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<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> celebrates its30 TH YEAR IN AMERICAFALL 2006 / WINTER 20071In 1976, Drs. Daoshing and Maoshing Ni’s father, Hua-Ching Ni, was invited to theUnited States to teach the ancient philosophy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tao</strong> and practice the healing art <strong>of</strong>Chinese medicine. Through his grateful patients, many <strong>of</strong> them influential politicianswho were instrumental in legalizing acupuncture and Chinese medicine in California,his practice became the foundation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> today.<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> now celebrates its 30th year inAmerica. <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> continues the Nifamily’s mission <strong>of</strong> providing the highest standardsand quality <strong>of</strong> Traditional Chinese Medicine to allits patients. This mission has been passed downfor 38 generations in the Ni family.TAO OF WELLNESSCELEBRATES ITS 30THYEAR IN AMERICA3FEBRUARY 18TH<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> doctors (from left to right) J. Chen,X. Cai, D. Ni, B. Wong, M. Ni, J Evans, Q. Tanstress management, adjunctive cancer therapy,pre-op and post-op recovery and internal medicine.USHERS IN THE YEAROF THE PIG4NEW TAO OFWELLNESS FELLOWJAMES EVANS L.AC.HOLIDAY GIFT SPECIALSTAO OF WELLNESS1131 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, SUITE 300SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA 90401PHONE 310-917-2200 • FAX 310-917-2204WWW.TAOOFWELLNESS.COMCopyright 2006 <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>,a Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Acupuncture Corp.Graphic Design: Justina KrakowskiDrs. Dao and Mao continue the Ni family’s ChineseMedicine tradition with their father in the mid-1980sTHE TAO OF WELLNESS ADVANTAGEOUR DOCTORSOur expanding team <strong>of</strong> doctors are highly trainedand experienced in patient care and in the latestmedical developments. They undergo continuingeducation and pr<strong>of</strong>essional development to ensurethey are well versed in the current development <strong>of</strong>Traditional Chinese Medicine. In addition, ourdoctors take on a team approach at the <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wellness</strong>. They meet regularly to discuss ways toprovide the best possible care and the most directhealing approach for their patients. They alsobring into the meetings challenging cases forwhich each doctor would provide his or herunique insight and experience. Many patients havebeen treated successfully with the team approach.Many <strong>of</strong> our doctors are internationally andnationally recognized as published authorities inthe areas <strong>of</strong> longevity, infertility, nutrition, herbalhealth, gynecology, menopause, pain management,OUR LOCAL ANDINTERNATIONAL RESOURCESOur doctors are able to draw upon the Chinesemedical knowledge from the Ni family at boththe <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> and Yo San University. Yo SanUniversity is an accredited nonpr<strong>of</strong>it school <strong>of</strong>Traditional Chinese Medicine founded by Dr.Mao and Dr. Dao and named after their grandfather,Yo San Ni. It boasts some <strong>of</strong> the best pr<strong>of</strong>essorsteaching Traditional Chinese Medicine, aswell as highly recognized Western Clinical instructors.Students at Yo San University go through arigorous program <strong>of</strong> over three years before beginningtheir clinical training, which involves treatingpatients in the university’s low-cost communityContinued on page two

<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> celebrates its30 TH YEAR IN AMERICAcontinued from page onesome <strong>of</strong> Los Angles best medical doctors andspecialists. The hospitals include: UCLAMedical Center, Santa Monica Hospital, St.Johns Health Center, Cedar Sinai Hospital,Brotman Medical Center, Century CityHospital and Daniel Freeman Hospital.Yo San University provides Master’s Degrees inAcupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.clinic as well as otherassociated healthcareinitiatives. The <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wellness</strong> recruits fromYo San University some<strong>of</strong> their best graduates.In China, Dr. Mao andGrandfather Yo San Ni Dr. Dao have drawntogether an expert panel<strong>of</strong> doctors providing direct access to the latestclinical research, proprietary treatment protocolsand case consultations.Dr. Mao with chief physicians from 12 Sichuan hospitalsOUR INTERDISCIPLINARYREFERRALS<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> embraces an integrativeapproach to medicine. Our doctors <strong>of</strong>tenwork with other health care pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsin allopathic-conventional medicine, chiropractic,osteopathic, naturopathic and homeopathicmedical fields, as well as the psychology,bi<strong>of</strong>eedback and hypnotherapy disciplines.We maintain a referral database <strong>of</strong> the besthealthcare practitioners in various specialties.Our experience and close relations withmany well known medical institutions has<strong>of</strong>ten required us to treat patients within hospitals,closely coordinating treatments withOUR QUALITY HERBS<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> maintains its very own herballab, stocked with the highest quality Chineseherbs. Every year, Dr. Mao travels to Chinato meet with local growers, producers andwholesalers to ensure that we import onlyherbs <strong>of</strong> the highest quality and purity. Weinsist that our herbs be tested for heavy metalsand pesticides, and we are also working withgrowers to encourage them to adopt morenatural, organic practices and standards.OUR HERBAL SUPPLEMENTSBesides Chinese medicinal herbs, <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wellness</strong> also carries a superior line <strong>of</strong> herbalsupplements and teas (marketed by Traditions<strong>of</strong> <strong>Tao</strong>), which were formulated by differentgenerations <strong>of</strong> the Ni family.*Dr. Mao inspecting jujube dates in Chengdu, China<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> herbal supplementsOUR PUBLICATIONSDrs. Dao and Mao’s father, Hua-Ching Ni,is a prolific teacher and writer, and has publishedover 60 books by the Ni family’s publishinghouse, SevenStar Communications.In his books, he answers the many questionsposed by his students and patients abouthealth, life, spirituality, andthe ancient wisdom <strong>of</strong> the Nifamily <strong>Tao</strong>ist tradition. Otherpublications include booksand audio/visuals by Drs.Dao and Mao on Chinese medicine, nutrition,chi exercise and <strong>Tao</strong>ist philosophy.OUR STAFFOur staff consists <strong>of</strong> a well organized team<strong>of</strong> managerial and support personnel. Theydesire to make your experience from appointmentscheduling, receiving a customizedherbal formulation or solving problems, apleasant and caring one.OUR FACILITYWe have placed special attention on thedesign and layout <strong>of</strong> our space, utilizingthe ancient principals <strong>of</strong> feng-shui. Applyingthese principles, we have organized and incorporatedfixtures that allow for a smooth andcontinual flow <strong>of</strong> energy, further supportingthe health and wellness <strong>of</strong> our patientsand staff.OUR COMMITMENT TO YOUWe commit to delivering to you and yourfamily the highest quality, natural healthcare experience <strong>of</strong> Chinese medicine. ■2

<strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> isno longer a best keptsecret in Los Angeles...Our doctors are much sought after for theirunique expertise by people throughout the UnitedStates and beyond. They have been featured innumerous newspaper and magazine articles aswell as national and local television programs.FEBRUARY 18, 2007 USHERS IN THEYEAR OF THE PIGThe Year <strong>of</strong> the Pig issymbolized by theelements <strong>of</strong> fire and water.These two energies are typicallyin conflict, thus making2007 a year <strong>of</strong> continuingDR. MAOSHING NI conflict, tension and strife.I expect there may be further global unrest,including revolts and regional wars.Despite the destructive tendencies,the water element does give riseto new beginnings and engendersmovement, so there will be moreopportunity for change and travel.On the personal health front, watch out for firerelated illnesses such as anxiety, depression, panicdisorders, heart disease, high blood pressure,stroke, eye problems, and sleep disorders.Watchout also for water related illnesses like kidneyand bladder disease. It is important to be extracautious when traveling as accidents are proneto occur.I recommend hawthorn berries and apples fora healthy heart, celery juice and olive oil tomaintain a normal blood pressure, and <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Wellness</strong>’s herbal formulas such as EmotionalTranquility for peace and sleep, Perpetual Shieldfor a healthy immune system and Enduring Youthfor a healthy kidney system. Regular tai chi practiceand meditation will help you remain calmand relaxed.The exercise tones up your cardiovascularsystem and the herbs strengthen yourimmune and kidney systems. If you do not knowTai Chi, next year is an excellent time to learn.The illusive fire energy can cause overly optimisticexpectations within the world financialmarkets, driving up stocks in the firsthalf <strong>of</strong> the year leading to declinesin the second half due to the instability<strong>of</strong> fire. Industries expected todo well in the Year <strong>of</strong> the Pig arecommercial real estate, mining,healthcare, high tech and banking.Even with global conflicts occupying our mindsand weighing heavily on our hearts, 2007 has thepotential to lay the seeds for a long and lastingpeace. In our new book, The Path <strong>of</strong> ConstructiveLife, my father and I provide the formula for buildinga healthy and meaningful life.This formula providesthe foundation for peace and healthy spiritualprogress for you and for humanity.For an expanded look at the New Year <strong>of</strong> thePig with practical tips, visit our website atwww.tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.com. For classes in Tai Chiand meditation, visit the Tai Chi Studiosection <strong>of</strong> the Yo San University website atwww.yosan.edu. ■* Registered logos and trademarks belong to their respective owners.*YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR ANNUALChinese New Year CelebrationAT 9:45 AM ON FEBRUARY 18 AT YO SAN UNIVERSITY.There will be celebrations, entertainment, spiritual renewal and a pot luck lunch.It is a lot <strong>of</strong> fun and we ask participants to bring a healthy food dish to share.3

NEW TAO OFWELLNESS FELLOWJAMES EVANS, L.AC.HOLIDAY GIFTSPECIALSFOUR SEASONS TEASA customer favorite, all four seasonsto enjoy throughout the upcomingnew year. Spring Awakening, SummerCooling, Autumn Toning andWinter Warming teas. A $28 value.$24Please join us in welcomingJames Evans, our newest Fellowand member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>healing team. The Fellowship isdesigned as a postgraduate residencywhereby James will be practicingunder the direction <strong>of</strong> Drs. Daoshingand Maoshing Ni in his first year.James is well known to us as he hasbeen responsible for the marketing<strong>of</strong> Traditions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tao</strong> herbal products.He graduated with a Master’s Degreein Acupuncture and TraditionalChinese Medicine from Yo SanUniversity with honors and comesto us with extensive experience inbusiness and economics.James started on his path towardTraditional Chinese Medicine andhealing after meeting Hua-ChingNi, the father <strong>of</strong> Drs. Daoshingand Maoshing Ni, 12 years ago.Hua-Ching Ni inspired James tostudy at Yo San University andbecome a healer and teacher <strong>of</strong>health and wellness. Presently, heis a lecturer at Yo San Universityteaching the Fundamental <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tao</strong>ismand Pre-Clinical/Board Review.James incorporates the healingprincipals which help a person makean internal shift toward simplicityand balance in their life. Makingsuch shifts can <strong>of</strong>ten be challengingand in his view, Traditional ChineseMedicine provides an effectivecatalyst and the necessary careand support for people to makehealthy changes in their lives. ■TOPICAL HAIR TONIC &HAIR NURTURE TINCTUREHerbal formulae toreplace hair lostbefore, during andafter the holidays!Increase circulation tothe scalp and removebuilt-up toxins thatinhibit hair growth.A $35 value.$261131 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD SUITE 300SANTA MONICA, CA 90401www.tao<strong>of</strong>wellness.com(310) 917-2200CHI TEA SET - 4 TEASOur best-selling Ancient Treasures Teaalong with its delicious individualcomponents: Internal Cleanse ‘Chi’ tea,Creative Balance ‘Jing’ tea and EmotionalTranquility ‘Shen’ tea. A $28 value.$24PRSRT STDU.S. POSTAGEPAIDLOS ANGELES, CAPERMIT NO. 1494address correction requested

Dear Friends,TAO OFWELLNESSA P R O F E S S I O N A LA C U P U N C T U R EC O R P O R A T I O N1131WILSHIRE BOULEVARDSUITE 300SANTA MONICA, CA 90401TELEPHONE: 310.917.2200FAX: 310.917.2204WWW.TAOOFWELLNESS.COMACUPUNCTURECHINESE MEDICINENUTRITIONAL COUNSELINGTUI-NA / ACUPRESSUREANTI-AGINGAs a <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> patient you have experienced the healing powers <strong>of</strong> Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) as practiced by our family for thirty-eight generations. What you may not know is that fiveyears after establishing our practice at the <strong>Tao</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong>, we founded Yo San University as a nonpr<strong>of</strong>itinstitution dedicated to developing future generations <strong>of</strong> healers. These students are supported byhands-on internships in a thriving on-site Community Clinic.Through the financial support <strong>of</strong> people like you…■■■Yo San University has provided over 70,000 low-cost treatments in its CommunityClinic in the past six years.Yo San University students have provided over 1,300 free treatments every year tolow-income patients through our externship programs at Venice Family Clinic andBeing Alive (an HIV/AIDS member organization in West Hollywood).Yo San University students now provide over 400 additional free treatments at the newChronic Pain Clinic (at the Venice Family Clinic) since it opened in March 2006.We need your generous help to keep these vital programs strong and comprehensively accessible to ourcommunity. We need your generous help to ensure that patients in need have access to the pr<strong>of</strong>oundhealing benefits uniquely available through Traditional Chinese Medicine. And, we need your generoushelp to ensure that Yo San University can continue to <strong>of</strong>fer the highest quality hands-on clinical trainingavailable to our students. We can not do this without YOU!Culturally, it is not easy for us to ask for money. We believe that you, our patients, understand thebenefits <strong>of</strong> Traditional Chinese Medicine in a pr<strong>of</strong>oundly personal way. Here is your opportunity to joinus in providing healing to those less fortunate and to support an educational institution that is indeedtransforming lives.After seventeen years <strong>of</strong> commitment and hard work, Yo San University is regarded as one <strong>of</strong> the finestand most academically rigorous schools <strong>of</strong> Traditional Chinese Medicine in the country. Please join usin sustaining our family legacy <strong>of</strong> healing. Please join us in securing the future <strong>of</strong> Yo San University.Please give what you can today!Wishing you peace and good health.DR. DAOSHING NIDR. MAOSHING NIP.S. Please see the reverse side <strong>of</strong> this letter for further information about your tax deductible contribution.FIRST NAMELAST NAMEADDRESSCITY STATE ZIPYO SANUNIVERSITYOF TRADITIONALCHINESEMEDICINEE-MAILPHONE NUMBERMETHOD OF PAYMENT: ❍ CHECK ❍ VISA ❍ MASTER CARD AMOUNT: $(Please make check payable to YO SAN UNIVERSITY)CREDIT CARD #SECURITY CODE (3 digits on back <strong>of</strong> card)EXPIRATION DATESIGNATUREPLEASE TEAR OFF BOTTOM PORTION AND MAIL TO:YO SAN UNIVERSITY OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE13315 WEST WASHINGTON BOULEVARD ■ LOS ANGELES ■ CA ■ 90066310-577-3000 ■ www.yosan.edu ■ Tax ID# 93-0999148

YO SANUNIVERSITYOF TRADITIONALCHINESEMEDICINEYOUR TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION OF:$100 gives you the following benefits:■■Yo San capYo San’s newsletter Learning Point$500 gives you the following benefits:■■■■Yo San capThe Power <strong>of</strong> Natural Healing,by Hua-Ching Ni, an inspirationalguide to revitalizing your healthwith acupuncture, herbs, Taiji,and QigongYo San tote bagYo San’s newsletter Learning Point$1,000 gives you the following benefits:■■All benefits stated at the $500 level<strong>Tao</strong>ist Eight Treasures DVDby Maoshing Ni orCrane Style Qi Gong DVDby Daoshing Ni$2,500 gives you the following benefits*:■■All benefits stated at the $1,000 levelOne year sponsorship (name recognition)<strong>of</strong> a treatment room in the Yo SanCommunity Clinic$5,000 gives you the following benefits*:■■All benefits stated in the $1,000 levelOne year sponsorship (name recognition)<strong>of</strong> a classroom$10,000 gives you the following benefits*:■■All benefits stated in the $1,000 levelOne year sponsorship (name recognition)<strong>of</strong> the Library or Yo San UniversityLecture series$25,000 gives you the following benefits*:■■All benefits stated in the $1,000 levelOne year sponsorship (name recognition)<strong>of</strong> the Tai Chi Studio*Donations <strong>of</strong> $2,500 and above will gain you a membership in Yo San Ni Founders Societyand have your name recognized on the Wall <strong>of</strong> Honor at Yo San University.YO SAN UNIVERSITY IS A 501 (C) (3) NONPROFIT INSTITUTION REGISTEREDWITH THE CALIFORNIA STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS.For information about this appeal, call (310) 577-3000- THIS IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT - FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION ONLY -INFORMATION CARD NO. W1489Issued Pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code, Chapter IV,Article 4, PhilanthropyYO SAN UNIVERSITY OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE13315 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90066Person in charge <strong>of</strong> appeal: Steven CarterTelephone number: (310) 577-3000Activity: Annual Fundraising Appeal CampaignSolicitation Dates: November 1, 2006 through December 15, 2006Purpose: Net proceeds to support outreach programs and community clinics including the Venice Family ClinicPrevious: 2005 activity collected a total <strong>of</strong> $37,768, <strong>of</strong> which $7,862 (20.8%) were expenses and $29,906 was donated to charity.DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATION RESTRICTED TO THE HOURS OF 8 A.M. – 8 P.M.This Information Card must be displayed or presented to all prospective donors.Date issued: 101106Cardholder registered with the Los Angeles Police Commission Charitable Services Section, Commission Investigation Division Telephone: (213)978-1144

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