LIMOUSIN - Harrison & Hetherington

LIMOUSIN - Harrison & Hetherington

LIMOUSIN - Harrison & Hetherington


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1PLEASE BRING THIS CATALOGUE TO THE SALE'British Limousin Cattle Society Breeders' Sale Catalogue of103Pedigree Limousin Cattle(held under BLCS Auction Rules and subject to the recommendedConditions of Sale of the National Beef Association)includes consignments fromFIELDSON, GLENBURN,HOMEBYRES, LOURIE,NORMAN, NORMANDE,RINGWAY & SIDDALL Herdsplus many others followed by youngstockSale to commence at the conclusionof the bull sale (see separate catalogue) - approx 12.30pmto be held at Borderway Mart, Rosehill, Carlisle(adjacent to J43 M6 Motorway)AuctioneersHead Office: Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RSTelephone: 01228 406230 – Fax: 01228 406231E-mail: info@borderway.com Website: www.harrisonandhetherington.co.uk

2IMPORTANT NOTICETO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERSSETTLEMENT & CLEARANCE OF STOCKPlease note that all lots must be settledon the day of purchaseCompletion of a buyers slip is essential for partieswho have not dealt with the company beforeNew customers and agents wishing to purchase on behalfof another party must contact the companys main office48 hours prior to a saleNo Lots can leave the market without a‘pass slip’ being issued by the main officePurchasers From Outside The United KingdomInvoices will be raised in pounds sterling.We request that payment is made to us in pounds sterlingby cheque/bankers draft on the day of sale.Card facilities are available (2% surcharge on credit cards)

3IMPORTANT NOTICETO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERSALL LOTS MUST BE SETTLED ON THE DAY OF PURCHASEParties who have not dealt with the company before should complete the undernoted formand hand it in to the auctioneers’ clerk when a purchase is made.Alternatively it can be sent to the main office in advance of the sale.Please fold and detach along this perforationSALE ........................................................................................................................................................................DATE ........................................................................................................................................................................TRADING NAME ...................................................................................................................................................PARTNERS NAMES (if applicable) .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................FULL POSTAL ADDRESS .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................POSTCODE .............................................................................................................................................................Tel. No ...................................................................................................................................................................H&H ACCOUNT No. (if known) .........................................................................................................................HOLDING NO. ........................................................................................................................................................HERD/FLOCK PREFIX ..........................................................................................................................................LOT NUMBER(s) ....................................................................................................................................................

4General Information & Sale NotesLOCATION: The Sale will be held in the Borderway Mart, Carlisle Cumbria. Motorists should leave the M6 atJunction 43 and follow CARLISLE signs. The market is on the left hand side of the road within 1/4 mile of M6.Timetable of Events:Thursday 13th June Arrival of Stock 1pm - 6pmFriday 14th June Arrival of Stock 7am - 9amIdentification Check8am-10.30amSaleAt conclusion of Bull Sale (see separate catalogue)HOTELS: There are many hotels within the area, ranging from four star to excellent Bed and Breakfastaccommodation, a list of which may be found on page 16 of the catalogue.CONDITIONS OF SALE: The British Limousin Cattle Society have adopted the Auction Rules and Conditions ofSale drawn up by the N.B.A. This Sale is held subject to these rules and the Auctioneers’ General Conditions ofSale, both available on request. In the event of any discrepancy between the two sets of conditions, the N.B.A.Conditions of Sale shall prevail.INSURANCE: A representative of H & H Insurance Brokers, will be present at the sale and will be pleased to quotePurchasers for transit and other risks.METHOD OF SALE: All cattle will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and strictly in catalogue order, unless anyalteration is announced by the Auctioneers.COMMISSIONS: The Auctioneers will dutifully execute commissions to purchase for buyers unable to attend thesale personally, upon receipt of written instructions.REGISTRATIONS: All stock in the Sale are registered with the British Limousin Cattle Society, Avenue Q, NationalAgricultural Centre, Stoneleigh, Kenilworth, Warwickshire CV8 2RA (Tel. 02476 696500).SEMEN ROYALTY SCHEME BULL REGISTER: Purchasers are asked to note that where a female is cataloguedas being served/inseminated by a “Semen Royalty” Sire the appropriate royalty will be payable by thepurchaser prior to registration of the calf.PEDIGREE TRANSFERS: Official Pedigree Transfers will be effected by the Auctioneers and the British LimousinCattle Society as soon as possible after the Sale. Full pedigrees will be transferred free of charge to all members.SETTLEMENT AND CLEARANCE OF STOCK: Settlement in full is due immediately at the close of Sale. No animalmay leave the Sale Premises without an official ‘Pass Slip’, obtainable only from the Auctioneers upon settlement.BRITISH <strong>LIMOUSIN</strong> CATTLE SOCIETYChief Executive: Iain KerrAvenue Q, National Agricultural Centre, StoneleighKenilworth, Warwickshire CV8 2RATel: 02476 696500Fax: 02476 696716IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PURCHASERS1 This Sale is held subject to recommended Conditions of Sale of the National BeefAssociation.2 This Sale is held subject to the Special Terms and Conditions of Sale recommended for Sales ofPedigree Beef Cattle by the National Beef Association. The preparation of these Terms andConditions has proved a lengthy and costly process and, in order to defray the legal and othercosts involved, and to provide a continuing source of revenue to assist the Association in its vitalwork for pedigree cattle breeders, The Committee of the NBA have agreed that the following levyto be charged between the vendor and purchaser as follows – Bull Warranty - £3 to the vendorand £3 to the purchaser, Female Warranty - £2 to the vendor and £2 to the purchaser, Eachamount will be plus VAT and be charged to the relevant vendor and purchaser accounts.

5BIO SECURITY RULESHARRISON & HETHERINGTON LIMITED, BORDERWAY MART, CARLISLENotice to all Visitors and TradersPlease read and observe the following:●Excessive dirty vehicles will not be allowed entry, therefore ensure vehicle is clean before arrival.● All vehicles transporting livestock will be subject to a documentation check before entry to market site.●All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site.●All visitors and traders using car park areas please use main entrance.●Hauliers and farmers delivering livestock must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading.●Livestock purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised “pass slip” has beenissued by the main office.● No livestock will be allowed to remain on the premises after a sale.●Only staff, livestock hauliers, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload livestock.●Wash hands thoroughly when leaving pennage areas.●Please observe our staff’s instructions at all times.Our on site Biosecurity Officer, Stan Abbot, will only be too pleased to give you assistance.GROUP OF COMPANIESwww.hhgroupplc.co.ukBORDERWAY FINANCEVehicle Finance SpecialistsT: 01228 406200 www.harrisonandhetherington.co.uk T: 01228 595939 www.hhborderwayfinance.co.ukKINGEstate Agents, Lettings & ValuersT: 01228 810799 www.hhking.co.ukINSURANCE BROKERSRural & Commercial InsuranceT: 01228 406290 www.hhinsurancebrokers.co.ukMOTOR AUCTIONSRemarketing VehiclesT: 01228 590990 www.hhmotorauctions.comAUCTION ROOMSAuctioneers & Valuers since 1890T: 01228 406320 www.hhauctionrooms.co.ukLAND AND PROPERTYChartered SurveyorsT: 01228 406260 T: 0191 370 8530www.hhland.co.ukREEDS PRINTERSQuality Printing, Signs & DisplayT: 01768 864214 T: 01228 406343www.hhreedsprinters.co.ukFirst in the Field...

8Later growth and carcase traits (i.e. fat and muscle) have relatively high heritabilitiesWhere traits with relatively good heritability are concerned, when something is known of the performance of oneor both parents, then a prediction can be made as to how the offspring will perform and BLUP uses this‘knowledge’ to enhance the accuracy of its EBV calculations.CorrelationsThis term describes the direction and strength of the association between two traits. For example, some traitsare highly positively correlated, such as 200-Day Growth and 400-Day Growth, whilst others are highlynegatively correlated, such as 400-Day Growth and Calving Ease. When something is known of one trait butperhaps not another, a prediction can be made based on what is known about the correlation between them.This again enhances the accuracy of the EBV in question and helps deal with situations where records for a traitare limited or unavailable.3. BREEDING INDEXESIt is often desirable to select animals on the basis of more than one EBV. Indexes focus on specific breedinggoals and combine the appropriate EBVs in to a single figure based on their relative economic value. This iswidely regarded as the most efficient method of selecting on a number of traits at once.Signet currently produces three beef Indexes, as follows:IndexBEEFVALUEContributingEBVsBirth Weight EBV200 Day Weight EBV400 Day Weight EBVMuscle Depth EBVFat Depth EBVIndexCALVINGVALUEContributingEBVsGestation Length EBVCalving Ease EBVIndexMATERNALVALUEContributingEBVs200 Day Milk EBVLongevity EBV*Age First Calving EBV*Calving Interval EBV*Maternal Calving Ease* New EBVs not yet published at breed salesWhen using an Index it is important that your breeding objective is broadly similar to that of the Index inquestion, otherwise you may unwittingly change aspects of your herd that you did not necessarily want to.4. ACCURACYAn Accuracy Value is published next to every EBV and Index. Accuracy Values are expressed as a % andindicates the quantity and quality of records used to produce the EBV or Index.Several things affect the accuracy of an EBV or Index, namely: The amount of information on the trait from the animal itself The amount of information on the trait from relatives of the animal

9The heritability of the trait concernedThe amount of information from the animal and its relatives on traits correlated with the trait of interest andthe strength of the correlations which vary between different traits.The number of herd mates from the same management group recorded (‘contemporaries’).Scaling for Low AccuracyAn important feature of BLUP EBVs is that they are scaled to account for the amount of performance informationon which they are based. EBVs based on very little information get adjusted towards the average EBV and thisadjustment applies to both high and low EBVs.This prevents animals gaining very high or very low EBVs as a result of a few very good or very poor recordsand is designed to protect the user from risk. The more information available on an animal and its relatives, theless the EBVs are adjusted.Accuracy Values indicate how similar an animals’ EBVs are to its true breeding value. They predict thelikelihood that an animals EBVs will change over time5. EBV INDEXESTo aid interpretation at breed sales, all Limousin EBVs are presented in index form based around an average of100 with an approximate range of 70 to 130. For example:CalvingValue200 DayMilk (kg)200 Dayweight(kg)400 Dayweight(kg)MuscleDepth(mm)FatDepth(mm)BeefValueEBV LM –4C -1 +25 +34 +3.40 -0.20 LM +23Accuracy % 85 54 75 73 68 66 73Index 77 98 112 106 111 111 108Below averageAbove average6. MATERNAL EBVsMany commercial and pedigree producers are breeding their own female replacements and need to identify bullswith superior maternal attributes.200 Day Milk EBVOne of the most important maternal EBVs is the 200 Day Milk EBV – indicating the degree to which 200 day milkis influences by maternal performance – e.g. milkiness and general mothering ability.As well as predicting breeding potential for growth to 200 day of age, the 200 day weight can be used to assessan animals breeding potential for milking ability.Consider the performance of the grand-offspring of a bull. The weights of all of his grandprogeny are influencedby his growth genes, but only those produced by his daughters are affected by his genes for milk.If the grandprogeny produced by his daughters are constantly heavier than those produced by his sons, then thisis likely to be due to his superior genes for milk production.InterpretationA bull with an EBV of +4 for 200-Day Milk is expected to produce heifer calves whichwill have above average maternal characteristics leading to their calves being 2kgheavier at 200-days than calves from heifers sired by a bull with an EBV of 0.

10Maternal Calving EaseThis EBV predicts how easily a bull’s daughters will calve. It should not be confused with the Calving Ease EBVwhich predicts how easily a bull’s progeny will be born.The Maternal Calving Ease EBV is calculated from calving records and is expressed as a % indicating theproportion of unassisted calvings.InterpretationA bull with a Maternal Calving Ease EBV of 2% will produce females that have 1%more unassisted calvings than a bull with an EBV of 0.EBVs are also produced for: Longevity, Age at First Calving and Calving Interval but these are not yetpublished at breed sales.7. How to Use EBVs and IndexesEBVs are expressed in the same unit as the recorded trait (e.g. kg for 400-Day Weight, mm for Muscle Depthetc) and are relative to a Breed Benchmark, which is updated and published annually.Limousin Breed Benchmark 2013TraitBOTTOMAVERAGETOP1% 10% 25%25% 10% 1%Gestation Length (days) 3.7 1.9 1.2 0.5 -0.2 -1.0 -2.6Calving Ease (%) -8.4 -4.7 -3.3 -2.3 -1.1 -0.3 1.0Maternal Calving Ease -1.0 -0.2 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.2 1.7Birth Weight (kg) 3.4 2.4 1.9 1.3 0.9 0.4 -0.4Calving Value LM-4C LM-2C LM-1C LM0C LM1C LM2C LM4C200-Day Milk (kg) -6 -3 -2 -1 1 2 5200-Day Weight (kg) -4 6 12 17 25 32 45400-Day Weight (kg) -4 13 22 30 43 55 77Muscle Depth (mm) -0.7 0.6 1.2 2.1 3.1 4.1 6.0Fat Depth (mm) 0.4 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.6Beef Value LM6 LM13 LM16 LM20 LM26 LM31 LM41Maternal Value LM-21V LM-9V LM-3V LM4V LM9V LM16V LM28VWhen using EBVs it is important to remember that although they can be compared between herds, theycan not be compared between breeds.

128. UNDERSTANDING SALE CARDS AND CATALOGUESEstimated Breeding Values on Sale CardsEBVs and Indexes are produced on sale cards as shown below:Bars that lie to the right of the central line indicate the EBV/Index is above breed average (and the further it is tothe right, the higher above breed average it is). Similarly, bars to the left of the central line indicate theEBV/Index is below breed average (and the further to the left it is, the further below average it is).In sale catalogues, the same figures are produced in table format similar to the examples of Bull A and Bull Babove. The EBV Index (bottom line) will quickly indicate where values lie in relation to the breed average. TheBreed Benchmark printed in the front pages of the catalogue will allow further refinement of this.9. EBV and PEDIGREE INFORMATION JUST A CLICK AWAYEBV and pedigree information on all Limousin cattle are just a few internet clicks away…Step 1: Click the ‘Basco Online Herd Book’ button on the Limousin Society homepage (www.limousin.co.uk)Step 2: In the ‘All Breeds Quick Search’ box type the name or ear number of the animal you are interested in orclick on the ‘Breeder Search’ button to look at all animals belonging to or bred by a particular breeder.The site will then tell you the animal’s owner/breeder details, its EBVs, its pedigree and list its progeny with fulllinks to all of their information.10. FURTHER INFORMATIONFor further information, please contact Alison Glasgow, British Limousin Cattle Society on telephone 01721730664, e-mail alison@limousin.co.uk or visit the BLCS web site www.limousin.co.uk

VENDORS INDEX13Aitken, R LOURIE 60-65Hillside, Easter Balrymonth, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 8PN- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes, BVD & Lepto- Accredited free for Johnes since 2011, BVD since 2009 & Lepto since 2008- Routinely vaccinating against BVD since 2009Allan BG & L GLENTURK 150Glenturk, Wigtown, Newton Stewart, Scottish Borders, DG9 9TF- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes & BVD- Routinely vaccinating against BVD since 2011Campbell, A STRAWFRANK 155Strawfrank Farm, Carstairs Junction, Lanark, ML11 8RFNo Herd Health DeclarationCruickshank N & E NORMANDE 122-135Cowford Farm, Cleghorn, Lanark, ML11 8NRNo Herd Health DeclarationFieldson, JW & MC FIELDSON 66-73Poplar Farm, Corringham, Caisborough, Lincolnshire DN21 5QL- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes & BVD- Accredited free for BVD- Johnes Risk Level 2- Routinely vaccinating against BVD, IBR & LeptoFletcher, P SIDDALL 136-142,152-154Top o’th’ Hill Farm, Birch, Heywood, Lancashire, OL10 2QB- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes, BVD, IBR & Lepto- Accredited free for BVD- Routinely vaccinating against IBR & LeptoGray, A & M CENTRAL 151,156Craighead Farm, Back o’hill Road, Torrance, Glasgow, G64 4DR- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes, BVD & Lepto- Accredited free for Johnes since 2009 & BVD since 2007- Routinely vaccinating against BVD & Lepto since 2004Grisedale, IK & AM ANGIEAN 147Greenmount Farm, Milton, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria LA7 7NL- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes & BVD- Accredited free for Johnes since 2009 & BVD since 2012- Routinely vaccinating against BVD since 2009 & Lepto since 1997Hall, RL WALGATE 58,592 Willow Hill, Wintringham, Malton, N Yorkshire YO17 8HY- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes, BVD, IBR & Lepto- Accredited free for BVD since 2012- Johnes Risk Level 1Henshall, PJ & E RINGWAY 113-121Sarkshields, Eaglesfield, Lockerbie, DG11 3AE- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes & BVD- Accredited free for BVD since 2011- Routinely vaccinating against BVD since 2002

14Livingstone, RJ KIRTLEVALE 144-145Kirtle Vale, Gretna, Dumfriesshire, DG16 5HDNo Herd Health DeclarationLogan, Messrs J HOMEBYRES 74-87Humebyres, Kelso, Roxburghshire, TD5 7TL- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes & BVD- Accredited free for BVD since 2007- Routinely vaccinating against BVD since 2006McConnell, P GLENBURN 88-95, 146Crawfordhall, Kirkmahoe, Dumfries, DG1 1QY- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes and BVD- Accredited free for Johnes & BVD since 2013Norman, E & E NORMAN 96-112Little Orton Farm, Little Orton, Carlisle, Cumbria CA5 6EP- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes and BVD- Accredited free for BVD- Routinely vaccinating against BVD & IBRWatson, A & W SAUNDERS 148,149Saunders Close, Slaggyford, Brampton, Cumbria, CA8 7NS- Currently on a 4 year TB testing interval- Member of a CHeCS controlled health scheme for Johnes & BVD- Accredited free for Johnes since 2011 & BVD since 2009Consultancy ServicesConsultancy ServicesConsultancy ServicesConsultancy Disease Control ServicesConsultancy ServicesConsultancy & Eradication Services forConsultancy • Johne’s • Services BVDConsultancy • IBR • LeptospirosisServicesConsultancy ServicesSACCHeCS licensed / all tests ISO 17025 accredited• Remove costly disease from your herd• Provide health assurance for your customers• Safeguard the health status of your herdContact: SAC Veterinary ServicesGreycrook, St Boswells, Roxburghshire, TD6 0EUT: 01835 822456 E: vcstboswells@sac.co.ukwww.sac.ac.uk/cattlehealth

2013 LIST OF ACCOMMODATION WITHINEASY REACH OF BORDERWAY MART15Farm House AccommodationMrs P Armstrong, Longlands, Greenwoodside, Kirklinton, Carlisle CA6 6DLTel: 01228 675130Mrs M Harris, Whitbarrow Farm, Berrier, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 0XBTel: 01768 483366Mrs D Nicholson, Gill Farm, Blackford, Carlisle. CA6 4ELTel: 01228 675326Mr & Mrs D Stobart, Gladmuir, Broomfallen Road, Scotby, Carlisle CA4 8DGTel: 01228 513406Guest House AccommodationAbbey Court Guest House, 24 London Road, Carlisle CA1 2ELTel: 01228 528696Cherry Grove Guest House, 87 Petteril Street, Carlisle CA1 2AWTel: 01228 541942Cornerways Guest House, 107 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1EATel: 01228 521733Crossroads House, Brisco, Carlisle CA4 0QZTel: 01228 528994James & Elaine Knox, The Steading, Townhead Farm, Houghton, Carlisle. CA6 4JBTel: 01228 523019Howard Lodge Guest House, 90 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1JUTel: 01228 529842Langleigh and Derwentlea, 6 & 14 Howard Place, Carlisle CA1 1HRTel: 01228 530440Town House B&B, 153 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1LUTel: 01228 598782HotelsAngus Hotel 14-16 Scotland Road, Carlisle CA3 9DGTel: 01228 523546*Carlisle Swallow Hilltop Hotel, London Road, Carlisle CA1 2NSTel: 01228 529255*Crown Hotel, Station Road, Wetheral, CarlisleTel: 01228 561888Farlam Hall, Country House Hotel, Brampton, CumbriaTel: 016977 46234Pinegrove Hotel, 262 London Road, Carlisle CA1 2QSTel: 01228 524828Smiths Hotel Gretna Green, Headless Cross, Gretna Green, Dumfries & Galloway DG12 5EATel: 01461 337007*Customers of H&H offered a Special RateAlso log onto www.harrisonandhetherington.co.uk for further details of accommodation.

16FEMALESSires marked * in the Pedigrees are included in theReference at the end of the catalogueLot Richard L Hall58 3570 RONCE19‐30‐728‐493 Born 11/10/99 1930728493Bred by M‐C Joye, Les Rebieres, 19410 Perpezac Le Noir, Franceggs. ROBIN 23‐80‐002‐146gs. VELINO 19‐84‐000‐886ggd. ROKEPINE 19‐80‐000‐900Sire *DOMINO 19‐88‐001‐780ggs. JOGUY 19‐74‐001‐488gd. ORCHIDEE 19‐78‐005‐566ggd. CATHIE 19‐71‐152‐199ggs. BRETON 87‐86‐000‐061gs. DISCO 19‐88‐003‐992ggd. ROUSELLE 19‐80‐002‐035Dam JEANNOU 19‐94‐004‐906ggs. ORIENT 19‐78‐005‐682gd. SIRENE 19‐81‐001‐318ggd. JUDIE 19‐74‐006‐121Calving Record 1 08/08/2002 F2 04/10/2003 M3 11/01/2005 F4 23/01/2006 F5 02/03/2007 F6 09/08/2008 M7 10/07/2009 M8 28/12/2010 M9 08/01/2012 M10 21/01/2013 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footWALGATE IRISHTI13-001 Born: 21/01/2013 UK133985/700023Sire: *RAINBOW SIMON (WIM01-013)

Lot Richard L Hall59 GOLDIES TOPSYGS02‐439 Born 06/06/02 UK 581575/400439 Got by AI.Embryo CalfBred by Bruce T Goldie, Townfoot, Mouswald, Dumfries and Galloway, DG1 4LXggs. ARLEQUIN 87‐85‐008‐177gs. DIAMANT 87‐88‐000‐697ggd. PETULA 87‐79‐007‐078Sire GEDEON 23‐91‐058‐209ggs. NIGERIEN 23‐77‐054‐762gd. BRODEUSE 23‐86‐006‐234ggd. SENTEUR 23‐81‐055‐035ggs. ECOSSAIS 36‐89‐002‐512gs. HONNEUR 36‐92‐006‐008ggd. BAGUETTE 36‐86‐006‐819Dam JEEP 23‐94‐026‐536ggs. TARVIS 19‐82‐001‐611gd. GIROLLE 23‐91‐060‐367ggd. TULIPE 36‐82‐006‐970Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 189 347 0 508 608MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.1 LM+2C ‐5 +20 +40 +0.3 ‐0.9 LM+12Acc % 59 66 71 79 78 66 76 79BLCS Index 109 109 76 101 104 72 72 84Service Details AI’d 11/11/2012 to *IONESCO (36-93-000-206)Calving Record 1 01/02/2005 M2 12/05/2006 F3 03/06/2007 M4 03/07/2008 F5 28/05/2009 M6 29/12/2010 M7 22/07/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footWALGATE HELENHTI12-003 Born: 22/07/2012 UK133985/500021Sire: *WILODGE TONKA (WEY02-002)17

18LOURIE HERDThe Lourie herd is descended from the brood female Craigie Ribena, who had asuccessful show career in her own right; winning Overall Champion at Fife show2003, as well as breeding a number of show winning progeny. Lourie Vessa (Lot60) claimed the Interbreed Championship at Fife Show in 2006 and is also themother of Lourie Dazzle, the second highest priced heifer sold at the Carlisle RedLadies Derby 2010 when selling for 6,500gns.The females on offer also contain a wealth of noted paternal genetics; with thelikes of Ronick Hawk, Killerton Travis and Rocky all represented and calves at footor in utero to sires such as Ampertaine Commander, Ionesco and the excitingnew prospect Derriaghy Enfield.

Lot Robert Aitken60 LOURIE VESSAAFC04‐001 Born 13/01/04 UK 544712/400003 Got by AIggs. BROADMEADOWS VIP CAVV‐024‐FOTgs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031ggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐003Sire *RONICK HAWK DY92‐026ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036gd. RONICK ESTHER DYE‐040ggd. ORCHARD VANILLA WAEV‐019ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009gs. SHIRE NORMAN EL97‐385ggd. SHIRE ELSIE ELE‐111Dam CRAIGIE RIBENA FDU00‐001ggs. SEVENOAKS IVAN SFZ93‐003gd. LINROSS MELODY DDO96‐055ggd. ANDALOUSE 19‐85‐002‐35319Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 0 321 406 533 631MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -0.1 LM+4C +3 +20 +42 ‐0.2 +3.0 LM+28Acc % 66 75 62 73 69 54 67 73BLCS Index 115 126 122 101 106 105 105 109Calving Record 1 16/11/2006 M2 18/02/2008 F 6.500gns Red Ladies DERBY 20103 16/05/2009 M 3,800gns Carlisle Feb 20114 18/04/2010 F Lot 635 17/04/2011 F Lot 646 06/04/2012 F7 10/04/2013 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footLOURIE INDIANAAFC13-057 Born: 10/04/2013 UK544712/200057Sire: *AMPERTAINE COMMANDER (MGD07-046)LOURIE VESSA was shown in 2006 and won many Breed and Interbreed Championships. She is an excellentbreeder and milker. Craigie Ribena (dam) is either dam or granddam of the entire herd; she was shown as a3-year-old and won the Overall Championship, Fife Show 2003.Lourie Vessa - LOT 60

20Lot Robert Aitken61 LOURIE CHARISMAAFC07‐002 Born 10/05/07 UK 544712/100014 Got by AIggs. BROADMEADOWS VIP CAVV‐024‐FOTgs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031ggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐003Sire *RONICK HAWK DY92‐026ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036gd. RONICK ESTHER DYE‐040ggd. ORCHARD VANILLA WAEV‐019ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009gs. SHIRE NORMAN EL97‐385ggd. SHIRE ELSIE ELE‐111Dam CRAIGIE RIBENA FDU00‐001ggs. SEVENOAKS IVAN SFZ93‐003gd. LINROSS MELODY DDO96‐055ggd. ANDALOUSE 19‐85‐002‐353Calving Record 1 10/01/2010 M2 16/02/2011 M3 19/03/2012 M4 04/04/2013 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footLOURIE ISMAAFC13-055 Born: 04/04/2013 UK544712/700055Sire: *AMPERTAINE COMMANDER (MGD07-046)

Lot Robert Aitken62 LOURIE DIVAAFC08‐003 Born 16/04/08 UK 544712/500018 Got by AIggs. HORTENSIA 56‐92‐060‐816gs. KILLERTON PADDY GEA99‐008ggd. LERRYN ENDIVE MCPE‐002Sire *KILLERTON TRAVIS GEA02‐020ggs. GRANGE LOCARNO SAD95‐920gd. KILLERTON NARNIA GEA97‐016ggd. REDENHAM GEORGINA CEOG‐002ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009gs. SHIRE NORMAN EL97‐385ggd. SHIRE ELSIE ELE‐111Dam CRAIGIE RIBENA FDU00‐001ggs. SEVENOAKS IVAN SFZ93‐003gd. LINROSS MELODY DDO96‐055ggd. ANDALOUSE 19‐85‐002‐353Calving Record 1 03/02/2011 F2 03/04/2012 F3 07/04/2013 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footLOURIE ISADORAAFC13-056 Born: 07/04/2013 UK544712/100056Sire: *AMPERTAINE COMMANDER (MGD07-046)21Craigie Ribena – dam of lots 60, 61 and 62 and grand dam of lots 63, 64 & 65

22Lot Robert Aitken63 LOURIE FINESSAAFC10‐007 Born 18/04/10 UK 544712/700034 Got by AIggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. JACOT 36‐94‐005‐555ggd. VIOLETTE 36‐84‐701‐052Sire *ROCKY 36‐15‐030‐964ggs. ELDORADO 36‐89‐000‐419gd. GLOIRE 36‐91‐002‐380ggd. BANANE 36‐86‐886‐661ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026ggd. RONICK ESTHER DYE‐040Dam LOURIE VESSA AFC04‐001 (LOT 60)ggs. SHIRE NORMAN EL97‐385gd. CRAIGIE RIBENA FDU00‐001ggd. LINROSS MELODY DDO96‐055Service DetailsAI’d 18/03/2013 to *DERRIAGHY ENFIELD (GGU09-775)Calving Record 1 05/11/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footLOURIE HAVANAAFC12-005 Born: 05/11/2012 UK544712/400052Sire: *IONESCO (36 93 000 206)LOURIE FINESSA was Limousin Champion and Reserve Interbreed Champion, Fife Show 2012.LOURIE HAVANA - calf at foot (aged 6 months)

Lot Robert Aitken64 LOURIE GABBYAFC11‐005 Born 17/04/11 UK 544712/600040 Got by AIggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire TEHIX 12‐02‐088‐259ggs. ESPOIR 87‐89‐003‐720gd. LILAS 12‐95‐162‐563ggd. GITANE 12‐91‐112‐247ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026ggd. RONICK ESTHER DYE‐040Dam LOURIE VESSA AFC04‐001 (LOT 60)ggs. SHIRE NORMAN EL97‐385gd. CRAIGIE RIBENA FDU00‐001ggd. LINROSS MELODY DDO96‐055Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 156 275 384 509 627MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.7 LM0C -1 +18 +29 ‐0.2 +2.4 LM+22Acc % 63 69 52 72 67 53 65 71BLCS Index 93 96 99 98 97 105 100 9923Service DetailsAI’d 13/03/2013 to *DERRIAGHY ENFIELD (GGU09-775)Lot Robert Aitken65 LOURIE GEMAFC11‐009 Born 04/11/11 UK 544712/300044ggs. JACOT 36‐94‐005‐555gs. ROCKY 36‐15‐030‐964ggd. GLOIRE 36‐91‐002‐380Sire LOURIE EVSUND AFC09‐004ggs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026gd. LOURIE VESSA AFC04‐001ggd. CRAIGIE RIBENA FDU00‐001ggs. KILLERTON PADDY GEA99‐008gs. KILLERTON TRAVIS GEA02‐020ggd. KILLERTON NARNIA GEA97‐016Dam LOURIE DAMSEL AFC08‐004ggs. WESTHALL LOVEJOY FS95‐013gd. LOURIE BESSA AFC06‐002ggd. CRAIGIE RIBENA FDU00‐001Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 153 287 394 515 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.6 LM0C +2 +25 +47 ‐0.3 +3.6 LM+32Acc % 44 48 36 42 41 36 41 43BLCS Index 100 100 116 107 109 112 110 115Lourie Evsund (sire) was 1st prize winner Carlisle Feb 2011, sold for 3,800gns.

24Main SponsorsThe biggestclassified sectionin the marketplaceOver 2,000 items advertised every week!To Advertise call 0800 278 2799928 9928 or visitfarmersguardian.com/classifiedwww.subscription.com/classifiedOn sale every Friday at your newsagentFG436_MainSponsor_A5_class_ad_v2.indd 1 08/04/2013 16:21

25FIELDSON HERDLot J W Fieldson66 FIELDSON UPSTARTFCE03‐274 Born 26/11/03 UK 140653/500274ggs. RONICK COSMOS DYC‐051gs. TUNNELBY MONKEYTRICKSggd. TUNNELBY FROLIC TAPF‐002Sire *GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS HDR99‐010ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gd. GUNNERFLEET LUNA HDR95‐003‐FOTggd. BALLYBURTON UNA KVU‐003ggs. EPATANT 36‐89‐001‐125gs. GOLDIES HARVESTER GS92‐035ggd. UVETTE 87‐83‐003‐207Dam FIELDSON MELANIE FCE96‐064ggs. CLOUGHHEAD CHARLIE HCXC‐010gd. HOLLY HEATHER HAF92‐011ggd. HARTSIDE CLARA TWC‐226Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 133 0 0 426 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.0 LM+1C 0 +4 +12 ‐0.2 +1.8 LM+14Acc % 70 70 71 79 80 59 72 80BLCS Index 104 109 104 82 85 105 95 87Service DetailsRan from 02/05/2013 to sale date with *COACHHOUSE GOLDENBOY (HLX11-103)Calving Record 1 23/11/2006 F Still born2 02/01/2008 M Sold 4,200gns3 14/01/2009 M Sold4 03/05/2010 M Sold5 18/12/2011 M Sold6 27/01/2013 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footFIELDSON INDIANAFCE13-1034 Born: 27/01/2013 UK140653/201034Sire: *REDROCK EDDY (DX09-335)

26Lot J W Fieldson67 FIELDSON UTURNFCE03‐283 Born 30/12/03 UK 140653/700283ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. WHEATSHEAF LAIRD SFP95‐003ggd. WHEATSHEAF IMOGEN SFP93‐001Sire MERESIDE RUFUS HCG00‐009ggs. IMPRUDENT 19‐93‐008‐820gd. MERESIDE MARINKA HCG96‐150ggd. MERESIDE HOLLY HCG92‐310ggs. IGOLO 87‐93‐004‐822gs. GREENWELL MIKE NK96‐019ggd. GREENWELL GEVORN NKG‐120Dam FIELDSON REDOWA FCE00‐021ggs. HARTSIDE FROST TWF‐465gd. FIELDSON NICOLE FCE97‐103ggd. PEASLEY HEATHER BBJ92‐021Service DetailsRan from 02/05/2013 to sale date with *COACHHOUSE GOLDENBOY (HLX11-103)Calving Record 1 12/11/2006 M Sold2 22/11/2007 M Sold3 21/10/2008 F Retained4 10/12/2009 M Sold5 19/12/2010 F Retained6 28/03/2012 F Retained7 27/04/2013 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footFIELDSON ITURNFCE13-1054 Born: 27/04/2013 UK140653/101054Sire: *SLIEVE FANTASTIC (MRC10-107)

Lot J W Fieldson68 FIELDSON VANQUISHFCE04‐345 Born 26/12/04 UK 140653/600345ggs. RONICK COSMOS DYC‐051gs. MONKEYTRICKS 1ggd. TUNNELBY FROLIC TAPF‐002Sire *GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS HDR99‐010ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gd. GUNNERFLEET LUNA HDR95‐003‐FOTggd. BALLYBURTON UNA KVU‐003ggs. EPATANT 36‐89‐001‐125gs. GOLDIES HARVESTER GS92‐035ggd. UVETTE 87‐83‐003‐207Dam FIELDSON MELANIE FCE96‐064ggs. CLOUGHHEAD CHARLIE HCXC‐010gd. HOLLY HEATHER HAF92‐011ggd. HARTSIDE CLARA TWC‐226Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 138 233 326 416 508MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.6 LM+2C 0 -4 +1 ‐0.2 +0.8 LM+8Acc % 71 71 72 81 81 60 75 81BLCS Index 106 114 104 72 77 105 87 78Service DetailsRan from 02/05/2013 to sale date with *COACHHOUSE GOLDENBOY (HLX11-103)Calving Record 1 17/12/2007 M Sold2 26/03/2009 M Sold3 04/03/2010 F Sold 2,500gns4 12/02/2011 M Died (10 months)5 08/03/2012 F Retained6 16/04/2013 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footFIELDSON INFORMFCE13-1049 Born: 16/04/2013 UK140653/301049Sire: *SLIEVE FANTASTIC (MRC10-107)27

28Lot J W Fieldson69 FIELDSON BESSIEFCE06‐468 Born 22/03/06 UK 140653/300468ggs. RONICK COSMOS DYC‐051gs. MONKEYTRICKS 1ggd. TUNNELBY FROLIC TAPF‐002Sire *GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS HDR99‐010ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gd. GUNNERFLEET LUNA HDR95‐003‐FOTggd. BALLYBURTON UNA KVU‐003ggs. CROWNHEAD CHIEFTAIN BBAC‐058‐FOTgs. CROWNHEAD EXCISEMAN BBAE‐103ggd. CROWNHEAD CHANEL BBAC‐044Dam CAMPSMOUNT JUNE CDV94‐006ggs. RUADH AMOS CAFA‐005gd. CAMPSMOUNT ELOQUANCE CDVE‐004ggd. FLEETBANK VOGUE FNV‐194Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 161 291 395 473 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.9 LM+2C +6 +8 +22 ‐0.1 +2.3 LM+19Acc % 70 69 68 80 79 68 76 80BLCS Index 104 115 139 87 92 99 99 96Service DetailsRan from 02/05/2013 to sale date with *COACHHOUSE GOLDENBOY (HLX11-103)Calving Record 1 09/11/2008 M Sold2 12/11/2009 M Sold3 15/01/2011 F Retained4 08/03/2012 M Retained5 09/03/2013 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footFIELDSON INCAFCE13-1040 Born: 09/03/2013 UK140653/101040Sire: *SARKLEY COSSACK (PBO07-124)Lot J W Fieldson70 FIELDSON BEAMERFCE06‐487 Born 22/05/06 UK 140653/100487ggs. GREENWELL MIKE NK96‐019gs. FIELDSON PICCADILLY FCE99‐378ggd. FIELDSON MELANIE FCE96‐064Sire FIELDSON ULTIMATE FCE03‐234ggs. GREENWELL LESTER NK95‐001gd. RAMSAY PORTIA MHR99‐133ggd. RAMSAY JULIET MHR94‐003ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. CARTHORPE LOTUS RX95‐307‐FOTggd. PAMITA 87‐79‐002‐030Dam FIELDSON OODLES FCE98‐329ggs. PADA 87‐79‐001‐710gd. IRONSTONE JEN SDS94‐003ggd. IRONSTONE EMMA SDSE‐014Service DetailsRan from 16/07/2012 with *REDROCK EDDY (DX09-225)Calving Record 1 09/11/2008 M Sold2 19/11/2009 F Sold3 25/11/2010 M Sold4 09/04/2012 F Retained

Lot J W Fieldson71 FIELDSON CAMILLAFCE07‐563 Born 01/10/07 UK 140653/700563ggs. MARRON 36‐96‐018‐225gs. BAILEA OLYMPIA JAG98‐071ggd. BAILEA IZBICKI JAG93‐033Sire RONICK VALEUR DY04‐919ggs. GASPARD 22‐91‐003‐218gd. RONICK JANITA DY94‐071ggd. RONICK DANITA DYD‐049ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. CARTHORPE LOTUS RX95‐307‐FOTggd. PAMITA 87‐79‐002‐030Dam FIELDSON OODLES FCE98‐329ggs. PADA 87‐79‐001‐710gd. IRONSTONE JEN SDS94‐003ggd. IRONSTONE EMMA SDSE‐014Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 161 289 387 464 534MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.1 LM‐1C -1 +14 +33 ‐0.3 +2.2 LM+26Acc % 67 65 62 78 77 54 71 77BLCS Index 103 94 99 94 99 112 98 106Service DetailsRan with *REDROCK EDDY (DX09-225), due to calve before sale day.Calving Record 1 19/10/2010 M Sold2 16/03/2012 M Retained29Lot J W Fieldson72 FIELDSON CALICEFCE07‐586 Born 28/11/07 UK 140653/200586ggs. VAINQUEUR 87‐84‐003‐838gs. IMPERIAL 87‐93‐000‐421ggd. AMORCE 87‐85‐005‐467Sire GOLDIES UPPERCRUST GS03‐549ggs. BILBAO 19‐86‐011‐105gd. EMUE 19‐89‐010‐238ggd. VALSE TI 19‐00‐655‐583ggs. EPATANT 36‐89‐001‐125gs. GOLDIES HARVESTER GS92‐035ggd. UVETTE 87‐83‐003‐207Dam FIELDSON MELANIE FCE96‐064ggs. CLOUGHHEAD CHARLIE HCXC‐010gd. HOLLY HEATHER HAF92‐011ggd. HARTSIDE CLARA TWC‐226Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 162 268 362 411 495MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.1 LM‐1C -2 +10 +11 ‐0.2 +1.0 LM+12Acc % 69 69 67 78 78 59 72 78BLCS Index 103 95 93 89 84 105 88 83Service DetailsRan from 02/05/2013 to sale date with *COACHHOUSE GOLDENBOY (HLX11-103)Calving Record 1 29/11/2010 M Sold2 13/02/2012 M Died (11 months)3 10/03/2013 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footFIELDSON IMPFCE13-1041 Born: 10/03/2013 UK140653/201041Sire: *SARKLEY COSSACK (PBO07-124)

30Lot J W Fieldson73 FIELDSON DIXIEFCE08‐625 Born 23/02/08 UK 140653/600625ggs. MARRON 36‐96‐018‐225gs. BAILEA OLYMPIA JAG98‐071ggd. BAILEA IZBICKI JAG93‐033Sire RONICK VALEUR DY04‐919ggs. GASPARD 22‐91‐003‐218gd. RONICK JANITA DY94‐071ggd. RONICK DANITA DYD‐049ggs. CROWNHEAD BUSBY BBAB‐037gs. HARTSIDE FROST TWF‐465ggd. HARTSIDE VENETIA TWV‐116Dam FIELDSON OOMPH FCE98‐304ggs. RACHELS BORIS WTB‐112gd. FIELDSON GABRIELA FCEG‐006ggd. FARROWS CARMEN GAWC‐008Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 164 275 339 404MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.6 LM0C -2 +17 +40 ‐0.1 +1.8 LM+26Acc % 67 67 61 77 77 54 70 77BLCS Index 106 101 93 97 104 99 95 106Calving Record 1 09/11/2010 F Retained2 10/03/2012 M Sold3 29/04/2013 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footFIELDSON ICKLEFCE13-1055 Born: 29/04/2013 UK140653/201055Sire: *SARKLEY COSSACK (PBO07-124)

32HOMEBYRES HERDThis consignment is the first offering from the Homebyres Herd of breeding cows in calfwith calves at foot. Harvest Snowdrop and Broadmeadows Dainsi (full sister toBroadmeadows Cannon) have been the most significant purchases in establishing theHomebyres Herd, which registered its first calf in 1984. The stock bulls Ronick Dumby andBalnacraig Supreme (who have both bred Perth Supreme Champions) along with theirrespective sons Homebyres Homer and Homebyres Vanhee, have been influential breedersand the majority of cattle on sale are descendants of these proven lines.The herd is fully recorded and has been in the SAC Premium Health Scheme since 1999.Lot Messrs John Logan74 HOMEBYRES BANJOLAP06‐043 Born 09/05/06 UK 560248/600606ggs. IDEAL 19‐93‐013‐281gs. GRAHAMS PONCHO GV99‐046ggd. LISETTE 36‐95‐000‐646Sire GRAHAMS TALENT GV02‐136ggs. BOUQUET 23‐86‐001‐182gd. JUNON 23‐94‐027‐957ggd. CASCADE 23‐87‐052‐301ggs. IGOLO 87‐93‐004‐822gs. GREENWELL MANAGER NK96‐012ggd. GREENWELL CHEVORN NKC‐055Dam HOMEBYRES UKULELE LAP03‐027ggs. HOMEBYRES OCEAN LAP98‐026gd. HOMEBYRES ROSALIE LAP00‐044ggd. HOMEBYRES NAOMI LAP97‐044‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 162 265 362 463 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV 1.3 LM+2C +6 +29 +67 ‐0.2 +1.9 LM+31Acc % 70 71 71 81 80 70 77 81BLCS Index 124 111 139 111 123 105 96 114Service DetailsAI’d 25/11/2012 to *IRONSTONE BRANDY (SDS06-037) then ran from08/12/2012 to 15/05/2013 with *ALAGILS GT (MWF11-162). PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 23/09/2008 M Sold2 21/08/2009 M Sold for breeding3 30/08/2010 F Sold4 14/08/2011 F Sold for breeding5 30/09/2012 F LOT 74AHer Heifer Calf74A HOMEBYRES HARMONICALAP12-089 Born: 30/09/2012 UK560248/701265Sire: *HOMEBYRES VANHEE (LAP04-045)

Lot Messrs John Logan75 HOMEBYRES BEAMLAP06‐025 Born 07/04/06 UK 560248/600585ggs. IDEAL 19‐93‐013‐281gs. GRAHAMS PONCHO GV99‐046ggd. LISETTE 36‐95‐000‐646Sire GRAHAMS TALENT GV02‐136ggs. BOUQUET 23‐86‐001‐182gd. JUNON 23‐94‐027‐957ggd. CASCADE 23‐87‐052‐301ggs. RONICK DUMBY DYD‐015gs. HOMEBYRES ODE LAP98‐016ggd. HOMEBYRES JADE LAP94‐024‐FOTDam HOMEBYRES RAY LAP00‐061ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd. HOMEBYRES LAYLEY LAP95‐002ggd. HOMEBYRES HAYLEY LAP92‐012Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 162 288 361 435 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV 0.1 LM+1C -3 +25 +41 +0.3 +3.1 LM+23Acc % 70 71 67 80 79 70 77 80BLCS Index 117 105 87 107 105 72 106 102Service DetailsRan from 01/02/2013 to 15/05/2013 to sale date with *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864)PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 03/11/2008 F Sold2 04/12/2009 F Sold3 21/11/2010 M Sold4 04/01/2012 M Sold5 15/12/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footHOMEBYRES HEAVENLAP12-103 Born: 15/12/2012 UK560248/701279Sire: *HOMEBYRES VANHEE (LAP04-045)33

34Lot Messrs John Logan76 HOMEBYRES CELIZABETHLAP07‐096 Born 12/12/07 UK 560248/300750ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94‐011Sire *HOMEBYRES VANHEE LAP04‐045ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd. HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007ggd. HOMEBYRES DAFFODIL LAPD‐004‐FOTggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318gs. SARKLEY PEPSI PBO99‐339ggd. SARKLEY IRMADEL PBO93‐012Dam HOMEBYRES ULIZABETH LAP03‐017ggs. WINTLES ADRIAN BAA‐004‐FOTgd. FIELDFARE ELIZABETH BFHE‐038ggd. COPYHOLD ANNA GAMA‐021Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 156 265 358 439 534MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.7 LM+4C +3 +20 +43 ‐0.3 +3.7 LM+26Acc % 69 69 67 79 78 72 77 79BLCS Index 105 124 122 101 106 112 111 106Service DetailsRan from 01/11/2012 to 15/05/2013 with *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864) PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 25/12/2009 F Died2 08/01/2011 M Sold 4,800gns STIRLING OCT 20123 14/01/2012 F RetainedLot Messrs John Logan77 HOMEBYRES COSIELAP07‐021 Born 01/04/07 UK 560248/700670ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94‐011Sire *HOMEBYRES VANHEE LAP04‐045ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd. HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007ggd. HOMEBYRES DAFFODIL LAPD‐004‐FOTggs. ULYSSE 36‐83‐001‐518gs. BALNACRAIG MONARCH CHT96‐039ggd. EDEN INGRID HCS93‐098Dam HOMEBYRES ROSIE LAP00‐029ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd. HOMEBYRES JOSIE LAP94‐020‐FOTggd. BROADMEADOWS DAINSI CAVD‐035‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 157 260 358 458 532MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.3 LM+4C +2 +22 +44 ‐0.3 +4.7 LM+28Acc % 71 71 70 80 79 71 79 80BLCS Index 108 126 116 103 107 112 119 109Service DetailsAI’d 06/11/2012 to *HALTCLIFFE UNDERWRITER (RP03-003) then ran from10/12/2012 to 15/05/2013 with *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864) PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 14/08/2009 F Died2 12/08/2010 F Retained3 27/08/2011 F Sold 1,600gns CARLISLE FEB 20134 21/08/2012 F LOT 77AHer Heifer Calf77A HOMEBYRES HURLIELAP12-075 Born:21/08/2012 UK560248/201253Sire: *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864)

35Lot Messrs John Logan78 HOMEBYRES DINUETTELAP08‐041 Born 14/04/08 UK 560248/600795ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94‐011Sire *HOMEBYRES VANHEE LAP04‐045ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd. HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007ggd. HOMEBYRES DAFFODIL LAPD‐004‐FOTggs. NEWHOUSE LORDSHIP AC95‐005gs. HALTCLIFFE NIJINSKY RP97‐039ggd. HALTCLIFFE INDIENNE RP93‐044Dam HOMEBYRES STARLETTE LAP01‐015ggs. GLESPIN CLASSIC SFVC‐001gd. HOMEBYRES INETTE LAP93‐015ggd. RAWLSBURY ARIADNE BCWA‐014‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 174 311 404 502 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.0 LM+5C +6 +40 +66 ‐0.3 +7.2 LM+41Acc % 70 74 68 79 78 72 77 80BLCS Index 110 130 139 124 123 112 140 131Service Details AI’d 08/11/2012 to *RONICK HAWK (DY92-026) then ran from 10/12/2012 to 15/05/2013with *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864) PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 28/06/2010 M Sold for breeding2 15/09/2011 M Sold 5,000gns, Carlisle May 20133 21/08/2012 F lot 78aHer Heifer Calf78A HOMEBYRES HOWLETTELAP12-076 Born: 21/08/12 UK560248/ 301254Sire: *WILODGE TONKA (WEY02-002)HOMEBYRES DINUETTE - LOT 78

36Lot Messrs John Logan79 HOMEBYRES EDIELAP09‐014 Born 01/04/09 UK 560248/300876ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94‐011Sire HOMEBYRES VANHEE LAP04‐045ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd. HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007ggd. HOMEBYRES DAFFODIL LAPD‐004‐FOTggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318gs. SARKLEY PEPSI PBO99‐339ggd. SARKLEY IRMADEL PBO93‐012Dam HOMEBYRES AILIE LAP05‐064ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd. HOMEBYRES JOSIE LAP94‐020‐FOTggd. BROADMEADOWS DAINSI CAVD‐035‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 154 265 348 428 521MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.5 LM+3C +3 +25 +39 ‐0.1 +5.3 LM+28Acc % 69 70 66 78 77 71 76 78BLCS Index 94 119 122 107 104 99 124 110Service Details AI’d 19/11/2012 to *HALTCLIFFE UNDERWRITER (RP03-003) then ran from 10/12/2012to 15/05/2013 with *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864) PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 05/09/2011 F Retained2 31/08/2012 F LOT 79AHer Heifer Calf79A HOMEBYRES HEIDILAP12-083 Born:31/08/2012 UK560284/201260Sire: *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864)

Lot Messrs John Logan80 HOMEBYRES ELKILAP09‐016 Born 02/04/09 UK 560248/500878ggs. PETUNIA 87‐00‐670‐240gs. CLOUGHHEAD UMPIRE HCX03‐221ggd. GASCOGNE 23‐91‐060‐414Sire *HOMEBYRES CONSORT LAP07‐025ggs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135gd. HOMEBYRES UNICITY LAP03‐053ggd. HOMEBYRES LICITY LAP95‐023ggs. NEWHOUSE LORDSHIP AC95‐005gs. HALTCLIFFE NIJINSKY RP97‐039ggd. HALTCLIFFE INDIENNE RP93‐044Dam HOMEBYRES BAINSI LAP06‐047ggs. BROADMEADOWS VIP CAVV‐024‐FOTgd. BROADMEADOWS DAINSI CAVD‐035‐FOTggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐003Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 152 263 354 435 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -0.6 LM0C 0 +15 +34 ‐0.2 +2.5 LM+22Acc % 65 70 59 76 75 69 74 77BLCS Index 112 96 104 95 100 105 101 100Service DetailsServed 10/11/2012 by *HOMEBYRES GREGG (LAP11-007) then ranfrom 08/12/2012 to 15/05/2013 with *ALAGILS GT (MWF11-162) PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 17/06/2011 M Sold 6,000gns, Carlisle Feb 20132 08/09/2012 F LOT 80AHer Heifer Calf80A HOMEBYRES HANKIELAP12-087 Born:08/09/2012 UK560284/601264Sire: HOMEBYRES ARNOTT (LAP05 048)Homebyres Bainsi (dam) is also the dam of Homebyres Findlay 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2012.37HOMEBYRES ELKI - LOT 80

38Lot Messrs John Logan81 HOMEBYRES EXOSETTELAP09‐010 Born 29/03/09 UK 560248/600872ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94‐011Sire *HOMEBYRES VANHEE LAP04‐045ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd. HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007ggd. HOMEBYRES DAFFODIL LAPD‐004‐FOTggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gs. HOMEBYRES OCEAN LAP98‐026ggd. HOMEBYRES JAPONICA LAP94‐017‐FOTDam HOMEBYRES ROSETTE LAP00‐020ggs. GLESPIN CLASSIC SFVC‐001gd. HOMEBYRES INETTE LAP93‐015ggd. RAWLSBURY ARIADNE BCWA‐014‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 163 277 351 424 512MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.5 LM+5C +3 +19 +31 0 +3.8 LM+21Acc % 69 71 62 78 77 71 77 78BLCS Index 107 130 122 99 98 92 112 98Service DetailsAI’d 04/12/2012 to *SARKLEY PEPSI (PBO99-339) then ran from10/12/2012 to 15/05/2013 with *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864) PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 29/08/2011 M Sold2 13/08/2012 F AT FOOTHer Heifer CalfHOMEBYRES HENRIETTELA12-071 Born:13/08/2012 UK 560284/501249Sire: *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864)

39Lot Messrs John Logan82 HOMEBYRES ELLIELAP09‐031 Born 16/04/09 UK 560248/500892ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94‐011Sire *HOMEBYRES VANHEE LAP04‐045ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd. HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007ggd. HOMEBYRES DAFFODIL LAPD‐004‐FOTggs. GRAHAMS PONCHO GV99‐046gs. GRAHAMS TALENT GV02‐136ggd. JUNON 23‐94‐027‐957Dam HOMEBYRES AINSLIE LAP05‐054ggs. HALTCLIFFE NIJINSKY RP97‐039gd. HOMEBYRES UDAINSI LAP03‐005ggd. BROADMEADOWS DAINSI CAVD‐035‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 165 292 369 454 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV 0.4 LM+4C 0 +35 +61 0 +4.5 LM+32Acc % 69 69 66 78 77 70 76 78BLCS Index 119 128 104 118 119 92 118 115Service DetailsAI’d 08/11/2012 to *WILODGE TONKA (WEY02-002) then ran from10/12/2012 to 15/05/2013 with *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864) PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 22/08/2011 M Lot 162 28/08/2012 M LOT 82AHer Bull Calf82A HOMEBYRES HATRICKLAP12-080 Born:28/08/2012 UK560248/601257Sire: *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864)Homebyres Ainslie (dam) is also the granddam of Homebyres Fogle 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2012 andHomebyres Guthrie 16,000gns Carlisle Oct 2012.

40Lot Messrs John Logan83 HOMEBYRES EFFILAP09‐042 Born 26/04/09 UK 560248/100902ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94‐011Sire *HOMEBYRES VANHEE LAP04‐045ggs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005gd. HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007ggd. HOMEBYRES DAFFODIL LAPD‐004‐FOTggs. RONICK DUMBY DYD‐015gs. HOMEBYRES HOMER LAP92‐005ggd. BROADMEADOWS COMELA CAVC‐022‐FOTDam HOMEBYRES TANSI LAP02‐054ggs. MERESIDE FILIPO HCGF‐176gd. HOMEBYRES LADAINSI LAP95‐011ggd. BROADMEADOWS DAINSI CAVD‐035‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 173 295 376 469 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.7 LM+2C +5 +32 +50 ‐0.2 +6.4 LM+31Acc % 69 69 66 78 77 71 76 78BLCS Index 93 111 133 115 111 105 134 114Service Details AI’d 04/11/2012 to *RONICK HAWK (DY92-026) then ran from 10/12/2012 to 15/05/2013with *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864) PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 27/08/2011 F Retained2 26/08/2012 F LOT 83AHer Heifer Calf83A HOMEBYRES HIFFILAP12-079 Born:26/08/12 UK560248/501256Sire: *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864)HOMEBYRES EFFI is full sister to Homebyres Brodick 7,500gns Carlisle May 2008.

41Semenstore is a practicalone-stop Limousin semenshop for vendors and buyers.The Semenstore features:On-line semenpurchasingAutomatedservicePayment collectionProfessionalmarketingSemenfor all marketsExportand domesticCompetitivepricingand costsUnique offers& packagesOne-stopLimousin semen shopwww.semenstore.co.uk

42Lot Messrs John Logan84 HOMEBYRES EILEENLAP09‐045 Born 27/04/09 UK 560248/300904.Twin to a femaleggs. OCTOPUS 87‐10‐671‐030gs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969ggd. OPERETTE 48‐98‐133‐040Sire *HOMEBYRES ARNOTT LAP05‐048ggs. CHEADLEWOOD JUNIOR SCN94‐003gd. HOMEBYRES MELODY LAP96‐022ggd. HOMEBYRES JINKY LAP94‐007ggs. RYEDALE PARAGON DAC99‐266gs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135ggd. BALNACRAIG JASMIN CHT94‐011Dam HOMEBYRES VENNER LAP04‐004ggs. HOMEBYRES ODE LAP98‐016gd. HOMEBYRES RUTH LAP00‐030ggd. HOMEBYRES HEATHER LAP92‐004Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 139 250 336 425 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.8 LM+1C -3 +16 +36 ‐0.4 +2.0 LM+22Acc % 69 70 64 78 77 71 76 78BLCS Index 105 105 87 96 101 119 97 100Service DetailsRan from 08/12/2012 to 15/05/2013 with *ALAGILS GT (MWF11-162) PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 26/08/2011 M SOLD2 10/10/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footHOMEBYRES HAGGERTLAP12-090 Born: 10/10/12 UK560248/101266Sire: *HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864)Homebyres Venner (dam) is also the dam of Homebyres Daniel 8,000gns Carlisle Feb 2010 and HomebyresGeraldine 4,700gns Carlisle Feb 2013.

Lot Messrs John Logan85 HOMEBYRES EVERITLAP09‐046 Born 28/04/09 UK 560248/400905 Got by AIggs. BROADMEADOWS VIP CAVV‐024‐FOTgs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031ggd. BROADMEADOWS AINSI CAVA‐003Sire *RONICK HAWK DY92‐026ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036gd. RONICK ESTHER DYE‐040ggd. ORCHARD VANILLA WAEV‐019ggs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135gs. HOMEBYRES VANHEE LAP04‐045ggd. HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007Dam HOMEBYRES BRIGIT LAP06‐082ggs. HOMEBYRES PRODUCER LAP99‐024gd. HOMEBYRES SOPHIA LAP01‐060ggd. HOMEBYRES HARRIET LAP92‐01443Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 157 272 342 424 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV 0.5 LM+6C +4 +21 +44 ‐0.2 +3.2 LM+27Acc % 70 74 65 77 77 71 76 78BLCS Index 119 141 127 102 107 105 107 108Service DetailsRan from 08/12/2012 to 15/05/2013 with *ALAGILS GT (MWF11-162) PD’d in calf.Calving Record 1 13/09/2011 M Sold2 14/08/2012 F + F ONE Retained and OTHER AT FOOTHer Heifer Calf at footHOMEBYRES HABIT (Twin)LAP12-072 Born: 14/08/2012 UK560248/601250Sire: *HOMEBYRES ARNOTT (LAP05-048)

44Lot Messrs John Logan86 HOMEBYRES GWENDOLYNNLAP11‐018 Born 05/04/11 UK 560248/301086ggs. OXYGENE 12‐98‐171‐453gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96‐022Sire *KAPRICO DAVELLE SHJ08‐004ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009gd. KAPRICO RAVELLE SHJ00‐007ggd. KAPRICO NATELLE SHJ97‐007ggs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135gs. HOMEBYRES VANHEE LAP04‐045ggd. HOMEBYRES ROSEBUD LAP00‐007Dam HOMEBYRES DONALYNN LAP08‐089ggs. HORION 87‐92‐050‐517gd. HOMEBYRES ROSALYNN LAP00‐046ggd. HOMEBYRES MAGNOLIA LAP96‐037Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 153 273 363 428 486MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -0.8 LM+7C -1 +24 +49 ‐0.2 +3.0 LM+27Acc % 63 68 48 73 75 48 66 74BLCS Index 111 145 99 105 111 105 105 107Lot Messrs John Logan87 HOMEBYRES GLEAMLAP11‐095 Born 20/09/11 UK 560248/501165ggs. OCTOPUS 87‐10‐671‐030gs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969ggd. OPERETTE 48‐98‐133‐040Sire *HOMEBYRES ARNOTT LAP05‐048ggs. CHEADLEWOOD JUNIOR SCN94‐003gd. HOMEBYRES MELODY LAP96‐022ggd. HOMEBYRES JINKY LAP94‐007ggs. THREAPHURST ROLO BFG00‐001gs. THREAPHURST BUTCH BFG06‐001ggd. THREAPHURST SAPPHIRE BFG01‐003Dam HOMEBYRES DREAM LAP08‐068ggs. BALNACRAIG SUPREME CHT01‐135gd. HOMEBYRES VAINSI LAP04‐022ggd. BROADMEADOWS DAINSI CAVD‐035‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 146 258 0 414 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.8 LM0C -2 +14 +32 ‐0.3 +1.7 LM+20Acc % 65 65 54 74 75 56 67 74BLCS Index 105 97 93 94 99 112 94 97

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46GLENBURN HERDLot Peter McConnell88 SARKLEY VERONAPBO04‐011 Born 06/03/04 UK 700643/300385 Got by AIBred by Messrs E H Pennie & Son, Gwern Yr Ychain, Llandyssil, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6HSggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. LASCARD 12‐95‐160‐961ggd. HOLLYWOOD 23‐92‐010‐909Sire *GOLDIES OSWALD GS98‐064ggs. HUARD 87‐92‐051‐125gd. GOLDIES LULU GS95‐015ggd. GOLDIES HARMONICA GS92‐030ggs. FUNAMBULE 87‐70‐001‐882gs. HENGRAVE TROOPER AOT‐001ggd. HENGRAVE PERIDOT AOP‐001Dam SARKLEY SOPHIE PBO01‐053ggs. ESPOIR 87‐89‐003‐720gd. SARKLEY ORALIA PBO98‐236ggd. SARKLEY DUCHESS PBOD‐004Service DetailsAI’d 05/02/2013 to *CARMORN DAUPHIN (MCN08-010)Calving Record 1 23/05/2008 F Sold2 15/07/2009 M Unregistered3 20/08/2010 M Sold4 01/08/2011 M Retained5 08/08/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at footGLENBURN HIGHWAYMANMQJ12-002 Born:08/08/2012 UK581684/500035Sire: *PROCTERS DUVALIER (PFD08-301)SARKLEY VERONA has good conformation which she passes to her progeny.

47Lot Peter McConnell89 LODGE AMELIACBM05‐141 Born 06/08/05 UK 542928/700141 Got by AI.Bred by Mr & Mrs W & A Callion, Bolfornought Farm, Stirling, FK7 7LLggs. BRADSWAY IRONIC BIK93‐002gs. WESTHALL OCEAN FS98‐554ggd. WESTHALL LINDA FS95‐007Sire *BALLINLOAN RASCAL FDB00‐040ggs. UPLANDS DALLAS HLD‐433gd. NEWHOUSE IBETHA AC93‐009ggd. NEWHOUSE CILLA ACC‐017ggs. OAKLEY TAVY PJT‐063gs. RONICK ASTIQUE DYA‐026ggd. RONICK TRESA DYT‐002Dam LODGE MUFFIN CBM96‐010ggs. RONICK GAINS DYG‐010gd. LODGE IFUM CBM93‐108ggd. RONICK FUMBY DYF‐015Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 177 303 413 496 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.9 LM‐3C ‐3 +23 +36 0 +3.2 LM+24Acc % 57 67 53 76 75 64 73 76BLCS Index 98 82 87 104 101 92 107 103Service DetailsAI’d 09/08/2012 to *PROCTERS DUVALIER (PFD08-301), due to calve before sale day.Calving Record 1 02/07/2008 M Sold2 29/08/2009 F Lot 903 24/12/2010 F Lot 934 17/04/2012 M LOT 146LODGE AMELIA is from one of the best breeding lines in the Lodge Herd and was the highest price maiden heiferwhen purchased at the Lodge production sale 2006.Lot Peter McConnell90 GLENBURN EMILYMQJ09‐004 Born 29/08/09 UK 581684/200011ggs. LEO 23‐95‐071‐399gs. NENUPHAR 87‐97‐011‐143ggd. GIROFLEE 87‐91‐000‐077Sire SEAVIEW ALFY MMV05‐039ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036gd. CASTLEDEN LUCINDA CDF95‐071ggd. CASTLEDEN GEMMA CDFG‐023ggs. WESTHALL OCEAN FS98‐554gs. BALLINLOAN RASCAL FDB00‐040ggd. NEWHOUSE IBETHA AC93‐009Dam LODGE AMELIA CBM05‐141 (LOT 89)ggs. RONICK ASTIQUE DYA‐026gd. LODGE MUFFIN CBM96‐010ggd. LODGE IFUM CBM93‐108Service DetailsAI’d 18/02/2013 to *PROCTERS DUVALIER (PFD08-301)Calving Record 1 04/12/2012 M AT FOOTHer Bull Calf at foot:GLENBURN HUGOMQJ12—003 Born: 04/12/2012 UK581684/600036Sire: *WILODGE TONKA (WEY02-002)

48Lot Peter McConnell91 GLENBURN FAYMQJ10‐001 Born 04/06/10 UK 581684/600008ggs. LEO 23‐95‐071‐399gs. NENUPHAR 87‐97‐011‐143ggd. GIROFLEE 87‐91‐000‐077Sire SEAVIEW ALFY MMV05‐039ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036gd. CASTLEDEN LUCINDA CDF95‐071ggd. CASTLEDEN GEMMA CDFG‐023ggs. RAMIER 19‐30‐998‐711gs. NORMANDE URAMIER CAX03‐276ggd. NORMANDE MAUREEN CAX96‐008Dam GLENBURN AILEEN MQJ05‐002ggs. GOLDIES JUSTBRILLIANT GS94‐032gd. IRONGRAY OPAL LCU98‐001ggd. IRONGRAY JEWEL LCU94‐002Service DetailsAI’d 09/08/2012 to *WILODGE TONKA (WEY02-002)Lot Peter McConnell92 GLENBURN FREDAMQJ10‐002 Born 06/07/10 UK 581684/700009ggs. LEO 23‐95‐071‐399gs. NENUPHAR 87‐97‐011‐143ggd. GIROFLEE 87‐91‐000‐077Sire SEAVIEW ALFY MMV05‐039ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036gd. CASTLEDEN LUCINDA CDF95‐071ggd. CASTLEDEN GEMMA CDFG‐023ggs. MARRON 36‐96‐018‐225gs. SARKLEY PRENTICE PBO99‐384ggd. SARKLEY HIGHLIGHT PBO92‐020Dam SARKLEY TORALIA PBO02‐207ggs. ESPOIR 87‐89‐003‐720gd. SARKLEY ORALIA PBO98‐236ggd. SARKLEY DUCHESS PBOD‐004Service DetailsAI’d 09/08/2012 to *AMPERTAINE DOMINO (MGD08-031)

Lot Peter McConnell93 GLENBURN FUCHSIAMQJ10‐003 Born 24/12/10 UK 581684/400013ggs. LEO 23‐95‐071‐399gs. NENUPHAR 87‐97‐011‐143ggd. GIROFLEE 87‐91‐000‐077Sire SEAVIEW ALFY MMV05‐039ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036gd. CASTLEDEN LUCINDA CDF95‐071ggd. CASTLEDEN GEMMA CDFG‐023ggs. WESTHALL OCEAN FS98‐554gs. BALLINLOAN RASCAL FDB00‐040ggd. NEWHOUSE IBETHA AC93‐009Dam LODGE AMELIA CBM05‐141 (LOT 89)ggs. RONICK ASTIQUE DYA‐026gd. LODGE MUFFIN CBM96‐010ggd. LODGE IFUM CBM93‐10849Service DetailsAI’d 28/04/2013 to *AMPERTAINE DOMINO (MGD08-031)Lot Peter McConnell94 SHAWS GEEWIZBST11‐001 Born 14/05/11 UK 582539/500282 Got by AI.Bred by Mr M Burns, Craignell, New Galloway, Castle Douglas, DG7 3SHggs. OCTOPUS 87‐10‐671‐030gs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969ggd. OPERETTE 48‐98‐133‐040Sire *HALTCLIFFE UNDERWRITER RP03‐003ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gd. RONICK RICOLE DY00‐078ggd. RONICK NICOLE DY97‐079ggs. WESTHALL OCEAN FS98‐554gs. BALLINLOAN RASCAL FDB00‐040ggd. NEWHOUSE IBETHA AC93‐009Dam GRISEBURN CAMSY HCH07‐201ggs. SARKLEY PEPSI PBO99‐339gd. GRISEBURN TANSY HCH02‐004ggd. HOMEBYRES POSIE LAP99‐023Service DetailsAI’d 28/04/2013 to *AMPERTAINE DOMINO (MGD08-031)


51NEW9 day provenactivity againstMycoplasma bovis 4Your proven ally in the fight against calf pneumonia 1Pneumonia is one of the most common diseases in young cattle and can have a significant effect on welfare andprofitability. Your vet can advise you on an appropriate prevention plan, which could include both husbandrychanges and a vaccination programme. However if pneumonia does strike, Draxxin is an ideal antibiotic toprovide a rapid response.l Proven against the key bacterial causes of pneumonia including Mycoplasma bovis- In a recent survey 44% of calves with pneumonia tested positive for Mycoplasma bovis 2l Mycoplasma bovis spreads rapidly, persists and is often poorly responsive to treatment- Early recognition and use of an effective long lasting antibiotic are key to treatment success 3- Draxxin® is the only pneumonia antibiotic proven to provide at least 9 days activity against Mycoplasma bovis 4l Fast acting – reaches effective levels in lung tissue in just 1 hour 5l Long lasting – up to 15 days action 6l Easy to use – low volume dose, easy to inject even at low temperatures 7The UK’s market leading pneumonia antibiotic 8 . Why risk anything else?1. Wellman N.G. and O’Connor A.M. (2007) JVPT 30: 234-241 2. Pfizer respiratory serology surveillance scheme (October 2011 - March2012) 3. Nicholas R.A.J (2011) Veterinary Record 168 p459-62 4. Moyaert H. et al. (2012) WBC XXVII Lisbon, Abstract 505 PosterPresentation 759 5. Cox S.R. et al. (2010) Intern J Appl Res Vet Med. Vol 8 (3): 129-137 6. Pfizer study 1530N-60-00-359 and bacterialMIC studies 7. Evans N.A (2005) Veterinary Therapeutics Vol 6 (2) : 83-95 8. GFK Value based MAT September 2011 - August 2012For further information please contact your veterinary surgeon or Zoetis UK Ltd, Walton Oaks, Dorking Road, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 7NS.Customer Support: 0845 300 8034 Visit Us: zoetis.co.ukDraxxin contains tulathromycin. Do not use in lactating cattle producing milk for human consumption. Meat withdrawal period 49 days POM-VUse medicines responsibly. (www.noah.co.uk/responsible) Date of preparation; Aprilt 2013 AH370/13PF375.013 ZOETIS DRAXXIN WP Ad FARMER A5.indd 1 26/04/2013 12:09

52NORMAN HERDNorman Limousins are excited to offer a selection of females with excellentpotential. These include heifers from the herds new stock bull; Claragh Franco,whose first crop of calves have been admired by many breeders.Norman Hillary, who is offered for sale, achieved one of the first accolades forClaragh Franco, winning best heifer in the North West Herd competition 2012.This is an excellent opportunity to purchase females from the Norman Herd’s topmaternal lines which in recent sales have bred new herd sires for establishedpedigree Limousin herds such as Loosebeare, Mclarens, Millgate, Homebyersand Hudscales. The cattle are available for export and can be returned to thefarm until they are eligible to go.NORMAN sale HEIFERSnORMAN HALO (LOT 104), NORMAN HILDA (LOT 107) & NORMAN HELEN (LOT 101)

Lot E S & E Norman96 NORMAN GYPSYNBB11‐078 Born 21/09/11 UK 101316/200865ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gs. HALTCLIFFE ULLSWATER RP03‐011ggd. RENONCULE 19‐30‐708‐827Sire *GLANGWDEN BIGBOY JBW06‐618ggs. JACOT 36‐94‐005‐555gd. PALUCHE 36‐15‐030‐939ggd. INSIGNE 36‐93‐003‐454ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256gs. HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02‐032ggd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98‐117Dam NORMAN BETRYS NBB06‐019ggs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032gd. NORMAN TANYA NBB02‐001ggd. STACEY OPHELIA WEW98‐007Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 131 0 328 425 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.1 LM0C -1 +38 +61 ‐0.1 +5.1 LM+36Acc % 54 52 45 70 74 42 61 70BLCS Index 84 99 99 122 119 99 123 122NORMAN BETRYS (dam) is also the mother of Norman Ely sold for 5,500gns (aged 9 months) to the MillgateHerd, Carlisle Nov 2009.53Norman Ely - maternal brother to lot 96


Lot E S & E Norman100 NORMAN HARMONYNBB12‐015 Born 24/03/12 UK 101316/600890ggs. GOURMAND 19‐91‐003‐932gs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256ggd. COQUINE 19‐87‐003‐797Sire *HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02‐032ggs. EDEN GENERAL HCSG‐064gd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98‐117ggd. EDEN JUDITH HCS94‐028ggs. NORMANDE JACK CAX94‐001gs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032ggd. DYFRI FERN EACF‐005Dam NORMAN TOPSY NBB02‐025ggs. FUNAMBULE 87‐70‐001‐882gd. BROADMEADOWS HUMOUR CAV92‐007ggd. HAMMERCLIFFE ULTRAMAR BBUU‐001NORMAN TOPSY (dam) is also the mother of Norman Corsa 9,500gns Carlisle Feb 2009,55Lot E S & E Norman101 NORMAN HELENNBB12‐014 Born 24/03/12 UK 101316/100892ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04‐037ggd. RAVENELLE 23‐51‐224‐583Sire *CLARAGH FRANCO RJT10‐013ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gd. HALTCLIFFE AVON RP05‐014ggd. RAFALE 87‐00‐840‐326ggs. NORMANDE JACK CAX94‐001gs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032ggd. DYFRI FERN EACF‐005Dam STACEY ROWENA WEW00‐019ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gd. STACEY JEWEL WEW94‐009‐FOTggd. RAWLSBURY AMETHYST BCWA‐015‐FOTLot E S & E Norman102 NORMAN HONESTYNBB12‐017 Born 07/04/12 UK 101316/200893ggs. PENYRHEOL SAM PCU01‐216gs. HALTCLIFFE VERMOUNT RP04‐042ggd. RENONCULE 19‐30‐708‐827Sire GUNNERFLEET EXTRACT HDR09‐061ggs. FIELDSON OFFICER FCE98‐312gd. GUNNERFLEET SENIE HDR01‐004ggd. GUNNERFLEET OLIVE HDR98‐004ggs. HONTEUX 87‐92‐002‐446gs. OMER 23‐98‐026‐596ggd. FIDELE 23‐90‐015‐801Dam NORMAN DIOR NBB08‐009ggs. SCORBORO TYKE BEA02‐103gd. NORMAN ALLSAINT NBB05‐016ggd. NORMAN TANDORA NBB02‐004NORMAN ALLSAINT (gdam) is also the dam of Norman Garrison 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2013. Norman Tandora(3dam) is also mother of Norman Fandora sold for £11,000 in 2011.

56Lot E S & E Norman103 NORMAN HILARYNBB12‐018 Born 10/04/12 UK 101316/300894ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04‐037ggd. RAVENELLE 23‐51‐224‐583Sire *CLARAGH FRANCO RJT10‐013ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gd. HALTCLIFFE AVON RP05‐014ggd. RAFALE 87‐00‐840‐326ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256gs. HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02‐032ggd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98‐117Dam NORMAN CONNIE NBB07‐021ggs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032gd. NORMAN TESS NBB02‐015ggd. STACEY NAHTHANLASS WEW97‐008NORMAN HILARY was Best Young Heifer in the North West Limousin Club Herd Competition 2012.NORMAN HILARY - LOT 103

Lot E S & E Norman104 NORMAN HALONBB12‐020 Born 12/04/12 UK 101316/600897ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04‐037ggd. RAVENELLE 23‐51‐224‐583Sire *CLARAGH FRANCO RJT10‐013ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gd. HALTCLIFFE AVON RP05‐014ggd. RAFALE 87‐00‐840‐326ggs. NORMANDE JACK CAX94‐001gs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032ggd. DYFRI FERN EACF‐005Dam STACEY ROSETTA WEW00‐010ggs. SPRINGSETT FORMIDABLE JAUF‐016gd. STACEY LADYDI WEW95‐009ggd. RAWLSBURY AMETHYST BCWA‐015‐FOTSTACEY ROSETTA (dam) is one of the best cows in the herd and is still breeding well at 13 years old.57NORMAN HALO - LOT 104

58Lot E S & E Norman105 NORMAN HOLLYNBB12‐016 Born 13/04/12 UK 101316/700891ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04‐037ggd. RAVENELLE 23‐51‐224‐583Sire *CLARAGH FRANCO RJT10‐013ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gd. HALTCLIFFE AVON RP05‐014ggd. RAFALE 87‐00‐840‐326ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256gs. HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02‐032ggd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98‐117Dam NORMAN BLOSSOM NBB06‐050ggs. SPRINGSETT FORMIDABLE JAUF‐016gd. STACEY OPRAH WEW98‐003ggd. ROUGHLEY AMI SBCA‐019Lot E S & E Norman106 NORMAN HOPENBB12‐021 Born 14/04/12 UK 101316/700898ggs. GOURMAND 19‐91‐003‐932gs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256ggd. COQUINE 19‐87‐003‐797Sire *HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02‐032ggs. EDEN GENERAL HCSG‐064gd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98‐117ggd. EDEN JUDITH HCS94‐028ggs. NORMANDE JACK CAX94‐001gs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032ggd. DYFRI FERN EACF‐005Dam NORMAN TRINKET NBB02‐020ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gd. STACEY JEWEL WEW94‐009‐FOTggd. RAWLSBURY AMETHYST BCWA‐015‐FOTLot E S & E Norman107 NORMAN HILDANBB12‐022 Born 15/04/12 UK 101316/100899ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04‐037ggd. RAVENELLE 23‐51‐224‐583Sire *CLARAGH FRANCO RJT10‐013ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gd. HALTCLIFFE AVON RP05‐014ggd. RAFALE 87‐00‐840‐326ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256gs. HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02‐032ggd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98‐117Dam NORMAN ADELE NBB05‐042ggs. SPRINGSETT FORMIDABLE JAUF‐016gd. STACEY MARIE WEW96‐009ggd. BLANDHILL DOWS BDOD‐030

Lot E S & E Norman108 NORMAN HOPEFULNBB12‐023 Born 15/04/12 UK 101316/200900ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04‐037ggd. RAVENELLE 23‐51‐224‐583Sire *CLARAGH FRANCO RJT10‐013ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gd. HALTCLIFFE AVON RP05‐014ggd. RAFALE 87‐00‐840‐326ggs. NORMANDE JACK CAX94‐001gs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032ggd. DYFRI FERN EACF‐005Dam STACEY REGINA WEW00‐004ggs. DJERK 19‐88‐001‐713gd. STACEY NORMA WEW97‐009ggd. STACEY IDELIA WEW93‐00459Lot E S & E Norman109 NORMAN HELLONBB12‐029 Born 18/04/12 UK 101316/100906ggs. GOURMAND 19‐91‐003‐932gs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256ggd. COQUINE 19‐87‐003‐797Sire *HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02‐032ggs. EDEN GENERAL HCSG‐064gd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98‐117ggd. EDEN JUDITH HCS94‐028ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. ROMBALDS REBEL RCE00‐013ggd. DRYSGOL HANDFULL TC92‐014Dam NORMAN UNDINE NBB03‐023ggs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032gd. STACEY ONYX WEW98‐021ggd. STACEY MAYDAY WEW96‐006

60Lot E S & E Norman110 NORMAN HIPHOPNBB12‐030 Born 19/04/12 UK 101316/200907ggs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002gs. WILODGE VANTASTIC WEY04‐037ggd. RAVENELLE 23‐51‐224‐583Sire *CLARAGH FRANCO RJT10‐013ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gd. HALTCLIFFE AVON RP05‐014ggd. RAFALE 87‐00‐840‐326ggs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256gs. HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02‐032ggd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98‐117Dam NORMAN CAMELIA NBB07‐062ggs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032gd. STACEY REBECCA WEW00‐002ggd. STACEY NATALIE WEW97‐001NORMAN CAMELIA (dam) is also the mother of Norman Gus sold for 9,500gns October 2012 to the LoosebeareHerd.Norman GUS - maternal brother to lot 110

61Lot E S & E Norman111 NORMAN HELPFULNBB12‐031 Born 04/05/12 UK 101316/300908ggs. GOURMAND 19‐91‐003‐932gs. JOCKEY 19‐94‐006‐256ggd. COQUINE 19‐87‐003‐797Sire *HEATHMOUNT TROJAN MOF02‐032ggs. EDEN GENERAL HCSG‐064gd. EDEN OLIVIA HCS98‐117ggd. EDEN JUDITH HCS94‐028ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. ROMBALDS REBEL RCE00‐013ggd. DRYSGOL HANDFULL TC92‐014Dam NORMAN VOGUE NBB04‐043ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009gd. STACEY SHEILA WEW01‐006ggd. STACEY JESSICA WEW94‐008Lot E S & E Norman112 NORMAN HONEYNBB12‐045 Born 14/06/12 UK 101316/600925ggs. OCTOPUS 87‐10‐671‐030gs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969ggd. OPERETTE 48‐98‐133‐040Sire *DRUMMIN EAGLE IE131206390801ggs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213gd. DRUMMIN CLIONA IE131206310579ggd. DRUMMIN PEACH IE131206330135ggs. NORMANDE JACK CAX94‐001gs. DYFRI MAESTRO EAC96‐032ggd. DYFRI FERN EACF‐005Dam STACEY RUTH WEW00‐012ggs. RAKE TERENCE JKT‐020gd. STACEY MAYDAY WEW96‐006ggd. STACEY IVANA WEW93‐005

62Lot P J & E Henshall113 RINGWAY GUDRUNHCY11‐925 Born 18/08/11 UK 581823/100925 Got by AIggs. CASSIS 40‐88‐028‐055gs. NEUF 22‐97‐004‐114ggd. JUNGLE 22‐94‐004‐270Sire *BOLIDE 19‐32‐617‐107ggs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206gd. UNIBELLE 19‐31‐866‐807ggd. REBELLE 19‐30‐636‐407ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131ggd. GLORIEUSE 23‐91‐059‐999Dam RINGWAY TATIJANA HCY02‐040ggs. RONICK COSMOS DYC‐051gd. RINGWAY JANNA HCY94‐008ggd. GRAHAMS ANTONIA GVA‐042‐FOTSignet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 138 240 328 424 502MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.4 LM+1C -2 +20 +37 0 +2.2 LM+24Acc % 64 70 48 75 74 49 68 75BLCS Index 101 105 93 101 102 92 98 103Lot P J & E Henshall114 RINGWAY GEISHAHCY11‐929 Born 27/08/11 UK 581823/500929 Got by AIggs. OURSON 87‐78‐002‐862gs. MOERO 19‐96‐002‐648ggd. GENTILLE 23‐91‐053‐162Sire SARKLEY VOLCANIC PBO04‐027ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318gd. SARKLEY SADIE PBO01‐115ggd. SARKLEY MARTINI PBO96‐059ggs. MEYMAC 12‐97‐166‐531gs. TATOUMH 12‐03‐071‐996ggd. LECTOURNE 12‐95‐163‐180Dam RINGWAY DELIA HCY08‐675ggs. RONICK COSMOS DYC‐051gd. RINGWAY LEAH HCY95‐002ggd. MERESIDE EMMA HCGE‐114Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 130 221 302 379 461MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -4.1 LM0C -1 +15 +26 ‐0.1 +2.0 LM+19Acc % 59 67 44 72 73 47 63 73BLCS Index 90 96 99 95 94 99 97 94

Lot P J & E Henshall115 RINGWAY GALATEAHCY11‐941 Born 18/10/11 UK 581823/300941 Got by AIggs. MONKEYTRICKS 1gs. GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS HDR99‐010ggd. GUNNERFLEET LUNA HDR95‐003‐FOTSire *FIELDSON ALFY FCE05‐384ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gd. EDEN NATASHA HCS97‐074ggd. BIRTLES DAISY NLD‐029ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009gs. COCKLESHELL OLYMPUS PB98‐008ggd. COCKLESHELL LUCINDA PB95‐001Dam RINGWAY APHRODITE HCY05‐451ggs. CLOUGHHEAD ROCKET HCX00‐025gd. RINGWAY ULEMA HCY03‐015ggd. RINGWAY PAMELA HCY99‐02863Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 155 276 381 464 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -8.0 LM+1C +1 +34 +50 0 +5.9 LM+32Acc % 67 72 60 75 75 61 70 76BLCS Index 66 106 110 117 111 92 129 116Lot P J & E Henshall116 RINGWAY GOLDDUSTHCY11‐948 Born 20/11/11 UK 581823/300948 Got by AIggs. OURSON 87‐78‐002‐862gs. MOERO 19‐96‐002‐648ggd. GENTILLE 23‐91‐053‐162Sire SARKLEY VOLCANIC PBO04‐027ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318gd. SARKLEY SADIE PBO01‐115ggd. SARKLEY MARTINI PBO96‐059ggs. SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969gs. HALTCLIFFE UNDERWRITER RP03‐003ggd. RONICK RICOLE DY00‐078Dam RINGWAY DIAMANTE HCY08‐691ggs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026gd. RINGWAY BIJOU HCY06‐460ggd. RINGWAY UHU HCY03‐040Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 140 254 363 445 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.4 LM+2C 0 +33 +56 0 +4.6 LM+30Acc % 59 67 45 72 73 48 64 73BLCS Index 95 111 104 116 116 92 119 113

64Lot P J & E Henshall117 RINGWAY GRACEHCY11‐949 Born 21/11/11 UK 581823/400949 Got by AIggs. OURSON 87‐78‐002‐862gs. MOERO 19‐96‐002‐648ggd. GENTILLE 23‐91‐053‐162Sire SARKLEY VOLCANIC PBO04‐027ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318gd. SARKLEY SADIE PBO01‐115ggd. SARKLEY MARTINI PBO96‐059ggs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213gs. ULM 12‐04‐085‐223ggd. NIVELLE 12‐98‐162‐623Dam RINGWAY DIANA HCY08‐689ggs. RINGWAY MONTY HCY96‐004gd. RINGWAY ACACIA HCY05 392ggd. RINGWAY TAMARISK HCY02‐032Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 156 277 396 479 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.6 LM+3C ‐1 +35 +59 ‐0.1 +3.8 LM+32Acc % 59 67 45 72 73 48 64 73BLCS Index 93 119 99 118 118 99 112 115Lot P J & E Henshall118 RINGWAY GREBEHCY11‐950 Born 23/11/11 UK 581823/500950 Got by AIggs. OURSON 87‐78‐002‐862gs. MOERO 19‐96‐002‐648ggd. GENTILLE 23‐91‐053‐162Sire SARKLEY VOLCANIC PBO04‐027ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318gd. SARKLEY SADIE PBO01‐115ggd. SARKLEY MARTINI PBO96‐059ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gs. CLOUGHHEAD ROCKET HCX00‐025ggd. CLOUGHHEAD JILL HCX94‐093‐FOTDam RINGWAY DOVE HCY08‐679ggs. ANXIEUX 23‐85‐055‐689gd. RINGWAY LERIDA HCY95‐010ggd. RINGWAY FERIDA HCYF‐005Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 167 297 424 509 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -4.4 LM0C ‐1 +35 +60 +0.2 +3.9 LM+29Acc % 59 67 46 72 73 48 64 73BLCS Index 88 99 99 118 118 79 113 111

Lot P J & E Henshall119 RINGWAY GIFTHCY11‐955 Born 24/12/11 UK 581823/300955 Got by AIggs. ULYSSE 36‐83‐001‐518gs. CASSIS 40‐88‐028‐055ggd. SULTANE 40‐81‐017‐486Sire *NEUF 22‐97‐004‐114ggs. HARICOT 22‐92‐003‐011gd. JUNGLE 22‐94‐004‐270ggd. VANILLE 36‐84‐009‐657ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gs. CLOUGHHEAD ROCKET HCX00‐025ggd. CLOUGHHEAD JILL HCX94‐093‐FOTDam RINGWAY ALICE HCY05‐432ggs. RONICK COSMOS DYC‐051gd. RINGWAY LEAH HCY95‐002ggd. MERESIDE EMMA HCGE‐11465Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 166 292 392 507 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -4.3 LM‐2C ‐2 +38 +68 ‐0.1 +4.5 LM+40Acc % 65 70 56 75 75 59 69 75BLCS Index 89 86 93 122 124 99 118 129Lot P J & E Henshall120 RINGWAY GARDENIAHCY11‐956 Born 24/12/11 UK 581823/400956 Got by AIggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *TEHIX 12‐02‐088‐259ggs. ESPOIR 87‐89‐003‐720gd. LILAS 12‐95‐162‐563ggd. GITANE 12‐91‐112‐247ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gs. CLOUGHHEAD ROCKET HCX00‐025ggd. CLOUGHHEAD JILL HCX94‐093‐FOTDam RINGWAY URANIA HCY03‐023ggs. MANITOU 12‐96‐163‐263gd. RINGWAY POLLY HCY99‐029ggd. RINGWAY HOLLY HCY92‐014Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 166 287 371 473 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.3 LM‐4C -3 +27 +40 ‐0.1 +3.7 LM+27Acc % 66 71 57 75 75 60 70 76BLCS Index 83 73 87 109 104 99 111 108Lot121 NO LOT

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67NORMANDE HERDLot Cruickshank Normande Limousin122 NORMANDE GINTYCAX11‐924 Born 15/04/11 UK 560770/100924ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. NENUPHAR 87‐97‐011‐143gs. FAIRYMOUNT ARTHUR IE221280030084ggd. FAIRYMOUNT ROISIN IE221280070030Dam NORMANDE CINDY CAX07‐664ggs. NORMANDE FORTRESS CAXF‐014gd. NORMANDE MOONSTONE CAX96‐060ggd. NORMANDE GARNET CAXG‐005Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 166 0 0 488 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -4.6 LM‐1C -2 +36 +64 0 +4.7 LM+34Acc % 45 44 39 69 73 52 61 69BLCS Index 87 90 93 120 121 92 119 118Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin123 NORMANDE GAMBOLCAX11‐926 Born 23/04/11 UK 560770/300926ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐013‐433gs. ARDNACRUSHA UTHMAN HRWU‐254ggd. LUSTRE PELL‐141Dam NORMANDE BRAMBLE CAX06‐585ggs. LANCELOT 19‐95‐003‐543gd. NORMANDE ROBERTA CAX00‐026ggd. MILDENE CELIA MBMC‐021Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 171 0 0 439 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.1 LM‐2C ‐3 +33 +50 0 +4.2 LM+27Acc % 46 46 40 69 73 52 61 69BLCS Index 84 87 87 116 111 92 115 107

68Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin124 NORMANDE GIFTCAX11‐950 Born 19/05/11 UK 560770/600950ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01‐152gs. GLENROCK VLADAMIR IE04‐390ggd. RACHELS LESLEY WT95‐780Dam NORMANDE CANDY CAX07‐633ggs. RAVAGEUR 19‐30‐828‐456gd. NORMANDE VENETIA CAX04‐421ggd. NORMANDE SAFFRON CAX01‐099Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 173 0 325 417 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -6.2 LM‐2C -2 +31 +43 +0.1 +4.8 LM+28Acc % 44 43 40 69 73 51 61 69BLCS Index 77 83 93 114 106 85 120 109Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin125 NORMANDE GISELLECAX11‐954 Born 20/05/11 UK 560770/300954ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. ALDWYCK ORPHEUS BAM98‐248ggd. ALDWYCK FENELLA BAMF‐046Dam NORMANDE STEFFI CAX01‐153ggs. RAKE TERENCE JKT‐020gd. NORMANDE EDNA CAXE‐027ggd. ROSITA 87‐80‐009‐357Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 0 0 314 400 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.9 LM‐1C ‐2 +26 +33 0 +4.8 LM+25Acc % 49 48 47 71 74 55 64 70BLCS Index 92 94 93 108 99 92 120 105

Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin126 NORMANDE GINANDITCAX11‐957 Born 20/05/11 UK 560770/600957ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. SCORBORO OLYMPIAN BEA98‐900gs. SCORBORO REGIUS BEA00‐021ggd. SCORBORO LACE BEA95‐005Dam NORMANDE APERITIF CAX05‐448ggs. MILLBROW FELLSMAN LBHF‐004gd. NORMANDE JOLAIS CAX94‐060ggd. NORMANDE FAVOURITE CAXF‐025Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 0 0 315 403 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -3.7 LM‐1C ‐2 +23 +39 ‐0.1 +3.6 LM+26Acc % 48 47 46 70 73 53 62 70BLCS Index 93 94 93 104 104 99 110 10669Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin127 NORMANDE GLENDACAX11‐971 Born 29/05/11 UK 560770/600971ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Dam ALDWYCK ALMA BAM05‐083ggs. TALENT 23‐82‐004‐036gd. ALDWYCK FENELLA BAMF‐046ggd. TANHILL UDA FBU‐182Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 0 0 304 388 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.8 LM‐2C ‐4 +29 +38 0 +5.2 LM+25Acc % 50 51 45 70 73 54 62 70BLCS Index 80 82 81 111 103 92 124 105

70Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin128 NORMANDE GWENIFERCAX11‐970 Born 29/05/11 UK 560770/500970ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. GALANT 87‐91‐013‐099gs. LANCELOT 19‐95‐003‐543ggd. VALVE 19‐84‐010‐348Dam NORMANDE REINE CAX00‐042ggs. PAQUEBOT 24‐79‐016‐112gd. NORMANDE ANGELINE CAXA‐001ggd. REVEUSE 23‐80‐001‐170Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 0 0 306 393 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -4.7 LM‐1C -2 +21 +28 0 +3.5 LM+20Acc % 48 48 47 71 74 56 64 70BLCS Index 87 90 93 102 96 92 109 96Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin129 NORMANDE GRETELCAX11‐974 Born 31/05/11 UK 560770/200974ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐013‐433gs. ARDNACRUSHA UTHMAN HRWU‐254ggd. LUSTRE PELL‐141Dam NORMANDE BECKY CAX06‐552ggs. ALDWYCK ORPHEUS BAM98‐248gd. NORMANDE UTILE CAX03‐302ggd. NORMANDE ILENE CAX93‐015Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 0 0 301 390 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.3 LM‐2C ‐3 +30 +42 0 +4.8 LM+28Acc % 48 47 44 70 73 55 63 70BLCS Index 83 82 87 112 106 92 120 110

Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin130 NORMANDE GOSSAMERCAX11‐977 Born 11/06/11 UK 560770/500977ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. GLENROCK SPARTACUS IE01‐152gs. GLENROCK VLADAMIR IE04‐390ggd. RACHELS LESLEY WT95‐780Dam NORMANDE CHIFFON CAX07‐613ggs. ALDWYCK ORPHEUS BAM98‐248gd. NORMANDE VOILE CAX04‐387ggd. NORMANDE ORGANZA CAX98‐113Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 0 0 312 404 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.3 LM‐2C ‐1 +25 +33 0 +4.0 LM+24Acc % 44 43 41 59 59 51 56 59BLCS Index 83 84 99 107 99 92 114 10271Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin131 NORMANDE GENTIANCAX11‐984 Born 15/06/11 UK 560770/500984ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. DAIM 19‐88‐005‐833gs. REDSTONE SONINLAW HID01‐066ggd. MERESIDE INLAW HCG93‐423Dam HAYWOOD URSULA CMB03‐119ggs. VAGABOND 87‐84‐000‐053gd. NORMANDE GYPSY CAXG‐012ggd. NORMANDE DESIRE CAXD‐014

72Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin132 NORMANDE GABBYCAX11‐987 Born 02/07/11 UK 560770/100987ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206gs. RAVAGEUR 19‐30‐828‐456ggd. JOUEUSE 87‐94‐004‐501Dam NORMANDE BELLE CAX06‐565ggs. FILIP 02‐90‐150‐010gd. NORMANDE NOUVELLE CAX97‐013ggd. NORMANDE CLASSIE CAXC‐02Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin133 NORMANDE GAIETYCAX11‐990 Born 14/07/11 UK 560770/400990ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206gs. RAVAGEUR 19‐30‐828‐456ggd. JOUEUSE 87‐94‐004‐501Dam NORMANDE AMY CAX05‐468ggs. LOUSTIC 16‐95‐116‐481gd. NORMANDE SPRITE CAX01‐130ggd. NORMANDE LAFAYETTE CAX95‐036

73Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin134 NORMANDE GLITZYCAX11‐994 Born 02/09/11 UK 560770/100994ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gs. CASTLEVIEW VIRULENT IE191567120319ggd. GENTILLE 23‐91‐053‐162Sire BALLYKINCURRA DINKY IE131064160521ggs. LITRON 12‐95‐161‐096gd. BALLYKINNCURRA TILLY IE131064170316ggd. BALLYKINNCURRA PRINCESS IE131064170159ggs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206gs. RAVAGEUR 19‐30‐828‐456ggd. JOUEUSE 87‐94‐004‐501Dam NORMANDE VAILLE CAX04‐392ggs. FILIP 02‐90‐150‐010gd. NORMANDE NOELLE CAX97‐039ggd. NORMANDE GISELLE CAXG‐013Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 130 223 317 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.2 LM+1C +2 +6 +21 ‐0.1 +0.6 LM+18Acc % 45 43 39 70 65 37 60 67BLCS Index 109 105 116 84 91 99 85 93Lot Cruickshank Normande Limousin135 NORMANDE GONDOLIERCAX11‐997 Born 06/10/11 UK 560770/400997ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire *MOLOSKEY CLAUS IE131477840508ggs. GEANT 19‐91‐000‐217gd. MOLOSKEY NICAL MOLN‐008ggd. KNOCKERRA HANNAH KCAH‐001ggs. RONICK ICEMAN DY93‐018‐FOTgs. ROUGHLEY SOLOMON SBC01‐016ggd. ROUGHLEY LAVISH SBC95‐033‐FOTDam NORMANDE VIOLETTA CAX04‐413ggs. ALDWYCK ORPHEUS BAM98‐248gd. NORMANDE RIYADH CAX00‐079ggd. NORMANDE NAIAD CAX97‐040Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 183 331 490 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.1 LM‐1C ‐2 +29 +42 0 +4.9 LM+26Acc % 49 48 46 73 69 53 66 71BLCS Index 84 90 93 111 106 92 121 107

74Lot P Fletcher136 SIDDALL HEPSIFZ12‐001 Born 05/01/12 UK 183150/700276 Got by AIggs. AFFRANCHI 02‐85‐050‐514gs. DJERK 19‐88‐001‐713ggd. MARGUERITE 87‐76‐006‐012Sire WESTHALL LOVEJOY FS95‐013ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gd. EDEN INGUILLE HCS93‐004ggd. ANGUILLE 87‐85‐004‐576ggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. OBJAT 19‐30‐299‐413ggd. MELODIE 19‐96‐004‐346Dam SIDDALL EPSI FZ09‐010ggs. WESTHALL LOVEJOY FS95‐013gd. MILLERSCOTENOOK TAZMIN MKW02‐005ggd. MILLERSCOTENOOK PEPSI MKW99‐027Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 104 172 266 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -0.7 LM0C -3 +16 +32 ‐0.3 +2.5 LM+27Acc % 62 67 50 71 67 50 64 70BLCS Index 112 101 87 96 99 112 101 107SIDDALL HEPSI carries the noted Objat breeding.Lot P Fletcher137 SIDDALL HARRIETFZ12‐003 Born 09/01/12 UK 183150/200278 Got by AIggs. RIQUET 87‐80‐009‐626gs. BAMBINO 87‐86‐001‐669ggd. PEPEE 87‐79‐001‐991Sire *IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206ggs. UCCLE 36‐83‐001‐154gd. COQUETTE 36‐87‐001‐802ggd. LAUREATE 36‐75‐010‐107ggs. DJERK 19‐88‐001‐713gs. WESTHALL LOVEJOY FS95‐013ggd. EDEN INGUILLE HCS93‐004Dam SIDDALL TARA FZ02‐004ggs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026gd. SIDDALL PARAMOUNT FZ99‐011ggd. SIDDALL IVY FZ93‐008Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 142 249 348 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.9 LM‐2C ‐1 +28 +49 0 +4.9 LM+35Acc % 64 69 58 74 71 57 68 73BLCS Index 98 84 99 110 111 92 121 121SIDDALL HARRIET is a full sister to Siddall Casanova Senior Champion, Carlisle May 2009 sold for 14,500gns.

Lot P Fletcher138 SIDDALL HAZIEFZ12‐004 Born 10/01/12 UK 183150/300279 Got by AIggs. NEPTUNE 87‐77‐015‐248gs. ROMEO 87‐80‐005‐214ggd. ILIADE 87‐73‐014‐057Sire *DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715ggs. IDOLE 19‐73‐003‐953gd. OMBRETTE 19‐78‐003‐500ggd. HONTEUSE TI 19‐72‐003‐998ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026ggd. RONICK ESTHER DYE‐040Dam SIDDALL VAZIE FZ04‐003ggs. WINTLES OAK BA98‐004gd. SIDDALL SNAZIE FZ01‐013ggd. SIDDALL MAIZIE FZ96‐01075Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 147 257 359 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.0 LM0C +2 +30 +58 ‐0.2 +4.4 LM+38Acc % 64 69 59 74 70 57 68 73BLCS Index 104 99 116 112 117 105 117 126SIDDALL HAZIE is half-sister to the herds stock bull, Siddall Drew.Lot P Fletcher139 SIDDALL HADINEFZ12‐006 Born 13/01/12 UK 183150/600282ggs. LORIOT 19‐95‐007‐352gs. SAMY 23‐02‐773‐556ggd. NOVA 23‐97‐060‐261Sire BECK COLLIER HGV07‐010ggs. BERRICHON 36‐86‐006‐844gd. BECK MILDRED HGV96‐001ggd. BECK HILLARY HGV92‐002ggs. NENUPHAR 87‐97‐011‐143gs. NEBO AMAZON TFQ05‐010ggd. NEBO ROBERTA TFQ00‐002Dam SIDDALL EMANTHA FZ09‐009ggs. WINTLES OAK BA98‐004gd. SIDDALL SAMANTHA FZ01‐014ggd. SIDDALL NADINE FZ97‐013Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 125 214 288 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.9 LM+1C -2 +24 +39 ‐0.1 +3.6 LM+24Acc % 53 53 39 68 62 41 59 66BLCS Index 98 105 93 105 104 99 110 103SIDDALL HADINE is a heifers calf and carries the noted Nebo Amazon breeding.

76Lot P Fletcher140 SIDDALL HASSIONFZ12‐007 Born 20/01/12 UK 183150/100284 Got by AIggs. RIQUET 87‐80‐009‐626gs. BAMBINO 87‐86‐001‐669ggd. PEPEE 87‐79‐001‐991Sire *IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206ggs. UCCLE 36‐83‐001‐154gd. COQUETTE 36‐87‐001‐802ggd. LAUREATE 36‐75‐010‐107ggs. HALTCLIFFE GLADIATOR RPG‐013gs. BAPTON JAVELIN BES94‐015ggd. BAPTON GRETA BESG‐014Dam GREAVEPARK BLOOM IW06‐174ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009gd. SCORBORO PASSION BEA99‐925ggd. SCORBORO MERCY BEA96‐756Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 143 250 339 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -1.6 LM+2C +1 +32 +60 0 +4.8 LM+39Acc % 64 69 56 73 70 57 67 72BLCS Index 106 115 110 115 118 92 120 127SIDDALL HASSION carries figures in the top 10% for calving, muscle value and beef value.Lot P Fletcher141 SIDDALL HATTYFZ12‐008 Born 01/03/12 UK 183150/300286ggs. LORIOT 19‐95‐007‐352gs. SAMY 23‐02‐773‐556ggd. NOVA 23‐97‐060‐261Sire BECK COLLIER HGV07‐010ggs. BERRICHON 36‐86‐006‐844gd. BECK MILDRED HGV96‐001ggd. BECK HILLARY HGV92‐002ggs. ROMEO 87‐80‐005‐214gs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715ggd. OMBRETTE 19‐78‐003‐500Dam SIDDALL EMOUNT FZ09‐006ggs. WINTLES OAK BA98‐004gd. SIDDALL UMOUNT FZ03‐011ggd. SIDDALL PARAMOUNT FZ99‐011Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 140 244 368 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.3 LM0C ‐1 +25 +40 ‐0.1 +4.1 LM+28Acc % 54 53 42 66 61 43 58 64BLCS Index 102 96 99 107 104 99 114 109

Lot P Fletcher142 SIDDALL HENRIETTAFZ12‐013 Born 13/03/12 UK 183150/300293 Got by AIGrade: 99% Limousinggs. PAN P DK005830500341gs. URANOS DK05706500457ggd. RYDE ROYAL DK005706500398Sire CLOVIS 23‐08‐914‐479ggs. HEROS 87‐92‐002‐724gd. SUZANNE 23‐02‐612‐302ggd. NOUNOU 23‐97‐058‐151ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026ggd. RONICK ESTHER DYE‐040Dam SIDDALL CURSULA FZ07‐012ggs. WINTLES OAK BA98‐004gd. SIDDALL URSULA FZ03‐014ggd. SIDDALL MAIZIE FZ96‐01077Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 148 260 372 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -7.3 LM‐5C +2 +24 +40 ‐0.1 +3.2 LM+29Acc % 49 58 36 65 59 34 55 64BLCS Index 70 65 116 105 104 99 107 110SIDDALL HENRIETTA is a daughter of the new bull Clovis and out of a milky dam.Lot143 WITHDRAWNLot Richard Livingstone144 KIRTLEVALE GLENDALEN11‐660 Born 14/01/11 UK 581741/500660 Got by AIggs. HARICOT 22‐92‐003‐011gs. OCTOPUS 87‐10‐671‐030ggd. JUSTINE 87‐94‐005‐984Sire *SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969ggs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491gd. OPERETTE 48‐98‐133‐040ggd. LAVANDE 48‐15‐341‐488ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026ggd. RONICK ESTHER DYE‐040Dam KIRTLEVALE TINKER LEN02‐071ggs. SHIRE CYCLONE ELC‐074gd. YEALAND HEIDI CFY92‐007ggd. MIDTOWN FICKLE BALF‐208

78Lot Richard Livingstone145 KIRTLEVALE GUCCILEN11‐708 Born 27/04/11 UK 581741/400708 Got by AIggs. HARICOT 22‐92‐003‐011gs. OCTOPUS 87‐10‐671‐030ggd. JUSTINE 87‐94‐005‐984Sire *SYMPA 48‐01‐006‐969ggs. GENIAL 87‐91‐002‐491gd. OPERETTE 48‐98‐133‐040ggd. LAVANDE 48‐15‐341‐488ggs. DAMIER 19‐88‐005‐773gs. HEROIQUE 19‐92‐006‐775ggd. CALINE 36‐87‐001‐109Dam KIRTLEVALE ULITA LEN03‐120ggs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026gd. YEALAND LITA CFY95‐006ggd. YEALAND GWEN CFYG‐006

79YOUNGSTOCK BULLSLot Peter McConnell146 GLENBURN HIGHFLYERMQJ12‐001 Born 17/04/12 UK 581684/400034 Got by AITwin to a maleggs. PENYRHEOL SAM PCU01‐216gs. HALTCLIFFE VERMOUNT RP04‐042ggd. RENONCULE 19‐30‐708‐827Sire *PROCTERS DUVALIER PFD08‐301ggs. GREENWELL RONICK NK00‐054gd. PROCTERS VABRIELLE PFD04‐074ggd. PROCTERS PHABRIELLE PFD99‐042ggs. WESTHALL OCEAN FS98‐554gs. BALLINLOAN RASCAL FDB00‐040ggd. NEWHOUSE IBETHA AC93‐009Dam LODGE AMELIA CBM05‐141(LOT 89)ggs. RONICK ASTIQUE DYA‐026gd. LODGE MUFFIN CBM96‐010ggd. LODGE IFUM CBM93‐108Lot I K & A M Grisedale147 ANGIEAN HAGRIDGFM12‐110 Born 29/04/12 UK 103541/100120 Got by AIggs. OXYGENE 12‐98‐171‐453gs. WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002ggd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96‐022Sire *WILODGE CERBERUS WEY07‐010ggs. BROADMEADOWS CANNON CAVC‐031gd. WILODGE PRICELESS WEY99‐032ggd. WILODGE LITTLEGEM WEY95‐027ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009gs. COCKLESHELL OLYMPUS PB98‐008ggd. COCKLESHELL LUCINDA PB95‐001Dam ROUGHLEY URSULA SBC03‐006ggs. TANHOLM CLAUS 25759‐0168gd. ROUGHLEY MELODY SBC96‐001ggd. ROUGHLEY GIFT SBCG‐087Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 181 329 475 502 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.7 LM0C +3 +41 +71 ‐0.1 +5.8 LM+40Acc % 61 68 58 74 71 58 68 73BLCS Index 80 96 122 125 126 99 129 128ANGIEAN HAGRID has shape and muscle throughout. Roughley Ursula (dam) always produces calves with styleand quality. The Angiean Herd won the NWLBC Best Small Herd Competition 2010 and 2012.

80Lot A & W Watson148 SAUNDERS HUGOWFQ12‐281 Born 25/07/12 UK 107576/100595ggs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305gs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318ggd. SIGIT 36‐81‐000‐283Sire CENTRAL DART GBL08‐001ggs. LUDO 19‐95‐012‐472gd. CENTRAL UNA GBL03‐004ggd. WESTPIT NINA GAZ97‐008ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gs. SAUNDERS RIJINSKY WFQ00‐027ggd. SARKLEY JAPONICA PBO94‐023Dam SAUNDERS ADELE WFQ05‐093ggs. GREENSONS GIGOLO GATG‐009gd. SAUNDERS ODELETTE WFQ98‐016ggd. SAUNDERS JULIETTE WFQ94‐002Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 138 239 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -6.6 LM‐3C -3 +6 +11 ‐0.2 +1.4 LM+13Acc % 55 59 47 72 68 39 64 72BLCS Index 75 78 87 84 84 105 92 85Lot A & W Watson149 SAUNDERS HERCULESWFQ12‐283 Born 12/08/12 UK 107576/500599ggs. DURANDAL 36‐88‐007‐305gs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318ggd. SIGIT 36‐81‐000‐283Sire CENTRAL DART GBL08‐001ggs. LUDO 19‐95‐012‐472gd. CENTRAL UNA GBL03‐004ggd. WESTPIT NINA GAZ97‐008ggs. CLOUGHHEAD JURASSIC HCX94‐131gs. SAUNDERS RYAN WFQ00‐026ggd. SAUNDERS LARISSA WFQ95‐003Dam SAUNDERS THYME WFQ02‐045ggs. HARTSIDE JACKO TW94‐756gd. SAUNDERS PETUNIA WFQ99‐020ggd. SARKLEY JAPONICA PBO94‐023Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 145 258 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -8.3 LM‐3C -2 +26 +37 ‐0.1 +3.9 LM+25Acc % 54 58 46 71 66 38 62 70BLCS Index 64 79 93 108 102 99 113 105

Lot Brian Allan150 GLENTURK HERCULESAX12‐009 Born 27/07/12 UK 583510/201108 Got by AIggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. OBJAT 19‐30‐299‐413ggd. MELODIE 19‐96‐004‐346Sire POWERHOUSE ELITE PJH09‐019ggs. ROCKY 36‐15‐030‐964gd. SARKLEY AISLEEN PBO05‐051ggd. SARKLEY ROSALEEN PBO00‐409ggs. LIBERAL‐MN 87‐95‐002‐134gs. BRIDGEFORD VERSACE MOJ04‐001ggd. BRIDGEFORD SASKIA MOJ01‐001Dam GLENTURK DITA AX08‐012ggs. GRAHAMS ROCKSOLID GV00‐073gd. GLENTURK URSULA AX03‐008ggd. NATALIE LUTN‐00881Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 197 346 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -2.9 LM‐1C ‐1 +30 +45 ‐0.4 +4.0 LM+30Acc % 49 61 39 68 63 45 60 67BLCS Index 98 95 99 112 108 119 114 113Lot A & M Gray151 CENTRAL HARLEYGBL12‐009 Born 17/10/12 UK 543097/500078 Got by AIggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. OBJAT 19‐30‐299‐413ggd. MELODIE 19‐96‐004‐346Sire CENTRAL ENCORE GBL09‐001ggs. LUDO 19‐95‐012‐472gd. CENTRAL UANNE GBL03‐003ggd. CALROSSIE JOANNE MGR94‐002ggs. BAMBINO 87‐86‐001‐669gs. IONESCO 36‐93‐000‐206ggd. COQUETTE 36‐87‐001‐802Dam CENTRAL DONNA GBL08‐004ggs. LUDO 19‐95‐012‐472gd. CENTRAL ARIZONA GBL05‐004ggd. NAMRON ONWARD NAU98‐001Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 166 0 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -4.7 LM‐6C ‐5 +32 +46 ‐0.1 +5.4 LM+34Acc % 45 59 39 47 45 38 45 49BLCS Index 87 59 76 115 108 99 125 119

82YOUNGSTOCK HEIFERSLot P Fletcher152 SIDDALL HAMMYFZ12‐014 Born 24/04/12 UK 183150/500295ggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. OBJAT 19‐30‐299‐413ggd. MELODIE 19‐96‐004‐346Sire *SIDDALL DREW FZ08‐004ggs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026gd. SIDDALL VAZIE FZ04‐003ggd. SIDDALL SNAZIE FZ01‐013ggs. ROUGHLEY CAPRICORN SBCC‐002gs. WINTLES OAK BA98‐004ggd. WINTLES JULIE BA94‐015Dam SIDDALL SAMANTHA FZ01‐014ggs. BROADMEADOWS LEVI CAV95‐007gd. SIDDALL NADINE FZ97‐013ggd. SIDDALL IVY FZ93‐008Lot P Fletcher153 SIDDALL HANNAHFZ12‐015 Born 06/05/12 UK 183150/600296ggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. OBJAT 19‐30‐299‐413ggd. MELODIE 19‐96‐004‐346Sire SIDDALL DREW FZ08‐004ggs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026gd. SIDDALL VAZIE FZ04‐003ggd. SIDDALL SNAZIE FZ01‐013ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Dam SIDDALL CAMANTHA FZ07‐011ggs. WINTLES OAK BA98‐004gd. SIDDALL SAMANTHA FZ01‐014ggd. SIDDALL NADINE FZ97‐013

Lot P Fletcher154 SIDDALL HARAFZ12‐016 Born 09/05/12 UK 183150/100298ggs. DAUPHIN 19‐88‐004‐715gs. OBJAT 19‐30‐299‐413ggd. MELODIE 19‐96‐004‐346Sire SIDDALL DREW FZ08‐004ggs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026gd. SIDDALL VAZIE FZ04‐003ggd. SIDDALL SNAZIE FZ01‐013ggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Dam SIDDALL CARA FZ07‐007ggs. RONICK HAWK DY92‐026gd. SIDDALL PARAMOUNT FZ99‐011ggd. SIDDALL IVY FZ93‐00883Lot Messrs Campbell155 STRAWFRANK HEIDICSI12‐020 Born 16/05/12 UK 564670/500020 Got by AIggs. BAMBINO 19‐86‐005‐742gs. MAS DU CLO 23‐96‐032‐213ggd. COSETTE 23‐87‐051‐003Sire TEHIX 12‐02‐088‐259ggs. ESPOIR 87‐89‐003‐720gd. LILAS 12‐95‐162‐563ggd. GITANE 12‐91‐112‐247ggs. NESTOR 19‐97‐013‐433gs. ARDNACRUSHA UTHMAN HRWU‐254ggd. LUSTRE PELL‐141Dam NORMANDE DAPHNE CAX08‐708ggs. ROUGHLEY SOLOMON SBC01‐016gd. NORMANDE VIOLETTA CAX04‐413ggd. NORMANDE RIYADH CAX00‐079STRAWFRANK HEIDI has strength and style alongside a very docile temperament.

84Lot A & M Gray156 CENTRAL HOBBIEGBL12‐004 Born 01/09/12 UK 543097/700073 Got by AIggs. JANVIER 86‐94‐111‐257gs. OXYGENE 12‐98‐171‐453ggd. ISOCELE 12‐93‐112‐437Sire *WILODGE TONKA WEY02‐002ggs. BRONTEMOOR ILKLEY PCI93‐012gd. WILODGE MECLAIRE WEY96‐022ggd. NEWSHAM ECLAIRE BAUE‐025ggs. ALASKA 87‐85‐003‐165gs. LUDO 19‐95‐012‐472ggd. FANY 19‐90‐006‐313Dam CENTRAL DEBBIE GBL08‐003ggs. HEROS 36‐92‐005‐318gd. CENTRAL TRENDY GBL02‐007ggd. ARDBRACK READYANDWILLING GAU00‐170Signet Recorded Weights 100 200 300 400 500Last BLUP’d 10/03/2013 168 300 0 0 0MLC C E(%) C V 200M(kg) 200G(kg) 400G(kg) Fat(mm) MD(mm) BVData EBV -5.6 LM0C ‐3 +40 +68 ‐0.1 +5.2 LM+36Acc % 59 66 54 70 66 54 64 69BLCS Index 81 100 87 124 124 99 124 122FORTHCOMING <strong>LIMOUSIN</strong> SALESFriday 18th & Saturday 19th OctoberAnnual Autumn Show and Sale of Bulls(entries close Friday 30th August)Saturday 14th SeptemberPedigree Limousin SaleMajor Reduction sale from the NORMANDE HERDon behalf of Cruickshank Normande Limousin, Cowford Farm, Lanarksale from the HARTLAW HERDon behalf of Mr John McKeen, Hartlaw, Silloth plus othersNovember – date to be arrangedWelshpool Sale of Limousin cattlewithin Welshpool Livestock CentreFriday 13th December‘Red Ladies Derby’ and Weaned Calf sale(entries close Friday 8th November)

Alphabetical Bull Index(All bulls marked * in the pedigrees are included in the reference)85ALAGILS GT (MWF11-162) Sire – Tehix, dam – Alagils Ainsi (by Scorboro Regius). Sold for 7,000gns Carlisle May 2012.AMPERTAINE COMMANDER (MGO07-046) sire – Glenrock Ventura, dam – Ampertaine Annabella (by Sympa). Commander wasChampion Carlisle May 2009 (joint top price). Carries extreme muscle (eye muscle depth 104mm). Judged Best Bull and Progeny NorthEast Club Herd Competition (by Roger Hazard, Mereside herd). Progeny includes Barrons Fantastic 7,800gns Carlisle Weaned Calf SaleDec 2010. Culnagechan Falcon 48,000gns Carlisle May 2012. Sarkley Galisa 4,000gns Sarkley Sale Oct 2012. Two calves shownlocally, one Champion, one reserve Champion. Calves shown Tullamore National Show, Ardlea Coillte All Ireland 2010 born heifer calf.Newtown Gentleman All Ireland 2011 born bull calf and he went on to win Junior Male Champion. Commander is easy calving, idealfor heifers. Other progeny includes Barrons Harness 6,000gns Weaned Calf sale Carlisle Dec 2012.AMPERTAINE DOMINO (MGD08-031) Sire – Ampertaine Abracadabra, dam – Kype Tiffany (by Cloughhead Lord).BALLINLOAN RASCAL (FDB00‐040) Sire – Westhall Ocean, dam – Newhouse Ibetha (by Uplands Dallas). Progeny includes GriseburnBeryl 2,800gns Carlisle May 2007.BOLIDE (19-32-617-107) Sire – Neuf, dam – Unibelle (by Ionesco).CARMORN DAUPHIN (MCN08-010) sire – Dauphin, dam – Carmorn Penny (by Pelletstown Ken). Progeny includes Burnbank Honey7,000gns Weaned Calf sale Carlisle Dec 2012CLARAGH FRANCO (RJT10-013) Sire – Wilodge Vantastic, dam – Haltcliffe Avon (by Sympa). Junior Champion, Carlisle May 2011 soldfor 24,000gns.COACHHOUSE GOLDENBOY (HLX11-103) Sire – Coachhouse Virgil, dam – Coachhouse Ulyssa (by Goldies Necho)DAUPHIN (19-88-004-715) Sire – Romeo dam – Ombrette (by Idole). Progeny includes Lascard whose first crop of bull calves averaged£9206 Normande Tuscan 13,000gns, Carlisle Feb 2004, Normande Thistle 7,400gns, Perth Feb 2004.DERRIAGHY ENFIELD (GGU09-775) Sire – Broadmeadows Cannon, dam – Lenagh Utopia (by Nenuphar). Sold for 22,000gns CarlisleOctober 2010. Progeny includes Anside Gigolo 18,000gns Carlisle May 2013.DOMINO (19-88-001-780) sire – Velino dam – Orchidee (by Joguy). RRE rates second highest bull for muscle and fifth for maternalcharacteristics in French AI (1999). Progeny includes – Goldies Tycoon 6,000gns Carlisle Oct 2003, Goldies Tango 5,000gns CarlisleFeb 2004, Goldies Trendsetter 6,600gns Perth Feb 2004. Goldies Tamsin 9,000gns Carlisle May 2004.FIELDSON ALFY (FCE05-384) Sire - Gunnerfleet Plunas, dam - Eden Natasha (by Broadmeadows Cannon). Sold for 37,000gns CarlisleOct 2006. Progeny includes Sarkley Dynamic 13,000gns, Kype Denver 8,000gns Carlisle Oct 2009. Sarkley Dalola 25,000gns SarkleyYoungstock Sale Nov 2009. Ringway Daphne 13,000gns Red Ladies Derby 2009. Netherhall Doubleoseven 20,000gns, NetherhallDangermouse 8,000gns Carlisle MAay 2010. Glenrock Eagle 10,000gns Carlisle Feb 2011. Netherhall Ferry 10,000gns, ProctorsExplosive 8,000gns Carlisle May 2011. Dolcorsllwyn Fabio Sold for a new World and Breed record price animal sold for 120,000gnsCarlisle Feb 2012 to Messrs Jenkinson, Whinfell Park Herd.GOLDIES OSWALD (GS98-064) Sire – Lascard, dam – Romance (by Nenuphar) – 7,000gns Carlisle Feb 2003. Heathmount Tartan,5,500gns Carlisle Feb 2004, Sherry Toronto 5,800gns, Easegillhead Triumph, 5,500gns, Goldies Tornado 7,200gns, Hudscales Uboat6,800gns Carlisle May 2004. Haltcliffe Union 4,200gns Carlisle June 2004, subsequently sold to the Greenmarsh Herd. HaltcliffeFerris 3,600gns Carlisle June 2012.GLANGWDEN BIGBOY (JBW06-618) Sire – Haltcliffe Ullswater, dam – Paluche (by Jacot). Progeny includes Norman Drover was YLBCCalf Champion Dec 2009 selling for 4,000gns aged 6 months. Norman Gentle 7,200gns Carlisle June 2012, Norman Gus 9,500gns tothe Loosebeare Herd, Carlisle October 2012.GUNNERFLEET PLUNAS (HDR99-010) purchased for 7,000gns in October 2000 at Carlisle after being placed Intermediate Champion.In 2003 herd competition he was placed 1 st for Best Bull and Progeny in the East Midlands. His first 12 bulls sold in 2003 grossed over£40,000. Progeny include Carlisle May 2003 FIELDSON SUNNY 6,700gns. Carlisle Oct 2003 FIELDSON TALENT 7,500gns.Carlisle May 2004 FIELDSON TOPAZ 8,000gns sold to Ronick herd and FIELDSON TRADEMARK 4,000gns. Carlisle Oct 2005FIELDSON VISA 5,000gns. Fieldson Alfy 37,000gns Carlisle Oct 2006.HALTCLIFFE EUBANK (RP09-864) Sire – Procters Commander, dam – Haltcliffe Angela (by Sympa). Senior Champion Carlisle May2011 sold for 12,000gns.HALTCLIFFE UNDERWRITER (RP03-003) sire – Sympa, dam – Ronick Ricole (by Broadmeadows Cannon). Sold for 10,000gns CarlisleMay 2004. Progeny includes – Craigatoke Apache Intermediate and Reserve Overall Male Champion Carlisle May 2007 and sold fortop price of 30,000gns, a new Northern Ireland record; Craigatoke Bomber 7,000gns Carlisle Feb 2008, Craigatoke Dundee 6,000gns,Millgate Dollar 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2010. Wilodge Easyride 10,000gns Lynderg Emperor 8,000gns Carlisle May 2011. Iveagh GilkesIntermediate Male champion and sold for 20,000gns and Ballyrobin Gazza 8,500gns Carlisle Oct 2012.

86HOMEBYRES ARNOTT (LAP05-048) sire – Sympa, dam – Homebyres Melody (by Cheadlewood Junior). Progeny includes HomebyresConelius 9,000gns, Homebyres Cowden 8,500gns Carlisle Feb 2009, Homebyres Clifford 6,800gns Carlisle May 2009, HomebyresDunlop 6,000gns Carlisle Oct 2009. Homebyres Evans 10,800gns Carlisle Oct 2010. Homebyres Elgin Reserve Senior Champion7,000gns Carlisle Feb 2011. Homebyres Ericson Reserve Overall male Champion and sold for 17,000gns Carlisle May 2011. HomebyresFindlay 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2012, Homebyres Felboy 13,000gns Carlisle Feb 2012, Homebyres Gerard 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2013,Homebyres Geoffrey 10,000gns Carlisle May 2013.HOMEBYRES CONSORT LAP07‐025 Sire – Cloughhead Umpire, dam – Homebyres Unicity (by Balnacraig Supreme). Reserve SeniorChampion, Carlisle Feb 2009 sold for 10,000gns.HOMEBYRES VANHEE (LAP04-045) sire - Balnacraig Supreme, dam - Homebyres Rosebud (by Homebyres Homer) Progeny includesHomebyres Brodick 7,500gns, Homebyres Banker 6,500gns Carlisle May 2008, Homebyres Duncan 6,800gns, Homebyres Dixon10,500gns Carlisle Oct 2009, Homebyres Dominic 6,500gns Carlisle Feb 10. Homebyres Drummie Senior Champion15,000gnsCarlisle May 2010. Homebyres Ewart 8,000gns Carlisle Oct 2010. Homebyres Ernest 12,000gns Carlisle Feb 2011, Homebyres Fisher6,800gns Carlisle Oct 2011, Homebyres Fogle 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2012, Homebyres Guthrie 16,000gns Carlisle Oct 2012,Homebyres George 6800gns, Homebyres Geordie 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2013.IONESCO (36-93-000-206) sire – Bambino, dam – Coquette (by Uccle). He is ranked at the top of his breed in France for overall beefmerit index scoring 117. His sons have excellent hind quarters with full plates and wide rumps. Ionesco is also used in France to breedreplacements being an excellent maternal sire. Progeny includes Procters Aviator 7,000gns Carlisle Feb 2007. Siddal Casanova14,500gns & Senior Champion, Ewdenvale Chief 12,000gns, Alden Cracker 11,000gns, Scorbro Cravat 7,500gns Carlisle May 2009.Kaprico Chrysanthemum 9,000gns Unhalterd sale Carlisle Nov 2010. Lourie Dazzle 6,500gns & Reserve Champion Red Ladies DerbyCarlisle Dec 2010. Sarkley Ellajen 17,000gns Sarkley production sale Carlisle Aug 2011. Kaprico Fleur 5,200gns Red Ladies DerbyCarlisle Dec 2012. Nebo Helen 3,000gns Weaner Calf sale Carlisle Dec 2012.KAPRICO DAVELLE (SHJ08-004) Sire – Wilodge Tonka, dam – Kaprico Ravelle (by Greensons Gigolo). Junior and Supreme Champion,Carlisle October 2009 sold for 18,000gns.IRONSTONE BRANDY (SDS06-037) Sire – Unesco, dam – Bailea Umandy (by Requin). Supreme Champion Carlisle October 2007 andsold for 11,000gns. Progeny includes – Dyfri Henna 3,900gns Dyfri Production Sale Dec 2012.MOLOSKEY CLAUS (IE131477840508) Sire – Mas Du Clo, dam – Moloskey Nical (by Geant). Bought for top price of 15,000 euros,Roscrea March 2009.RAINBOW SIMON (WIM01-013) Sire – Glenrock Onslow, dam – Rombalds Nan (by Hartside Hensingham). Progeny includes –Loosebeare Voyager 14,500gns Carlisle Feb 2006; Loosebeare Amazon 9,600gns, Loosebeare Aviator 7,500gns Carlisle Oct 2006;Loosebeare Austinpowers 7,500gns Carlisle May 2007; Loosebeare Bananaman 10,000gns Carlisle May 2008, Loosebeare Catcher8,000gns, Loosebeare Computer 11,500gns, Loosebeare Cantona 13,000gns and Senior Champion, Carlisle Feb 2009, LoosebeareDiego 20,000gns, Loosebeare Declan 10,000gns Carlisle Feb 2010.RONICK HAWK (DY92-026) sire - Broadmeadows Cannon, dam – Ronick Esther (by Talent). In 2001, Hawk had more calves registeredto him with the BLCS than any other sire. Progeny includes - Ronick Right 7,000gns Carlisle October 2002, Ringway Romeo 5,800gnsCarlisle October 2002, Danny Boy the 2000 Smithfield Show Supreme Champion and Taylor Maid the Limousin Commercial ChampionRoyal Highland 2000; Tunnelby Scallywag won Supreme Champion Limousin at the Royal Show 2003; Penrheol Sam 13,000gnsCarlisle May 2003; Tomschoice Salem Junior Interbreed Champion, Junior Champion & Reserve Male Champion RASE 2002 & JuniorChampion Great Yorkshire Show 2002 – sold Carlisle Oct 2002 4,200gns; Haltcliffe Tomahawk 9,000gns Carlisle Oct 2003; ArchenaThor 7,200gns Perth Oct 2003; Tunnelby Patience 10,500gns Tunnelby production sale Carlisle July 2005; Bowers Viceroy 6,800gnsCarlisle May 2006; Annadale Anonymous 12,000gns Carlisle Oct 2006; Kendrom Acracker 6,600gns Carlisle Oct 2006; HomebyresBalfour 8,000gns Carlisle Nov 2007; Harveys Atique 6,000gns Red Ladies Derby Carlisle Dec 2007. Stotsford Dragon 7,500gnsCarlisle Oct 2009. Sarkley Carola 6,000gns Sarkley Youngstock Sale Nov 2009. Haltcliffe Fortune 7,500gns Carlisle May 2012.Dinmore Goldcrest 18.000gns Carlisle Oct 2012. Sarkley Gabrianne 8,500gns Sarkely sale Oct 2012KILLERTON TRAVIS (GEA02-002) Sire – Killerton Paddy, dam – Killerton Narnia (by Grange Locarno). Sold privately to Genus. Progenyincludes Mr Mojo, Reserve Intermediate Steer, Royal Highland Winter Fair 2010.REDROCK EDDY (DX09-335) Sire – Haltcliffe BMW, dam – Redrock Victoria (by Allanfauld Rumpus)ROCKY (36-15-030-964) sire – Jacot; dam – Glorie (by Eldorado). A bull producing exceptional muscling and docility. Progeny includes– Carmorn Vandyke 14,000gns, Glenrock Victory 13,000gns Carlisle May 2006; Sarkley Arragon 10,500gns, Sarkley Barragon8,500gns, Sarkley Beautie 7,200gns and Sarkley Berrie 5,000gns Sarkley Sale July 2007; Ashhollow Bombshell 14,000gns, RaffertysBuster 8,000gns Carlisle Nov 2007; Guards Boomer Reserve Intermediate Champion 22,000gns Carlisle Feb 2008 and went on to winBalmoral Show 2009, Netherhall Chancer 11,000gns, Guillard Donie 8,000gns, Loganburn Cassius 9,000gns Carlisle May 2009.Sarkley Dominica 8,000gns Sarkley Youngstock Sale Nov 2009. Cowin Dazling 6,000gns Carlisle Feb 2010. Windsole Elph 11,000gnsCarlisle May 2010. Rathconvale Eugene 17,000gns, Willowvale Emre 7,500gns Carlisle Feb 2011. Sarkley Forella 5,300gns Sarkleyproduction sale Carlisle Aug 2011. Lodge Diamond 6,000gns Carlisle June 2012. Fodderletter Gatuso Reserve Overall Male Championand sold for 10,000gns Carlisle Oct 2012. Sarkley Gazola 8,000gns and Sarkley Fern 4,400gns Sarkley Sale Oct 2012. Also producesvery good commercial cattle in Ireland and the UK. Cracrop Fondant 5,800gns Carlisle Feb 2013

SARKLEY COSSACK (PBO07-124) Sire – Objat, dam – Sarkley Sallie (by Heros). Sold for 10,500gns Carlisle October 2009. Progenyincludes Fieldson Grace 4,000gns Carlisle June 2012.SARKLEY PEPSI (PBO99-339) Sire – Heros, dam – Sarkley Irmadel (by Illustre). Progeny includes Sarkley Alexa 6,800gns Sarkley Sale2009.SIDDALL DREW (FZ08 -004) Sire – Objat, dam – Siddall Vazie (by Ronick Hawk). Carries a beef value of LM52. Produces exceptionalcattle with growth and muscle.SYMPA (48-01-006-969) sire – Octopus, dam – Operette (by Imprt Genial) (Beef Value - LM+41) she won in-calf heifer class NationalShow in France September 2000. Sympa’s progeny includes - Haltcliffe Ullswater 43,000gns (second highest price for a Limousinbull), Haltcliffe Underwriter 10,000gns. His heifers are show winners with Haltcliffe Upperity Junior Female Champion & ReserveFemale Champion ILC Show August 2004. Carlisle Oct 2004 Haltcliffe Ulex – 9,500gns, Carlisle Feb 2005 Haltcliffe Ulsterprice5,800gns, Haltcliffe Uncle 7,200gns and Haltcliffe Undercover 6,200gns. Carlisle May 2005 Haltcliffe Vancouver 8,500gns. CarlisleOct 2005 – Three sons winners of the Carlisle Three averaged 13,166gns. Haltcliffe Volvo – Res Champion 14,000gns, HaltcliffeVannistelrooy 13,000gns and Haltcliffe Viper 12,500gns. Carlisle May 2006 – Haltcliffe Veto 6,500gns. Carlisle Oct 2006 – HaltcliffeAce 10,000gns Reserve Champion; Overthwaite Affluent 10,000gns Junior Champion. Carlisle Feb 2007 – Ampertaine Abracadabra29,000gns Reserve Junior Champion; Haltcliffe Anzac 11,000gns and Homebyres Albert 9,000gns. Carlisle May 2007- Haltcliffe BravoReserve Senior Champion 19,000gns, Haltcliffe Ben 14,000gns, Haltcliffe Bill 10,000gns, Haltcliffe Ambassador 11,500gns, HaltcliffeArgent 8,800gns. Carlisle Nov 2007 – Haltcliffe Banker 30,000gns, Ampertaine Bravo Supreme Champion 24,000gns, BurndaleBlizzard 9,000gns, Haltcliffe Brandy 6,500gns, Haltcliffe Blaze 6,000gns. Carlisle Feb 2008 – Overthwaite Bridge 10,000gns,Overthwaite Ben 10,000gns, Haltcliffe Uldale dam of Haltcliffe Brazil 22,000gns, Rahoney Bartimaeus 7000gns Carlisle May 2008,Ampertaine Bailey 7000gns Carlisle May 2008. Haltcliffe Conquer 20,000gns & Overall Champion Carlisle May 2009. HaltcliffeCyclone 10,500gns and Overthwaite Chartered 12,000gns. Sandhills Diablo 8,000gns and Netherhall Desmond Reserve JuniorChampion selling for 8,500gns Carlisle May 2009. Ampertaine Director 15,000gns, Ampertaine Dictator 8,500gns, Haltcliffe Darius8,000gns Carlisle Oct 2009. Hazelhead Cuckoo 6,200gns Hazelhead Dispersal Oct 2009. Melbreak Dazzle 8,000gns & Trueman Duet38,000gns & Champion Red Ladies Derby 2009. Gorrycan Diarra 18,000gns, Tweeddale Donald 8,500gns Carlisle Feb 2010. MillgateDerry 20,000gns, Netherhall Epic 12,000gns Tweeddale Daimler 10,000gns, Claragh Domino 10,000gns & Haltcliffe Dram 7,800gnsCarlisle May 2010. Haltcliffe Dulcie 6,500gns Haltcliffe Sale May 2010. Aghadolgan Emperor 17,000gns, Tomschoice Earl 10,000gns,Haltcliffe Echo 9,500gns & Stotsfold Edward 9,000gns Carlisle Oct 2010. Queenshead Evra 8,000gns Carlisle Feb 2011. BankdaleAlice 15,000gns Bankdale dispersal sale Carlisle July 2011. Haltcliffe Envy 5,000gns, Haltcliffe Epson 15,000gns, Haltcliffe Fay5,000gns Haltcliffe Sale July 2011. Pabo Francis 13,500gns Carlisle Oct 2011. Rombalds Elsie 7,500gns Rombalds Sale Carlisle Oct201. Baileys Countess 8,100gns Newmarques Sale Carlisle Oct 2011. Haltcliffe Febe 6,000gns Carlisle June 2012. KapricoGermander 10,000gns Carlisle oct 2012.SLIEVE FANTASTIC (MRC10-107) Sire – Wilodge Vantastic, dam – Windyhill Vienna (by Ardbrack Seekingthegold). Sold for 7,500gns,Carlisle May 2011.VIRGINIA ANDY (IE121657690563) sire – Elite Popsi, dam – Marlhill Naomi (by Carwin Flow). Sold for 7,000gns Carlisle Feb 2007.Male and Overall Champion Royal Highland Show 2009. Progeny includes Maraiscote Dougie 7,800gns Carlisle Oct 2009. MaraiscoteDazzler 10,000gns Carlisle Feb 2010. Maraiscote Ember 15,000gns, Maraiscote Esso 12,000gns & Reserve Overall Champion CarlisleOct 2010. Maraiscote Exit 8,000gns Carlisle Feb 2011. Maraiscote Fergus 11,000gns Carlisle Oct 2011. Maraiscote General11,500gns Carlisle Oct 2012.WILODGE CERBERUS (WEY07-010) Sire – Wilodge Tonka, dam – Wilodge Priceless (by Broadmeadows Cannon). Sold for 50,000gnsCarlisle Oct 2008 to join the Whinfellpark herd. Progeny includes Whinfellpark Fanzine 9,000gns & Whinfellpark Fairley 5,500gnsCarlisle Weaned Calf Sale Dec 2010. Whinfellpark Fizzle 9,200gns, Whinfellpark Festive Reserve Junior male Champion and sold for8,500gns Carlisle May 2011. Whinfellpark Flamboyant 12,000gns Intermediate Champion Carlisle Oct 2011. Whinfellpark Gateaux5,500gns Weaned Calf sale Carlisle 2011. Ampertaine Foreman Reserve Supreme Champion Carlisle Feb 2012 Selling for 38,000gns.Wilodge Goldenmoment 10,000gns, Wilodge Gracies 8,000gns,Wilodge Goldrush 8,000gns Wilodge Goldenglow 6,000gns &Wilodge Golddust 5,000gns Carlisle June 2012. Dyfri Glynswr 8,000gns Carlisle Oct 2012. Kaprico Helen 5,000gns Weaner Calf saleCarlisle Dec 2012. Rahoney Geoffrey, reserve supreme champion and sold for 23,000gns, Goldies Gemini 9,00gns Carlisle Feb 2013WILODGE TONKA (WEY02-002) sire – Oxygene, dam – Wilodge Meclaire (by Brontemore Ilkley). Purchased Carlisle Oct 2003 for30,000gns by PR Dawes for the Dinmore Herd. During the 2003 Show season Tonka was shown only twice, claiming Overall JuniorAnimal Inter-breed titles and MLC Beef breeder Championships at The Royal and Royal Welsh Shows. Full sibling embryos were soldat the ILC Elite Sale Aug 2004 for 900gns each, a record frozen embryo auction price. Progeny includes – Dinmore Bandit IntermediateChampion 28,000gns Carlisle Feb 2008, Dinmore Bentley 9,000gns; Wilodge Vantastic Overall Champion and top price Carlisle May2006 at 42,000gns and is now producing exceptional offspring including Wilodge Vontrapp 8,200gns. Other progeny include DinmoreCharmer 15,500gns Carlisle May 2009. Kaprico Davelle 18,000gns & Overall Champion Carlisle Oct 2009. Dinmore Clupton 5,000gnsRed Ladies Derby 2009. Hartlaw Excaliber 22,000gns Carlisle Oct 2010. Kaprico Fleuron 5,500gns Unhaltered Sale Carlisle Nov 2010.Kaprico Eravelle 8,800gns Carlisle Feb 2011. Goldies Fabulous 6,800gns at the Goldies Sale May 2011. Norman Fred 7,500gns CarlisleOct 2011. Brims Gains 14,000gns Carlisle Oct 2012.87

88HEALTH AND SAFETY RULESHARRISON & HETHERINGTON LIMITEDNOTICE TO ALL VISITORS AND TRADERSPLEASE READ AND OBSERVE THE FOLLOWINGAll visitors and traders on site will be responsible for ensuring that they and theiremployees or sub-contractors engaged by them comply with all legal requirements,including the Health and Safety At Work etc., Act 1974, The Management of Health andSafety At Work Regulations, The Provision And Use of Work Equipment Regulations, etc.All visitors and traders will be responsible for ensuring that their operations in no wayaffect the integrity of the company or its fire, safety or security arrangements and in noway compromise the health and safety and welfare of other visitors to and or employeesof <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong>.Although it is the visitors and traders responsibility to ensure that plant, equipment andsystems in work are safe, <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> Limited reserve the right to ask anyvisitor or trader to leave the market for any breaches in the Health and Safety Rules and/or Regulations.Vendors must inform <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> Limited of any livestock due to attend themarket whose temperament, behaviour or condition may call for additional precautions forits safe handling.When loading or unloading livestock handlers must ensure that the dock and vehicle gatesare securely fixed so as to prevent the escape of animals.Traders are responsible for providing and maintaining suitable livestock handlingequipment. They should ensure that livestock handlers are fit, experienced in livestockhandling and familiar with the livestock in their charge.Children must not be permitted in any area where they may be at risk from livestock ormachinery.In the case of bulls, during the period when the show/sale is open to visitors, bulls in stallsor pens should not be left unattended. If the handler is temporarily absent, arrangementsshould be made with another vendor, steward or member of <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> staffto oversee the bull until the handler returns.Handling of Livestock at shows and sales: <strong>Harrison</strong> & <strong>Hetherington</strong> Limited recommendthat an adult person should accompany any junior person during the showing/sale oflivestock in the ring and reserves the right to intervene at any point if, in the company’sopinion, the person showing the livestock is at risk in undertaking that activity.Passageways must be kept clear at all times during the auction sale. PLEASE DO NOTSTAND IN THE SALE RING ENTRANCE AND EXIT PASSAGES.The auction ring man escapes and refuges must be kept clear at all times.All portable electrical equipment supplied and/or used by visitors and traders must be safeand fit for the purpose and should have a valid portable appliance test certificate.

AUCTIONEER’S TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE(Incorporating the Auctioneer’s Terms and Conditions as recommended by theNational Beef Association)1. The biddings to be regulated by the Auctioneers and the highest bidder, subject to the Vendor’sreserve (if any), to be the purchaser. No bid shall be retracted and if any dispute should arisebetween two or more bidders, the Lot in dispute to be put up again and resold, or the Auctioneersmay determine the dispute at their own discretion and their decision shall be final. TheAuctioneers reserve the right to refuse the bid of any person without being called upon to givereason for such action.2. The Purchaser to give his full name and dwelling place and pay for all Lots purchased immediatelyat the close of sale. No Lot or Lots shall be removed from the sale premises until paid for and apass-out slip obtained from the Auctioneer’s clerk but each and every Lot shall immediately atthe fall of the hammer be considered as delivered and be and remain in every respect at theabsolute risk and expense of the respective purchaser or purchasers thereof and shall beremoved from the sale premises at the purchaser’s expense. The right of property shall not passuntil the full purchase price is paid.3. Purchasers paying by cheque must be prepared, if required, to produce a banker’s reference. Asa result of the Money Laundering Regulations (2003) the auctioneers are unable to accept cashpayments in excess of nine thousand pounds sterling for any any single or linked purchasetransaction.4. All statements in the catalogue, or made by the Auctioneers at the time of sale, also the correctidentification of the animals, are the entire responsibility of the Vendors. The Auctioneers take nopersonal responsibility for the correctness of such statements or identities.5. All statements in the catalogue, or any made by the Auctioneers at the time of sale relating toany veterinary or other tests are to be taken as statements of fact only. No such statements shallguarantee the purchaser of any animal against loss arising from the subsequent reaction of suchanimal to any test administered after the sale and the Vendors shall not be liable in any wayshould this occur.6. All stock is sold subject to the Conditions of Sale recommended for use at markets by theLivestock Auctioneers’ Markets Committee for England and Wales except in so far as theseconflict with any Special Conditions applicable to the sale of pedigree stock, when the latterConditions shall prevail.7. Neither the Vendors nor the Auctioneers will be responsible for any accident or injury to personsor property, through fire or any other cause whatsoever, nor for any damage by animals prior to,during or after the sale.8. No undertaking by the Auctioneers or their servants to take charge of any Lot or Lots after thesale or to forward them to their destination shall be held to impose upon the Auctioneers anylegal obligation or vitiate any of these Conditions.9. Inasmuch as the Auctioneers act as agents for a disclosed principal they shall not be consideredpersonally responsible for any default on the part of either purchasers or Vendors and the remedyshall be against them only and not against the Auctioneers.10. If these conditions are unfulfilled, the Vendors or Auctioneers shall have the power to resellthe Lots, retaining any surplus and charging any deficiency and expense to the defaulter.11. You have a right to know how we will use the information you have provided to us. We mayshare the information with other members of our group and may make this informationavailable to relevant media groups and other interested parties on request. We and othermembers of the group may contact you by telephone, e-mail, post or fax to inform you ofproducts or services available. If you do not want to be contacted for marketing purposesor do not wish your information to be made available to any other parties please notify usin writing.HARRISON & HETHERINGTON LTD

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