Nuclear Medicine Resting Cardiac Perfusion Scan - Library

Nuclear Medicine Resting Cardiac Perfusion Scan - Library

Nuclear Medicine Resting Cardiac Perfusion Scan - Library


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<strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong><strong>Resting</strong> <strong>Cardiac</strong> <strong>Perfusion</strong> <strong>Scan</strong><strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong> ServiceInformation for PatientsiPlease read this leaflet carefully as it containsimportant information and instructionsUniversity Hospitals of LeicesterNHS Trust

IntroductionWe have been asked by your doctor to perform a<strong>Nuclear</strong> medicine resting cardiac perfusion scanThis leaflet tells you about your procedure.What is a resting cardiac perfusion scan?A resting cardiac perfusion scan is a scan in which a small amountof a radioactive drug (Technitium 99m) is injected to see how wellthe blood goes to the muscle of the heart while you are resting.We will be looking for any changes in the blood flow whencompared to your pharmacological stress test.The radiation you receive by having this scan is comparable to theamount of radiation you would receive naturally from theenvironment in about three years.Who will be doing the scan?A specialist nurse and technologist will carry out the procedure.On occasions a trainee may also be present. If you wish you canrequest that the trainee is not present during your procedure.2

How to prepareHow to prepare for the cardiac perfusion scan.No preparation is needed for the resting cardiac scan so you mayeat and drink normally.However, you must inform us before you have your injection ifyou are pregnant, think you may be pregnant, or have justmissed a period. This is because the radiation can reach the babyand it is important that any precautions are discussed with yourspecialist.Also, you should inform us before you have your injection if youare breastfeeding. This is because radioactive substances cancome out in breast milk and you may be advised to stopbreastfeeding for a short time.Contact numbersLeicester General Hospital (0116) 258 4579OR (0116) 258 4624Leicester Royal Infirmary (0116) 258 5627Glenfield Hospital (0116) 256 38503

What happens after the scan?Important instructions to follow after your scan.You will be mildly radioactive from the time of your radioisotopeinjection until the next morning. We ask you to:• drink plenty of extra fluids• flush the toilet well after use• wash your hands thoroughly each time you use the toilet• avoid prolonged contact (more than 30 minutes) with anyonewho is or may be pregnant, small children and babies.Usually there is no problem in returning to work, however pleaseask staff for advice if you work with radiation or in thephotographic industry.How do I get the results?Your scan will be interpreted by a radiologist (specialised X-raydoctor) and the results will be passed to your consultant.Your results will be discussed with you at your next outpatientappointment.5

Additional informationRelatives and escortsYou may wish to bring a relative or friend to accompany you toand from the <strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong> Service. This may be useful if youdo not understand English very well or if you have any specialneeds. Due to the nature of the examination, friends andrelatives may not be permitted into the room during yourexamination.ChildrenWe recommend that you do NOT bring children with you to yourappointment.Car parkingParking is available on site. Please allow sufficient time to park sothat you will be on time for your appointment as spaces arelimited and delays often experienced.There is a charge for parking. Please see car park notices forcurrent charges.WheelchairsA limited number of wheelchairs are located in the entrances tothe hospital. Some wheelchairs require a coin to release thewheelchair, which is then refunded when the chair is returned.6

Comments and suggestionsIf you wish to make any comments or suggestions regarding yourvisit to the <strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong> Service, suggestion forms areavailable from staff within the department.7

If you would like this information in anotherlanguage or format, please contact theService Equality Manager on 0116 258 4382Haddaad rabto warqadan oo turjuman oo ku duuban cajaladama qoraal ah fadlan la xiriir, Maamulaha Adeegga Sinaanta0116 258 4382.Eĝer bu broşürün (kitapçıĝın) yazılı veya kasetli açıklamasınıisterseniz lütfen servis müdürüne 0116 258 4382 telefonundanulaşabilirsiniz.Produced by: The Pathology Patient Information Group Revision 4 Printed: November 2007 Reviewed: March 2009Next Review: March 2011 (Firmager3/09)3090180KR PAT002-0309

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