivic.com.auelectrical fireresults inloss of warmemorabiliaThe fire at the Broadford RSL hallin January which resulted in thedestruction of irreplaceable war andmilitary service memorabilia and whichw<strong>as</strong> a major focus of media reports atthe time, probably resulted from anelectrical fault, an ESV investigationh<strong>as</strong> concluded.A preliminary report of ESV investigations saidan onsite inspection with a CFA investigatorrevealed that the northwest corner area of theRSL Club building appeared to be the originalsource of the fire.“At this location w<strong>as</strong> situated the incomingelectrical service cable – approximately threemetres back from the street location. Remnantsof SERF type fuses were located below theoriginal switchboard location. A close inspectionfurther revealed that four single 40-wattfluorescent light fittings were also located inthe north west area of the structure.“It is understood that these fittings wereoriginally located within a pelmet structurefor the illumination of a memorabilia displaylocated on the north wall. One of the light fittingsindicated clear evidence of 1/.064 active andneutral copper conductors. Pendulous bulbs ofmolten copper were clearly visible where theywere positioned over the fluorescent’s ball<strong>as</strong>t.“It appears extremely likely that this mayhave been the origin of the fire. The insulationafforded the conductors w<strong>as</strong> not able to beverified <strong>as</strong> all cable insulation were destroyedduring the fire – none w<strong>as</strong> evident at thislocation.“It h<strong>as</strong> not been established whether the lightfittings were energised at the time immediatelyprior to the time of the conflagration,” said theESV report.The Age reported on the day after the fire thatthe memories of generations had turned to <strong>as</strong>hin the blaze. Military medals, photos, flags andweapons were among the items destroyed orleft blackened by the fire.RSL sub-branch president Ron Johnsonw<strong>as</strong> quoted <strong>as</strong> saying that the 65 memberswere dev<strong>as</strong>tated by the loss of the hall and itspriceless memorabilia. “It’s like losing an oldfriend,” he said. “It’s real bad.”Military medals for bravery had been amongthe pieces on display, their ceremonial ribbonsburnt by the flames. Some of them dated backto World War 1.A report in the Herald Sun said three-quartersof the building w<strong>as</strong> destroyed by the fire withthe damage bill estimated at $300 000.13SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11

“With rigorous safety procedures, eventhough we were working 88 floors abovethe ground, it w<strong>as</strong>n’t any less safe thanworking on the ground floor.”THESE ORIGINAL VACUUM VOLTAGE SENSING RELAYS ACHIEVED UNDER ANDOVER VOLTAGE PROTECTION. IF THEY TRIPPED, THEY WOULD BRING ON THEGENERATOR SUPPLY. INSTALLED IN 1960, THEY WERE CRITICALLY IMPORTANTFOR THE SUPPLY TO THE HOSPITAL. THIS TECHNOLOGY WAS REPLACED IN 2006.14www.energysafe.vic.gov.auROYAL CHILDREN’S HOSPITALMAINTENANCE OFFICER, GRAHAM SKINNER.electricianenjoysview from the topPhotographs by Michael Wearne, Alan Beard and Charlotte Roseby.

Chris Bakes, REC and Director of OzSpark, h<strong>as</strong> a good head forheights. Which is lucky, because his recent job w<strong>as</strong> about 300metres above the ground: installing power, lighting control,sound and visual effects for Eureka Skydeck 88, Melbourne’snew observation deck on the eighty-eighth floor of theEureka Tower.The Eureka Tower is the world’s tallest residential tower and the Skydeckis the highest public vantage point in the Southern Hemisphere.Chris w<strong>as</strong> involved in the Skydeck project right from the concept stage; infact it w<strong>as</strong> three and a half years before he stepped on site, and two yearsbefore he even saw the drawings. The Skydeck w<strong>as</strong> an ambitious project,with a complex set of highly orchestrated LED sound and vision effectsdesigned by architects and lighting designers to enhance the viewingexperience for visitors.The real fun started when it w<strong>as</strong> finally time to install. The very firstchallenge for Chris and his team w<strong>as</strong> to get all the equipment up to thesite. “There w<strong>as</strong> just a tiny service lift. Any decent-sized switchboards hadto be cut up to fit,” says Chris. “We estimated that there w<strong>as</strong> one guy inthe lift for five weeks, once we added it all up.”When they reached the top, the OzSpark team realised they were aboutto start work, 300 metres up, before the windows went in. “There w<strong>as</strong>plenty of chicken wire keeping us from the edge,” says Chris.“With the wind and the noise up there, it w<strong>as</strong>n’t <strong>as</strong> much fun <strong>as</strong> it sounds.We worked in August when it w<strong>as</strong> 3 degrees on the ground, and it w<strong>as</strong>about minus 6 up there.”“With rigorous safety procedures, even though we were working 88 floorsabove the ground, it w<strong>as</strong>n’t any less safe than working on the groundfloor.”Installation of the three floors of the observation deck, the retail, café andfunction are<strong>as</strong> took 10 months, 6 days a week.This w<strong>as</strong> such a challenging job, says Chris, because one of the maindesign objectives w<strong>as</strong> to conceal the complex lighting effects behindceiling baffles. This meant completing just one section of the room ata time. “There were plumbers, builders, electricians and pl<strong>as</strong>terers allworking together, at height,” says Chris.With 35 large panels, each with 256,000 LEDs, the light shines up atthe ceiling and is reflected back down through metallic air ducts andceiling panels, something never done before in Melbourne. With eachlight costing around $<strong>3000</strong>, this w<strong>as</strong> a major expense and a major partof the installation.“They wanted to keep people guessing,” says Chris. “All the wallschange colour, but you can’t see where the colour change comes from.”The result is a space jam-packed with atmosphere. LED signs thatdetail interesting facts about Melbourne fl<strong>as</strong>h across the walls and floors,propelling you around the room <strong>as</strong> you read them. As you make yourway around the 360-degree windows, ogling at the view, the lights seemto follow. Daylight sensors trigger lights where you are standing, makingit feel even higher than you really are. The lights are matched by audioeffects that echo the sounds of Melbourne so, <strong>as</strong> you look out at FlindersSt, for example, you hear the trains and the crowds at the station and thetrams rumbling along Swanston Street.These effects are run through a computerised system called Dynalight.Light levels are all pre-programmed. The actual power installation w<strong>as</strong>pretty b<strong>as</strong>ic, but the computer control w<strong>as</strong> a highly involved process, saysChris. “There w<strong>as</strong> an extra 40 people behind the scenes just to get thelighting right.“If you don’t feel giddy enough gazing down at tall buildings, then TheEdge “ride” is for you: an elevator-like cube moves 3 metres out from thebuilding so you are suspended for a few minutes over the city. Just <strong>as</strong>you get used to the view, the frosted gl<strong>as</strong>s on all six sides of the cubesuddenly goes clear, and it appears that there is only a thin layer of cleargl<strong>as</strong>s between you and the world below you.Chris is happy to give away a couple of trade secrets: “The gl<strong>as</strong>s ismade up with LED panels, so when there is a current run through thegl<strong>as</strong>s, it gives the perception that it is cloudy and frosted. When it isde-energised, it goes clear. That w<strong>as</strong> a b<strong>as</strong>ic switching program runthrough the computer.”MAINTENANCE OFFICER GRAHAM SKINNER WITH THE DIESELGENERATOR THAT WAS, UNTIL ABOUT 18 MONTHS AGO, THE BACKUPPOWER SUPPLY FOR THE ROYAL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL.“We worked in August when it w<strong>as</strong>3 degrees on the ground, and it w<strong>as</strong>about minus 6 up there.”“It w<strong>as</strong> a very simple idea with a very complex execution. A lot of thehard work w<strong>as</strong> done in the drawings and working out the relays.”This is one project Chris Bakes certainly won’t forget. “The view w<strong>as</strong>incredible and working up there certainly gave us a different perspectiveof Melbourne. The hot air balloons floating around you w<strong>as</strong> a nice way ofstarting the morning, and seeing the Commonwealth Games fireworksbelow us w<strong>as</strong> fant<strong>as</strong>tic.”Eureka!> Eureka Tower took 4 years to completeand cost approximately $500 million.> The tower used 110,000 tonnes of concreteand weighs 200,000 tonnes.> The top of the tower can flex up to 600mm inhigh winds. Two 300,000 litre water tanks onlevels 90 and 91 help to dampen the oscillations.> Horizontal white lines on Eureka Towerrepresent the linear line markings on <strong>as</strong>urveyor’s me<strong>as</strong>uring staff.15SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11

16www.energysafe.vic.gov.aucontents.electricityrelatedprosecutionsESV h<strong>as</strong> recently taken legal proceedings under theElectricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Act 1998 against the following. Underthe Privacy Act, energysafe is precluded from publishingthe names of individuals charged with offences.> An REC w<strong>as</strong> charged with installing unsafe electrical equipment andemploying a person who is not a licensed electrical installation worker(LEIW). The defendant w<strong>as</strong> fined $1000 without conviction andordered to pay costs of $800.> An REC w<strong>as</strong> charged with two counts of installing unsafe electricalequipment, carrying out work that does not comply with theElectricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Act and Regulations, and failing to have prescribedwork inspected. The defendant gave an undertaking to be of goodbehaviour for 36 months.> A LEIW w<strong>as</strong> charged with two counts of installing unsafe electricalequipment, carrying out work that does not comply with theElectricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Act and Regulations, and failing to have prescribedwork inspected. The defendant gave an undertaking to be of goodbehaviour for 36 months and w<strong>as</strong> ordered to pay $1300 costs.> An LEIW w<strong>as</strong> charged with carrying out electrical contracting workwhilst not registered, carrying out work that does not comply with theAct and Regulations, and failing to have prescribed work inspected.The defendant gave an undertaking to be of good behaviour for 12months, w<strong>as</strong> ordered to pay $750 to the court fund and a further$1500 costs.> An REC w<strong>as</strong> charged with five counts of carrying out work thatdoes not comply with the Act and Regulations. The defendant w<strong>as</strong>convicted, fined $6000 and ordered to pay a further $2740 costs.> An REC w<strong>as</strong> charged with installing unsafe electrical equipment.The defendant w<strong>as</strong> fined $1000 without conviction and ordered topay costs of $1250.> An REC w<strong>as</strong> charged with eight counts of carrying out work thatdoes not comply with the Act and Regulations. The defendant w<strong>as</strong>convicted, fined $5000 and ordered to pay copsts of $1500.> An LEIW w<strong>as</strong> charged with giving information to ESV that is misleadingin a material particular. The defendant w<strong>as</strong> fined $750 withoutconviction and ordered to pay costs of $2500.> An REC w<strong>as</strong> charged with giving information to ESV that is misleadingin a material particular. The defendant w<strong>as</strong> fined $750 withoutconviction.> An LEI w<strong>as</strong> charged with two counts of failing to record defects on aninspection certificate. The defendant w<strong>as</strong> convicted, fined $1200 andordered to pay a further $2500 in costs.Jan07Feb07infringement notice summaryMar07Apr07May07Jun07Jul07Aug07Sep07Oct07Nov07Dec07TotalUse 2 4 0 4 6 5 3 0 1 0 0 2 27Other 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 6Total 2 4 2 4 6 5 3 2 2 1 0 4 33infringement notices 2008types of infringements notices issed<strong>2007</strong> REC LEW Other Offence Code Offence PenaltyFeb 07 REC 6373 Fail to display number $1 074REC 6373 Fail to display number $1 074REC 6373 Fail to display number $1 074REC 6373 Non complying installation work $2 686Mar 07 Other 6384 Supply equipment not approved $2 149Other 3589 G<strong>as</strong> fitting work did not comply $2 149Apr 07 REC 6377 Non complying installation work $2 620REC 6377 Non complying installation work $2 620REC 6378 Fail to have work inspected by inspector $2 149REC 6378 Fail to have work inspected by inspector $2 096May 07 REC 6242 Fails to give certificate within time $107LEW 6228 Fail to complete certificate within time $107REC 6241 Fails to complete certificate $107LEW 6228 Fail to complete certificate within time $107LEW 6228 Fail to complete certificate within time $107LEW 6228 Fail to complete certificate within time $107Jun 07 REC 6215 Fail to display number $215REC 6242 Fails to give certificate within time $107LEW 6228 Fail to complete certificate within time $107REC 6378 Fail to have work inspected by inspector $2,149LEW 6243 Fails to lodge copy with the Office $107Jul 07 OTHER 6220 Unlicensed electrical installation work $537OTHER 6220 Unlicensed electrical installation work $537OTHER 6220 Unlicensed electrical installation work $537Aug 07 OTHER 6348 Damages a network <strong>as</strong>set $220OTHER 6220 Unlicensed electrical installation work $537Sep 07 OTHER 6253 Supply equipment not approved $440REC 6243 Fails to lodge copy with the Office $107Oct 07 OTHER 6335 Closer than distance allowed in Table 40 $220Dec 07 OTHER 6253 Supply equipment not approved $440OTHER 6384 Supply equipment not approved $2,202REC 6241 Fails to complete certificate $107REC 6242 Fails to give certificate in time $107TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE ELECTRICAL, INSTRUMENTATION AND PLUMBING INDUSTRYRMIT UNIVERSITY PROVIDES FLEXIBLE TRAINING AND EDUCATION PROGRAMS THAT ARE HIGHLY REGARDED BY INDUSTRY.RMIT’S APPRENTICSHIPS ARE STRUCTURED TO MEET THE REALITIES OF TODAY’S TOUGH AND FAST-PACED EMPLOYMENT MARKETS.We offer high quality training for your apprentices in:- Certificate Ill in Electrotechnology (Instrumentation)- Certificate Ill in Electrotechnology (Systems Electrician)- Certificate IV in Electrotechnology (Instrumentation)- Certificate IV in Electrical (Systems Electrician/Instrumentation)- Licensing in all are<strong>as</strong> of Plumbing- G<strong>as</strong> ServicingShort courses can be customised to meet your specificneeds and are conducted onsite anywhere in Australia,Asia or the Pacific.- <strong>Energy</strong> Smart Electrician- Code of Practice for <strong>Safe</strong> Electrical Work- Electrical Contractor Registration- Portable Appliance <strong>Safe</strong>ty Testing- Disconnect/Reconnect Worker’s LicenceFor more information contact T. (03) 9925 4468 F. (03) 9925 4377 E. wendy.gillies@rmit.edu.auwww.rmit.edu.au

Live antenna mounting bracketwarning from esv:metering antennamounting bracketfound to be “live”Late l<strong>as</strong>t year ESV issued a <strong>Safe</strong>ty Alert after a licensedelectrician received a shock while working nearelectrical metering communications equipment.At the time he w<strong>as</strong> installing cables in a metal duct located next to theelectrical metering panel, and made simultaneous contact with theduct and a “live” metallic antenna mounting bracket <strong>as</strong>sociated withthe metering equipment.The antenna mounting bracket w<strong>as</strong> fixed to the meter panel with two23mm self-tapping metal screws.The screws protruded though the front and the rear of the meter paneland penetrated into the single insulation cables within the meteringenclosure, therefore allowing the screws and the metal bracket tobecome “live”.This method of installation is contrary to the fundamental safetyrequirements of AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>:2000 in that the bracket should havebeen attached with insulated screws.As a result of the screws penetrating the single insulated cable, theantenna mounting bracket w<strong>as</strong> me<strong>as</strong>ured to be “live” at 247.9 VAC.Warning: metallic antenna mounting brackets fixed with metal screwsshould be treated <strong>as</strong> “live”.ESV estimates there are more than 5000 sites across <strong>Victoria</strong> wherethere may be similar installations.17handy safety hint. tell your customers:Do not use a portable electrical radiator in the bathroom.A permanently installed heater is much safer.energysafe advertorial – an article supplied by Protectfund administration software a winnerA six month independent research projecth<strong>as</strong> documented the importance of Protect’sdecision to commission purpose built, leadingedge fund administration software.Rosy Buchanan & Associates draft reportsets out the effectiveness of the administrationsoftware and the subsequent savings toemployers.In place since July 2006, the administrationsoftware allows employers to work online– to lodge both paperwork and paymentelectronically.“Information …… from …… businesses ……overwhelmingly endorse the time savings ……”,the report says.“…… 90% provided feedback that the timespent on monthly returns had been reducedby between 50% - 80%”, the report added.With both industrial and commercial obligationsto provide paperwork and payment withinbusiness rule guidelines, the administrationsoftware is proving a winner for employersand Protect.1,250 employers provide monthly contributionsfor 27,000 employees. The monthlycontributions comprise severance, incomeprotection and training levy componentswhich must be provided in a manner allowingallocation to individual employee accounts.In commissioning the administration software,Protect w<strong>as</strong> determined to make available aprogram which would provide accurate,speedy and user friendly access.Rosy Buchanan & Associates report indicatesthose benchmarks have been well met.Protect will give detailed consideration to thereport in the coming weeks and considera range of recommendations including thecreation of an IT Field Support Officer.The report indicates the creation of such aposition will greatly <strong>as</strong>sist small businessesgather the necessary skills and confidenceto fully utilise the capacity of the software.Investing in even further administration softwareadvances will keep Protect at the top of fundadministration and further help streamlinethe business operations of a large numberof employers.SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11

18contents.amendments tothe Electricity<strong>Safe</strong>ty Act toensure unsafework is rectifiedThe Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Amendment Bill <strong>2007</strong> – the subjectof two articles on page 14 of Issue 10 of energysafe –h<strong>as</strong> become law.The new Act amends the Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Act 1998 to:> mandate submission of and, once approved, compliance with electricitysafety management schemes by major electricity companies, namelyelectricity transmission and distribution owners or operators;> harmonise the safety management scheme regime in the Electricity<strong>Safe</strong>ty Act 1998 with the g<strong>as</strong> safety c<strong>as</strong>e regime in the G<strong>as</strong> <strong>Safe</strong>tyAct 1997;> require registered electrical contractors and licensed electrical workersto rectify their defective electrical work that is unsafe;> improve the representation of the railway and tramway industrieson the <strong>Victoria</strong>n Electrolysis Committee.As a reminder for readers on what the legislation contains, the Actprovides that <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> may, by written notice, require aregistered electrical contractor or licensed electrical worker that carriedout unsafe work to rectify it at no additional expense to the customer.Penalties apply for non-compliance with a rectification notice.However, an REC or LEIW can avoid a notice under the bill, and the riskof a penalty for non-compliance, by rectifying unsafe work promptly -<strong>as</strong> he or she would be contractually bound to do anyway.By providing for the issue of rectification notices, the Act ensures thatdefective work that is unsafe is made safe <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> possible, andregardless of whether the consumer chooses to enforce his or hercontractual rights.Compliance with a notice from ESV to rectify unsafe and defective workis subject to the right of review by the <strong>Victoria</strong>n Civil and AdministrativeTribunal.The rectification work is to be at no additional expense to the customer.Rectification of unsafe defective electrical work may include the labellingof switchboards, the securing and protection in position of cables and thesecure installation of equipment, said the Minister.The Act also makes it mandatory for <strong>Victoria</strong>’s electricity transmission anddistribution network operators to submit electricity safety managementschemes (ESMS) to ESV every five years.An ESMS specifies the <strong>as</strong>sets or operations to which it applies, thehazards and risks to persons and property arising from those <strong>as</strong>sets oroperations, and the safety management system to be followed to minimise<strong>as</strong> far <strong>as</strong> practicable those hazards and risks.The benefits include lower compliance costs under the ESMS regimecompared to prescriptive regulations and improved safety performance.By aligning, where appropriate, the g<strong>as</strong> and electricity safety regimesthe Act reduces the regulatory burden for those entities operating inboth the electricity and g<strong>as</strong> industries.The Act enables ESV to conduct audits to determine compliance withan ESMS.www.energysafe.vic.gov.auALL YOUR DOWNLIGHTPROTECTION COVEREDInsulguard Enclosure & Retro Downlight Covers.The simple and effective way to protect downlights.InsulguardDimensions:310mm(W)x200(D)x220(H)Insulguard -Downlight Enclosure● Protects downlights & transformersfrom thermal insulation● Treated with non-toxic fire retardant● Made from environmentally friendlyrecycled pulp● Complies with <strong>wiring</strong> <strong>rules</strong> (AS/NZ<strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>) Recessed luminaries -clause method (b)● Tested to AS1530-Part 2 (FlammabilityTest)● Independently heat tested to 600°c● Packs flat for e<strong>as</strong>y storage● Pre-cut 70 - 90mm downlight holeRetro -Downlight Cover● Complies to new electrical <strong>wiring</strong> <strong>rules</strong>for downlights● Retrofit existing downlights● Small and compact● Can be placed through existingdownlight hole● Two sizes to cover most downlightinstallations: 70mm & 90mm● Metal perforation for air circulation● Transformer attachment includedCatalogue No. DLGRetroCatalogue No. DLCL (90mm), DLCS (70mm)Note: does not includetransformer or downlightomegapower.com.ausales@omegapower.com.auVIC(03) 9793 6111NSW(02) 9734 9944QLD(07) 3216 2799SA(08) 8340 9200WA(08) 9475 0777

esv fines two importersfor supplying unapprovedChristm<strong>as</strong> lightsESV h<strong>as</strong> issued Infringement Noticesagainst two importers for supplying oroffering to supply unapproved Christm<strong>as</strong>lights. The offences were detectedduring regular ESV compliance audits atthe premises of the parties concerned.ESV served a $2,202 Infringement Noticeagainst a company and a $440 Notice againstan individual - in accordance with Part 11A ofthe Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Act. .Both the company and the individual were alsorequired to provide a written statement to ESVadvising:>why these Christm<strong>as</strong> Lights were being soldwithout Australian electrical safety approval;>actions they are taking to ensure that allprescribed electrical equipment withoutelectrical safety approval and any unsafeelectrical equipment, is immediately withdrawnfrom supply;> detailed list of all retail outlets they havesupplied unapproved Christm<strong>as</strong> Lights toduring <strong>2007</strong>;> actions they are taking to retrieve and destroyall unapproved and unsafe Christm<strong>as</strong> Lightsthat they and the retailers they supplied stillhave in stock;> re<strong>as</strong>on(s) why they should not conduct arecall of the already sold unsafe Christm<strong>as</strong>Lights; and>that they understand the requirements ofSections 54, 57(2), 63 & 65 of the Act.They were also warned that ESV will continueto monitor equipment supplied by them andmay issue other Infringement Notices or otherUnapproved Christm<strong>as</strong>lighting productsdetected during ESVauditspenalties for each breach of the Electricity<strong>Safe</strong>ty Act 1998.ESV indicated to both parties that it w<strong>as</strong>particularly concerned that the <strong>wiring</strong> on manyof their Christm<strong>as</strong> Lighting products did nothave adequate insulation thickness for safeoperation at 240Vac and could result in theuser receiving an electric shock.In one instance, the individual had suppliedabout 200 units of one unapproved set ofChristm<strong>as</strong> lights before ESV directed it to stopsales.Both importers were advised that, under Section57(2) of the Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Act 1998:“A person must not supply or offer to supplyelectrical equipment prescribed under subsection(1) unless the equipment –(a)is approved by ESV and is marked <strong>as</strong>prescribed; or(b) is approved by a prescribed authority or,under the regulations, is deemed to beapproved; or(c) is certified in accordance with a prescribedmethod or prescribed process.”Decorative Lighting Outfits (including Christm<strong>as</strong>Lights & Rope Lights) and components(including Plug, Supply Cord and ControlDevices) have been prescribed cl<strong>as</strong>ses ofelectrical equipment for many years with themost recent prescription being on 7 August2003 by notice published in the <strong>Victoria</strong>nGovernment Gazette No. G31, on 31 July 2003.Both the company and the individual hadpreviously been advised on two occ<strong>as</strong>ions byESV in recent years not to supply unsafe andunapproved prescribed electrical equipment.fireauthoritiesjoin esvin warningon unsafeChristm<strong>as</strong> lightsThe MFB, CFA and ESV received positivecoverage when they warned the community in amedia rele<strong>as</strong>e issued in December <strong>2007</strong> againstbuying cheap decorative lighting products whichhave not been approved for supply by Australia’selectrical safety regulatory authorities.Unapproved lights can be dangerous with thepotential to start fires in homes and causepeople to receive electric shocks, the authoritieswarned in the rele<strong>as</strong>e.The extensive coverage included an interviewwith ESV’s Executive Advisor Communicationsand Public Relations, David Guthrie-Jones, onRadio 3AW’s top rating Ernie Sigley program.The rele<strong>as</strong>e said Christm<strong>as</strong> tree lights and otherelectrical products are only approved for salein Australia once they have been exposed torigorous testing by accredited test agencies.The media rele<strong>as</strong>e also <strong>as</strong>ked people aware ofunapproved products being offered for sale tocontact ESV.Handy safety hint.Tell your customers:Even if you consider yourselfto be handy around the home,DO NOT attempt electricalwork of any kind. ALWAYS get itdone by a registered electricalcontractor – knowledge andexperience of that person isyour best protection.19SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11HotShot Thermal ImagersWith In-Camera Data Logging andNext Inspection Route Mode.Why spend hours collating image files and inspection details from handwritten notes when generating reports with a point and shoot camera?Next generation HotShot Thermal Imagers record all inspection detailsin-camera. Download thermal and visible light images, inspection detailsand temperature analyses to generate multi-page reports in minutes.The next inspection Route Mode even prompts you on which inspectionto carry out next. You’ll never use a point and shoot camera again!Call EMONA Instruments on tel: 03 9889 0427 email: testinst@emona.com.au or www.emona.com.au

20Qsand Ascontents.Q Can I use two flexible hoses from a coppermanifold <strong>as</strong> consumer piping if each hoseconnects to one appliance only. The hoseswill be installed inside the caravan forprotection?A The answer is no. The use of a hose <strong>as</strong>consumer piping is only permitted forconnecting one appliance.Q If I can install multi-layer (composite) pipingabove ground <strong>as</strong> long <strong>as</strong> protected fromUV rays, why can’t I install UPVC aboveground?A The middle layer of composite piping is metal,and h<strong>as</strong> been accepted for above grounduse. UPVC h<strong>as</strong> no metal component andh<strong>as</strong> not been accepted for above grounduse. A number of incidents have occurredwhen UPVC h<strong>as</strong> been used (illegally) withinpremises and fittings have been snapped off.Q We wish to install a by-p<strong>as</strong>s around a safetyshut-off system in the consumer piping forservicing purposes.A You would have to formally apply to ESVfor acceptance to install the by-p<strong>as</strong>s.Acceptance would only be given in c<strong>as</strong>eswhere continuation of g<strong>as</strong> supply is essential,eg in hospitals and some institutions etc.ESV would require details ofAre you feelingthe pressure?This article w<strong>as</strong> written by KevinNathan, an ESV Type B G<strong>as</strong> Inspector.Pressure test points are one of the g<strong>as</strong>fittersmost useful aids. They provide access to theconsumer piping and valve train for the testingof supply pressures, setting of burner pressuresand components, such <strong>as</strong> regulators and lowpressure cut-off devices, etc.The use of pressure points is also essentialduring commissioning to ensure the correctfunction of regulators, safety shut-off valvesand leakage detection systems etc.It is important to note that AS 3814 Industrialand commercial g<strong>as</strong>-fired appliances, Clause2.12.3 states that -A g<strong>as</strong> pressure test point shall be provided witha means of sealing the outlet and, where theoperating pressure exceeds 7 kPa, it shall be ofa self-sealing type or fitted with a manual shutoffvalve.The following photographs show the correctand incorrect use of test points at pressuresgreater than 7kPa.A filter operating at 70 kPa andinstalled upstream of an OPSOregulator. The test pointsfitted to the filter are selfsealingand comply with Clause2.12.3ESV G<strong>as</strong> Inspector KerryMarshall gives a safety talkon the Mornington Peninsulag<strong>as</strong> safety onthe MorningtonPeninsulaDuring the Christm<strong>as</strong> holidays, theMornington Shire Council, CFA andESV gave a number of safety talks toholidaymakers along the MorningtonPeninsula foreshore from Sorrento toRosebud.ESV G<strong>as</strong> Inspector Kerry Marshall spokeon the safe use of g<strong>as</strong> when camping.This h<strong>as</strong> become an annual eventand the talks are well-receivedby the campers with a number ofquestions being raised and answered.Occ<strong>as</strong>ionally, visits to some particularsites are made to indicate and explainwhat is or isn’t safe.www.energysafe.vic.gov.au> A written procedure for by-p<strong>as</strong>sing theshut-off system.> The nominated key holders for any by-p<strong>as</strong>slock.> Details of safety procedures preventingunauthorised use.Q I am installing a cooktop and the wallbehind is of a material called Caesar Stone.Is this cl<strong>as</strong>sed <strong>as</strong> a fire resistant material?A Caesar Stone is reconstituted stone with abinding compound that does not meet therequirements of AS 5601 Appendix C. Aclearance of 200 mm is required from thenearest burner.G<strong>as</strong> Technical Help LineCalls made to the G<strong>as</strong> Technical Help Line (1800652 563) are now handled by ESV’s Call Centreat Southbank. Details are then emailed to theduty inspector who contacts each caller in turnand answers the enquiry.Although most calls can be answered quickly,you may be <strong>as</strong>ked to provide further written,faxed or emailed information for more complexenquiries.UV protection of multi-layer pipeAs explained in l<strong>as</strong>t edition of energysafe,g<strong>as</strong> companies are notifying ESV of installationswhere multi-layer pipe h<strong>as</strong> not been protectedfrom the effects of UV.ESV h<strong>as</strong> sent a number of warning letters tooffending installers. Generally, the notificationapplies to the short amount of pipe betweenthe meter <strong>as</strong>sembly and the wall penetration.A similar filterfitted with testpoints thatare not selfsealing, and arenot acceptable.formalinterpretationpublishedA request for a formal interpretationregarding required clearancesfrom a g<strong>as</strong> meter to a source ofignition h<strong>as</strong> been provided and w<strong>as</strong>subsequently published on the ESVwebsite.For this and other formalinterpretations, go to the ESVwebsite at www.esv.vic.gov.auand, under G<strong>as</strong> Professionals, findthe tab Technical Info Sheets forG<strong>as</strong>fitters, and then the tab forInterpretations.This year the CFA noted that a numberof electrical extension leads were inpoor condition and advised the campersto have them checked or replaced.g<strong>as</strong> terminologyand requiredactionESV is using the following terminologyfor g<strong>as</strong> installations where there iscause for concern:> Immediately DangerousAn installation that, if left operating, willcause injury, death or property damage.> At RiskAn installation that if left operating is likelyto cause injury or damage to property.> Not to standardAn installation that does not comply withcurrent standards, but is unlikely to causeinjury or damage to property. Includes thosecompliant with requirements at the time ofinstallation but which are operating safely.Some examples were provided in an earlieredition of energysafe.Installers or service contractors comingacross any Immediately Dangerous or At Riskinstallations should advise the owner andmake safe the installation. If permission tomake safe is not given, the details are to bereported to the National Response Centre(NRC) on 9411 3111. NRC will arrangefurther action.

urgent recallfor pool andspa heatersRaypak Australia Pty Ltd h<strong>as</strong> issuedan urgent nationwide recall noticefor pool and spa heaters installedafter 1 July 2005.There are about 5000 of the heaters inquestion in Australia, <strong>3000</strong> of them in <strong>Victoria</strong>.Heaters with a built in control panel <strong>as</strong>illustrated in the recall notice are likely to beaffected. Water inadvertently entering the unitcould lead to a partial malfunction of the overtemperaturethermostat control resulting in arisk of scalding.Raypak have provided a toll free number –1800 063 018 – for consumers. On site servicemodifications will be carried out to eliminatethe potential for the malfunction.Meanwhile, owners of sp<strong>as</strong>, fully enclosedindoor pools, plunge pools or small lap poolswith the units should disable them until repairsare carried out. For other pools, the unit shouldbe turned off and water temperature checkedbefore anyone gets into the water.See www.recalls.gov.au for Australian ProductRecall Information.Don’t forget to tell us what you would like to particularlysee in energysafe. Contact us by fax at (03) 9686 2197,or by email at info@esv.vic.gov.auman injuredwhen newbbq eruptsinto flamesESV w<strong>as</strong> called in by the CFA to investigate anincident at Frankston recently after a 70-yearoldman received serious injuries when hisbrand new BBQ erupted into flames.The victim w<strong>as</strong> taken to Frankston Hospitalsuffering burns to his right leg, arms and face.He also experienced breathing difficultiesafter his airways were damaged.The flames extended up to the roof of anexternal patio area, while the heat affectedhanging plants adjacent to the BBQ.When interviewed by ESV, the victim saidhe bought the new BBQ from a store inFrankston and paid an additional $70 for itto be <strong>as</strong>sembled by a specialist company.The BBQ w<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong>sembled and the victim w<strong>as</strong>provided with a brief demonstration on how tooperate it. Later in the day he decided to usethe appliance, followed the instructions hehad been given and activated the igniter.The BBQ then erupted into flames, The CFAattended to put out the fire and the victimw<strong>as</strong> taken by ambulance to hospital.During its inspections of the BBQ, ESV foundthat the POL screwed connection into thecylinder valve w<strong>as</strong> loose. This threaded br<strong>as</strong>sPOL connection could be hand tightened intothe cylinder valve socket an additional one andone half revolutions.ESV’s investigations included interviews withrepresentatives of the <strong>as</strong>sembly companyand its contractor who <strong>as</strong>sembled the BBQin question.21SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11thepotential ofproducingelectricityfrom hotrocksExploration work is already underwayin parts of <strong>Victoria</strong> <strong>as</strong>sessing thepotential for producing b<strong>as</strong>e loadelectricity from naturally occurringsubterranean heat – in other words“hot rocks”.Permits for exploring geothermal energysources were awarded in 12 are<strong>as</strong> to fivecompanies l<strong>as</strong>t year, with a further 19 permitsto be offered in April this year, the Ministerfor <strong>Energy</strong> and Resources, Peter Batchelor,announced just before Christm<strong>as</strong>.He said the five companies already awardedpermits had committed to spend more than$64 million over five years, with work alreadygetting underway in Gippsland.“The next tranche of permits will allowcompanies to search for geothermal energypotential across more than 154,000 sq km of<strong>Victoria</strong> previously unexplored.“In the l<strong>as</strong>t two years, the number ofcompanies exploring for geothermal energysources in Australia h<strong>as</strong> doubled.“This second rele<strong>as</strong>e of permits will help ensure<strong>Victoria</strong>’s geothermal potential is realised,” saidthe Minister.He said the geothermal industry in <strong>Victoria</strong> hadhuge potential and w<strong>as</strong> entering an excitingperiod of growth.Apart from reducing dependence on carbonemitting forms of electricity generation,producing b<strong>as</strong>eload power from naturallyoccurring subterranean heat will boost regionalcommunities and the State economy.“The geothermal industry is still in the earlystages of development in <strong>Victoria</strong>. TheState h<strong>as</strong> abundant renewable resources,but at this stage, renewable energy onlyaccounts for around four per cent of electricityconsumption,” he said.In hydrothermal geothermal systems, deepgroundwater that h<strong>as</strong> been naturally heated tosteam temperatures is brought to the surfaceand used to turn turbines.In dry rock systems, water is injected into hotrocks and returned to the surface once heated.

22www.energysafe.vic.gov.aucontents.pigtails andmanifolds forlpg cylinderinstallationsA commonly <strong>as</strong>ked question to theG<strong>as</strong> Technical Help Line is which typeof pipe is acceptable for use betweenan LP G<strong>as</strong> cylinder and the regulator.AS 1596 and AS 5601 require either a flexiblehose <strong>as</strong>sembly with an excess flow valveupstream of the <strong>as</strong>sembly, or copper tube witha nominal size of 6 mm and a minimum wallthickness of 1.22 mm.When a number of cylinders are required,it is normal practice to manifold them. Therequirements for copper pigtails apply to themanifold. Manifolds to the correct thicknessand size are readily available from reputablesuppliers who can verify the standard of thematerials.Manufacturing a manifold from copper tubeshould only be considered where the use ofa commercially available type is not fe<strong>as</strong>ible,and after consulting the g<strong>as</strong> supplier. Type Acopper would normally be specified.Remember too that the cylinder regulator isto be rigidly fixed to an adequate means ofsupport that is independent of the cylinder.Connecting the regulator directly to thecylinder is only acceptable for cylindersexceeding 400 litres and which are fittedwith a lockable dome.testing forconsumerpipingenergysafe advertorial – an article supplied by <strong>Safe</strong>ty In Action 2008safety inaction 2008“for peoplewho makesafetyhappen”Installers should be aware that ESV G<strong>as</strong>Inspectors are no longer testing new consumerpiping for leakage. It is the installer’s responsibilityto carry out any required test to the correctstandard before g<strong>as</strong> is supplied.Inspectors will now require verification of anacceptable test before a G<strong>as</strong> Supply Approval[GSA] is sent to a g<strong>as</strong> distribution business.Where a low pressure test (less than 10 kPa) iscarried out (eg using a water-filled manometer),verification is by correctly entering the requiredinformation in the Test Report Section of theG<strong>as</strong>fitting (Compliance) Notice. If the informationis not supplied or is incorrect, a GSA will not beissued.For test pressures exceeding 10 kPa, and wherea manometer test is not suitable, a Test Sheetmust be completed by the installer and submittedwith the G<strong>as</strong>fitting (Compliance) Notice to verifythat a successful test h<strong>as</strong> been carried out to theappropriate standard (AS 5601).Test Reports are also required where additionalwork h<strong>as</strong> been carried out and g<strong>as</strong> is alreadyavailable. This will mean that older styles ofG<strong>as</strong>fitting Notice are obsolete and may not beaccepted if submitted without a Test report.G<strong>as</strong>fitting Notices and a sample Test Sheet areavailable from the ESV web site. Look under thetab ‘For G<strong>as</strong> Professionals’, and then ‘ComplianceCertificates and G<strong>as</strong>fitting Notices’. They are alsoavailable at selected plumbing supplies,ESV offices, most PIC Regional Offices.If further explanation or clarification is required,ple<strong>as</strong>e call the G<strong>as</strong> technical Help Line on1800 652 563.Principal SponsorAhead of April’s <strong>Safe</strong>ty In Action workplacesafety trade show, Work<strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> h<strong>as</strong>stressed the need for industry to stay abre<strong>as</strong>tof the latest safety me<strong>as</strong>ures.“Everyone in the workplace should have aninterest in health and safety. <strong>Safe</strong>ty in Action2008 will give you the opportunity to learn thelatest and stay up to date,” said John Merritt,Executive Director of Work<strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong>.“Events like this expose you to a hub ofexpertise and information designed to helpyou keep your workers and business safe.”g<strong>as</strong> appliancesin residentialgaragesA number of conditions must be metwhen installing a g<strong>as</strong> appliance ina residential garage. The preferredmethod is to install a room-sealedappliance (one designed to take itscombustion air from outside andremove the products of combustionto outside).For other appliances -> the burner and any pilot orcombustion air intake must be450 mm above floor level; or> a permanent, sealed, wall at le<strong>as</strong>t450 mm high must be erected aroundthe appliance. The location of thewall must allow adequate access forlighting and servicing the appliance.> there must be a warning sign tothe effect that that flammablevapours are not permitted within3 metres of the appliance.Always ensure that the applianceis protected from vehicle damage.For further details, refer to AS 5601,G<strong>as</strong> Installations, or call the G<strong>as</strong>Technical Helpline on 1800 652 563.Organiser of <strong>Safe</strong>ty In Action and MelbourneMaterials Handling, Marie Kinsella, said thepractical nature of workplace safety meant thatit w<strong>as</strong> important for anyone concerned withsafety to be aware of the spread of solutionson offer.“The bottom line is that you need to be ableto demonstrate you’ve taken all re<strong>as</strong>onablesteps to make your workplace safe, which inturn means you can’t afford to overlook newsolutions <strong>as</strong> they come onto the market,” shesaid. “In practice, staying across everything isa huge undertaking, which is why we get 350or more safety suppliers in one spot everyyear at <strong>Safe</strong>ty In Action.”Ms Kinsella said the 12,000 square metres ofthe <strong>Safe</strong>ty In Action and Melbourne MaterialsHandling shows w<strong>as</strong> allocated to ensure <strong>as</strong>pread of specialists.Visit <strong>Safe</strong>ty In Action and Melbourne MaterialsHandling, which run from April 29 to May 1 atthe Melbourne Exhibition Centre. The <strong>Safe</strong>tyInstitute of Australia will host the concurrent<strong>Safe</strong>ty In Action conference sponsored byWork<strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> and featuring 70 speakersincluding former Telstra chief, Ziggy Switkowski.For more information, phone AustralianExhibitions & Conferences on 03 9654 7773,email safety@aec.net.au or visitwww.safetyinaction.net.au

split system airconditioners– clearancesto g<strong>as</strong> metersSplit system air conditioners are very popularbut selecting an appropriate external locationcan be challenging.ESV and the g<strong>as</strong> distribution companies havebecome concerned at the number beinginstalled adjacent to g<strong>as</strong> meters.Generally there is no hazard under normaloperating circumstances. However, most g<strong>as</strong>pressure regulators (located at the inlet to themeter) have a relief function. This means that if afault condition occurs, an amount of g<strong>as</strong> will berele<strong>as</strong>ed to atmosphere. The air conditionercan then act <strong>as</strong> a point of ignition for theescaping g<strong>as</strong>.As a general rule of thumb, an air conditionermust not be installed within 1 metre of a g<strong>as</strong>meter <strong>as</strong>sembly or its proposed location.A similar hazard affects LP G<strong>as</strong> installations,but a much greater clearance is required,depending on the type of cylinder installed.In-situ fill cylinders require a clearance of 3.5metres at ground level, and for exchangecylinders it is 1.5 metres.Failure to observe these clearances couldresult in g<strong>as</strong> supply being withdrawn.g<strong>as</strong> heating inoutdoor situationsOutdoor heating in restaurants and clubs is becoming more popular,especially in are<strong>as</strong> being created for smokers. The use of differenttypes of heaters in locations that are some times questionable isbecoming more prevalent.If appliances are being considered for installation in locations that they were not originallydesigned for, contact should be made with ESV before work commences. In some instancesagreement will have to be obtained from the manufacturer but the general requirements ofinstallation instructions must be adhered to.Even with the manufacturer’s agreement, any variation from the installation instructions musthave ESV approval.Appliances certified only for indoor use may be acceptable in qu<strong>as</strong>i-outdoor situations providedweather protection is adequate. Such approval will be considered on a c<strong>as</strong>e by c<strong>as</strong>e b<strong>as</strong>is.Special care would need to be taken in regards to any electrical connections.Some of the installations that ESV h<strong>as</strong> been <strong>as</strong>ked to accept but rejected had inadequateclearances, insufficient heights for the output of the heater, unacceptable access for servicingor poor flue discharge methods.Remember it’s better to check whether the installation would be acceptable rather thanrisking having g<strong>as</strong> supply refused or even worse, creating a potential hazard.Call the G<strong>as</strong> Technical Help Line on 1800 652 563 for advice.Handy safety hint. Tell your customerIf an appliance needs adjusting or cleaning, switch offthe power and pull out the plug – but not by the cord.23SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11

electrical homesafety inspectionTHESE ORIGINAL VACUUM VOLTAGE SENSING RELAYS ACHIEVED UNDER ANDOVER VOLTAGE PROTECTION. IF THEY TRIPPED, THEY WOULD BRING ON THEGENERATOR SUPPLY. INSTALLED IN 1960, THEY WERE CRITICALLY IMPORTANTFOR THE SUPPLY TO THE HOSPITAL. THIS TECHNOLOGY WAS REPLACED IN 2006.Mike and Bev Ballagh with the certificate ofelectrical inspection issued after the installationof their new meter.brings peace of mindfor <strong>Victoria</strong>n couple24www.energysafe.vic.gov.auThe following is an article prepared by ESV forpossible publication in specialist newspapersavailable for <strong>Victoria</strong>n holders of the SeniorsCard. It is hoped the article will further promoteESV’s electrical Home <strong>Safe</strong> Inspection Schemeand the $50 rebate available for Seniors Cardholders who book and pay for an inspection.E<strong>as</strong>t Donc<strong>as</strong>ter couple, Mike and Bev Ballagh, now have peace of mindthat their home is electrically safe thanks to an authorised electrical Home<strong>Safe</strong>ty Inspection of their property arranged through <strong>Victoria</strong>’s electricityand g<strong>as</strong> safety regulator, <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Safe</strong> <strong>Victoria</strong> (ESV).ESV introduced the scheme in 2005 to help address concerns about thepoor and sometimes possibly dangerous state of electrical <strong>wiring</strong> systemsand other installations existing in many homes across <strong>Victoria</strong>.The electrical Home <strong>Safe</strong>ty Inspections are conducted by experts– licensed electricians and/or licensed inspectors who have undergonefurther training and <strong>as</strong>sessment to become authorised for the t<strong>as</strong>k byESV.L<strong>as</strong>t year ESV introduced a new initiative – a $50 rebate for SeniorsCard holders, who arrange and pay for inspections.“We read about the scheme in ‘The Senior” newspaper and thought itw<strong>as</strong> a great idea particularly for people in our position. We now have <strong>as</strong>afe home electrically and at our stage of life such peace of mind is veryimportant,” said Mike, a retired Tattersall’s employee.The couple built their home 38 years ago and to make more room for theirthree sons, a daughter and an aged mother, who w<strong>as</strong> living with them,they added an additional storey to the property some 15 years later.They arranged the inspection through the ESV website atwww.esv.vic.gov.au“When the extension w<strong>as</strong> built, the electrical installation w<strong>as</strong> not upgradedin any way. After reading the article about the scheme we did not knowif we had any problems but decided it would be a good idea to find out.After all one often hears about house fires put down to electrical causes.”Following the inspection, the couple received a comprehensive reporton the state of the electrical installation with a follow-up email from theinspection company explaining in “layman’s” terms what issues neededto be addressed. The report recommended that some remedial workshould be undertaken <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> re<strong>as</strong>onably practical.Mike said: “A significant problem detected during the inspection w<strong>as</strong> aninadequate supply of electricity to the house. When the house w<strong>as</strong> builtwe had one television and nothing like the electrical equipment whichwe have obtained over the years. The inspection detected heat damagebecause of overloading of the electrical installation.“It w<strong>as</strong> recommended that we needed a new consumers mains, mainswitchboard with surge and safety switch protection and main earth,and we were happy to arrange for the work to go ahead.“I would strongly recommend that other home owners arrange anelectrical Home <strong>Safe</strong>ty Inspection. I would even go so far <strong>as</strong> suggestingthat people have a social responsibility to ensure their property iselectrically safe.“Receiving the $50 rebate off the cost of an inspection for Seniors Cardholders w<strong>as</strong> certainly a bonus <strong>as</strong> far <strong>as</strong> we were concerned, and hopefullyit will be for others.“I think ESV does a great job promoting the electrical Home <strong>Safe</strong>tyInspection scheme and providing the rebates. The scheme providespeace of mind for older people,” said Mike.In particular, ESV encourages everyone with a property that is 25 yearsold or more to arrange an inspection. The electrical <strong>wiring</strong> needed forlights, cookers, televisions and other appliances may no longer be upto scratch.Government inquiries into the Yallourn Mine collapseIn early December l<strong>as</strong>t year, Minister for <strong>Energy</strong>and Resources Peter Batchelor announced twoinquiries into the collapse at the Yallourn opencut mine.The northern wall of TRUenergy’s minecollapsed on 14 November <strong>2007</strong> resulting in theLatrobe River flowing directly into in the mineuntil a diversion could be put in place.Although the incident disrupted mining andpower production at the Yallourn W powerstation, power supplies to the state were notdisrupted.The Minister said the inquiries would separatelyinvestigate the facts and causes of whatoccurred and compliance with mining licenceobligations.“This w<strong>as</strong> a major incident resulting in potentialsignificant environmental impacts and while noonew<strong>as</strong> hurt, we need to ensure the highestsafety standards are in place across theindustry.“It is crucial that we understand what causedthis incident, so we can prevent further incidentsof this kind.“Achieving maximum safety and protecting theenvironment during mining activities is a toppriority for this Government, and I know it is alsoa top priority for the industry,” said the Minister.The first investigation by Department of PrimaryIndustries’ (DPI) inspectors into TRUenergy’sperformance against its mining licenceobligations started at the end of l<strong>as</strong>t year.A second inquiry into the facts and causesof the mine wall collapse w<strong>as</strong> scheduled tostart early this year. It will be independentlyconducted by a person with specialist expertisewho will be appointed <strong>as</strong> Mining Warden by theGovernor in Council.“There are two investigations because DPIis responsible for regulation of the miningindustry under the Mineral Resources(Sustainable Development) Act and willtherefore investigate the compliance issues.“A Mining Warden, however, h<strong>as</strong> broaderpowers of investigation including the abilityto enter any land, summons a person to giveevidence on oath and require the productionof documents.“By setting up this second inquiry we aremaking sure that all the facts can be thoroughlyinvestigated independently of government.The DPI investigation team will cooperate fullywith the mining warden’s investigation,”said Mr Batchelor.The investigations are expected to becompleted during the first half of this year.

electricityQsand AsQ. Is a refrigeration mechanic with a D licence permitted to install240v interconnect cables for split system air conditioners? Someunits are direct wired through an isolator and some units plug into <strong>as</strong>ocket outlet. Under what circumstances if any are the interconnectcables regarded <strong>as</strong> part of the appliance and able to be installed bya competent person?A. The installation of interconnect cables that are 240 volts is deemedto be electrical installation work under the Section 3 definitions in theElectricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty Act 1999, and is therefore not within the scope of aD licence holder. The person undertaking this work needs to be anA cl<strong>as</strong>s (formerly E licence) holder.Q. If I have installed a cover over my extra low voltage (ELV) downlightscan the distance be decre<strong>as</strong>ed from those that are shown in Figure4.7 of AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>?A. The requirements are outlined in Clause, which states:“ Recessed luminairesRecessed luminaires and their auxiliary equipment shall be installed ina manner designed to minimise temperature rise and prevent the riskof fire. The temperature rise at the rear of a recessed luminaire shall belimited to prevent damage to adjacent materials.This requirement shall be satisfied by one of the following methods:(a) The use of a luminaire specifically designed and certified by themanufacturer to permit—(i) contact with combustible materials; or(ii) enclosure or covering by thermal insulation material, <strong>as</strong>appropriate to the location of the luminaire.(b) Installation of the luminaire within a suitable fire-resistant enclosure.(c) Provision of required clearances from combustible and thermalinsulating material <strong>as</strong> specified by the manufacturer of the luminaire.(d) Provision of the default clearances from combustible and thermalinsulating material <strong>as</strong> specified in Figure 4.7.Where manufacturer’s installation instructions that specify requiredclearances are not available, the luminaire shall be installed in accordancewith (b) or (d).NOTE: In the c<strong>as</strong>e of a suitably designed luminaire, the installation instructions may specify thatno clearance is required.Recessed luminaires and their auxiliary equipment shall be installed insuch a manner that necessary cooling air movement through or aroundthe luminaire is not impaired by thermal insulation or other material.Where thermal insulation is of a type that is not fixed in position, e.g.loose fill, a barrier or guard constructed of fire-resistant material shall beprovided and secured in position to maintain the necessary clearance(see Figure 4.7).”Therefore if there are no other me<strong>as</strong>urements stated with themanufacturer’s instruction then (b) and (d) are to be applied. With no otherinformation the default me<strong>as</strong>urements of Figure 4.7 are to be adhered to.Q.On a large site that is multiple occupancy where does the prescribedelectrical work end? Do I require more than one prescribed certificateof electrical safety?A.In the Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty (Installation) Regulations 1999 the requirementsof prescribed electrical installation work are outlined in Regulation 406.When seeking to identify the parts of the electrical installation work thatare prescribed electrical work Regulation 406 (a) and (b) provide theanswer by stating:“406. Prescribed electrical installation work(1) For the purposes of section 45 of the Act, “prescribed electricalinstallation work” means work on all or part of any of the followingelectrical installations if they are ordinarily operated at low voltage ora voltage exceeding low voltage—(a) consumers mains, main earthing systems, consumers terminalsconnection devices and those parts of main switchboards thatare related to the control of installations and the protectionagainst the spread of fire;(b) sub-mains, earthing systems and any distribution boardsrelated to the control of individual occupiers’ portions of multipleinstallations unless the occupier h<strong>as</strong> immediate and unimpededaccess to the main switch or switches controlling the whole ofthe multiple installation.”It is important to understand that Regulation 406(b) details therequirements for the distribution boards related to the control of theindividual occupiers portions of the installation. This means that theperson who owns the individual occupancy needs to be able to haveunimpeded access to the main switch or switches or otherwise theprescribed electrical work continues to the switch that the individualoccupier does control. This is usually the isolating switch contained inthe switchboard in their unit/apartment or townhouse, so this is wherethe prescribed electrical work ends.With respect to the number of prescribed certificates of electrical safetythat are issued, then the Electricity <strong>Safe</strong>ty (Installation) Regulations1998 provides the answer in Regulation 410(3) which in Part (c) requiresthe address and postcode of the electrical installation. Therefore if theelectrical installation address is Unit 3012, XYZ Towers, Melbourne,it would be understood that each unit would require its own prescribedcertificate of electrical safety, to accurately record the electrical installationwork performed at that address.25SUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11esv reminder on IP 23 light fittingsFor many years there have been IP 23rated light fittings available for useon electrical installations and manyregistered electrical contractorsand electrical workers have soughtto use them.ESV recently received complaints from somecustomers about these light fittings andtherefore reminds RECs and LEIWs of thefollowing.When installing any fitting or equipment inan area that requires a degree of IP rating,the installer must meet the fundamentalrequirements in AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>. Clause1.7 details the requirements for the selectionand installation of electrical equipment andcovers the essential fundamentals, installationwork practice, equipment selection and dampsituations.The fittings that have been bought to theattention of ESV are a PVC composition and area batten holder style. The fitting itself is IP ratedand when the consumer inserts a standardglobe they are finding out that the globe failswhen it rains due to the heat of the globe.These fittings have been installed on the outsideof the buildings and used in place of a spotlightor other fitting. Customers experienced theproblems during heavy rain experienced onocc<strong>as</strong>ions recently.ESV urges RECs and LEIWs who install thesetype of fittings on the outside of buildings toreconsider this method and instead adoptthe requirement of Clause 1.6 of AS/NZS<strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>, which covers the design of theelectrical installation, and ensure that any lightfitting installed on the outside of buildingsfunctions correctly <strong>as</strong> intended.

26www.energysafe.vic.gov.aucontents.electricalconnectionsfor g<strong>as</strong>appliancesMost domestic-type g<strong>as</strong> appliances relyon electricity to function. They aregenerally supplied with a power cordand 10 amp three pin plug. A power pointis required adjacent to the appliance.As well <strong>as</strong> providing the power supply, thismethod of connection serves <strong>as</strong> a pointof isolation, allowing the appliance to bedisconnected or serviced in a safe condition.It h<strong>as</strong> been brought to ESV’s attention thatsome electricians are cutting off the plug and<strong>wiring</strong> the appliance direct to the supply. Theonly point of isolation may be at a switchboardremote from the appliance.This is in contravention of AS 5601-G<strong>as</strong>Installations and the requirements of AS/NZS<strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>, (Wiring Rules), in which Clause 1.7.1states:“1.7.1 Essential requirementElectrical equipment, forming part of anelectrical installation, shall be selected andinstalled to—(a) operate in a safe and reliable manner in thecourse of normal operating conditions; and(b) not cause a danger from electric shock,fire, high temperature or physical injury inthe event of re<strong>as</strong>onably expected conditionsof abnormal operation, overload, fault orexternal influences that may apply in theelectrical installation; and(c) be installed in accordance with themanufacturer’s instructions.”Some dual-fuel cookers (e.g. g<strong>as</strong> hotplate andelectric oven) do have power ratings requiringdirect <strong>wiring</strong>. It is a requirement of AS 5601,AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong> and the manufacturer’sinstallation instructions that an acceptablemeans of isolation be provided adjacent tothe appliance.The publishers and marketers of the new WiringRules, SAI Global, have arranged a series ofhalf day seminars on the new Wiring Rules forAustralia’s capital cities and major regionalare<strong>as</strong>. The seminars are scheduled to run forfive hours, commencing at 1 pm.Members of the Wiring Rules EL-001 Committeewill be presenting at the seminars. An overviewof the sessions says they will explain “what wehave to do now” that “we did not have to dobefore”.Four sessions are planned for <strong>Victoria</strong>.consultationcontinueson certificateof electricalsafety reviewIndustry consultation on ESV’s major reviewof the certificate of electrical safety and theelectrical inspection and auditing systemsis continuing. A discussion paper reflectingcomments already received is expected to beissued within the next couple of months.The principle recommendation from the reviewis that the certificate should be retained for allprescribed, non-prescribed and periodic work,but with some refinements.RefinementsHere are some of the proposed refinements.> The introduction of online purch<strong>as</strong>ing,lodgement and reporting of certificates.A paper certificate of electrical safety will ,however, remain available to users whodo not use computers.> Conducting a fe<strong>as</strong>ibility study aimed atreducing the number of forms required forcompletion <strong>as</strong> part of the inspection process.> Redefining prescribed inspections toconcentrate on such components <strong>as</strong> all submains,earthing systems and distributionboards related to the control of an individualoccupier’s portions of multiple installations.Why downlights should not be placedtoo close to structural timber.half day seminars on the new <strong>rules</strong>Dates and locations are <strong>as</strong> follows:Tues, 22 April – Melbourne > Wednesday,23 April – Traralgon> Mon, 2 June –Geelong > Tues, 3 June – BendigoThere are four ways to register.Call 1300 727444 to register over the phone;Visit www.saiglobal.com/trainingto book online;Fax registration form with credit card detailsto 1300 727 888;Mail the completed registration form andpayment to: SAI Global Limited, GPO Box 5420,Sydney 2001.> Amending legislation to require registeredelectrical contractors to retain paper copiesof certificates for three years. Electroniccopies will be retained by ESV.> Improving the electrical inspection processinclude rationalising the listing of defects toreflect the remedial work required, withthe recording of the defects to be limitedto the ESV, LEI and REC copies only.> The introduction of regular auditing oflicensed electrical inspectors who will alsohave to undertake additional on-goingtraining <strong>as</strong> a condition of licence renewal.> The introduction of new auditing processesto address work standards and workerperformance, and setting minimum timeframes between audits of LEIs, RECs,and LEWs. Also information collectedfrom the audit process should be usedto <strong>as</strong>sist education and training.> The introduction of business <strong>rules</strong> todemonstrate the independence of theLEIs from the RECs who engage them.a clear exampleof a dodgydownlightREC Mick Dillema of Wandin Electricstook this photo on a job recently andit clearly shows the danger of placingdownlights too close to structuraltimber in a roof. And this particularexample comes from the roof of a café!Mick is of course our “new face” of electricalsafety appearing in the ESV commercial whichurges the community to always use a licensedelectrician and demand a certificate of electricalsafety when the job is finished.The dangers of poorly installed halogendownlights h<strong>as</strong> been a major issue in recentmonths with both the Minister for <strong>Energy</strong> andResources, Peter Batchelor, and ESV issuingwarnings about them. They pose a fire risk ifinstalled close to structural timber or becomecovered by insulation and ceiling debris.As reported in recent issues of energysafe,the new Wiring Rules (AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong>)cover the question of installing downlights muchmore explicitly than in the previous edition.Footnote: The commercial featuring Mick Dillema will be shownon television throughout <strong>Victoria</strong> <strong>as</strong> part of ESV’s nextpublic awareness campaign which will run for threeweeks prior to the E<strong>as</strong>ter holiday.

<strong>wiring</strong> <strong>rules</strong> information sessions 2008Region Location Date Spaces Session NumberNorthern Metro Northern Metro Inst. TAFE Preston Tuesday 11 March 5:00pm – 7:30pm 200 1Wednesday 12 March 5:00pm – 7:30pm 200 2Thursday 13 March 8:00am – 10:30am 200 3E<strong>as</strong>tern Metro Holmesglen TAFE HOLMESGLEN Tuesday 18 March 5:00pm – 7:30pm 150 4Wednesday 19 March 5:00pm – 7:30pm 150 5Thursday 20 March 8:00am – 10:30am 150 6Ballarat University of Ballarat Mt Helen Campus Wednesday 2 April 8:00am – 10:30am 150 7Wednesday 2 April 5:00pm – 7:30pm 150 8Bendigo Bendigo TAFE Monday 7 April 5:00pm – 7:30pm 75 9Tuesday 8 April 5:00pm – 7:30pm 75 10Geelong Gordon Inst. TAFE Tuesday 22 April 8:00am – 10:30am 80 11Warrnambool Deakin University Wednesday 23 April 5:00pm – 7:30pm 200 13Bairnsdale E<strong>as</strong>t Gippsland Inst. TAFE Monday 5 May 5:00pm – 7:30pm 115 14LaTrobe Valley Mon<strong>as</strong>h University CHURCHILL Thursday 8 May 8:00am – 10:30am 200 15Thursday 8 May 5:00pm – 7:30pm 200 16Wodonga Wodonga TAFE Tuesday 13 May 5:00pm – 7:30pm 68 17Shepparton Goulburn Ovens Inst. TAFE Wednesday 13 May 5:00pm – 7:30pm 180 1827Mildura Sunraysia Inst. TAFE Tuesday 20 May 5:00pm – 7:30pm 70 19Swan Hill Employment Works Wednesday 21 May 5:00pm – 7:30pm 30 20Horsham Grains Innovation Park Thursday 22 May 5:00pm – 7:30pm 50 21Sessions will be held all over <strong>Victoria</strong> to allow all Registered Electrical Contractors and Licensed Electrical Workersto attend an overview of the changes that have occurred with the introduction of AS/NZS <strong>3000</strong>:<strong>2007</strong> Wiring Rules.Spaces are limited so ple<strong>as</strong>e fill out the form below and return it to NECA <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> possible to confirm your place. Allbookings must be pre-paid and will be confirmed PRIOR to the event. You will be sent a confirmation by either fax or email(ple<strong>as</strong>e indicate your preference below) which includes a receipt that can be used <strong>as</strong> a tax invoice and instructions on thelocation and venue.cost$30 per person (includes presentation and notes)bookings Ple<strong>as</strong>e select which session number you would like to attend, complete the form below and return it toNECA, along withmail Wiring Rules Seminars NECA Level 12, 222 Kingsway South Melbourne, <strong>Victoria</strong>, 3205orfax (03) 9645 5544ple<strong>as</strong>e confirm my booking by fax emailSUMMER/AUTUMN 2008 ISSUE 11for sessions numberlocationfor seats @ $30 total: $name:licence numberaddresscompanystreet suburb post codetelephone fax emailpaymentmake cheques payable to NECA or fill out your credit card details belowcredit card type m<strong>as</strong>tercard visacredit card number / / /expiry date: / / / amount $card holder namesignature


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